ITT: moments in movies that are included solely for retard Americans to whoop and applaud

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he's retarded. many cultures had many gods

He’s correct though

Many cultures had myths. Only a few cultures have God.

isn't thor and loki and whatever a literal god in this retarded universe though

>being this dumb
I mean you could be bait but it's likely not


No they're put in to trigger obsessed third-worlders such as yourself

>Only a few cultures have God.
Hmm lets see:
Egyptians (this is were the idea of 1 god is introduced for the 1st time)
Romans (they adopted Greek gods)
Norse cultures
Asian, African, South American cultures
Slavic, Judeo-Christian, Arabic

Honestly, it's very hard to find cultures that had myths but not gods. Maybe there are few but can't think of them at the moment.

Hinduism or Buddhism? I think they do not have gods.

No, they're aliens that primitive cultures worshipped
Not like Christians who worship the one true lord

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>he watches capeshit and discusses it on an a Mongolian Digimon slash fiction website

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>being this much of a heathen

We unironically need to bring back church sanctioned public executions.

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>implying gerard wouldnt slip

That definition is precisely what he is taking issue with

>says this on the first Avengers movie
>but its ok with that gay guy on Endgame

I literally choked to death on the irony of that scene.

The Christian God cucked the Egyptian god(s) and he did it in front of their pharaoh and all their elders and eternally btfo'd him for all time.

>Dude check out this snake I have hidden in my staff lmao

Fucking pathetic.

America RULES!!!

Without the USA, there would be no kino and there would be no Yea Forums. And them what would you fucking haters do with your lives?


You're thinking of the Hebrew god. The Christian god is a different dude. The both claim to be the only true God, so I can see how you'd be confused.

Same God. God is a triumvirate. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Old Testament God is exactly the same as the New Testament God, they are one and the same

It good because its one of the few lines of dialogue that show he is Christian and/or of the 40s.

Shouldnt you be crying on twitter about it?

>now hes totally supporting of queers in end game
What a butchered character. They just had to make everything woke and progressive

If you watch carefully, he makes the "white kid" smile as Russo is talking.

I was talking about Aten (Aton?), the singular god introduced by Amenhotep IV - pharaoh heretic.

wow it's almost like that's the fucking joke

and now this the same universe that wants to start jamming faggots down our throat. Just fucking end it all

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He's a time traveler from 1940s America. In those days, like 90% of the population went to some form of a Christian service every sunday.

>mfw god is real

You realize a lot of Christians don't hate gays, right?

Even Mormons, one of the most outspoken groups opposed to gay marriage, have huge amounts of support for gay rights when it comes to other things like housing and whatnot.

The homophobe Christian is a small group, basically the same group that thinks dinosaurs were on the planet 6000 years ago. The rest of us believe that homosexuality is a sin, but it is a struggle that person must deal with just like teenage boys have to deal with jerking off and anyone else has to repent for premarital sex. Homosexuality is not necessarily worse than any of those other sins, it is just a more difficult one to overcome for the individual.

I always think of it like this: I am not attracted to fat chicks. But if I needed to, I could probably fall in love with a fat chick, even if I didn't enjoy the sex as much as with a skinny chick. That is what overcoming homosexuality would be like. It isn't about "not being gay", it is about no longer succumbing to the impulse.

Most people claiming this sort of this just use it as an excuse though, not because they're sincere. They're people who's morality is dictated by progressivism that they absorb from the TV, but still want to call themselves Christians. They take a 'forgiving' attitude because they don't think that there's anything wrong with it in the first place, and never discourage people from doing it etc.

Not disagreeing with the general idea that fags just have to struggle with sin like everyone else btw, just noting the useful distinction. The churches with pride flags out front are churches that have given up.

Hinduism has a metric fuck ton of gods. And ultimately there are plenty of Buddhists that also pray to Hindu gods (at least this was the impression I got when I lived in Thailand).

>isn't thor and loki and whatever a literal god in this retarded universe though
Loki: I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent God, just like you.
Odin: We are not gods! We're born, we live, we die, just as humans do.
Loki: Give or take five thousand years.

Is that really out of character, though? He may have been a teenager in the 1940s, but he was growing up in Brooklyn at the time, one of the more progressive parts of the country.

>t. faggy obeast
He's right.

Yes he doesn’t change, and remember he is the God of Israel exclusively and doesn’t give a shit about any other peoples. Then & now.

That's perfectly in character for him. He's the American Ideal personified, of course he's a Christian, no matter how stupid it is.

>burger education is so bad they think Prince of Egypt was a documentary
Jews were never slaves in Egypt, it's all made up.

They live a long time and takes a lot to kill one and the strongest are up there with the real cosmic powerhouses but they still are aliens

Digimons are based, i wish they were more discussed here

>different cultures with many varied deities and gods that predate Christianity

>"Lmao let's call the one from our creation myth THE "God" and say everyone else are fakers

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>Americans to whoop and applaud

Not sure where people do this. I've never been in a theater where people whoop and applaud.

Welcome to every religion ever made

One of MANY plot holes. I really hope someone got fired for that blunder

>I've never been in a theater where people whoop and applaud.
Black/redneck theaters will whoop and applaud at the appropriate times in movies. IMO, she can determine how civilized a crowd is based on how they react to movies.
>Normal people: Watch a movie quietly and enjoy it
>Sub-normal people: Shout, cheer, shout "OH NO Y'ALL DON'T GO IN OH LAWDY" at the right moments
>Indians: Literally light fireworks and launch them inside the building whenever there's a good action sequence

*IMO, he/she/it/xir/xe can determine
It's important to be gender inclusive

>who is your master?
>what you want me to say Jesus?
Is this Disney still low key trying to convert people to Christianity? is Walt Disney clapping in his grave?

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It’s a parody of modern and post-ww1 blind patriotism and the absurdity of the fact that it has remained unchanged fod 60 years

>>Indians: Literally light fireworks and launch them inside the building whenever there's a good action sequence

I've never wanted to see something I just heard about more than I do now.

I'm Muslim and when Cap said this I stood up and saluted the flag.