Why did it flop critically and commercially?

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Other urls found in this thread:


they made a capeshit tier movie instead of detective pikachu

???why the fuck do you keep posting for this? Is not even out yet

It's not even out yet you blatant mouseshill

I'm watching it today and almost no theaters are even showing it

>Disney will buy the rights to pokemon one day


ten years too late, as usual with these shitty things.

>black lead

Because only reddit teenagers care about Pokémon

Oh, Is today May 10th?

3 days before the official premiere fuck you Disney shill your brand loyalty is the cringiest shit.

Lack of Sneed.

It would be illegal.

Why are Yea Forumseddit capeshitters pretending this movie doesn't pander to the same low IQ numale and women child parasites that disney does?

On some countries is already out.

It didn't Fucking Flop Fucking Critically you MotherFucker you!

It's sitting Fucking Fresh right now! Fucking stop gaslighting this movie! Who is Fucking paying you!? Disney?

Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in history

The mouse is seething

Fuck off Ralph! What do you Fucking know about Box Office receipts and expectations MotherFucker!? Go Fucking go Fucking jerk off to Fucking Avengers Endgame you Fucking Cockrat!


Is this the defense of these threads? This movie generated interest comparable with some of the most expected movies of 2019 and it's not even out yet what's the point in these threads if it's just another blockbuster, the only thing making it different from all the rest is that it's WB and not Disney?

ryan reynolds as ryan reynolds in ryan reynolds: the movie. rated r for strong ryan reynolds

because we like pikachu, we grew up with him.

the only people that grew up with marvel comics are the kids rich enough to have their parents buy them that shit every week

>the only thing making it different from all the rest is that it's WB and not Disney?
Is this why the tasteless capeshitters from Yea Forums and /vp/ are pretending it doesn't pander to the same audience?

>because we like pikachu, we grew up with him.

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It looks terrible. Why couldn't they have just made a regular action movie? Why the detective and muh dad bullshit?

>the only people that grew up with marvel comics are the kids rich enough to have their parents buy them that shit every week
the only people who "grew up" with their comics are people who didn't grow up

Metascore of 50

That looks like your average capeshit fan.

i mean you got me there i guess. my girlfriend left me for a dev league basketball player so what haha. she never wanted to go to anime conventions with me anyway. i made a new friend that's really into crafting costumes anyway we're not together but she helps me with sewing haha

Who is also your average fan of this shit or does it not count because you like this trash?

Stuck liked it

>rich kids
What the fuck am I reading?

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nobody cares about Metashitic


the detective part is what makes me interested
the dad part and the villain turning people into pikachu is what makes it cringe

comics were expensive as shit. my dad bought me some and told me he'd never do it again

movie officially comes out tomorrow you fucking faggot. snobby professional critic reviews never count. why the fuck should i listen to what some 40 year old movie snob thinks of a film. especially if the 40 year old snob has no idea what the source material was?

It's out in several countries

I'll let you in on a secret, not only one side has shilled.

Have sex

You come off as the type of pleb that cites critics when people here call stuff like fury road and john wick trash


Which mouse? Pikachu or Mickey?

>comics were expensive as shit.
>3 dollars is expensive

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The only true test is if Armond White sees it and critiques it

I thought that was the hottest part

If the MCapeshitU wasn't around it would do well. But sadly other lesser blockbusters can't compete with the quality and storytelling.

It just wasn't fun.

This, I watched it in a room full of kids and no one laughed

If you paid attention you would understand I fucking hate professional critcs because they are often 40 or older morons who dont understand the source material of a movie like this one. you can see it in the reviews on rotten tomatoes. none of them understand what the source material was. and you fucking expect me to develop my opinion based on tose shit reviews?

So my suspicions about you are correct then

Just watched it in English at my local German theater.
The cinema was full of 20+ year olds. Probably because of the foreign language option.

I enjoyed it a lot, would rate it 8.5/10.
The twists were a bit predictable, but if it's a detective movie I think that's acceptable.
The middle third of the movie was the weakest part for me.
Got a little tear-eyed in the end.

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Really? I thought that adults would be the most interested in a movie with Reynolds and Pikapool.

feed and seed

are you dumb enough to listen to reviews by snobby 40 year old clueless boomers?

Not that user. Gonna watch it now on Brazil and there are only 3 subbed sessions in the city and like 10 dubbed. When they think only kids will watch a movie they have few rooms showing the subbed version, which they do.
The room is empty too, around 10% full

We'll, the cinema I just watched it in was breaking full. Don't listen to Disney shills

Same here. Got a lot of laughs and aws as well.

They are 5 bucks an issue. It starts adding up

Who are you quoting?

I cant wait for this shit to flop and all the 30 year old virgins who still watch Pokemon and Sonic and other crap they should have stopped watching 20 years ago start crying and realize what a pathetic life they lead.

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I love all the people who think enjoying kid's shit is incompatible with having a life. I spend 99% of my waking time not thinking about capeshit and the like, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it as well.
Just because numales exist doesn't mean you can't be excited about a movie just for fun.

Yea Forums doesn't care about these movies in that sense
it's /vp/ and Yea Forums cancer


No, the cope is acting as if you're somehow better for devoting your life to a different corporate product than someone else. Just enjoy popcorn flicks (or don't) and move the fuck on.

I will never unironically understand the free pass critics gave to MCU for ten years
70% is a really good score for a movie like this
As to why it flopped?? Who knows...it will probably break even anyway


>MFW he watches capeshit

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Just got home from the Detective Pikachu premier. I was literally the only person in the theater. They actually stopped showing the film early so the projectionist could get home before it got too late.

Disney hates Nips, and will turbo-shill, no survivors every franchise they can out of spite for what happened to "Nu-Wars"

t. underage

>comics are expensive
>5 bucks an issue

Where the fuck do I even start with how wrong this is?

Marvel was just too powerful.

DC knows that. That's why DC is dead.

Disney hates Nintendo because they're the only company with pop culture characters that rival their own

Why does this post read like a shill/newfag trying to fit in on a board?

Because you've been successfully programmed by Disney.

was it ever supposed to be a success?
it was always going to do okay at best

It's Pokemon.
People are crazy to think it would beat Avengers but it will do very well regardless.

because it also panders to furries that want to jack off to pikachu.

capeshit dc twitter mutts and pajeets constantly try and push company war shit here
last time it was alita
this time it's this flick
next will be godzilla

Pokemon will always be aimed at kids or fans, boomers just won't understand. look at the reviews for the first Mewtwo movie. they are pretty much h the same shit

I just want to taste her asshole please.

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How old is your gf?

This just proves how much are boomers out of touch
Teenagers don’t give a fuck about Pokemon only 30yo neckbeards care about it

To be honest, the movie wasn't that good, but 4kids' changes really fucked with the tone and made it worse. Will be interesting to see how the remake will handle the localization.

It hasn't flopped yet. Wait a month or two before asking that question again.
Besides, it's an experimental film. The Pokémon Company allowed Legendary Pictures to develop this film, which I must remind you is based on an obscure 3DS spinoff game, in order to test the viability of Western-made, live-action, cinema-release films as an additional revenue stream for them, alongside the various animated films, card games, toy and clothing merchandise, and video games that form the core of their current revenue. Whether this film is a hit or a flop, the company has little to lose in this venture.

>boomers just won't understand
Boomers are the current biggest fanbase of pokemon if pokemon go is anything to go by

>on some countries
Stay in yours

isnt this that feminist racist from those protests eating cookies

Majority of negative reviews only reference to Pokemon was Pokemon Go.

>because we like pikachu, we grew up with him

nigger lead nobody cared about and the plot wasn't pokemon related (badly written)

pikachu carried tho


Can confirm, was projectionist and user here was pretty cool about it.

Im sure it will do decent just not capeshir numbers

I think people buying weekly comics hasn't been a popular thing since the 80s. Pokemon Cards in their heyday, however, make their bread by mom and dad buying booster packs over and over in hopes that a shiny one placated their kid (me)

dudes im at the theater right now watching this
im 6'4 BTW

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i didn't post this pic but it works

just watched it


my movie theatre wasnt even half full

my theater had less than one person in it

Pikachu is the dad, Mewtwo put his mind in pikachu's body to save his life after the car accident. I heard it ends with him being turned back to human, which I think is a stupid if that's true.
I watched the cut scenes from the game it's based on, on youtube, so I already know the twist ending.

Also like 99.9% sure this was just a first movie to test the waters, if it does well their going to make a Mewtwo movie.

I'm probably going to watch it anyway, because it has Ryan Reynolds in it. though I'll have suspend my disbelief that the black kid's dad who left him was white. in reality it would have been a black dad with a roastie white mom.

I'm actually seeing pikachu with my girlfriend. because she thinks pikachu is cute and she liked deadpool.


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some manchild youtuber

Fuck you im here

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I just left out the theater 5 minutes ago and I was literally the only person in there. This is a confirmed flop.

Don’t see it

Same, watched it in Kiel (in english), mostly spergy twentysomethings, some neckbeards and such.
Movie was honestly great, especially the scene with the forest coming to live as well as the soft noir stuff in the city. It didn't feel like a kids movie that much and did deal with some slightly mature themes (death, family etc).
Actor casting choices didn't seem based on agenda and all in all it felt like a really 'honest' movie, very refreshing compared to watching MCU or stuff like that.
Hope they'll bring out more in the same vein. 8/10

Move out of the boonies

>Le source material meme
Give me a break, as if anyone even played the original game

> Movie so great has time to post on Yea Forums

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thanks for proving your a cuck bitch by going to see a childrens movie which is shit to begin with.

>Pikachu references that people have put their fingers in him

Is it cannon people fuck their pokemon, or at least diddle them? There was a lot of weird adult jokes in this.

Its some kind of trailer thing.

>Theater was pretty packed for a 4pm showing, lots of kids with their parents (followed by 20 somethings)
>Trailers were
>Angry Birds 2
>A Dog's Purpose
>The Sun is Also a Star
>Toy Story 4
>The Brightburn trailer that makes it seem like capeshit for the first half

Mfw the jumpscare at the end cause half the theater to scream and a few kids were sobbing

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>detective pikachu
>not even about pokemon battles but some gay detective shit
I wonder why its a flop

Who fucking hurt you?

I'd fuck Guardevoir.

Pikachu has a deeper more manly voice in the game.

>theater filled with boomers
They were right, the Pokemon fanbase is really aging.

Disney is interested in Pokémon, they got the rights to stream the anime in their channels and services.

well people fuck dogs and horses IRL.

>That scene where Pikachu references what humans do to him
>One of the things is "put their fingers in me"

If this is true, I'm surprised TPC allowed it.
This isn't a hit or miss like PokeSpe and the gag manga, its something that will be watched by millions in the entire world, not even the anime uses that kind of jokes.

I thought it was ok. Took my two sons to see it and they loved it (10 and 8). I didn’t know half of the Pokémon, but they mixed up the new and old pretty good. The plot twist with Pikachu was an easy read, but the old guy villain and Mew 2 were awesome.

Had fun and hit the matinee. Pika/10 would Pika again.

Why is it so dark that I can't see the picture? Is that to hide the aging CGI?

It’s true. There’s also a masturbation joke by the main character. A chick says something like, “This isn’t the place to go out alone at night” and says “I’m good at handling myself alone at night”.

Im here right now
pretty empty

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Its real but subtle. Most of the ppl in my room laughed from it

i'm getting mixed feelings about the gundam movie, it got the same producer as pikachu

It's a good trick

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Thank God I didn't imagine it

Same in my country. Warner clearly has less interest in the movie since its actually legendary's barely any promotional shit in my theater. Only one screen.

No offense but that sounds like cheap comedy, did the kids watching it get the reference at least?

Movie already has a sequel and will be getting it as long as it earns enough to cover it's budget.

Movie is only just out now in some places and will likely make around $400m+ securing a sequel and the Mewtwo Spin-off.

Because/tv/ is cursed as they should be

>At a time when Disney/Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame is still the boss at the box office with a running global total of $2.27 billion, Legendary Entertainment/Warner Bros’ Pokémon Detective Pikachu is looking to push his way in and grab as much as he can with a $50 million–$55 million domestic opening weekend at 4,200-plus theaters, and another $90M-$120M offshore for an average global launch near $160M-plus.

>In the U.S. and Canada, Pikachu will have to settle for second as Endgame‘s third weekend eyes $75M-$85M, which would be the second best haul for a third weekend after Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ $90.2M.

Same here

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how much did Iron Man make opening weekend?

7-8 max

honestly that would be comfy.

Thankfully it won't.

You can't compare the first live action Pokemon movie to the last avenger's movie. you should compare it to the first marvel move.

It took me longer to work out that picture was fake than I want to freely admit.

I'm so conflicted on going to see it. Is it at least fun to watch as someone who literally caught every single one of them even up to ultra sun?


Detective Pikachu had a budget of $150m and will have a launch of $160m+? It'll cover it's initial budget in the launch and the marketting budget/additional costs by the following week.

Why are people trying to claim it's doing bad?

is alita all ober again

if I walked into a theater that looked like that I'd walk right back out.
do you live in a ghetto, is that what a poor neighborhood's theater looks like?

Oops that's not for another few weeks

Please tell me you aren't retarded enough to try and compare a $200 million dollar movie from 2019 to a 2008 movie that cost much less and came out during a recession and a time when superhero movies were dead

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My dad has a collection worth $50k+, he stopped buying them when they reached $0.25 lol

it's budget is about the same as the first iron man movie. if it does as well as the first iron man movie, which is probably will we can expect tons of pokemon movies.

You're fucking retarded. The $160 million is INCLUDING international and it will do AT BEST $80 million the week after and then it gets killed by Aladdin

It is not making anywhere near $600 million you stupid fuck

Iron Man's budget was 140 million, Pokemon's is also 150 million. and we're about to enter a recession.
2008 wasn't even the worst of it, the worst of that economic downturn was under Obama.

nice oc btw
saved it

Iron Man didn't make 600 million opening weekend you turbo fag.

Because of brand loyalty to Disney or pretending to be a typical Yea Forums pest making bullshit threads to generate reaction. I doubt they're the result of observation of people's interest. Hype for Pikachu is comparable with Lion King and of course both will make crazy money. Waste of a thread, probably bannable as well.


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manly as fuck

You know, when someone calls you a "stupid fuck" you aren't supposed to then go and prove them right by saying something that fucking retarded

The merchandising for this film alone secured a sequel which is why the sequel is being fast tracked with Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (21 Jump Street, Lego movie, etc...) directing and Oren Uziel as the screenwriter (22 Jump Street)

It is a 'global launch' - e.g. the projected amount the film will earn globally during its launch, not the entire run.

Aladdin is also tracking poorly, but Disney are trying to shill it to keep the idea of remaking old shit in live action. They want to erase mistakes of the past before they get metoo'd or flagged for racism/whatever. They have already made remarks about censoring old animated movies to remove potentially offensive aspects - including removing characters and scenes.

Local theater released it early. Sucked balls desu. Mewtwo soul exchanges MCs Dad and Pikachu.

Yes, Aladdin.

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They're saying Pokemon will make roughly 160 million opening weekend, Iron Man made 170 million opening weekend.
the numbers are still marginally close.

Oh, no not the projections.

>It is a 'global launch' - e.g. the projected amount the film will earn globally during its launch, not the entire run.
No shit dumbass

>Aladdin is also tracking poorly
Literally tracking to make more than this piece of shit and Godzilla COMBINED

because N

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Oh you're one of those retards

Go ahead and post that stupid fucking screencap of Solo's projection because it's the only example you dipshits have

Sure there are some people who care but mostly like Hindu and Arabs. The rest makes fun of it, some said they liked that Will Smith makes some jokes in it but generally there's not much buzz around it some 20 days before the release date.

This wasn't in the soundtrack

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How does Mickey the mouse's cock feel up your shill ass?


>This may be a bigger Warner Bros./Pokémon Company question, but were there ever any concerns about claiming Pikachu and Psyduck as the main Pokémon of this movie, if the studio ever wanted to do a movie centered on Ash and Misty and that crew?

>That's above my paygrade. I don't know that. But one of the things about the way Pokémon works is Pikachu, Psyduck, they're species. So, Ash's Pikachu is a very different Pikachu than Detective Pikachu.

Hmm? So they literally can't touch Ash and HIS Pikachu, along with TRio.

Can't blame TPC, despite the memes, the anime earns them a lot of money. I guess it would be easier to use the PokeSpe MCs or the PCs.

Literally just walked out of the movie, AMA

Movie is meh at best. Some fun scenes, meh story final plot twist kinda destroys any logic in the story and buries any possible sequekbor DP cinematic universe, the villain's plot is retarded but the twist around his second in command is unironically kino as fuck

BTW the main girl can't act for shit

But was in it?

What's the plot twist?

can someone just tell me if my local movie theater is going to look like pic related tomorrow or not

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Wow the Jews managed to ruin Pokemon. Fuck this movie

How about Wonder Womans? That was way off

Because no one wants a cute little pikachu to talk with the voice of a middle-aged man.

I like it better than when it spoke like a little girl

The old man was testing a Mind Control device that allowed him to implant his mind into Mewtwo. He then uses Mewtwo to implant the souls of humans into all the Pokemon

The dad is Pikachu all along. The dad originally caught Mewtwo but when he saw what they were doing to him snuck into the lab and let him go. Dad was about to die from a car wreck and his Pikachu begged Mewtwo to put the dads soul in his body

Just saw it too. It was alright for a kids film, but really had to be carried by Ryan Reynolds. Without him all you'd have is cliche moments and terrible actors with pokemon.

Oh and you won't believe who the father is.

>the scene were Pikachu sings the Pokemon theme

Kino as fuck


thank you for saving me the movie. I almost went and watched that shit

Who is the japanese boy in the trailer

So becoming a Pokemon removed his soul?


Yeah. What the fuck was that shit?

I watched the detective pikachu vidya game cut scenes so I already know who pikachu is.

It's Red

Did he basically have a gratutious cameo in the movie?

Ash was literally dying and hallucinating from all the hyper-beams, then he got his body destroyed ala Dragon Ball with a fucking beam launched by a dozen or more pokémon.

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Pikachu is Tim's father. Mewtwo put him in Pikachu's head (he has that power, and the villain's evil plan is to make humanity evolve by putting humans' minds in Pokemon)


We can still get more movies, Pokemon cinematic universe not Detectve Pikachu cinematic universe.
We need live action Red v Ash before Pokemon dies

Yes. He shows up on an ad about the history of Pokemon and he's battling some random on a stadium. Nameless and irrelevant character

BTW, to those who watched the movie: why the fuck couldn't other people understand Pikachu?

So it's just a shitty version of the first episode of the anime

It has a few references but the movie is about Ash finding Ho-Oh

Post yfw this showed up on the TV in the movie.

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Ash didn't die in the first episode tho, is an AU re-telling where Ash travels alone and wants to find and fight Ho-Oh.

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5 bucks for an issue you can read in less than 10 minutes. That's insanely bad value to entertainment ratio.

Most bigger movies come out on the Thursdays before the actual release date these days. If you left your homes you might know this.

I actually have a job to go to tomorrow, you worthless nigger. I can't go tonight because that would cut into my sleep.

zoomer post

You don't because it is terrible value for money. Look at Action Comics #1. Shit cost 10c for 60 odd pages. You inflate the cost and it would be $1.80 today. Now comics are $3.99 for 22 pages.
It's an absolute rip off

Too close to Endgame. Should have spaced it.

What the fuck? Cartoon Network had The Justice League and stuff. No one bought comics in Australia lol. That's literally the only reason I know about them.

>my dad bought me some and told me he'd never do it again.

What an asshole, God forbid he do something nice for his kid. I could understand if he tried to teach you the value of a dollar by having you by them yourself after a certain age. But that sounds like some unnecessary guilt trip bullshit my parents would pull.

Fuck you

Whoever sets up the trailer playlist at your theater is a retard, the Brightburn trailer gets intense. We had Godzilla instead, noticed a couple of the kids in the theater were into it as i left to pee.

What the fuck even is a pikachu? This shit is after my time.

>quality and storytelling.
The storytelling in MCU isn't good. They just have an enormous budget for special effects

Potentially. Just wait til Monday to see it.

>No We Are Detective


Disney owned media talked crap about George Lucas and the prequels to get him to sell the rights to Star Wars

So then don't go until you can? I just wanted to point out that most movies open on Thursdays because there were a lot of tards who didnt know. I also went to a 4pm showing that was done before 6, so it didn't affect my sleep.

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>the villain's evil plan is to make humanity evolve by putting humans' minds in Pokemon
Why tho?

He was a cripple and wanted to find a solution for that, so he decided humans had to evolve like pokemon

>he posts only the list of movies
Do you even know what a franchise is?

just blow in from redd*t kid?

Ryan Reynolds > Idris Elba

holy shit, is that south middle school in bloomfield NJ? i used to fuck around in that place with my friends when there was a hole in the fence years ago

It just flew over my house and no theaters are showing it

In Japan only with english subs. It is doing well when you consider that.

We have some stats for a few countries. It's Wednesday previews in France pulled in 1.8mil. The projections might have low balled this a bit

>in a thread about pokemon movies
>"Durr Why you talk 'bouts pokemon movies?"

No spoiler review from guy who also played game:

>Fight scenes were flashy and entertaining for the most part
>When the movie isn't pushing plot, and is just being itself with the Pokémon, it feels really natural and well paced
>Follows the basic beats of the game somewhat well
>While most of the soundtrack is very barebones and one-trick, one of the common tracks is low-key chiptune sound to it that REALLY works well and made me want a lot more of it
>Lucy is exceptionally cute as a character
>Unlike the game, it actually follows through on its twist ending, no longer leaving that unsatisfied "I know the twist, but the game is still playing hard-to-get" feeling.

>It tries to follow the beats of the game too well to it's own hampering, which ruins the pacing a bit and makes it feel rushed
>When it IS following the beats, the interactions between people and Pokémon feel forced
>Feels like it has much more to do with the anime than the actual games, which is not good for it
>Misses its target audience by a wide margin. It's trying to appeal to children and adults, but focuses mainly on the children. The plot is far too serious in tone to appeal to kids, and the serious tone is far too childish to appeal to adults
>Actually makes the ending way more bizarre in tone than the video game, despite the fact it keeps the "twist" from the game in tact
>Ryan Reynolds is horribly underutilized as an asset
>Almost ALL of the good scenes were shown in the trailers
>All of THOSE scenes are incredibly front loaded in the movie. I honestly didn't feel like I was watching a new movie until roughly about an hour in.
>It's honestly not that the movie is bad, but rather more like it does okay, but could have done way better and still needed correction. It's like being an English teacher reading your middle-schooler student's essay.
>Justice Smith's acting is likewise underwhemling. He feels too stiff in most scenes.

Final Grade: C

any sequel bait?

Post-credit scenes hints at a Lugia movir

it's... a kid's movie
just because Reynold's makes a few sexual innuendo and potty jokes doesn't make it good

because they thought "Ted" but with pikachu would be a good idea

don't try to cover up the fact you were so retarded

>putting humans' minds in Pokemon
So Mystery Dungeon basically?

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It’s SJW racemixing propaganda

Racemixing is the least of our troubles with SJWs.

about that, how many people were on the villian's side?
i can't see how swapping to a superior body would be bad at all

>Mystery Dungeon

He got a mewtwo body, most got shit like Pidgeon

Dude it’s not even out yet in the US and Europe and honestly who gives a flying fuck about what the japs think?

My theater just disappeared entirely before I got there.

sounds like you're shilling for the rat
next you're gonna tell me that people pushing avatar will be shilling for dc as well.

bet they watch all of the mcu,
Had their cockcage on extra tight when Black Panther was on their big screen watching with all their sisters and school friends.

so people needed escapism from the worst events in world history?

This, pokefans were bragging about it having more views than the first toy story 4 trailer.

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redpill me on it

Its plot as far as I remember involves a human getting his soul/mind transferred into a Pokemon thanks to some supernatural event, then he wakes up in the Pokemon world and help the things overcome some calamity since it seems they can’t do anything without the strong human hand guiding them

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the contrary
thanos needs all the competition he could get

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all I want to know is if the main guy and girl are in a relationship at the end.

even bigger question, why did all the people still talk like pokemon after turning into them

is the pokemon he turns into alway the same?

idk but Reynolds looks depressed

you take a personality test to decide which pokemon you get

are the possibilities the usual grass, fire, water?

It depends on the game, but yeah it was the usual starters, Pikachu and some extras, these were the options in the first game

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gonna pirate the shit outta that

When pikachu fell with mewtwo down the side of the building after Tim took the neurolink off, how did Tim get down to the street so fast?

Im in jersey and theaters always show big movies like these a day earlier.

It was fun as fuck, saw it with my friends, might go see it again at the drive in this weekend

>drive in

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>furfags actually think they're above capeshitlets on the totem pole

If you can stomach “mystery dungeon” games, it can be good to burn some time

I loved how they used it as the background jingle for the news report early in the film

When will the cam version be live?

It's fresh on RT though, I didn't bother looking the box office figures but I guess that was also disney shill delusions right?

press F

It's not even out yet.

Why can't Disney just fucking chill? They already own everything more or less.

But no, they have to send their minions all the way to this remote shithole to hurt other films.

My guess is that they're copying Facebook's strategy (dominate everything).

Detective Pikachu ? more like Defective Pikachu LMAO


Pikachu? More like Dickachug.

Dude its getting closer to being rotten.

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It did neither, financially it's doing well and it's one of the highest rated video game to film adaptations

Are you saying Pikachu was the dad all along?


Nigger lead

>hiring the uncharismatic mutt loser background character from jurassic world two as your lead

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>no one laughed at the dark humor Mr.Mime scene
Then you watched it with a bunch of no fun losers.

I got Pikachu and Lickitung.

No kid got the joke, there are also some drug related jokes, and the best part is the dark humour scene with Mr. Mime

it's been out for 2 days. midday showing empty as fuck, evening 50%

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A live action adaption of the anime won't happen until the anime itself ends. Which isn't going to happen since it's sole purpose is to promote the games and sell merch.

Also japan with English dubs here on an American military base.

this thumbnail looks like a cartoon version of goatse please tell me I'm not the only one that see this

Nintendo doesn't make flops. Pokemon literally prints money 24/7

someone always catches it