Why did critics like it so much?

Why did critics like it so much?

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Because they got paid.


If you give the movies good reviews you get invited to premieres with free stuff. Some video game reviewers were even given escorts

Because it's pretty good.

Because they want that puss from wifeys

Attached: nakit ja muussit.png (994x1251, 1.59M)

To troll incels and nerds....also the drama was delicious...wasnt this movie what triggered the "have sex" shit?

Rian's gf is a critic and they all go in the same circles

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You know exactly the reason why you dishonest asshole.

It is all political now.

it's the least childish entry in the franchise

they didn't, there's a video or recording saiying that they didn't like it but they had to asslick it

Franchises and governmental Sociology seek standardization, the notion that "these things are alike"... while Artists must make distinctions. Johnson succeeded on all of those levels, arguably at the expense of the internal, distinct qualities of the franchise.

Here is Fairfield Porter articulating the differences:

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>The director is connected.
>It tore down the OT characters.
>Political messages were capitalism bad & blindly follow orders of cunts with purple hair.
>If you don't like Disney Wars you're a sexist.

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> Some video game reviewers were even given escorts
say what now?

you really think being a film critic means anything anymore?

They like their jobs (plus previews & premiers) and Disney now produces 75% of all movies. You can figure out the rest.

You idiots memed Rose so hard Disney was able to cash in and acquaint disliking the movie with racism AND misogyny

There was plenty enough to bitch about with Leia flying through space and Holdo breaking the universe with her kamikaze. But everyone got greedy and made the Asian chick delete her instagram, which to millennials is about as bad holding a Hasidic Jew down and clipping their beard.

why has it not been leaked to a major news outlet yet?


Yep. Disney wasn't wealthy enough to buy even decent scores for A Wrinkle in Time or Nutcracker though, and just barely paid off enough critics to get Cap Marvel a decent score.

>Some video game reviewers were even given escorts
for free?

>least childish childrens movie
Do car reviewers give big ratings to cars with no wheels?

For reviews.
