It Chapter 2 Teaser Trailer

Yep, clownkino is back on the menu boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

Looks good. I'm all in. The adult part is the hardest part to adapt and it looks like they did a good job... I must admit I laughed at the old lady walking naked like when you step out of the shower trying to find a towel tho

looks like trash

They must be really proud of the scene where Bev goes back to her old house. It’s one of the parts of the book

>dude let's turn the trailer into a short film instead of showing anything xD

No it doesn't.

Underage banned

>dude let’s just show every scene in the trailer and leave nothing for the movie

Best* parts

I do hope we see some saggy rotten milkers, blackened eyes, etc. Might as well throw in some dialogue from Bev's father about raping her as a cunny. Then it will be kino.

Like the original movie the charm goes away when it's adults dealing with pennywise

mite b cool

Looks even worse than the first one

Can't wait, but like the first one it'll probably only be amazing if you watch it in the theatres.

I hope there are more georgie scenes.

No one really dies in Derry

TV-Movie > Theather duology


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That line is going to be associated more with Pennywise than Star Wars

Star Wars universe confirmed to be confined within Derry

Looks pretty cool man

>I didn't the thing of the old crazy woman. Very unoriginal.
>Awful, very awful music that sounds like for an superhero movie.
>It looks like an action/superhero movies, not a disturbing/horror movie.

Maybe is just the trailer.

based grannywise

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The fucking old lady spazzing out in the most over the top way possible, it's like a fucking joke

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It's almost like he's a clown or somehting

Are we going to see saggy old woman tits?

*crosses fingers*

First movie was trash. I don't have high hopes for this one

Since no other nu faggot has the god damn clown balls to say it I will... Looks like KINO is back on the god damn menu damn.

This and the Joker will put Clowns back on the map. In the way

just like the book

Looking good. I hope they bring back that creepy Junji Ito looking bitch, she scared the crap out of me.

Looks spooky to be honest

Its a chance for better pennywise banter tho. Thats where all the good peenywise parts come from the original movie. As he was never scary to watch any other time

We´re gonna The Shining granny redux no doubt

*Honk Honk*

Clownkino back on the menus, Incelclown Joker pls go back.

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Do you know how to speak properly retard? Its impossible to tell what youre babbling about

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The casting for the adults is pure kino.


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We are literally living in clown world

Looks like the old lady's dad, is that where It got the look from?

Those are some manly hands my dudes

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>Casting Jessica Chastain instead of Amy Adams
What were they thinking?


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Well, the first one is garbage, a colossal turd. This one will be more of the same. We all love to eat shit bro.

Adult chapters in the book were a big letdown

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>another 4 months of nonstop shilling just like the first one
god help us all

>shrieking monster runs directly at person/camera
Why did this type of “”“horror””” get popular

>tfw I enjoy the adult parts in the TV movie
they were comfy

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the shots in the first one where they motion track on IT's face while it runs towards the characters are the worst part, it's like it was made with a phone or something

I thought my life was a comedy


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>no one who dies in Derry is every really dead

Star Wars Episode 9 and It Chapter 2 shared universe confirmed


Naw. Those are typical 40s women hands. If you weren't such a manlet with little baby handlets you would know that.

AGHHHHH the comments are so fucking normie it hurts

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The fortune cookie scene is great and of course

>Kiss me fat boy!

>that shit tier James McAvoy American accent
>that dead pan Bill Hader delivery

This is gonna be a shit show

I guess that means whoever gets killed by It gets trapped in its deadlights?

First one was fucking terrible.

someone shop it and make it a swastika

I read that book when I was 14 and even back then I got depressed reading about how shitty and unfulfilling their adult lifes turned out to be

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This is so forced Jesus Christ.

What kind of fag would even think this. It is easily one of the best horror movies of the last 10 years. Or are you just a contrarian sperglord over everything people might like.

what a surprise, reddit actors in a reddit story featuring reddit jumpscares for reddit audiences
smells like reddit to me

Will they include THAT scene this time?

That's pennywise you inbred blind retarded dog fucker.

Will be lucky to do half as much as the first one. It was a fucking terrible movie that only made $ on nostalgia.


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Normies were a mistake.

Hello paid shill.

Just admit you only like it because you want to fuck the kids and stop pretending it was good horror.

Why do they have to ruin the original creators art?

Oh no, not Clownpiece!

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>10000 subscribers without any videos challenge
Does this actually work?

Not the same user, but you don't have a clue. Happy 13th birthday!

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>It is easily one of the best horror movies of the last 10 years
I thought the movie was alright, but even I don't believe that.

reminder that King went into detail on how Bev came on the fat kids cock

The effect of her peaking around the corner doesn't look good.
They couldn't just have the actress herself peek?

I imagine it went something like this
>circus comes to Derry
>kids are scared of the real clown Pennywise instead of laughing
>IT takes the form of Pennywise to scare kids that are afraid of him
>decides to just keep it as his default skin

enjoyed the first movie but i hope the sound design in this second one will be better... who am i kidding tho, they're gonna keep blasting pennywise's jumpscares in your eardrums for the entirety of the second movie too

The old lady and her dad aren't real. Even the house is uninhabited in reality. It's all part of Pennywise's illusion to tease Bev before big scare

I've seen all the great horror films and I'm 35. Tell me better recent horror films in the last 10 years than It chapter 1. Leave your biased shit out.

So, what could possibly go wrong for a grown up loser club? They gather, have some shots and go for the clown's ass

based king

there is no original movie

Just post the soi horror chart already you baiting faggot

I'm not going to do your homework, underaged pleb

shhhh... dont expose that half of the retards replying to this thread dont know the "original" was a series

Yeah that's what I thought. Shouldn't you be in school right now zoomerfaggot? All talk and nothing to back it up just like everyone in your dumbass generation. I blame your worthless lazyass parents though because your stupidass doesn't know any better.

This. I'm sort of in the same boat. I really liked It and I can't recall seeing a better horror movie since I first saw Alien 15 years ago. Not a shill, I just want to be recommended legit horrorkino, as the genre has repeatedly let me down with it's regurgitated "ghost haunts family" or "teenagers get murdered one-by-one" tropes.

>Jessica Chastain
l m a o garbage movie confirmed


naked gramma doin the pennywise noodle limbs had me goin FUCK THAT

Based Grace reminding you dipshits what really matters

What the fuck was that marvel tier editing near the end.


Why do old people staring is so fucking creepy?

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God, i want to fuck her. She's still single, right??

the witch.
The Conjuring.
the cabin in the woods.
get out.

I think it looks pretty good

god, jessica chastain is perfect

i stopped midway in the book, it got too protracted
do you guys mind posting the passage?

It looks better in the trailer because of context than on it's own like this.

Because they're old people. Everyone's gonna be an old people.

Same. Looking forward to imax.

Going to make a clown pepe edit
Or maybe not

I have not seen the witch or hereditary but for me It was better than the others you posted. I wasn't as impressed with get out as everyone else and I still laugh at a 99% rt that's just insane. Cabin in the woods is awesome but it's just a fun movie, nothing more.

pls make it user. I'll suck your dick for it.

>I can't recall seeing a better horror movie since I first saw Alien 15 years ago
Shit bait

it was a series

>What the fuck was that marvel tier editing near the end.
Expand on that

Seems like they're trying to copy Silent Hill again. That old woman turned into a fucking lying figure!

Fukunaga was gonna do it in IT 1 with the Jew seeing a hottie tempting him in some Jew bath in the synagogue and then she turns into a hag

The 'epic' violin music sounds like it's a fucking action movie

Constant non-scary jumpscares: the movie is the best horror movie of the past 10 years? What's wrong with you?

Where is Joaquin?

Nah the hype isn't there. The other IT threads had people going through the book again and shit. Plus Chastain isn't Lillis.

Just search for IT orgie scene or something, it should come up

She's got a great body and doesn't shy away from nudity though.

Check The Wailing. Much much better than any American horror movie of the last decade, imho.

As long as they include the baby eating scene

The left eye is deliberately looking at the camera

oh god

why? do you prefer the original?

james mcavoy caught me offguard

Duh, the Bye Bye Man



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>The Wailing
That shit was just a goofy comedy until the last five minutes.

underage normalfags policing the internet even though reddit has brainwashed them into avoiding using the word "fag" because it might be "problematic"

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So is the box office autist going to return?

nice approach, instead of showing fucking everything in little clips. still weird that they basically show the whole fucking scene, it was by far the most creepy and best part in the whole book

Most creepy part in the book is one of Bowers' friends being a murdering psychopath and animal torturer. His backstory disturbed me more than the clown by far.

Chastain looks terrible.

I know it was already done for Sharp Objects, but it should have been Adams. Even BDH would have been better.

Was there amention of the lady's father being in the circus in the book? I don't remember.

Which one? "Here's how much X movie grossed at the box office" is about 60% of all Yea Forums threads.

McAvoy is the only good casting here
Bill Hader only for being the same as kid Richie but kid Richie was already terrible in the first movie

obsessed and seething that the majority of people enjoy a thing

The naked grandma running in the background was creepy as fuck

Because some retarded demon grandma running at you at full speed is kinda scary I think


i'm excited for the drider scene

yes. this was actually the scariest part of the trailer. props to the actress

t. reddit's top 10 horror films of the last decade

this one is gonna be kino because they're adults who can act

Fat kid was pretty successful.

Even if he literally got used goods in the end.

its so sad, the only jump scare they have is someone running at them at high speed

The implication is that they were able to harm Pennywise because they believed they could, because silver kills monsters. As adults, they literally have to convince themselves to think like kids because they know monsters aren't real.

>The implication is that they were able to harm Pennywise because they believed they could, because silver kills monsters
This doesn't happen in the movie, they just beat him with sticks

What are you doing here you old fuck?
Waiting for your wife to come back home?

Till Lindemann?

>Pennywise TROLLIN UP a storm in that beginning xD Cant wait for this!

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Maybe you're just a dumb faggot trying to connect lines that dont exist?


Get down with the sickness

They did the shots with the kids along with the first movie, right?
Some of them look almost deformed now

If we don't get it in theaters, it'll most likely be an uncut version. They clearly filmed the old lady naked.

This is fucking parody - old lady trash was hilariously pathetic.

Does anyone know if Witch-Minion and zombie-Minion will be back? They were the best monsters.

Nope they were shooting them until about 3 months ago. So prepare for Jewberty in full effect.

When you are old and a lady the best you can do is run around naked scaring young people. Makes sense to me.

>teaser trailer
>3 minutes long

Theres a chance the leper might make a comeback, but i think they'll do new creatures

for me the worst part of the book was the flying leeches
fuck that shit brother

But they have to explain what happened to the minions. Why did they try merging with IT and then Bev hit them with a pipe and the minions just disappeared?

the kid getting sucked in the drain is still without a doubt the most fucked up thing that kept me up while I was a kid.

What reddit means in this context?

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I genuinely hate Stephen kings writing since most of his stories have a random "shining" kid that brings the story together. Its all very 1960's "they're psychic man!" sort of shit.

I still haven't read the gunslinger yet.

This movie on the other hand on its own merits looks really fucking cool. I'm glad its mysterious and willing to be strange which most big companies don't gamble on. very cool

me on my way to the kitchen at 3AM

Wow man you really think spooky clown jump scares the movie part 2 looks like kino? Pretty sure only 14 year olds and edgy incels are hyped for this trash.

looks like shit

Looked honestly awesome. I'm hype.
Was glad there was no stranger things kid in the trailer so you fucking pedos will shut the fuck up

James McAvoy is an instant watch from me lads

imagine if she put that finger in your butt during a bj lmao i bet it would hurt!

>2 minutes for a jumpscare
>montage set to avengers music
only a retard would like this trailer

i bet you're one of the retard

only will watch to see how they do in the 2nd chapter, the first one is still a mediocre horror yankee film, asians with 1/8 of the budget do better.

excellent post

Oh come on man, shes just clowning around

It hurts more because I actually watch that guy occasionally

what took you so long...2nd post should be first post

The entire book is like that. Whenever something spooky is supposed to happen, King ruins it by throwing a joke in there. He literally ruins the atmosphere of every fucking horror scene like this.

this was never funny

why do they keep going back to the same town with the clown? just move

i just want all the characters to die for the above reason

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Is there actually a connection to the old lady and pennywise, or was pennywise just fucking with reality again? Is he some creepy human, or is he a giant spider from another dimension

It was some noble reason. They explained in the first movie they didn't want it to keep getting away with murder or some shit

They want to kill it so it won't bother the town anymore.

thank you based FBI man

you can't kill it. it's a supernatural. it's safer to just move

aren't you a clever one

but they supposedly killed it in episode 1
how do they find out it's alive?
why does beverly go back to her childhood home when the only memories of it are traumatizing?

he's an ayy. that's it.

I give it credit simply for being an R rated horrof lick in the sea of PG-13 lameness. they should lean into it more though.

>After the Losers’ Club defeat Pennywise, they get lost in Derry’s sewer system. After coming to the realisation that they can’t escape without being unified, Beverly — the single female member — decides she needs to have sex with the six boys.
>After Beverly has had sex with each member, one of the boys instantly remembers the way out and they subsequently escape.


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>but they supposedly killed it in episode 1
>how do they find out it's alive?
one of them remains in town and calls the others to come back. if you move away from derry you actually get amnesia and forget all about the spoopky klown business

The minions are still alive and maybe they revive IT. Witch-Minion probably has those powers

They didn't kill it though. They harmed it and it ran away.

Does answer your question? Honestly, anyone bothering to defend that awful tv series should be the first give away.

>why does beverly go back to her childhood home when the only memories of it are traumatizing?
Cannot answer for the rest but it could be justified in-story with "facing her nightmares" or some shit. A classic.

everyone can move out of the town, nuke it and rebuild it.

if this doesn't work, then pennywise can't be killed and it's better to just move somewhere else

>reddIT part 2

This alone makes me think Stephen King is a fucking hack. I won't ever read his books.

Seriously. What the fuck is that?

This was how it went down in the books, right? Because IT has been there longer than the town, but he adopted the dancing clown persona after a traveling circus came through

>how do they find out it's alive?

They didn't kill it and they surmised that it comes back every 15 years or something like that so they made a promise to come back years later, probably completely unprepared with actual weapons

He does a lot of weird shit like that. I remember in the Dark Tower books where there was a birth scene and he felt the need to point out the baby had an erection and a big penis for someone his age.

You sound like a concerned 40 year old mom

In the library cop a kid is raped in the ass by a adult man for not returning a book on time

Most of them don’t even remember what happened until they’re back and IT has started fucking with them again.

nothing funny about the drider my man I'm just excited to see it on screen

Why do you faggots keep pushing your own fake ass pretend stories into movies instead of just reading the books? This is so fucking autistic.

Everything in the movie supernatural is IT

They're not minions, IT just takes different shapes and forms to terrify the people of derry

I'm an analytical thinker who likes his books to make sense, sue me faggot

Well I'm sure it helps paint a picture...sure it does.

it's called "the library policeman" and yeah he goes on for like 10 whole pages how the guy's extremely large cock stretched and tore that boy's anus and insides. I've read some actual gay erotica that was much less explicit.

He pushes it further by having the mother kiss the head of the baby's dick. Not even remotely kidding.

In the book the black kid stays in town and becomes the head librarian. When the child killings starts happening again he calls all the others to tell them to come back

>me when I have guests over after a long time without interacting with anyone

I haven’t read the tie-in novel. Does it go in detail about the minions. Everyone I went with agreed the minions were the most scary. Especially witch-Minion, she was bad ass. Hope she gets her own movie. Like the nun or VVitch

looks good, but that main scene is one I really wish would've been kept for the film, it was creepy

Andy did this in the MAMA movie, its kind of his schtick and even if it wasnt its cheap way to "scare" the audience

I’m pretty sure they are minions.
IT tries to figure out why some kids, like Georgie and Bev are not scared of him and why he can create minions when he kill them.
He is doing research on Bev in his lair when the guys motivates her to unleash her womanly fury on IT, that tries to merge with his two minions.

both the minions and the drider stuff is bait, don't respond

everyone aside from mike became very successful

Lol thanks user.

the best case scenario is the director has some balls and changes some of the plot points, but bookfags would cry in the streets even though the first one changed or left out well over half of the story

if not, the next best thing is to have pennywise killing even more kids that arent canon and the losers have to stop it

Bev’s marriage is scariest part of the book

One of my favorite bits in the books is when one of them finally remembers all about his childhood when seeing It as an adult, and his immediate thought is something like, "Jesus Christ no wonder Stan killed himself, that's what I should have done!"

Yes. Beverly became a fashion designer, Ben an architect, Bill a director or producer or something, Richie a national radio DJ, I think Eddie had a big limo company. I don't remember Stanley's job.


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the whole movie could be just gradmawise inviting characters over for a tea and murdering them in eldrith horror way.

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Imagine being so lucky you could have sex with Finn Wolfhard

needs a laugh track

IT part 1 was shit
>scene has some good tension, pennywise setting up a good scare
>suddenly LOUD NOISE and something runs at the camera
I hope they cut that shit out for part 2 and actually let the tension ride but there's zero chance of that happening

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Stanley was an accountant, he even mentions that its kind of stereotypical for him to be a jew and work at that

Ah, yes. Thanks

It's Yea Forums. Contra-Cultura. They have to hate what everybody loves or they don't exist.

being old is like being close to death, so young people generally don't want to feel that

is bowers even in this? he got tackled into a fucking bottomless well

Looks like they're going to keep some of the jumpscare stuff from the first one which is kind of a shame, but such is life. Looking forward to it anyway.

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Do you think they'll give us the sequence of It coming to prehistoric Derry in an ark? If I remember right Bill and Richie have that vision as kids, but I hope they'll explain Pennywise in this movie more since they left out his origins in Part 1

Does anyone else feel like their giving Pennywise an origin story here, something different than the "Cosmic" stuff we know about? Is that him as a person clawing at his face with the paint on it?

I'm getting a "he was a circus dude in the 17/1800s and found some haunted/possessed artifact/face paint that turned him into kid-eating Pennywise...I hope I'm wrong.

So, Stephen King is just a straight-up pedophile, right?

Jessica Chastise looks nothing like her younger counterpart.

>two parts isn't a movie, but these two parts are a movie

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This was the funniest part of the trailer. Right after her janky walk behind the entryway and peeking around the corner.

How did you guys not laugh?

The best part was when she stared forward and held the awkward smile for several beats too long without moving or blinking. That was the only unsettling thing in this.

The rest looks fairly standard. With all the group montages and crescendos blaring at the end, I thought for sure they'd send a beam of light into the sky like this was fucking Godzilla or some shit.
Its a soundtrack for an action film- not a horror movie.
They got some nice star power for the Losers Club, but I think the mediocrity of the script and sterile CLIMACTIC visual direction is going to be what kills this.

Its a shame, since they got a lot of the original IT right. The original IT really should have had a longer runtime. Oh well.

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Don't forget how the big climax played out like some kind of kid's movie action sequence, with the Losers just beating the shit out of IT with pipes and stuff.

Thats what destroyed the scares for me in the first one. Just pennywise going WAAAAH and shaking while running. They see to do the same with the naked grandma, so yeah

>tfw didn't get offered blowjobs when trying clothes as a 12 years old
I guess I was an ugly kid

>depressed reading about how shitty and unfulfilling fictional adult lifes turn out
I got some bad news for ya

terrible casting indeed

inter-dimensional jesus turtle was never mentioned, so it could be anything. The only reference I remember was the toy turtle in georgie's room

He has to be. A major point to the Losers returning is that It has to actually plan shit out for once, instead of taking whatever then napping for decades. So he has to bring in Bowers, try to separate the group, probably have Bev's husband come to Derry, all that stuff.

I-Is this normal in LA?

so does this take place in the 90s or mid 2000's? I don't know how long the timejump was in the book

You're right, if I was them I wouldn't do anything to remind people of the "Dark Tower" movie either...

why's she so cute bros?

Pennywise HAS to be some cosmic horror, otherwise the story is pretty much ruined. Like someone mentioned it might turn out that there was an actual clown called Pennywise and IT took his form because the children were so afraid of him.

All the kids in the movie are cute - even the fat kid is cute for a fat kid; only the black boy looks meh (Stranger Things wins in that category).

The book goes from late fifties to mid eighties. This one goes from late eighties to modern day, or close to it.

youre right but the creepy stare makes me hopeful

Its been a while since i read it, but I think there was a circus mentioned before the Kitchener Ironworks exploded, or something.

Gan has a higher powerlevel than Jesus and the Spider. The Other is what anyone in-universe should be scared of.

I just pray that they keep to the brutality of the original storyline now that the actors are all adults.
They sort of sidelined Henry Bowers in the first film. I hope he's the secret antagonist of this movie. That would be a great surprise.

Thoughts on the director?

Redpill me on the Crimson King and his power (level).

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The lady's father is Bob Gray, who also went by Pennywise. There isn't any mention of him being in the circus and its likely an alias IT uses. In the book, It takes the form of a clown because clowns don't have weaknesses. Bob Gray is hinted at being the name of the real Pennywise.

>clowns don't have weaknesses
My dick says otherwise

Gets wrecked by a spoon.
Then by a boy.
He's a bitch nigga.

In Insomnia he was kinda cool, transformed into a giant catfish and all. But I think he gets punched out by a pensioner as well. I guess you are right.

> Why do old people staring is so fucking creepy?
Lynch's trademark

This made me laugh. Thanks man.

>, they just beat him with sticks
Bill shoots It with an empty cattle gun and it works.

I didn't watch the previous one, did they do the gangbang scene or pussied out? I avoided all threads because I'm scared of clowns.

turns out you're just a faggot

They did. 30 minutes of uncensored kiddie sex

I guess I should have worded it differently. I meant if they alluded to it having happened or just "deleted" it from the continuity.

Doesn’t the house in the book turn into candy like in Hansel and Gretel?

This clown isn't scary, though.

what is the classical tune she puts on tho ?

It's very discreetly referenced at this part in the movie, but not explicitly shown or detailed. They'll probably go into more detail in Chapter 2 when Beverly gets Bill'd.

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>It takes the form of a clown because clowns don't have weaknesses
>A hyper-intelligent supernatural entity from outer space observed the world for decades and determined that the most powerful form for it take is a fucking clown

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Anything on TV that has more than one episode is officially a series.

Excepting The Shining, there has never been a good film adapted from Steven King.

If I remember correctly it was actually a falling down, dilapidated ruin. She saw how it really is after she gets back out.

The Stand followed the book pretty close.

You're thinking of a Dark Tower book and character.

normie now sounds less cringe than normalfag somehow

When you step back and look at it, he's not even a good horror writer. That's probably why.

They had him have spider legs in the first movie so I'm pretty sure they're playing it straight from the source

>Shawshank Redemption
>Stand by Me

Some bookfag please explain to me how an eldritch monster literally can't kill a bunch kids/now adults? lmao just use a gun or some shit it ain't that hard

It really doesn't want to kill people that aren't scared or it just can't.

Yea Forums says normies
Yea Forums was also making those same SW jokes

You guys are the normalfags of Yea Forums. This board is a hilarious dump of self loathing.

It's retarded and plays with it's food to scare them to the point it ends up backfiring on it

made for TV movie with a sequel.

>Like the original movie the charm goes away when it's adults dealing with pennywise


IT works best as Horror Goonies.

So why does he always the scare the kids then never does anything? In the beginning he immediately ate that little boy in the gutter

Honestly, just at a glance, the adults have nowhere near the screen presence of the kids. Whoever cast the first round of actors for It did a great job. The kids were wonderful to watch. Each of them was very telegenic. All I see now is a woman who should have been Amy Adams and the fucking cop from Superbad.

It's like Jeepers Creepers, it can smell and taste fear and IT prefers things as scared as possible it calls it basically salting the meat

>Amy Adams

>It is easily one of the best horror movies of the last 10 years

Lmao it was hardly a horror, it's pretty much a kid mystery/adventure movie

Soulless eyes

Her appearance is closer to Bev's than Chastain's. I like Chastain, she was wonderful in Tree of Life, but she doesn't have the girl-next-door beauty of Amy and the kid actress who played Beverly.

Naked grandma dancing past the doorway made me lol out loud.

Eh that seems like a pretty specific gripe. Did you not know about Chastain's casting because this is hardly new information.

They were protected by another eldrich entity. The loosers are basically just puppets being pulled by the strings the whole time

>unironically reading youtube comments
No user, you are the normies.

Do American 12 year old boys really experience this regularly in their life?

>IT works best as Horror Goonies.

This guy gets it.

Attached: 1554151053484.gif (300x266, 2.73M)

I already knew she was cast. I'm pretty sure most people had already pegged Amy Adams as the obvious go-to for Beverly as an adult. Chastain isn't a bad actress at all. She's also beautiful in her own right.

Doesn't matter either way. I liked the first movie and I'll see this one. But the kid actors sold the last film. It's a dopey adventure movie with a dickhead clown roaming about. Throw some adults into the mix and all it does is reveal more of King's shitty writing. I honestly don't think the adult portion can live up to it. But here's to hoping.

It should be Amy

Attached: bev1.jpg (451x297, 52K)

Too old

when Steven King is around, yea


44 vs 42

That's the best type of trailers you cretin