Who did it better?

Whos /ourking/?

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I suppose The Night King considering this is Yea Forums and not Yea Forums.
I like the Lich King better though.

Then you're a pleb. NK subverts expectations, so he's a much better character.

World of Warcraft cutscenes are unironically better written than Game of Thrones

>subverts expectations by being a bitch

>shit Yea Forums thread
>there's a tripfag in it crossposting it and every other front page thread


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You no longer need to shitpost for your (you)s
You no longer need to bear the weight of the Captcha
I have taken care of everything

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Return the meme.....

Complete the shitpost.....

Release me from this thread....

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subversion in itself is not valuable. execution is what matters, and it was forgettable. the witch from narnia is many times more compelling


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When my coughposting is complete you will beg for a ban and I will deny you.

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Warcraft and GoT are actually very comparable in this example.

Warcraft has a fairly rich, albeit derivative world, and Arthas' tragic story was built up very well. However, just like dumb and dumber, the WoW writers have no talent and can't write satisfying conclusions to characters and story-lines at all.

>Lol I was just playing with you guys, I could have killed you at any time, you fell into my trap
>You've killed my entire raid full of minions and lieutenants but my plan was to make you my minions the whole time
>deus ex machina Tirion Fordring
>there must always be a lich king or the undead would destroy the world
>arthas was holding them back


My son,
The day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name..

Oh man, if you think that's bad, check out Kerrigan in Starcraft 2

LK's voice is the best thing about WoW.

>arthas was holding them back
that was implied very early with kelthuzads whispers

Night King still went out with more dignity than The Ligh King. WoW butchered that character badly. At least NK got to Winterfell and didn't die in the lands of always winter

have you not played warcraft or simply unfamiliar with the lore?

It makes sense my man. Arthas wanted to be king. He wanted control. If the scourge wasn’t controlled by him then he wouldn’t have felt like a king. He wanted the power, he wanted to pretend he had his own kingdom. It’s not a bad ending at all. Are there better options? Sure.

Anyone who's actually familiar with the pre-WoW lore knows how much Blizzard shat on the LK

Stop making shit it up to justify shit. It's not even a good justification

The writing in WoW makes even nu-GoT look like Shakespeare

There are times when writing a story that the most predictable ending is still the best. But of course, D&D had to subvert everything and ruin eight seasons of buildup. Fuck them.

What are you talking about? There are no such implications in WC3 and that's all that is worth caring about. Everything WoW is garbage

I require source

Seeing as Warcraft just rips off Warhammer and Games Workshop, they're not better than anything.

Lich King had a backstory and writing.
I also liked his tone. He had this open disdain for everything that lived.
It was spooky.

Attached: Arthas.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Lore died when wow classic came out

>Kerrigan turns human
>Kerrigan turns zerg again to complete a prophesy
>Kerrigan turns into a phoenix
>Kerrigan turns into an interstellar demigod and was the true hero the whole time

Why couldn't they have just played it straight? Was there seriously nothing else that they could think of?

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Good counter argument. You’ve changed my mind and I now consider you to be correct lmao

>Lich King had a backstory
I mean so does the Night King. He was one of the first men who was ambiguously turned into a bioweapon to kill his former kin.
There. Backstory.
It's shite, and the execution was beyond awful, but it's backstory all the same.
They're both shitty noncharacters and were better when they were a mystery, because it's hard to write seemingly original content, and even harder to write it well, so neat concepts ring truer and neater when they're left virtually untouched

Didn't play much WoW beyond vanilla but pre-Arthas Lich King seemed cooler.
also Qyburn = Kel'Thuzad

>Arya kills NK
>Arthas defeats Illidan

Lets be real who subverted our expectations better

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wow is not warcraft. either you have never played or it's been years
digging up the dead till the end of the campaign

Before Arthas the lich king does not do anything besides corrupt Arthas.

maybe hes talking about the hivemind like nature and vulnerability despite great power

Arthas had the balls to do what needed to be done in startholme. And only turned evil because cursed blade.

Why was the nightking a smug asshole instead of a brutally efficient undead? I seriously don't understand why he spends so much time toying with the humans, or why he does shit like smile at them or savor his moment in front of Bran.

To be fair, Arthas does spend some time dicking about and being hateful, but he does so after his objective is accomplished. He turns Sylvanas during her dying moments instead of doing so when she still has a chance to retaliate.

I just want the undead to be undead in mainstream media for once. Not every enemy has to be humanized.

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how they should have handled the "must always be a Lich King" thing

Have the Icecrown raid be preceded by a AQ gate style world event where both the horde and alliance bring in massive armies to break through the defenses at Icecrown (zone)
When you break through the last defenses the Lich King himself appears on the balcony and reveals his true plan, getting the armies into Northrend at his doorstep where they're vulnerable, then he proceeds to use unseen amounts of necromancy to raise all the underground buried dead across the entire continent
This is reflected in a world event where every zone has an endless amount of undead spilling forth from various underground tunnel spawn points turning the entire continent into a war zone and trapping both of the armies as well as all the settlements and expeditions the factions have sent

this part of the event continues until someone kills the lich king on that server (maybe have a bunch of replacement quests ready so people can still level and "kill the friggin undead" dailies so people make enough money to pay off repairs)

after the death scene, give another scene where it becomes obvious that with the lich king gone the undead don't magically disappear, they may be less intelligent but there's such a fuckhuge amount of undead everyone is still fucked regardless
and then they have the option: destroy the crown and let hundreds of thousands die and the undead horde going ravenous across the entire continent, or have someone pick up the helmet, put it on, force them underground and save everyone, at the cost of damning himself

its wasnt what he did, but the way he did it

major difference is that Arthas actually got shit done, so when he's a smug asshole he's earned the right because hey, he wiped out the 2 most prosperous kingdoms in the entire world
if the Night King started to get smug when standing at the walls of King's Landing after having scoured everything north of it clean of life, then it wouldn't be a big deal either

The LK is way more aesthetic, better motivations, and has an actual backstory. Also, he wasn't killed by a 12 year old goblin.

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I was thinking more of WC3 Arthas, where his actions are similar to the Night King. While sacking the Elven city he acts smug, but does so after striking the killing blow, while the Night King does so before.

I didn't know there was a right way to purge a city while fighting agents of the dead.

>It's finally over, all the enemies are dealt with and Dany has planted her ass on the Iron throne
>Outside the throne room the citizens of king's landing are cheering for Jon, dropping flowers and other celebratory decorations down from above.
>Stoically he marches into the throne room. Ser Davos and Bran at his sides, he kneels down before the Queen.
>"You no longer need to sacrifice for your people, you no longer need to bare the weight of your crown, I've taken care of everything."
>He approaches the throne
>Dany gets up "What is this? What are you doing my nephew?"
>"Succeeding you, Aunt" he stabs longclaw hard and deep
>It was then she noticed Jons eyes had turned a bright blue
>Bran takes his seat on the Iron Throne, the throne room freezes over.


you mean a level 12 goblin rogue

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Wotlk lich king is fucking trash.
A Scooby Doo villain failling at everything.
At least the NK gets shit done and his story wasn't desecrated by stupid writers.

>At least the NK gets shit done and his story wasn't desecrated by stupid writers.
Are you high

Aria's power lvl isn't the same as a lvl 12 retard.
And the LK was killed by a literally who with a disneyland sword.

>Be LK : Does absoluetely nothing but wastes his army and keep losing every single battle.
>Be NK : Rolls on everything, rez everything.


>At least the NK gets shit done and his story wasn't desecrated by stupid writers.
>At least the NK gets shit done
this is how much the undead army conquered before being defeated so hard they're now extinct

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wrathbabbies deserve to be strangled in their cribs

And meanwhile the LK conquered nothing. Quit the contrary : Northrend is under invasion at the start of wotlk.

>WC3 Arthas obliterates Human and Elven Kingdoms, Takes control of the dead, nearly wipes out all of the eastern kingdoms
>GRRM Night King built up to be capable of destroying the seven kingdoms

>WOTLK WoW Arthas accomplishes nothing, dies.
>Post GRRM Night King accomplishes nothing, dies.

They're more similar than you think.

>Raynor in Brood Wars
"Kerrigan you bitch! I'll get you for what you did to Phoenix! It may not be today or tomorrow but I will be the man that kills you!"
>Raynor in SC2
"Guys we gotta save my girlfriend who's murdering billions of people across the sector!"

What do you mean he destroyed two entire kingdoms

Exactly. But at least the NK wasn't a retard and used his fucking army to actually conquer and rez people.
And the NK had no background, so seeing him getting rekt by a goblin hurted less than seeing Arthas getting stomped by some literally who and his FUCKING GHOST FATHER

I assumed we were talking about the LK of Wotlk.
Arthas during wc3 isn't the LK.

NK doesn't have a backstory and doesn't even exist in the books. It's a no brainer.

Attached: arthas.png (185x185, 54K)

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also helps that Arthas has, by himself, more strategic sense than the entirety of Westeros combined

Hello Rian

Wrathbabs are considered old school epic gaymers by now. Sad.

Arthas in Wotlk was godawful
A) He was Mr Claw or whatever his name was from Inspector Gadget, he'd just show up at the end of quest lines shaking his fist in impotent rage
B) The plot was all over the place, first there's no Arthas, only LK, then there's a bit of Arthas left, then for some reason we kill the human part of Arthas so there's no Arthas yet again, then at the very end Arthas talks to his dead dad but dies later, then somehow the Lich King still exists in the helm except it's not really Ner'Zhul because Arthas killed him, so it's just the Lich King, except the Lich King was just the union of these two souls but now they're both exterminated so who the fuck is the voice in the helm
What a shitshow

honestly Lich King could have been okay if his very first appearance in the xpac was at the Wrathgate

the in a further quest include some kind of forward base or stronghold where the alliance and horde actually do manage to cooperate which you build up over a zone-long quest series

And at the very end of that questline when it starts to look like it'll be the staging point for further attacks it gets surrounded by an undead army and gets completely wiped out and maybe have this be the Lich King's second appearance, as a victorious conqueror raising some of the alliance and horde's best and brightest as his servants

I think the writers were lost as well : frozen throne ends with "now we are one". Then it's only Arthas (you have to read a book to know that the main villain of wc3 is dead), for some reason, every one knows the LK is Arthas...
And then Arthas says "i used to be a shaman".

Absolute kino. Easily the best trailer ever made.

So kino DABID and Dan copied it

Multiple writers with no supervision

>honestly Lich King could have been okay if his very first appearance in the xpac was at the Wrathgate
There's an old saying, Generals go to war planning for the previous war they fought. People usually learn from their mistakes, then overcompensate the next time.
>in vanilla SM is the most popular dungeon(s) due to being four in a close area
>in BC all dungons follow the SM style of multiple dungeons in one area to the point you're overwhelmed with copy-paste corridors and trash
>in BC we never see Illiden outside of like one quest or the raid
>in wrath they try to compensate for this by putting LK everywhere to the point where he became a comical saturday morning cartoon villian
>people complain MoP has too many daily quests
>WoD removes all daily quests and any reason to play the game outside of raiding
>people complain WoD removed all reason to play the game outside of raiding
>Legion added an infinite artifact power grind and chance at legendaries so you need to play to get your legendaries
>people complained the about the RNG of being dependent on legendaries but not being able to get the one they needed
>BfA removed all legendaries
There are dozens of times when an expansion in WoW would try to fix a complaint from the previous one, by swinging the pendulum so far in the other direction it causes a different, worse problem.

would have helped had the lich king taken over several classic areas in WOW
say the areas marked in blue, the 2 large ones (reworked azshara and empty lot above stormwind) get turned into full fledged starter zones for the xpacs while the others get turned into smaller war zones with max level npc's battling it out and maybe some daily quests

all zones obviously taken for their proximity to faction capitols

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Couldn't be more obvious

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>both characters raise an undead army plus a dragon
>both characters get beaten in one hit by an attack from behind and an aspull
what did they mean by this?

except course, how Wow did it vastly better
just raising the frostwyrm was more badass than everything the NK did combined

>Are there better options?
Yeah, he and the LK merged to become a single being, exactly as it took place in TFT

I think it's funny that this comparison is being made, considering The Lich King was ripped straight out of Lord of the Rings

Which idiot thought an MMO was a proper storytelling medium?

the bad guy playing everyone and actually killing everyone is more of a subversion than the good guys beating the evil necromancer bad man


You're better off killing yourself than trying to get into Warhammer.

>bad guy loses
>subverts expectations

If quality programming was the expectation then you're right.

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this. there isn't an original bone in blizzard's body.

I was in the mmo-champion thread where this was made and posted for the first time 10 years ago

just so we're all aware: Game Workshop forced Blizzard to rip them off by being dicks and withdrawing their license at the last possible moment
Warcraft's popularity is just karma

>Wotlk lich king is fucking trash.
Don't be like that. He was good in the trailer

They wanted to do Warhammer but got cucked, so to spite them they made Warcraft instead (get it, hammer, crafting). Warcraft almost doesn't exist

>has real dragons at his command
>a whole assortment of different ud of all different races
>giant undead that are 3x the size of got giants
>mother fucking abominations
>has an entire cult of living worshipers who spread his plague wherever they go
>has his best bud KT by his side willingly
>defeated only by literal light god bullshit shenanigans with the help of 25 of the worlds strongest heroes
>1 ud wyvern that gets its shit kicked in by living wyverns
>just a bunch of weak ass humanoid ud soldiers
>like 1 "giant" who got killed by a little girl
>no creativity with his creations, just zombies
>everyone that follows him does so against their will, no real friends
>soloed by a 4ft tall goblin