What was your favorite X files episode...

What was your favorite X files episode? Mine has to be the one about that worm parasite thing that was hiding out in the port a potty...Flukeman season 2:2
I still can't use a port a potty without thinking about that thing.

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The one were guy kidnaps Scully, drive into mountains, and the aliens get him. That episode gave me scars for life

you actually use the portable loo?

The one that had that deformed family that lived on a farm. The boys were sleeping with the mom and she has that deformed baby and they buried it alive. Ugh, freaked me out!!

Yeah, lots of times. Whenever I'm at a big outdoor event or fair they usually have them.

I really enjoyed the concept of "Soft Light," and the ending is dark as fuck. Poor guy.

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Either that "Cops" themed episode where they were being followed around by a film crew or the whole alien invasion story arc

Lone Gunmen were top notch too, especially that episode where US government remotely hijacks and airliner and attempts to crash it into WTC - A month before the 9/11 attacks

any of the episodes with the lone gunmen were awesome, but especially "first person shooter"

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The one where the guy could sqeeze through impossobly small spaces, to eat people's livers. And then he would hibernate in chewed up newspaper for like 40 years.

Hated seeing them killed off

Rian Johnson wrote that story line btw

Tony Shalhoub is so kino

Circus or Bad Blood for comfykino
Home for spookykino
That two-parter where mulder and the glow-in-the-dark area 51 spook switched bodies for goofykino
War of the Coprophages for jealous scullykino

The one where they are in the forest and the bugs eat them and they have to wheel a big tire
I cant remember the name

Eugene Victor Tooms. I think he had two episodes dedicated to him because he was such a fan favorite.

The Chinese organ harvesting one was pretty good too. I think it was called Ghost?

The circus freak episode and the hills have eyes type episode with the quadriplegic mommy.

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That one where giant hallucination-inducing fungus catches Moulder and Scully and fucks with their brains.

[Spoiler]hey fagot. Next time use the fucking spoiler tag for other anons that haven't watched it yet. I know it's an old show but be considerate of other considering this is kino we're talking about.[/spoiler]
That's also one of my favorite episodes, user.

All the comedic episodes by Darin Morgan, Postmodern Prometheus, Bad Blood and the one where Mulder finally gets closure by discovering Samantha's fate.

The Drive thru dude that eats people's brains and I can't exactly remember the other one but in the episode an Indian find an alien or a spaceship in the desert and there's an alien autopsy going on in a train car somewhere. It had at least 2 parts I think. I also like the Smoking Man. He was one of my favorite characters in the show

The first Pusher episode is great. Second is shit.

>Vince Gilligan's first episode
>starring Tony Shalhoub
>Carter writes in X, making him very morally questionable and a betrayer of trust
Now that's how you make kino.

the one with the cutie hacker girl that was uploaded into a computer. It was unironically cyberpoetic and beautiful.

The one where the take LSD

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Darkness Falls. Season 1 episode 20.

Flukeman is classic, but I like the cancer man/lone gunmen episodes best.

The Unnatural for me. I’m a total sucker for baseball related nostalgia.

Yeah, maybe the best. I live darkness falls despite the fact it is pure plot holes

I like the pilot because scully gets down to her panties and I can put my face up to the screen and SNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFHHHHHHNNNNNNGGGGGG FUCK I'M SO LONELY AND HORNY AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

Jose Chung's From Outer Space

The one with the magician who faked his own death was cool
My favorite is the one where Mulder and michael mckean switch bodies

the field where I died s4-e5, although it doesn't necessarily fit into the greater arch of the series

No he didn’t.


>Folie a deux, insect man turning other people in to mindless drones.
>Arcadia where Mulder and Scully move to suburbs and pretend to be a couple while investigating murders or disappearances.

There many great episodes but those stand out for me.

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Why in the first couple of epusides of season 3 did mullder and scully not say a single word to each other about all the aliens they saw when looking at the x files and trying to escape

I know it implied they have more immediate concerns but really?

What are some of the best monsters, besides flukeman?

autopsy in a train car was Nisei/731

I don't know why, but the episode with the Jeannie from the carpet stayed in my memory

black eyed alex krycek

I saw this one of TV the other day.
I loved when they clubbed the sheriff to death. Surprisingly brutal.

The vampire one
X cops is another favorite.

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i loved the mood in the vampire one. Gave me some real feels.

One of the earlier ones is fantastic. Please don't ask me for the name, but it's the episode with the flesh eating lightbugs.

That tumor thing

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This is one of the only episodes I remember.

The others are the guy who can hypnotize you by talking and gets the cops to drive in front of a truck, and the one with the angry guy who gets struck by lightning and develops superpowers.

I mostly remember the angry guy scene where his ex-wife is talking about how some guy cut him off on the freeway and he followed the car for 60 miles and when the other driver got out to say hello the angry guy punched him.

Man, that arc was great. When he comes out of the bathroom to unsuspecting Mulder, they take off and his eyes go black, it was one of the biggest OH SHIT moments ever


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Y’all must be the gub’ment people

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i was thinking about the exact same moment when i wrote my post. Based.

Darkness Falls. One of the first episodes I saw. The ending was merciless in its lack of closure

>standing in line for 2 hours to take a dump in smelly port-a-potty
just shit in the woods bro!

o fug yes
vincent schiavelli always always always gave me nightmares

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The episode with the Satan worshipping high school teachers was pretty great.

guys you forgot about the john carpenter episode

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I remember all of the forest episodes being really comfy before becoming very unsettling. Especially the one where conquistadors found the fountain of youth and have since evolved into weird beasts that can turn invisible.

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Paper Hearts
Vince Gilligan
muah, superb, 10/10

Also, the one with the zombies that only that one guy can see (mulder eventually sees them).

Dont remember season but the Stigmata episotde and the sn 8 episode "the gift" about the soul eater are also favorites.
I love this show. I wish something similar was available instead of all this true paranormal reality tv shows. If there is a similar show I don't know about it.

Supernatural is the definitive spiritual successor to The X-Files right down to the comfy Vancouver area locations.

I'm fond of Blood and Pusher. Also gotta give love to Soft Light like the user up there did, and I also like the one with Giovanni Ribisi and Jack Black that I can't recall the name of at the moment. Not sure why I like that last episode as much as I do. I guess cus I like Giovanni Ribisi and the Vandals song they play at the end.

Post Modern Prometheus is probably the most kino Chris Carter episode.

>If there is a similar show I don't know about it.
Fringe is very much like it, even has a few callbacks to X-Files, it's not as good and not as dark but definitely has a lot of kino moments, and Walter is GOTY crazy scientst

very fun show

I've always wondered this too
all the scurrying little aliens, or where they came from
it's never brought up or explained
it seems more like a hallucination as why would the government have dumped them at those two sites (the abandoned rail cart and in with those files)

cerulean blue. also jack black was in the lightning dude episode.

I've got a few,

the pilot
Darkness falls
duane barry arc
the funny ones.. post modern prometheus, bad blood

But most of the episodes are enjoyable(except the 8-9 season 'mythology'


Poor Queequeg

when did the main story become shit?
it was great in the pilot

How the Ghosts Stole Christmas

totally shit in 7 season

in 6 season you already start to see it 'uncoherent' but its the lost formula.. hype and never think about 'closing' with some sense

The series was meant to end after S5 and the movie. Fox forced them to continue, and the downfall started straight from the first episode of S6.

Yeah pretty much after the first X-Files movie you should just watch for the monster of the week episodes.

I forgot about that. Ol' Ed Asner

it's kind of questionable before that
anything after S1 with the introduction of the bounty hunters and then the black goo was sort of silly

duane barry and Ascension episodes cuz scully got irl pregnant

Kino episode.

The one where the military shoots down a passenger plane trying to take down a UFO.

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One of the best series ever made. David and Gillian had such chemistry onscreen.

The one where Scully gets trapped in the mushroom cave was kino

The bounty hunters and black oil are great though.
It seems like people who bitch about the mytharc didn't even pay attention. Sure it becomes very difficult to follow, and it gets disappointing around season 6, but it's not like everything was separate. There are regular followups, such as the immunisations that keep a register of everyone in America, and the abducted women who got cancer.
The hatred for the mytharc seems rather pathetic - especially when it's coupled with the sucking off of the comedy episodes. Those episodes are brilliant, some of the best around, but it makes people sound like they didn't like The X Files when it was more serious... which is like 90% of the time. You may as well not even be a fan.

I watched that when I was like 11 and at that time it was the most horrifying shit I had ever seen. fucked me up for a while as a kid

There's the episode "push" where the guy can push his will onto other people through mind control of sorts

also paper hearts was a really good episode

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I remember when the cockroach episode aired and there were news articles later about people throwing things at their tv's when the one scuttled across.

I always liked the one where Mulder switched bodies with the Area 51 guy and they live each others lives for a little while.

>I always liked the one where Mulder switched bodies with the Area 51 guy and they live each others lives for a little while.

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wasn't mulder a player that sort of slept around? I remember most of the female FBI agents had either a history with him or knew of his manwhoring

I know these have been mentioned but:
1. Drive through monster that eats people
2. Inbred hillbilly family
3. ???

He watched porno and was known as Spooky Mulder

Are you sure you're not mixing up the actor with their character?

I remember hearing David is a sex addict

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He is. He and Tea divorced over it. Real life Californication

fluke man's afraid to leave a fluke

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S1 Thicc Scully is best Scully

+1 internet to you

Thanks user

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The HOA tulpa

fixed that for you

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the one with the space ghost from Mars. I'm a sucker for space horror

formerly chuck

>not one post about the most kino episode, Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man

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X Files seasons 1-3 were king of kino tier

4-5 were good, but it was kind of unravelling by this point. Everything after the movie (where they also switched locations from British Columbia to Commiefornia, which I feel negatively impacted things immensely) was actually quite bad, and the seasons with Doggett and Reyes were fucking garbage and borderline unwatchable.

The reboots were alright, managed to recapture a little of that old magic at points, especially with the monster of the week stuff, but the chemistry has never been the same since forcing them together.

If they do a new season again, what they NEED is more Skinner. The 3 of them teaming up.

>that episode where Skinner is framed for murdering a prostitute

Hit close to home

its weird how some episodes of X files were more scary than actual horror movie. not that i'm complaining

Dude the scene where he just snaps her neck out of nowhere, ahaha! That shit was fucking crazy. Came out of nowhere.

I failed to get into fringe like 3 times because of how slow it is

The pilot is fucking perfect but after that season 1 just never gripped me never even got to the multiverse shit

>Everything after the movie (where they also switched locations from British Columbia to Commiefornia, which I feel negatively impacted things immensely) was actually quite bad, and the seasons with Doggett and Reyes were fucking garbage and borderline unwatchable.
I fucking hate people like you.
It's blatant lies that "everything after [x]" was bad. There are some brilliant episodes after any point.
Did the quality drop? Sure. But there were still plenty of great episodes, and a few top-tier ones.

Wasn't the mom missing all her limbs or am I thinking of a different episode?

giovanni ribisi is the lightening guy also.

Yes. Quadruple amputee

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Now THAT'S what I call irony.

That one where they drove a mundane American 4 door sedan

Rural Americans man...

it;s about trump/republican voters

Disagree entirely. Didn't enjoy a single episode after 5, really. I felt even the motw stuff got too surreal and cringe, going for weak attempts at humor.

Funny you mention this because later in the series they were driving cars from Lexus and Lincoln once they got sponsors.

Best episode right there

The episode

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>mfw it's still going after all these decades

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It's done now. Anderson has signed off for future seasons I'm sure. Could still easily do it just with Mulder, maybe even would be better with Mulder and a new young agent by his side.

Or even better Mulder and Skinner. Bring the Lone Gunmen back somehow too since they're trapped in that virtual databank.

brutal ending, poor shalhoub :(

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I liked her in The Fall. She's a lil weird in American Gods. Always gorgeous tho

>it's a day repeats itself episode

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Took me two attempts, but it was worth persevering with

the one where they get attacked by cats

That episode when they went to the North Pole that had a science station where people all killed each other.

so fucking kino

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mulder was pretty based

One of my favorite underrated episodes is season 9, episode 13 "Improbable". It's about a man with astounding luck, and the numerology that surrounds him. Burt Reynolds plays God. It's musical, and funny, and weird, and surprisingly heartfelt.

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For me, it’s season 11 episode 5.

Who else got bored after the first movie? Feels like season 6(?) and on they were just making shit up as they went for some artificial "mystery" baiting, I couldn't go much further than that