/Chernobyl General/

>Only 3.6 edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


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>tfw you fulfill 5 year plan in 5 milliseconds

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spicy air

How true-to-life is this show's depiction of the events? Obviously they drama'd the whole thing up, but in terms of what the radiation expose does to people and the role these characters play.

General's are for Redditors


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if this isn’t Ouchie, who is it? What happened to them?

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get a load of this hot head

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Are you stupid?

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Pretty realistic. Obviously its from the point of the view of the survivors.

That looks extremely painful. How much morphine do you think they had him on?

To the infirmary user

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wait so Ouchie is a person?

I thought it was just an onomatopoeia.

Attached: confirmed for autism.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

The show captures the horror and danger of radiation amazingly, probably the best depiction in any show.

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car accident most likely

There are less characters, since full committees and such are to depict they condensed them into single characters like Jared Haris's character and the old guy that tell them this is their time to shine.

Why are they all dressed as chefs?

How bad was the roof compared to the reactor?

apparently pretty autistically faithful

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>drinks the feedwater

how do you pronounce Röntgen ?

I remember someone claiming it was a person who fell into acid. And that the picture is from some medical teaching book.

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Because they be cooking

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It was right on top of the reactor, that hole he looked into was spewing radiation from the core.

"three point six"

Simpsons memes are best memes

I hope whoever started and continues the sneed posting die worse deaths than anyone at Chernobyl

The last subtitles should be "Get this hothead out of here"

Why is this show already so good for shitposting and memes? Was The Terror general this great too?

Not great but not horrible

There is no sneed, you are mistaken.

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why were they all getting so red faced?
what was so embarrassing?

They were both inherently fine. Not Great... Not terrible

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You're delusional

Yup, it's got a terror feel to it too, especially with some of the same actors

Think of it like a quick sunburn

>Was The Terror general this great too?

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They actually thought the core exploded, how ridiculous

russians are tsundere for melting nuclear cores, this is sexual excitment

Because it unironically shows what happens when the gov't bureaucrats run everything in a leftist paradise.

>now go shovel turbo-radioactive material off the roof for 30 seconds comrade... the robots literally commit suicide if we send them, but you'll be fine

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What exactly was that metal that melted

uuhh... bro. I think that's graphite around the core... and on the roof... everywhere really.

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it's probably from Chernobyl, there are pictures of chernobyl victims with those hand apparatus

He guys I found some graphite. What do

Attached: natural-graphite-500x500.png (333x278, 184K)

Keep it as a pet

You did NOT see graphite! You are mistaken!

*brapppppps in reverse

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no you didn't

Draw us something. If it's from the reactor cook something on it.

Suck it and fuck it

Uranium and parts of the reactor core like the fuel rods, control rods and water pipes

It's corium and concrete. Dude you can google and find this out in two seconds.

I don't feel so good

heard this dude lived like 2 weeks like this

that's just a rock
graphite doesn't exist
you're delusional

Bro, what is it I'm holding right now? Should I be holding this? Dude, what IS THIS? Take a look at this really quick, what the fuck is it?!?

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The first Scene of The Terror set such a good mood. Felt pretty meh towards the end though.

>That looks extremely painful
IDK, he looks like a big guy


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Read this fucking shit.

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Delusional. Go to the infirmary.


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>mfw it’s literally nothing, as it isn’t even there

have some vodka tovarisch

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So we told him to get on the roof and he actually did it! The absolte mad men!

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Yea Forums, do you taste metal?

Watch Zero Hour episode 1 about Chernobyl. It’s main basis thats recreated second by second from first hand testimony of survivors, and so far it’s exactly the same but with better acting and production. It also explains how the core, I mean hydrogen tank, exploded.

Well now this is all settled I guess you guys can understand why Duty should be the only group operating in the Zone.

This is an oft-reported image of a firefighter, don't know if it is but the hand braces match.

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no problem. is new toothpaste.

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>now go shovel turbo-radioactive material off the roof for 30 seconds comrade... the robots literally commit suicide if we send them, but you'll be fine
it worked with minimal casualties
it seems unfounded to blame it on communism, it was just the plant personnel fucking up
these things happen - Boeing engineers fucking up on 737MAX already killed more people than chernobyl, a few times over

>Yea Forums says The Terror, Project Blue Book and Doom Patrol are all kino
>by the time each series ends, even Yea Forums has stopped watching them

Sorry fellow Yea Forumsbros - but I'm gonna skip this one.
Last time you had me watch an episode of "kino", I was treated to DC shoving transsexuals, feminists, blacks on Tinder and gay storylines in my face (Coon Patrol)

Attached: Doom Patrol S01.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

That's just a rock you retard

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Can you help a brainlet out. How was it possible that those fuckers in the control room were chilling while the whole building was on fire? They were obviously affected by radiation but the room was calm and they could walk in and out, meanwhile outside it was a blazing inferno. Were they not in building 4?

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On the roof you could actually exist. At that time near reactor you probably vaporise instantly because of the heat.

Is this the new Game of Thrones?


>people stop watching shows when they're over

The soundtrack is really effective. All of the sound design is actually.

>if we ignore all the people who died of cancer years later it’s almost like it was a nothingburger
please user, don’t be retarded if you don’t have to

I didn't know thousands died from 737MAX crashes.

concrete, lots of concrete


At the time of its discovery, radioactivity near the Elephant’s Foot was approximately 8,000 roentgens, or 80 grays per hour, delivering a 50/50 lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays)[6] in less than five minutes

You are delusional report to infirmary

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The core was 30,000 roentgens

slav hodor

Damn, should have worn some sunscreen.

>imagine the number of kots and doggos that were shot on sight

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>That same evening, they both began to vomit. Nevertheless, they continued in their efforts. The following day, Pereira began to experience diarrhea and dizziness, and his left hand began to swell. He soon developed a burn on this hand in the same size and shape as the aperture – he eventually underwent partial amputation of several fingers

>On September 18, Alves sold the items to a nearby scrapyard. That night, Devair Alves Ferreira (the owner of the scrapyard) noticed the blue glow from the punctured capsule. Thinking the capsule's contents were valuable or even supernatural, he immediately brought it into his house. Over the next three days, he invited friends and family to view the strange glowing substance.

>On September 21 at the scrapyard, one of Ferreira's friends (given as EF1 in the IAEA report) succeeded in freeing several rice-sized grains of the glowing material from the capsule using a screwdriver. Alves Ferreira began to share some of them with various friends and family members. That same day, his wife, 37-year-old Gabriela Maria Ferreira, began to fall ill. On September 25, 1987, Devair Alves Ferreira sold the scrap metal to a second scrapyard.

>The day before the sale to the second scrapyard, on September 24, Ivo, Devair's brother, successfully scraped some additional dust out of the source and took it to his house a short distance away. There he spread some of it on the concrete floor. His six-year-old daughter, Leide das Neves Ferreira, later ate a sandwich while sitting on this floor. She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming; she eventually absorbed 1.0 GBq and received a total dose of 6.0 Gy, more than a fatal dose even with treatment.

Holy shit this is like a comedy sketch

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They have a lot of advisers that are consulting them that and some of the survivors too

>ruskies shooting their beloved kots
upvote if you cry every time


what valuable lives they were living in fucking soviet era Ukraine. They must've had as good a quality of life as those passengers on the 737.

Because it wasn't good but it also wasn't terrible obviously

>more people died from 737MAX
>okay that wasn't true but they were slavs so who cares

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>this is sexual excitment
Oh onii-chan it feels so good when you play with my control rods

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Why does radiation even kill you it doesn't make any since. Your cells cant handle a few stray gamma particles bumping into atoms every so often?

>clearly you don't fly, foreign airplanes are literally sky toilets where surly attendants do as little as possible on their way to fucking everything in sight on each leg

Checking radiation level

It was, I have a folder full of Terror memes

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Is there a name for the style of this? Awful bleak soviet factories and stuff?

Hello, is this Mlitary Fire Station 2?

>1000 rad
>that's 877 roentgens
>survived 3 months in agony

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can we call it Scientific Horror?

>if we ignore all the people who died of cancer years later it’s almost like it was a nothingburger
very few provable cases
I expect FACTS and LOGIC, not environmentalist woo


yes, just follow the Soviet reports and turn your brain off


there's your answer... people who didn't experience the cold war have no idea how horrible it was in the east

Life in a soviet commieblock seems comfy, is it only me? Also the girls were cute in their little uniforms.

What are all the little hair looking things?

only a few dozen people died in chernobyl sweety

this is the only time when I will unironically say: read the wikipedia

The Russians should make school-girl uniform porn like the Japanese do. It's practically a maid costume but with the added taboo of fucking a teenager.

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what's going on here

Why's everyone so sunburt? Is Chernoybl just one massive tanning bed?


Comrades *cough wheeze* We must contain the spread of misinformation

the Wikipedia has estimates like 4000 deaths

How has this man not gotten water into his reactor yet Komrades??? It's been 20 minutes since you've blown the hydrogen tanks!!

requesting actual tsundere drawing of the chernobyl reactor 4

They literally had a special team of "hunters" who were tasked with entering Pripyat and shooting every living thing they came across.

scientific horror

perfect, would anything else be considered scientific horror? i find it hard to name any more pieces that are scientific horror? the film contagion?

horror that uses real scientific basis as its threat or theme rather than completely fictional or fantastical horror with scientific elements (alien for example)

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Absolutely cute. I require more.

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wasn't that guy, but who seriously gives a shit? Also most ukrainians cheered it, since the town was all Russians who'd been relocated there. I have zero sympathy for soviet era russians or even russians today, they hold up these regimes and even act self righteous about it. They all deserve to live in a fucking hellscape.

you gonna give me prove or just keep spouting nonsense, big guy? what's your plan here?

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Russia is full of scientific horror


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Reminder that the elephant foot is still traveling downwards and any day now it'll contaminate the water source and make us all mutants :)

Let's not confuse Scientific Horror with Scifi Horror though. Promethus I guess you could say is Scifi Horror.

49 people due to the actual incident that night and. they dont count peoples deaths outside of that like the cleaners or random civilians from cancers, shorten lives and other conditions

then you ought to learn to read more carefully cause it don't say that at all
are you stupid?

they looked bigger than your pic. what even is that anyway?

I've spoken to people who's parents lived in them, they were horribly depressing.

and some shades

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Nuclear Engineering Department, and I've been involved in numerous emgerncy tank explosions, and I have over 3.6 confirmed roentgen. I’m the top engineer in the entire Soviet Union. You are nothing to me but just another Khodemchuk. I will send you to the infirmary with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with telling me the core exploded? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting Fomin and Bryukhanov so you better be prepared to go stand on the roof maggot . The roof that wipes out the not great but not horrible thing you call your life. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can infirm you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my dosimeter. Not only am I extensively trained in lowering fuel rods, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Glorious Soviet Nuclear Program and I will use it to its full extent to get water into the reactor core. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have not gone into shock. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, but I’ve seen worse. I will shit feedwater all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking delusional, comrade.

How many episodes have been so far?
This thread looks comfy.

The water is mine! Feed me the water mortals!

Attached: I_am_growing_stronger_comrade.jpg (1260x1028, 193K)

>they dont count peoples deaths outside of that like the cleaners or random civilians from cancers, shorten lives and other conditions
if you were to read on you would see those numbers are tiny

What room is this?


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Notice the little man on top of the containment vessel? It's up to scale.

Is there a teaser for ep2?

oh shit, thanks user that's pretty neat.

Why is it that every fucking time I bring up the fact that cancer rates rocketed after Chernobyl I’m called an environmentalist, or greenpeace activist? I fucking love nuclear energy. What I hate is lying commie-apologist scum, who bring their fucking internet defense force to every single Chernobyl thread.
In Belarus, you know the country that took most of the contamination, thyroid cancer incidence rates are up 700% percent for males and 1900% for females since 86. But that must be just a coincidence, eh?

why does radiation turn you into beef jerky?

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not him but you should read more carefully, fucking tard
>In the aftermath of the accident, 237 people suffered from acute radiation sickness, of whom 31 died within the first three months. [...] On the death toll of the accident, the report states that 28 emergency workers ("liquidators") died from acute radiation syndrome, including beta burns, and 15 patients died from thyroid cancer in the following years, and it roughly estimated that cancer deaths caused by Chernobyl may reach a total of about 4,000 among the 5 million persons residing in the contaminated areas.[...] Of all 66,000 Belarusian emergency workers, by the mid-1990s only 150 (roughly 0.2%) were reported by their government as having died. In contrast, 5,722 casualties were reported among Ukrainian clean-up workers up to the year 1995, by the National Committee for Radiation Protection of the Ukrainian Population.

for everyone who thinks that soviet blocks cant be that bad. this is what one looks like in 2018, think about what the average one looked like 30-50 years ago


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Ay Tone, I think that we need more water

cooks you

this was one of the most kino shots I've ever seen in a tv show
the sense of dread is palpable

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top fucking kek

Not of ep2 specifically, however there is a preview of what's to come.


kek saved

Does anyone know the name of this facility?


Lenin Stalin Hitler something Nuclear Thingy

Do one for the pit lad

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radiation makes you a human soup

>you can't trust soviet committees because everyone is so terrified of being branded an enemy of the state they compulsively lie to their superior
>what are you talking about only 20 people died, the soviet committee's said so themselves!


she's demonstrating "stimming" behavior that she used to do as a kid.

And being art.

Attached: confirmed for artism(3).jpg (3465x2609, 1.55M)

is he kill just from being there? :(


Yes, he died weeks later

They were only actually getting like 5 roentgens per hour in the control room, which is very dangerous, but the core itself was letting off some 20,000 per hour. That's why the three technicians who viewed the core directly from inside the building and the guy who looked into it from the roof had their insides melt.

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I live in a comieblock (in a non slav country)
it's ok

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not that i mind (i honestly come here now just for this) but will this ever get old?

>we'll get to see him suffer through several episodes until he dies a painful death


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finna paint this. Iodine QT is inspiring af

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It looks like that in Northern Sweden aswelll, it's mostly the weather.

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i want to play with her hair curls :3

There is no way some small part of him didn't know how bad it was, right? Combination of disbelief, fear of dying by radiation and the hands of Soviet thugs is what had him acting this way, r-right?

How can you live in a comieblock and not want to kill yourself?

>In contrast, 5,722 casualties were reported among Ukrainian clean-up workers up to the year 1995, by the National Committee for Radiation Protection of the Ukrainian Population.
obviously the corrupt hohols wanted more bennies, read between the lines

Try this one.

Attached: Iodine QT.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

i was about to say "the picture is in black and white you idiot" and then i realized it has some color

Why are wh*te men so fucking stupid

How did he get on the roof when the building was on fire?

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Disappointed they didn't include the full 911 call

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what's the deal with commie architecture

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The entire building wasn't on fire.

It's a shame that Marcus Fjellström died and couldn't come back for this, it sounds a lot like him though.

Or just woke up Iodine QT.

Attached: Iodine 2 QT.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Christopher Poole Nuclear Power Station

was the number 9-1-1 in Russia/Ukraine?

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Why are Russians so dumb?

That's almost as hilarious as the Russian plane crash in the 90s where the pilot let his 6 year old son take control of the plane and fucked up the autopilot killing them all.

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Nigger you can extrapolate from their surnames alone that they're not Russians, it's hues

my mom is ukranian, I think that I have the slav thing against depression in the blood
brutalist architecture is horrify and interesting

Comrade Dyatlov would never harbor any doubts about the safety of the RBMK reactor. It is impossible for the reactor to explode. You must have ingested some feedwater and it's causing you to become delusional. Report to the infirmary at once.

01 fire service
02 the police
03 ambulance

999 maybe, I don't remember

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for you

Those are Brazilians. Do Pereira and Ferreira sound like Russian names to you?

what in the name of god took ye so fuckin long

That happened in Brazil, you dolt.

never heard of it until this thread

is it a good show? it seems like it has a bunch of good actors, but how is the writing?

And call the fire brigade

>tfw you've been going around saying crazy things like "the reactor's gone!" and "The reactor exploded!" and now that you've actually gone and checked you have to go down and tell them that everything's fine, the reactor's fine, just needs some more water

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Comrade Viktor, release the water valves and report to the impromptu swimming pool at once.

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i was worried this would be a straight exploitation of the tragedy, but it seems to be portraying everything accurately (aside from some of the SFX) and highlighting the bravery of the people on the ground, while showing that there are lessons to be learned. good show, good thread, good memes

Those were part of the cause, but i think the biggest thing was that he didin't know how the RBMK-reactor actually works because it was deemed classified information. So all he knew was that people had told him that the RBMK was safe and couldn't explode. So he clung on to the information he had been told.

It wanted to be monumental and inspiring just as the cathedrals of earlier ages, but as it aimed for uniformity and equality most of the time it ended up creating grey monstrosities. They are quite fascinating, like a wreck at the side of the road, but to actually try to sell them as some sort of real alternative is retarded.

So I started watching The Terror a few days ago. Up to episode 5 and it's pretty suspenseful. I don't think it's the best thing ever but it's worth a watch. Looking forward to more Chernobyl though.

>In another reality Dyatlov was right and it was just a hydrogen tank explosion

>Devair Alves Ferreira (the owner of the scrapyard) noticed the blue glow from the punctured capsule. Thinking the capsule's contents were valuable or even supernatural, he immediately brought it into his house. Over the next three days, he invited friends and family to view the strange glowing substance.
>On September 21 at the scrapyard, one of Ferreira's friends (given as EF1 in the IAEA report) succeeded in freeing several rice-sized grains of the glowing material from the capsule using a screwdriver. Alves Ferreira began to share some of them with various friends and family members.

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>Life in a soviet commieblock seems comfy
it is not, but you get used to it

Is ther any other kino's like this where the plot takes places over a nighttime? Its weirdly comfy.

How would you react if someone literally used the phrase “Over 9,000” in Chernobyl?

Who the fuck working inside the power plant at the time knew how the fucking thing worked?

Imagine getting hit with 50 Sv just by looking into the reactor core. Holy fuck. A literal Medusa that can kill you just with a glance.

thanks the word was on the tip of my tongue

s1 of true detective was kinda comfy like this

The sneedwater is fine

I would go to the infirmary because I would be delusional

>On September 16, Alves succeeded in puncturing the capsule's aperture window with a screwdriver, allowing him to see a deep blue light coming from the tiny opening he had created.[1] He inserted the screwdriver and successfully scooped out some of the glowing substance. Thinking it was perhaps a type of gunpowder, he tried to light it, but the powder would not ignite.

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The reactor was soviet-made, the details about it were state-secrets. The workers had to know how the plant worked, not how the nuclear reactor did.

dude obviously played around with some Soviet science kits as a kid, he knew what he was doing

The Night Of?

Bought a radiation detector last year & was fucking around with it like a sperg. The most radioactive source I found was the sensor in a smoke detector. About 0.25 microseiverts.

I'm not saying the workers should have known, or that it wasn't top secret information, but there wasn't a single higher up on location at the time with some semblance of knowledge?

let this be a message/lesson to everyone to not fuck with warpstone

>mfw learning the soviets didnt tell the outside world about chernobyl until the fucking swedes noticed a radiation increase at their plants

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Why is it always incompetent people end up at high positions and fucking everything up? How to do we fix this?

>>ITT: Friendless retards pretend a single episode is worth a general.


instead of automating low level positions, we automate management positions


but we marathoned it

I've always felt bad for Russians, they are a depressing people with a depressing history

>The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their "level of incompetence".
>In other words, an employee is promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.

You trying too hard to be funny is half the reason you're stuck here.

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Jokes on you, I got all my friends posting in these threads and keeping them alive.

Those are the coolant pumps I believe

I always feel bad for the little girl

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Margin Call comes to mind, if you like Spacey kino.

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Try bananas or potatoes. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_equivalent_dose
Other food rich in potassium (and therefore in 40K) include potatoes, kidney beans, sunflower seeds, and nuts. Brazil nuts(also called Ferreira and Pereira) in particular are not only rich in 40K but may also contain significant amounts of radium, which have been measured at up to 444 Bq/kg (12 nCi/kg). Some types of table salt can contain trace amounts of radium; while tobacco contains traces of thorium, polonium and uranium.

Will you be my fren? We can watch Ep 2 together.

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what would happen if I poked it with a knife

i tried to improve it

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>Friendless retards

Do you know where you are?

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radiation thing are really interesting, and chernobyl is better. I want to see the goiania incident or fukishima next is this ends fine

"This person is delusional, get them out of here."

why? she's a retarded fucking kid


It's from Japan.

>subhuman doesn't speak English natively
Murder your family.

guess what retard, i'm watching this series with my dad and we're tag-team shitposting right now. that's right and we're gonna spoon later

Just needs mopped

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No you actually do need competent people at high positions to make important (and right) decisions.

The trouble is people will still get promoted based on perceived competency, rather than real competency.

Makes sense.

I think it's just one hyperautist saying the same thing in every thread.

9/10 kinography

>guess what retard
The retard I guess is you.

Why did the Russians address each other comrade?

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reddit loves making general threads for anything

You don't need to know how the reactor works to press the buttons and follow protocol, thus they usually didin't need real nuclear physicists at the plant.
But not having one there during a test that involved shutting off the safety systems was stupid.

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6 years old, user
it wasn't her fault that her father was a fucking idiot

>Oh my god look at this mess.
>When was the last time you cleaned here?

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read this

da good work comrade

No shit, since I can operate a computer and a car just fine without knowing the intricacies of how each works, but nuclear disasters are the reason you should have at least one competent know-it-all on site at all times coming from my amateur perspective.

The bureaucracy under gommunism is a special kafkaesque hell user.

thanks tovarisch

Same thing happened in China where they melted down radioactive stuff and made contaminated metal.

10/10 so far but it’ll likely get worse.

holy shit that's some nightmare fuel level freak accident

Red faced man was a nuclear scientist though.




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Supposedly one of the liquidators found an abandoned baby in one of the houses. Nobody knows what happened to it.

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It kills the ability of your body to make new cells for skin, organs, everything.

>you should have

there is a lot of those in the story of Chernobyl comrade. But the amount of fuckups is also whats fascinating about it.

I love iodine qt.

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What happened to Gabriela was the worst part about this in my opinion. She tried to get help and ended up dying of radiation poisoning anyway.

there is a nuclear power plant nears you

I think they were lulled into a false sense of security since they had tried the test a few times before and they had just failed without incident.
Also being pressured to run the tests and getting a result for the higher ups.

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>Yea Forums, come here! i found something in my smoke detector!

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Meant for >114413818

I feel bad for 80s slavmommy getting overshadowed by Iodine qt

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Thought this was pretty interesting:

>In contrast, the RBMK reactor design used at Chernobyl, which uses graphite instead of water as the moderator and uses boiling water as the coolant, has a large positive thermal coefficient of reactivity, that increases heat generation when coolant water temperatures increase. This makes the RBMK design less stable than pressurized water reactors. In addition to its property of slowing down neutrons when serving as a moderator, water also has a property of absorbing neutrons, albeit to a lesser degree. When the coolant water temperature increases, the boiling increases, which creates voids. Thus there is less water to absorb thermal neutrons that have already been slowed down by the graphite moderator, causing an increase in reactivity. This property is called the void coefficient of reactivity, and in an RBMK reactor like Chernobyl, the void coefficient is positive, and fairly large, causing rapid transients. This design characteristic of the RBMK reactor is generally seen as one of several causes of the Chernobyl disaster.[11]

Originally one of the directors of Chernobyl wanted to go with a PWR but since it was too expensive, they went with RMBK instead.

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Chernobyl didn’t even happen. What kind of exploding reactor would have a swimming pool?

Can some good and noble radiation user explain "critical mass" to me while pretending I'm a idiot?

>that show you can be 100% sure they're actually spending money to shill on Yea Forums

>not a russian zombie series like stalker

>wasting your time watching actors reenact a historic event instead of just reading it on wikipedia

Be honest the only reason you incels will watch this because you think you're like some intellectual philosopher but in reality you're just a snobbish smartypants

Since this is on HBO tits are going to be in it so there is another reason for you

Go to the gym, work out, find a nice girl and enjoy life instead of being a literal walking version of a waste of sperm on mother nature green earth

nonsense, it's a faulty dosimeter. Throw it away comrade

I grew up minutes away from this guy.

Because its the worst of all fears. You're basically helpess against this danger. Its the worst thing that humanity is capable of, far worse than psychopathic killers, or the monsters you imagined when you were kid. No, Chernobyl is about the scariest danger of all, bureaucrats.

What does slavmom do for a living? Iodine qt is a doctor honey, a doctor!

After hours is scorcese's most underrated kino check it out

>Was The Terror general this great too?


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sorry user I'm just really busy right now

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RBMK is the best most bulletproof reactor there is.

>Pay to shill a show/movie on Yea Forums
>people stream or torrent show/movie for free

hey, you can walk to chernobyl in google maps


It’s the amount of mass required to sustain something, usually a nuclear reaction.

anyone else become afraid of their router after watching this?

But user, I like to watch this show after a good workout and a BJ from my hot gf.

The swimming pool was never closed. Neither due to radiation nor due to AIDS.

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>nobody can just like things without getting paid

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Sent to the infirmary.

The one show with 5 threads instead of 50? Makes sense.

spicy nuclear bois

Bet you were one of the faggots bitching about endgame spoilers you plot point brainlet. Learn to kino.

Well back in the 50's when the RBMK was designed they wanted them to be powerful, fast to construct and easy to run.
So the designer knew that the reactors had some quirks and were not as safe as other kinds of reactors.
But they thought this could be remedied by just training the workers well so they knew about the possible dangers of the RBMK.

But then the information about the RBMK was deemed classified in fear of spying and the workers at the plant didin't know about the RBMK reactors dangerous nature.

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They're no shilling it to us to watch, they're shilling it as a trendy show to watch. We're influencers. Reddit picks up anything we decide is worthwhile. Then payfag normies pick it up from there. Learn how the internet works.

uhhh, you don't get to bring graphite!

>Be honest the only reason you incels will watch this because you think you're like some intellectual philosopher
I like the kitty haha

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>5 threads for an uninteresting show with one episode
You're not good at defense, shill.

Are you ready for the series with shooting cats and doggos?

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>places three dinner plates down for the kot

Two guys in the show went in the same room as the burning core and survived. They probably died a few hours later, but they weren’t vaporized.

PWR is used to justify the high price of clean, nuclear energy in capitalist countries. RMBK is the best for socialist labor!
he drank himself to death a few years ago. i admire his passion but i don't think he had the "book smarts" to be a nuclear engineer. overall, a real tragedy, like Icarus flying too close to the Sun

>snow on sarcophagus didn't melt

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should have gone with gas coolant like the british

You are mistaken. You did not observe graphite. Take him to the infirmary.

Not knowing a thing about Chernobyl other than
A. It happened
B. The Elephant's foot kills anyone who looks at it

There was not a more terrifying line more than
Cut the phone lines
It feels like I'm watching a horror movie, its surreal

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This is normal for low level radiation doses.

>feels like I'm watching horror
Comrade user, you ARE

>B. The Elephant's foot kills anyone who looks at it

This is only half true

*throws up

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Definitely not graphite. You are mistaken.

>I fucking love nuclear energy
I was with you until this retarded statement. Thanks for the laughs anyway

>He comes to the television board and tells people to read.

The scene where they look down to the burning core looked and sounded really kino.

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Don’t fuck with it, comrade.

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>So, Mr Dyatlov, did you pump water into the reactor core as you said you would?

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is nothing

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Looks comfy enough. I've seen much worst fren

Did you have the same reaction I did?
>I guess he has three ko-

I... I didn't... oh fuck you user!

He is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

that fat fuck probably ate all of it in one go

I thought he was just going away for a day or two.

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Yeah it was pretty rad

t. snobbish smartypants

Still can't over how big of a similarity they managed to achieve.

He opened the valves by hand. Take him to the infirmary.

>We're influencers. Reddit picks up anything we decide is worthwhile.
Get a fucking grip, lad.

>Hunting parties spent weeks scouring the zone and shot all the abandoned family pets, which had begun to roam in packs. It was a necessary evil to avoid the spread of radioactivity, prevent decontamination workers from being attacked, and put the animals out of their misery. A quick death was better than slowly dying of starvation and radiation sickness.
> “The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices. We shot them in the houses, and the barns, in the yards. We’d drag them out onto the street and load them onto the dump truck. It wasn’t very nice. They couldn’t understand: why are we killing them? They were easy to kill, they were household pets. They didn’t fear guns or people.”

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Does the hospital stock iodine?

why would the hospital stock iodine?

The accident is well under control.

Like disinfectant?

>t. new

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This is the one that gets me the most.
Like yeah okay supreme soviet engineering can't go wrong but literally why not have anything on hand in case oh I don't know, a fire causing possible exposure to the scientist?

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>t. head so far up his own ass he thinks his opinion in tv shows matters to anyone

My wife is here. Do you think I would keep my wife here if the levels were over 9000? Also, take him to the infirmary. He is delusional.

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>t. arguing with established fact of the internet and says "lad" like a common faggot from an effeminate country
You lost.

New thread:

not them but it's a hivemind. Redditors knew all the TDKR memes too when we were going nuts about that. Our autism leaks into reddit and twitter and tumblr, who then add their own autism, etc.

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Do you know how hard it was to get stuff in the USSR? I'm not even talking commodities, if you are the head doctor at a hospital and want to order something, you'd have to go through dozens of bureaucratic hoops and fill countless forms to even be eligible for that shit (unless black market, of course, but you need dollars for that)

>gets uppity about reading

>uses Yea Forums board to cover up his reading disadvantage

I think you and your grandson should visit a community college and schedule for a reading tutor for him

The hobbit is unironically written for children but also for adults to enjoy, tell him the book is way different then the movie though so he cant b.s. his way out

Sure thing lad. You keep telling yourself that you matter.

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god I've wanted to fuck her since Taboo


New General

I like the fish but I don't like women

What’s that in a little plastic bag?

Film badge dosimeter. Everyone carries one to see how much radiation you've absorbed. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_badge_dosimeter

Writing is pretty cheesey but everything else is Kino

if i was an alien i would blow the earth off before some human nigger find an antimatter capsule and try to poncture it with a screwdriver