It's here
It chapter 2
Best upcoming horror movie of the year
They're remaking the remake from 2 years ago already?
Says quite a lot about horror these days, doesn't it?
Those thighs look delicious
>Let's just move around behind the character where the character can't see but the audience can
why do monsters keep doing this? Breaks immersion every time
Finnkino is back
IT still survives even after they "kill" it as adults
No it doesn't
Will this one have orgy?
Yes it does retards. You'd know this if you actually bothered to read any of the other books set in the same universe
Why does her dad already having dollars before come to America?
Is this supposed to be a comedy?
How will they incorporate the God Turtle?
Like in the first film, probably subtly.
It's probably too hard to work in now in the second film for mainstream audiences who it'll likely just confuse.
How are they gonna explain the kids clearly older than they were in the first movie?
A giant hand will come out of your tv and slap the shit out of you. Basically how it felt getting to that part in the retardedly long book
High IQ post
Are you?
>the Deadlights is a circus clown's ghost now
I knew they'd fuck it up
>Like in the first film, probably subtly.
Was it in there at all?
Look just like how I imagined it reading the book, can't wait.
first one was crap, this will probably be worse
Beverly hit the wall
inb4 a post-credits scene setting up a Steven King cinematic universe
I mean it's kinda obvious isn't it?
Can’t wait for this. The first one was a huge relief in an era of constant low budget Blumhouse bullshit. Was very refreshing to see a big budget horror film that actually didn’t pull punches when it came to gore/murder. I hope this one is even more intense. Great trailer anyway.
I haven't seen the original film or read the book, but I did see the first part of this one. I have to say I thought it was a 5/10 at best. The best bit was literally at the beginning with Georgie, the rest seemed to want to be a goonies film.
Based on the book and original, does it get any better?
good teaser
>is a fucking 3 min trailer
The Pennywise character always has comedy elements
>you know what they say, no one's ever really gone
>the rest seemed to want to be a goonies film.
it's kids teaming up to defeat a bad guy so this is less a criticism than a basic observation
There was a toy turtle in the main kid’s house. That’s pretty much it.
>grandma dancing around like a spaz
It feels like there's exploitation potential there.
Actually an interesting trailer concept with like 2 minutes dedicated to that one scene's slow build. That stare was uncomfortable.
Allowing for pacing in a horror trailer. I'm very interested
The same pedo who spammed threads of her for months after the movie's release were probably the worst poster on this board
How honkpilled is he
the movie will be jumpscare compilation like the first one
If they do go full spider, it’ll probably be explained that IT just took the form of Pennywise, and that’s not actually the guy’s ghost. Who knows, maybe the real Pennywise was actually a good guy, and his good name is being sullied by IT.
the consensus is that the parts of the book and the original tv movie where they're adults are the worst parts, so no, it probably won't get better
Pennywise already used spider legs in the first part, so it will probably go full spider
unless they just wanted to reference it as an easter egg, which is stupid
neither of those dudes, but I mean the only other mention of It I can tell of in King's books is in the Dark Tower (where the Turtle really just explains their history) and in Dreamcatcher, where its suggested that It is in fact dead, or maybe at least gone, because the guy went fishing in the sewers.
Based jaded boomer
hmm why is this shot like a generic visually boring horror movie now
>Chung-hoon Chung replaced by the cinematographer of Replicas and a bunch of tv movies
>when you thought you made a really funny joke and waiting for someone to laugh
will it be blood or shit like in the book? or something retarded?
More excited about v team 2 desu
Looks pretty good.
>Official Teaser Trailer
>02:55 long
>gook good white bad
It's almost entirely one scene
The first film was overrated and nonsensical, kinda shitty. But a lot of fun and pretty intense.
I might have to see this, can't decide.
nigga you know full well you will watch it day one of camrip
I wonder how Amy Adams feels about this. Do you reckon they offered it to her and she wanted too much? Or maybe they purposely hired Chastain to fuck with her?
Holy shit I look like a male version of the girl on the right
You niggers go to the cinema or camRip that shit up
Nope, it was Jessica Christine from the first day, same with Bill Hader, Finn specifically asked for him to play
The director worked with Chastain before and she probably sucks his dick for roles so there was no way Amy was getting it even if she wanted the role.
Too bad Sophia and Amy never got to be on screen together in Sharp Objects, hell not even for promotion were they seen together.
I go for movies i think will be worth supporting, but if ive got the kids i do appreciate a shady link or two
Book is overrated. Miniseries was okay. Part 1 was pretty good. Really looking forward to Part 2.
>what are currency exchange places
i know you dont leave your cellar, but every city has multiples of these business's, where you go and give them local currency for a currency of another nation
no, it's the second part of the story
just like in the books, there's a kid portion and then a portion where they've grown up
at least lolis like it
... the literotica-tier sewer orgy?
So like him?
Jessica Chastain is such a terrible actress.
I was hoping they'd leave that part out.
WAIT, if this is the adult movie, are they having the orgy as adults instead of as kids, then?
The first one was shit. Standard “ooga booga look at me I’m ao scary” shite. The TV movie is infinitely better than this gahbage. Tim Curry > Fagsgard.
Yes, but did you shop this right now or was the pic I replied to the shopped version?
I am confusion.
No one's ever really gone...
So I'm guessing the fat kid won't end up with the redhead in this version?
>show me how to fly
also, fat kid has the biggest weewee, black kid btfo
TV movie pacing was bad, and the effects couldn't quite do it justice
remake went too far in the opposite direction, became tryhard, especially in the beginning -- so much loud stupid music screaming at the audience any time something interesting happens before we get a chance to get involved & creeped out, almost ruined the whole thing
so the clown is the old woman dad ?
I thought it was some kind of alien
Oh fuck I'm retarded
>tfw didn't find IT scary in the least but still found it to be an enjoyable watch
who /watching for 80's comf/ here?
Sleeping on midsummar I see
Where's cameraman?
IT is an interdimensional being trapped in our dimension and feeds off of fear or some shit. also, it can get punched to death by 11 year olds because why not
Fuck fat people lol.
>so the clown is the old woman dad ?
Its just fucking with her
>Yea Forums so contrarian they pretend to support an indie piece of shit but also too retarded to remember the name.
Classic Yea Forums
wait, why is curly hair kid in the reflection, his adult self commits sudoku and never goes back to dairy as an adult
this one is set in 2016
Did the Jew not commit suicide in this version?
in the first movie she already knows it was him who wrote the poem as a kid and still chose chad bill
That's what you got out of that, really?
It's Pennywise's illusion
mudsimmer looks good!
because this remake changed a lot of shit already
and most of the kids don't even have a personality, the jew is not even a coward and is only skeptical when the plot demands
>it can get punched to death by 11 year olds because why not
because it's powered by fear and they weren't afraid of it. that was a pretty important part of the story my man
The TV movie, in some weird way, works better because King is seedy as fuck. The new movies are too sleek and clean, really needed a different director.
Billy was always been a cuck on the novel. She cheated on her wife, and slept with Beverly.
But since everyone forget all the memories they had with Derry and Pennywise after beating the gay alien. In the end, it doesn't really matter
so it couldnt pick a blade of grass because the grass isnt afraid of it? you are telling me it has no literal physical strength against anything unless its afraid of it?
im actually asking, not being a smart ass, is the IT a purely energy being, like it cant store any energy like a battery or something, or does not being afraid of it, give you some sort of supernatural protection against it?
or is it never really brought up, and if you arent afraid of it, it just cant hurt you?
Clearly cameraman is ghost.
Apply yourself
Covered by another coat and tie
How are they gonna explain them netting again after the events of the first movie?
It was a huge point they never met again until 27 years later. But in here they’re clearly look older and they’re still together
>Two WB's biggest movies of the year prominently feature clowns
What did they mean by this?
It's a Freddy Krueger thing. IT can fuck up whoever the fuck it wants, but it needs to build up power first and that power has a very specific source.
Why are you posting like a faggots from those HBO generals?
>Jessica Chastain and Sophia Lillis in the same movie
My little heart can't handle this.
honk honk
Toy turtle. The turtle when the kids go swimming. The tent-thing that looks like a turtle shell when the kid decks his head chasing the boat. The Turtle was all over the place.
>Two WB's biggest movies of the year prominently feature clowns
And neither will come close to $500 million
I will never not be mad.
Pennywise was a real clown in this version?
Probably removed in post.
>movies now have to make a billion dollars to be successful
disney is rotting your brain
no, you think?
Tim Curry was better, and so was his design. Pennywise's design being a normal circus clown with the same zany attitude makes the horror moments actually have impact instead of "le ebin scary clown"
Horror clown are C grade haunted house shit when done straight
>remake went too far in the opposite direction, became tryhard
Exactly. The original was creepy AF without trying too hard. But now you have normies saying the original was trash. Zoomers don’t know what horror is.
More like they have to make $500 million to not be flops
>Ad Astra
>Doctor Sleep
all within 2 months of eachother
>Tim Curry was different
>uses AF like he's a greasy nigger muttskin on twitter
>calls others zoomers
kill yourself zoomer
My favorite aspect of Curry's performance is how his Pennywise has just a subtle hint of being really, really tired of spooking up the town.
This pennywise just isn't scary at all. He looks more like a retard than a cosmic entity who has been here hundreds of years
First of all
>Reading Stephen king
Also mention what other novels set after the events of IT mention pennywise
bill hader will ruin it
>muh nostalgia
Tim Curry carried that movie but it had nothing to do with his design, movie was garbage in every other way than his performance.
>creepy AF
>do I fit in yet?
lol fag
it was fine as far as tv movies go and the kids becoming friends was a LOT better
new one rushed through most of that and just put in jumpscares
damn looks creepy as fuck.
I'm not, she's way better looking and would have distracted my benis too much
also bowers is fucking retarded in the new one
the tv movie was a lot more faithful at least
>'00s tier reply
im guessing that's the real pennywise before the cosmic being took over him
looks a lot better than the first one.
why the fuck do they all look like a bunch of balding 30 year old jew gnomes?
Aside from maybe Ad Astra none of them are going to do very well
didn't the wild moment turn out to be the leper?
Would you really expect anything different? Also to be fair one of them is a nigger.
> all the time, you should try it
>Jessic Shitstain
I can't stand that insufferable cunt. I just can't.
That's not really a mistake or a flaw, though. It just changes what the adaptation is about. It's not even what bogs down these new movies.
what are cocaine-induced fever dreams in a waking state
This is your Ben Hanscom for tonight
Agreed he is absolute shit. Pennywise was scarier played by an older dude. Skarsgard is too young and has a womans voice.
Fuuuuck, look at that tummy.
>You will never play cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything
>jessica chastain
ugly tranny that can't act. What were they thinking?
Based. Bill Hader is great.
He's in the reflection, but not among the adults, they're remembering their dead friend. Jesus.
embarassing hamfisted cunt. she has the acting range of a porn bimbo.
I'm hype for more Reddie kino
you can probably get around it by some elaborate technique using polarized glass but yeah digital is probably easier
If you see the scene again, the reflection shows all the losers. But in person, there's only 5 person there.
yeah, stan was dead, and this probably before/after the final fight. hence why there's no eddie in there too, because he was killed by pennywise
You literally see the old granny get possessed in the background. He inserted himself into that picture the same way he did like 10 times in the first movie.
How do I become gorilla chad-bro
>two of the ugly boys turn into chads
In what universe?
>fatty wrote her poetry and had a huge dick, still went with bill
Yea Forums and /r9k/ btfo, /fit/ reigns supreme
>ruining the movie by casting jessica as a older Sophia who is way prettier than Jessica
this sucks
based clownkino and honkpilled
lolis are excited
Which one do you think is the bottom?
first one was absolute dog shit.
this one won't be any better.
Have long arms and inject test.
first one had some unnecessary shit but it did a few things well, ill watch this. will probably forget about it until it comes out though.
You just know she’s a hardcore Finn fangirl and writes fack fanfics
absolutely based retard
Which 2 are you talking about??
snowflake opinion
Formerly tragedy
They kept the same gender, and the fatty did a diet, what the fuck Warner Brothers?
your point?
The best part of the adult part was when they all turned into jaded adults and slowing remembering stuff that happened when they were kids
the adults part is always the worst one because 6 grown ups being scared of a clown is dumb
There's a "cameo" in Dreamcatcher, stating that he's still alive.
lmao imagine having balls as your chin
why didn't they cast actually cute red head like emma stone?
holy shit that thigh
>Eddie is gonna die in Richie’s arm and it’s gonna be Bill Hader and literally who instead of Finn and Jack
Speaking of Dreamcatcher, its movie adaptation is better than the new IT.
The trailer was nice until they went for the generic SUPERHERO/BATMAN/ACTION trailer.
nah thanks
read the book
have sex
I have to watch this for the cast alone.
How does Skarsgård do it? It's so simple but perfect.
the whole friendship between the kids was really based. I think it was the first time a movie represented a kid's friendship so accurately
what the fuck is wrong with the trailer
it's edited like a superhero epic movie
This is just awful
I haven't watched IT and never will but here are my Sophias
Hooooly Molly :o
Yeah, that's my only beef with the trailer. The music was off
isn't the movie 18 and up? Why the hell would you show this to kids?
Sorry kid I’ve booked these boys for tonight
Unironically got me hard thinking she's underage
Holy shit I somehow forgot this guy got himself a role in the movie just because he wanted to bang those boys so much
You are on some other shit if you think that.
Can anyone give me a rundown how IT appears in Dreamcatcher? Haven't read the book.
Jesus christ fuck off already
Can someone explain why there are kid scenes at all? They beat It and that’s all. Why would they even bother with flashbacks? To show stuff that didn’t make the cut of the first movie?
It's explained in the book autists, all of them became weirdly sucesfull and have supposedly "perfect" lives and neither one remembers what happened, except for Mike who stayed in Derry. It's basically IT's way of keeping them away
She didn't vote republican, that's why she sucks, unlike Amy Adams who also didn't vote republican but I chose to ignore that ;)
Because IT like Stand By me is mostly about adults kids growing up and the things you could only experience as a kid. In the book it's always interviwning between kids and adults parts.
Also the child actors are incredibly popular in the first movie they're the selling point of the film
Because the adults returning to their childhood town requires them reminiscing on their childhood there. They never had any friends later on like the ones they had when they were 12. Mohammad PBUH, does anyone?
Why would IT keep them away? Why not make Mike go away too then? Why not just kill them?
>they're the selling point of the film
the delusion
ahhh tim curry was so good this scene reminds me being a kid renting films on fridays
whatever the news guys names is is pretty good too though
Hader, McAvoy and Chastain are all friends, they worked on "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby" few years ago. Jess Weixler who plays Audra is literally Chastain's best friend. I don't think Adams was ever in the running, Chastain basically dragged all her friends into it
>By the prickling of my thumbs, Dan Schneider this way comes.
Because they nearly defeated IT and it feared them as a combined force.
>Book is overrated. Miniseries was okay
dont get me wrong stephen king is overrated but are you genuinely saying you prefer him as a screenwriter than as an author because thats some retarded shit everything he writes for tv is shite
Probably during the ritual of CHUD. They get high on drugs and see a giant talking turtle.
IT is scared of them and doesn't want them fucking around. He didn't send them away, they all became adults and moved on cause Derry is a shithole, Mike is just the one who stayed.
Why would IT then resume the fight in part 2?
Why would the grown up adults come back then?
i bet she is curly and orange down there
>>Doctor Sleep
that book was fucking trash but always down for some ewan
>thread full of Finnfaggots, shipping roasties, Sophiapedos, and general zoomer posters
If you banned everyone in this thread Yea Forums would instantly improve
how do i get a sophia gf bros
>Why would the grown up adults come back then?
because they swore and because IT started killing people again
Because it needs to feed. And Mike being the only one who never left and still remembers, brings them all back to finish it off as they promised.
A girl was sitting with her boyfriend, and when this scene came on she let out a loud gasp.
What did she mean by that?
Sounds like the solution is to just kill Mike, make him forget as well or move to another town
Dreamcatcher is complete shit (the movie)
The sopia samefag pedo is among the worst along with the ezra miller fag and timothy chalamet fag, mods should perman ban them
>nigger has a basket on his bike
confirmed stolen bike
But the Finnfaggotry is okay somehow? KYS queer.
The fuck are you even on about, no one's posting finn you pedo fuck
Bill is actually Yea Forums, he became a famous novelist and is more of a scrawny nerd.
Ironically the fatty is the one who becomes /fit/.
IT was riding the Stranger Things hype and 90% of their fans are also stranger things fans. Thy need to find a reason to put Finn in it.
fuck off, racist piece of shit
>the fucking state of Yea Forums posters
Aside from maybe Ad Astra all of them are going to do very well
>Tfw it was the scene from the book where Don Hagarty sees all the balloons under the bridge after Penny grabs Adrian
Fucking based. Can't wait to see Pennywise kill that gay fucker in a big screen.
that's kinda nostalgic
>that fucking action superhero music at the end
Holy fuck what a terrible trailer.
>Finn Wolfhard improvised basically all of the dialogues in the movie and somehow still stayed faithful to the book
Sophia is so fucking hot i foresee a great future for her
based cuphead poster
God he’s so hot
I’m looking forward to this film but Jesus Christ that Sophia pedo makes it impossible to discuss this film with his spamming in every thread
it will eb bad because they stray too far from source material, angry cuz i didnt get gangbang scene in first one
He was cast as Richie twice without the directors knowing, he was born to play that role
WOW! 80s kids on their little bikes. I've never seen that before
The trailer looks like it’s a scene to scene adaption from the book
Just grow a pair already, fucker.
is "that scene" canon to this adaptation?
Brightburn looks good too though
>that missed potential for absolute kino casting
Agree such a shame everything else is good but pennywise looks like a faggot
*cracks open a bangs*
yep, they broke the mold with that one. tim curry, that was an actor who could just walk up, look you right in the eye and shake your hand. yep.
Wait, so Eddie dies young? He's my favorite
They already did that for sharp objects.
He kills himself when he finds out IT is back.
Why is Dan Schneider in the back wearing a robe as well?
That's Stanley. Eddie was killed by Pennywise in the final battle.
Hopefully they don't try too hard on the scares, for Part 2 Pennywise should be in bantz mode now that the kids have grown up and are capable of back-and-forth dialogue.
>Doctor Sleep
Are they going to tie that to Kubrick’s version of The Shining?
oh right, got my names mixed up
nope. the book.
Pennywise should have done the floss while moving around in the background, would have been epic.
>nope. the book.
In that case no one will care about the movie lol
>The villain is an immigrant
Wow, problematic.
Mommy amy is too good for this cringe
she should marry me
immigrant from space did you mean, user??
>Bev had already had sex with six different guys before highschool
Her dad was right to worry.
and do a hardcore anal sex 27 years later with billy
Seething spammer autist mad people hate his “””waifu”””
Plus all the shit her macho husband made her do while she shamelessly came again and again while degrading herself with her daddy fantasies.
Luckily Good Guy Bill was there to pick up the pieces.
>several people crying about muh sophia posting
>he is the one that's seething
And there’s the pedo
Fuck this thread
You sound like a seething mad autist
Jack confirmed for top
lol i scrolled down and looked through the thread during that scene
>retardedly long book
page after page of meaningless details on background objects.
aww please don't go
YAY more zoomer """"horror""""!! Haha, prepare to scream at every jumpscare, lil' zoomy!
accurate, it just felt like bombarded with sensory stuff so you didnt get bored. The beginning of the tv movie with georgie going to float his boat works, because theres kind of no build up, its just kids doing thing.
Pennywise seems more like a demon in this IT. The tv one actually seemed to find enjoyment in causing misery.
*Proceeds to lick the boot of far-left authoritarianism*
it really says a lot...
the society we living in..
>Read a book
Why read when you can watch, fucking idiot lmao
how old is he again
Have you not seen this thread?
It's literally the end of the movie after they kill IT and Beverly looks in a mirror and recalls seeing the 7 of them all together one last time. That scene is directly from the book. Also, yep you're right, Stanley kills himself after receiving the phone call from Mike and Eddie dies in the final battle with IT.
>Randall Flagg recruiting Pennywise to take over the post-apocalyptic world
the moist old lady is kinda hot
>winky face
Jesus, this whore would gladly fuck everyone in this thread!
mfw Eddie dies in chapter 2 :,(
This can't be real
They didn't actually film the gangbang did they?
>Standard “ooga booga look at me I’m ao scary” shite
Nice critique
is jack being fucked?