It's over GoT fans

It's over GoT fans

Even your master knows his place

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why is he even there? the Tolkien estate already denounced this movie

Why is this fat fuck all over the place.
If he doesn't release Winds next Sunday I'm going to be pissed.

He's the Hideo Kojima of literature.

The fatman has good taste.

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Tolkien was unironically Catholic, think about that. Not just ironically Catholic like you see on Yea Forums where anons use it as an excuse to retreat from society and be cynical and racist, he actually believed in things like transubstantiation and distributism.


>basing your books in past conflicts that truly happened so you don't beat you head up trying to think in something new
>add some magic, potions and dragons to the mix
>not even comparable his shitty books to tolkien's masterpieces

Ye, he knows his place


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Tolkien was on DMT while writing those books.

>Tolkien was unironically Catholic, think about that. Not just ironically Catholic like you see on Yea Forums where anons use it as an excuse to retreat from society and be cynical and racist, he actually believed in things like transubstantiation and distributism.

Not any worse than other religious beliefs like thinking you are "God's Chosen" or that a prophet rode to heaven on a winged horse.

>>basing your books in past conflicts that truly happened so you don't beat you head up trying to think in something new

That's great for historyfags. I like going "I get that reference."

reference? it's basically the war of the roses plot point for plot point

Based Gurrm

Why does Yea Forums act like GRRM hates Tolkien? He's said he's a fan many times

>Tolkien was Catholic
>Gene Wolfe was Catholic
Is Catholicism the birthplace of fantasy kino?

He's also the only person using cartoon avatars who doesn't try to mask his shortcomings (like obesity). Pretty based.

Because they're shitposting you dip

Tolkien was so based he even got C S lewis out of his edgy atheist phase and brought him back to God

I honestly can't tell anymore

GRRM leeched off of Tolkein's fame for decades. He mocked his works by saying there wasn't enough sex or death. Whatever that means. There was plenty of death in the lord of the rings. He's fucking retarded.

This tolkein film shit is denounced. Fuck off already.

There's Tolkien's close friend, C.S. Lewis but I don't think he was a Catholic.

We ain't had nothing but maggoty tax threads for 3 stinking years

fucking retard, he said he hated writers who just copypasted Tolkien, i.e. Robert Jordan and his ilk

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GoT is literally just LotR fanfic. It's themes are straight jacked and it reads practically the same.

>This tolkein film shit is denounced.
So are Jackson's LotR for, I quote, "eviscerating" the books. So what's the point in bringing up the deceased writer's living family with uppity attitude who are living off selling adaptation rights on his works and publishing his unfinished and scrapped notes all the same? It doesn't look like a whole lot of integrity going there.

what's with the R R's?

the fat hack copied tolkien.

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>What is the origin of the double “R” in your name?

>I was born with one ‘R,’ that was my father’s name, Raymond. I was raised Catholic and at the age of 13, I took a confirmation name, the name of my cousin which happened to be another ‘R.’ And it was around the same time I started writing and publishing stories in comic book fanzines and I started using the double ‘R.’ It was lucky that I did because George Martin is a very common name. So the R.R. has made my name memorable and that’s important for a writer because it’s your brand name, your trademark.

He's really not in a position to "dub" Tolkien anything, he's a fucking hack compared to him.

yes, they all take their main inspiration from the greatest fantasy ever written. The Bible


The great deluge, the ark, Job's trial by God and other stories had been already told by Sumerians long before Jews.

So he was retarded?

Name one western fantasy novel that isn’t a LotR fanfic

they denounced the movie because they probably couldn't get any money out of it. they are greedy vultures that dont actually care about his work.

Beowulf says yes

Even the fatass with his crass descriptions, tedious style, and hilarious tax ramblings is more qualified to comment on Tolkien by virtue of creating something distinct and new. In the very least, he wasn't the one to galvanize his parent's disjointed notes into a homunculus to profit off.

Phil Collins must be sick of his daughter being box office poison.

Attached: Lily Collins.webm (640x720, 1.61M)


>Even your master knows his place
t. Drama Llama

James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is... James Cameron.

*unsheathes katana*


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>an atheishit being able to distinguish fantasy from reality
top lol lad. Don't blame God for your miserable life

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He was a fan of Rome when it was on too.