Name a better tv show in the past 5 years
Name a better tv show in the past 5 years
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>those 5 posters who jerk off to the negro fucking the pregnant Russian
Oh fuck off you cucks. Nobody cares about your shitshw. Go watch the Apartheid scene ahgain and cream your pants.
the knick
Person of Interest
Now that's actually kino. Redpilled too.
The Leftovers
The Leftovers, but I'm not sure which I liked more honestly.
Are you me?
You can't just ignore Season 2.
Did the last season feel rushed or lacking to anyone else?
season 2 was a blessing compared to the horror season 3.
Season 2 was pure kino.
Nothing comes close.
I will say the first few seasons were amazing. Specially when they went on missions. Overall 9/10
Came here to say this. There is no competition. This is the most underrated masterpiece around
Season was a pleb filter and better than the generic lolsodeep series 1
Got a link anyone?
adulthood is realizing that there has never been a good season of true detective
cop show? law?
Abigail Spencer should win all the awards for best directorial debut btw. even made me watch her time travel show.
Only thing anyone knows her for is her god tier leaks.
Not even gonna scroll down as there is no other show that matches its quality let alone series finale.
>You can't just ignore Season 2.
Caspere knew this.
No season 5 felt that way. Season 6 was a roller coaster ride
that is the directorial debut I meant. wooosh
Maybe a little rushed. My biggest issue is season 5 was so slow, why not start some of season 6's storylines then? There was certainly room for them. Still a great show though.
Leftovers and Line of Duty
Seeing her in Mad Men was the first time I wanted Don to cheat.
her as a teacher was spot on
the leftovers>every one of these basic cable shows
So many here say it’s a worthy show, but I dropped it after a couple of episodes, felt like I watch some shitty Shyamalan movie directed by Aranoffski or something. Plus I hate the lead actor’s face and his stupid dyed hair. But maybe I should give it another try.
> you were my best friend
if you go in expecting too much, you might be let down. its the perfect show if u like to wallow in ur own misery. it kind of reminds me of bloodline without the mysticism. great stories, well executed.
>Line of Duty
Abbreviation KINO.
Twin peaks
Unironically Rick and Morty
I checked out when the stared training the daughter to “kick ass”
Fuck this show. Why is Christianity always portrayed as evil by Jew Hollywood
I like how she didn’t neglect her nipples
also this
kept hoping they would recruit the boy. like early in the season he does all this clandestine stuff. Kept thinking he was gonna be an OP spy.
Holy shit Jim is so handsome. PhWhew!
basic network tv is worthless. they all have great ideas but they get so dry so fast.
Evil? The show is based. I'd rather have this man as pope as the pandering faggot we've got now doing all sorts of retarded anti-catholic shit.
Blacklist and Person of Interest are great. Especially Person of Interest. That show was so good the network actually tried to kill it, they were mad it had a serial story after they were tricked into believing it was going to be case of the week shit.
idk network tv is always pushing this imaginary envelope of shock that just seems forced so that people tune in. i caught the first season of blacklist, it was good but limited.
I usually give shows a long time to get going and Blacklist really only gets into it's story at the end of season 2. The show itself also has a very frustrating habit of witholding much of its major plot points from not only the characters but also the viewers too. I would tell you to give Person of Interest a chance though. The story is great, characters too and Michael Emerson is one of the best actors around today. Just a small scene but still one of my favourites
freaking a. its benjamin linus. might give it a shot.
You're missing out, MC is also very relatable if you feel life is just fucking with you sometimes
You either didn't watch the show, are a very stupid person, or both. I'm gonna go with both.
The Leftovers. But The Americans is the second best and had a better finale.
>Better Call Saul
>The Leftovers
>True Detective
>Twin Peaks
These are the only shows I've seen from that time that an argument could be made for, but I'd still have to concede that The Americans was better.
Line of Duty is entertaining don't get me wrong, but we bongs still can't make prestige tv the way the yanks can. I'd argue The Fall is the most recent show to come close.
the amercians is god tier lvl
ended too soon
only one good season
top tier
the only show i can think of iare black sails
black sails started more than 5 years ago
and ozark had so much potential but they wasted it still top tier show
any show with redneck or hillbilliy running shit ? ?
case of the week shit is cancer.
kerry butt cameo the show
fuu i didnt knew she hitted the wall this hard
she was gorgeous
found this show by accident and I was blown off. Why isn't anyone taking about it on here, oh wait...
leftovers was only good in the first season. If you even watched the rest you're a pleb, but if you enjoyed them then you should be put out of your misery.
>Posting on a board centered around a medium you have 0 comprehension of
Castle Rock is the only nostalgia trip shit I liked.
keel telling yourself that plebbit. The show was only good the first season when they had the source material to fallow. The second season is your typcal tv thriller cliffhanger shit with rehashed themes from the first one, and the third one was basically phoning in a whole season just to come to the wrap up conclusion that the whole show was better without.
I would tell you to go and acquire some actual taste, but I think it might be too late for you.
How old are you gramps?
This. Highly underrated
Never realized she had such a cute ass.
(Seasons 1 & 2 at least)
There were like 3 episodes that ended on cliffhangers in season 2 and like 3 in season 3. What the fuck are you talking about? You're a mental midget if you don't realize the acting, directing, editing and thematic material reached it's highest points in season 2 and 3.
Season 1 of True Detective might be the greatest season of any show ever, so if you forget that seasons 2 and 3 exist, that.
I agree although I'm still upset there really wasn't any supernatural shit. The reveal of the killer was really really shitty. Green ears because of paint? Fuck off.
I hope you're being ironic, this is literally the most propaganda riddled shit show I've ever watched.
She has been in the industry for a good while. Just watched her on Running Wilde, the show that wanted to be Arrested Development light. it was cancelled too early.
>acting, directing, editing and thematic material
top quality bait
Who dis??