What am I in for?
What am I in for?
500 hours of people talking about "hard choices for the family" but no payoff for anything. Also that fucking ridiculous Ireland season.
Basically a soap opera with motorbikes
boredom and time waste
1st season is all right, then it's just soap opera
Watch shield instead
tough bikers hugging and kissing each other goodbye even though they will be seeing each at their "clubhouse" later that night
charlie hoonan ass
peggy bundy singing and hogging all the screentime
getting out of guns
getting back into guns
main guy being the biggest mary sue you'll ever see getting them out of almost every single debacle they end up in
Fun show overall. But it just keeps getting worse after S2 until it becomes unwatchable.
>slow acoustic cover of pop song starts playing
You'll end up hating every character by the end of it. Including the main characters. No redeeming qualities to them. Hard to take some of them seriously as tough guys, too.
Watch "Justified" instead. Much more enjoyable show from start to finish with a unique and hillbilly mafia setting, and one of the coolest main characters of any show ever.
What can be said about SoA that can't be said about Dexter?
the reason you don't give kurt sutter his own show
In the last season they didn't have a time limit on episodes anymore, which made them drag on and on forever. First two seasons were alright but the writing is pretty shit overall. They get away with all kinds of shit way too easily. Main character is not believable as a bad-ass who beats up everyone. The old gang leader comes across as a retard. Cheap entertainment. Don't waste too much of your time.
Lil donnie
Dexter was fantastic up until season 4. SoA went to shit after season 2.
ireland was kino af stay mad
and quit spoiling the thread
>he mentioned ireland, that's a spoiler!
Guns, bikes, leather vests, tattoos, baby. Don't be a faggot.
>Dexter was fantastic up until season 4