Name a movie or show character that you would fight by their side if you could

Name a movie or show character that you would fight by their side if you could

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Also GOT had 4 good seasons before it became shit, Rome couldn't even finish the first.

What do you call a show with absolutely no character development? Rome

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Jesus... do you Gotfags not know any other show others than that fantasy feminist piece of shit show where little girls are litterally immortal and can kill anyone

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Based Jim

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book bobby b was fucking chad dude.

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I'd pick neo and win anything checkmate ancient history fags

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yes, also Stannis, Ned Stark, Jon Snow, I'd probably bed dead by now.

Henry VIII

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>Name a movie or show character that you would fight by their side if you could
Fassbender Magneto easily.
too bad Mccelen Magneto was a total piece of shit.

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This but with Sharpe, or Sean Bean in general.

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if real life depictions are allowed then.

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>bunch of muh leaders
>4chinners would die for them in an army of nobodies
Talk about easily manipulated crowd of prawns, wew.

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First stop Detroit

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why the fuck wouldn't you imagine yourself as an equal, as long as we're fantasizing

brothers in arms who watch each others back or bust.

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Weston was cool too, but I agree that nobody has a fucking thing on Sam "Findley" Axe.

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you are nobody in such army
you will die and rot buried by bodies of your so called "bros :^)"
Those leaders are faggots that manipulate crowds of prawns like you into fighting for their interests
>why the fuck wouldn't you imagine yourself as an equal, as long as we're fantasizing
because im not an NPC

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havent watched burn notice ?

Have sex


British guy from Jurassic Park, Muldoon.

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i literally spent 10 minutes solving captchas to make this post fuck you hiro

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fuck off, bitch
I'd rather die fighting as a nobody than live a second more in this shit excuse of a world

Man, that guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about (and doesn't care because he has a 'point' to make). Must suck going through life like that, head in the ground and 0 imagination.

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The Dark Lord beckons

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Theoden king

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He pretty much always wins so as long as I'm right next to him I should be ok

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Yanks really are retards

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my childhood crush
And i just notice his muscle legs. holy shit

heres sound.

Was he not australian? I'm thinking back to when I was 6 here

Imagine being this easily manipulated NPC unit.

>because im not an NPC
>I am le master of my own destiny
Read some behavioural biology, dipshit


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Muldoon was so badass in the book. Would fight by side

>(((((((behavioural biology)))))))
Oh yeah, a shit philosophy "legitimized" by ((((((science)))))).

Muldoon isn't Australian lmao He's the same as Tenbo from JP2, an old school British-African colonial hunter.

The one true king.

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>everyone in a beige hat and shorts is Australian
He is British. Hammond says he's from Kenya when he introduces him.

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>le joos control everything
>including things that I can see and test with my own eyes
I guess gravity is also a hoax

based tembo. based postlewaite pete

postlewaite pete and bob peck rip

haha yeah ned stark is great i'd fight by his side

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How can you, so young, compare yourself to Vorenus? Vorenus did it on his own with Pullo Did you conquer Asia on your own? with Pullo

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>The worst kind of second
>A fake brother
lmao poor choice. We #hickeygang

You would be the first one to die.

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pic very much related.

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are you retarded? at least choose him from Only God Forgive.

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>gets BTFO by a jungle chink manlet

Not a movie or show character but muh favorite

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this ain't about picking the strongest guy, it should be the one you like enough to stick with no matter what

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delete this, Mr. Hickey

either way, the drive character is a useless autistic, and the one in only god forgives is superior in every day (so is the movie)

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eat me, lol

>A murderous alcoholic who dug his own grave by trying to give away half the Roman Empire to his bastard half-Egyptian kids


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Arnold vs the blacks

>scene attached is from Passenger 57 where based Arnie kills Wesley Snipes quipping, "There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. And since niggers don't pay taxes..."

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>bastard half-Egyptian kids
Greek.. The Plotemies were Greek

as they say, Never Bet On Black

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fuck off.

also fuck you, he was bro tier as fuck.


read the filename

I don't even remember Only God Forgives because I disliked it so much, but the driver is alright. He's like a tragic fairy tale knight who rides in, finds something pure and beautiful, selflessly tries his best to protect that using his considerable skills, and it all gets fucked up anyway. I can see why someone would find that admirable enough to want to stand with him.

It doesn't show on my phone :-l

>brave Percival
>Arthur drinks from the cup
>replenished by God
>Carmina Burana playing
>the shining armor
>brave steeds riding forth
>the King's banner
>the snow of cherry blossoms

Absolute kino. I want to be there riding with the King, lads.

The plotemies were fucking greeks user

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>Greek.. The Plotemies were Greek
The Ptolemaic Dynasty was of course founded by a greek/macedonian general, but by the time Cleopatra was born they had been living in Egypt for centuries. Cleopatra was born in Egypt, so were her parents and their parents, and so long does someone's ancestors need to be living in a place before we can start calling them by that place name?

Excalibur (1981) c:

Thanks! :D

This dude right here. He easily became the best character out of the series. Seeing his growth from Buffy S03 to Angel S05 was an absolute treat.

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>how long does someone's ancestors need to be living in a place before we can start calling them by that place name?
The originally indian gypsies have been living in europe for like.. +800 years and still are gypsies

t. Augustus

>I don't even remember
>I disliked it so much
ok kid

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>macedonian empire
so they're Iranians

>he thinks conquered land magically changes the DNA of everyone

Based Bruleposter

we're specifically talking about the two children in the dynasty you dumb fuck

The Hound, Pullo and him would get along well.

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and the DNA evidence for their genetic makeup is where exactly?

I'd love to be a rogue demon hunter

Brainlet, why would the Greek ruler of Egypt have Persian blood? Also Ptolemies inbred.

The fucking legend from train to Busan
Carl Tanner, the fooking legend of Gin Alley
Begbie from trainspotting

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>1. Cleopatra was not Egyptian.
>While Cleopatra was born in Egypt, she traced her family origins to Macedonian Greece and Ptolemy I Soter, one of Alexander the Great’s generals. Ptolemy took the reigns of Egypt after Alexander’s death in 323 B.C., and he launched a dynasty of Greek-speaking rulers that lasted for nearly three centuries. Despite not being ethnically Egyptian, Cleopatra embraced many of her country’s ancient customs and was the first member of the Ptolemaic line to learn the Egyptian language.

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>he doesn't know about all the mixing between greeks and persians

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I always thought it'd be cool to be a member of Team Angel or to hang around with The Winchesters. After careful thought, I'd doubt I'd last one episode before eating it.

we can't all be great men, but fighting under a great man's banner for a righteous cause is not so bad either

>and the DNA evidence for their genetic makeup is where exactly?
It's based on two very important facts.
1. The Ptolemys as a dynasty were founded by Greeks (or Macedonians if you think there's a real difference). No question about that, Ptolemy was Greek, his wife was Greek, their kids were Greek.
2. The Ptolemys were incestuous freaks who routinely married sisters and brothers. Cleopatra herself was originally married to her younger brother.
Ethnically, these people were 100% greek, with maybe one or two persian/syrian ancestors. I call them Egyptian because I think if your people have lived somewhere for centuries you should be considered a part of that place. Cleopatra was ethnically Greek and Greek was her native language, but she was also Egyptian.

>tfw not rich enough to be with the principe
>tfw stuck in hastati
Feels bad

It's amazing that things like what her ethnicity was and what language she spoke are "little known facts". It's like if people didn't know that Thomas Jefferson was white and although he was the first US president to be fluent in French, his native language was actually English.

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>I call them Egyptian because I think if your people have lived somewhere for centuries you should be considered a part of that place.
If you don't integrate then no, you don't become one of them

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by that reasoning nobility or arguably the upper-class or even the merchant class aren't "one of the people" in the places they occupy

wait. you're not a communist, are you?

Taking a really generous definition of the word "integrate" then looking at most monarchies/oligarchies in history we can say that usually the rulers shouldn't be considered as representatives of their territory? The House of "Windsor" isn't really English, the Roman Emperors from Spain/Illyria/Syria weren't really Roman, and so on.

>If you don't integrate then no, you don't become one of them
they didn't worship greek gods, they larped as literal egyptian gods just like every other pharaohs. they were integrated

People like jews and gypsies refuse to be like normal people

>literally making shit up
You're a fucking jew aren't you?

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I'm not the guy you're replying to but I was under the impression that Cleopatra literally called herself "the new Isis" or "Isis on earth".

yeah she worshiped/larped as Isis

Back to plebbit with ye

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Based a

REDpilled kek

>>back to plebbit where they post the same memes that I do here

Too happy and charming for it to work if you ask me, but maybe, All Might can be friends with almost anyone.

actual /got/fags from 7 years + hate leddit you retard, lurk more

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I think we can all agree that GoT S1-2 at least are the best TV has to offer but Rome is far beyond anything else. Also both Seasons were good, if rushed.

>Hero or Madman?
>sets up several global wars and an alien invasion because he's butthurt about being exiled with cavemen
i'm gonna go with asshole

I remember S1 vividly, it was really excellent. A self-contained story with a good climax and one main plot thread to follow. Can barely remember anything after.

GoT 1-3 and yes Rome was tragically cut short

This absolute madman

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Why do some Australians have ridiculous, over the top, Paul Hogan Croc Dundee accents and some are much more subtle. As an American I can tell if someone is Australian 95% of the time. But that last 5% keeps me wondering if they're some kind of British or Australian. And dont ask me to tell you what a Kiwi sounds like, fuckoff

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Rome S1>GoT S1>GoT S2>GoT S3>Rome S2>All other GoT seasons

Rome season 1 was absolutely incredible but season 2 was badly rushed thanks to budget cuts, because HBO was gearing up for an even bigger budget tv show...I wonder, when Rome was cancelled in 2007, what possible big budget tv show could HBO have had on the horizon...

Australians have a mainland accent, New Zealand is more Hong Kong.

m8 that's true for every country, some people have the super hick accent of their area and others speak proper England or insert language here

>sets up several global wars and an alien invasion because he's butthurt about being exiled with cavemen
Originallis the aliens were to be attracted by Einsteins time travel trip to 1924 to kill Hitler which resulted in Tiber river being seeded by the meteorite in 1995

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fuck off incel

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fucking legend

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Carry on my wayward son

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Are there many hicks in Australia? Like you hear about the Outback and see it in the movies. Do many people live there? Or is it like the wasteland in Road Warrior? I'm asking because Australia is a $3,000 plane ride away, I dont have enough money to go there, and dont know anyone there. Also, we have tons of hicks in the US sparsely populated areas

based and checked

>didnt even post a character himself
at least watch something before posting incel creep

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Such a great scene.

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Indonesians should make more action kino, its clear they have an eye for it and jeweywood hasn't put out a decent action flick that isn't capeshit in forever.

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I think you got the wrong thread m8

What about John Wick?
>it's reddit
give me a legitimate complaint.

By posting thread related webms?

I'm not a big fan of gun kata, and it was so stylized it kind put me off. I prefer grittier action, but that is a personal preference. That said I've seen the video of Keanu with a gun at the range doing a timed shoot, the guy is legit.

The level of choreography in some of these Indonesian ones is way beyond anything in John Wick, truly fight kino

maybe fuck off and create yet another game of shit thread if you're not happy with people contributing positively to a thread

>I'm not a big fan of gun kata
Looks like someone needs their Prozium dosage adjusted

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>A murderous alcoholic who dug his own grave by trying to give away half the Roman Empire to his bastard half-Egyptian kids
>he actually believes Augustus' politicized take on the donations of alexandria

Nevermind the fact that it was perfectly common and acceptable for Roman politicians to parade around in the guises of gods in the East to win over the locals. Augustus took particularly pride in how Eastern nations deified him which would be peak hypocrisy if he actually believed anything he used to attack Antony. It was pure politics, simple as. And history always has the benefit of being written by the victors.

looks like the dude that was on forged in fire

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Imagine being this autistic about impossible fantasy scenarios

I haven't seen this, is it worth watching?


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I would fight off all those commie soldiers to see him smile again

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>I haven't seen this, is it worth watching?
Personally I enjoyed it

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I'll check it out then
The latest DOOM is fuckin kino


Based boy

Wesley Windam Price

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>tfw not fully english


I shoot about as well as these guys do so at least I won't be dragging anyone down.

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why didn't the spear guy just let go

>Conan the Barbarian
any other kinos like this?

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>tfw always the last post of the thread

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why are webms related to to people of the what this thread about getting deleted?

>is it worth watching?
yes its underrated