Why is this guy so obsessed with God?
Ricky Gervais
>why does an outspoken Atheist like talking about religion and how crap it is?
Gee, I don't know, user.
how come he makes fun of the monkey guy? it's actually very rude and mean what he says...
Why does he want to spend hours every day watching the Bible, writing sermons about it, arguing with atheists, and making jokes about it? We'll probably never know, but you get the idea.
He’s still in his rebellious phase against his parents because he realized his religion wasn’t true. Most people grow out of it by 14.
It's not about his atheism. Carlin was great. He just keeps trying so fucking hard to be funny I don't even know how he hasn't realized he's worth nothing without Merchant
He's a "one-joke-comic" who's come to the end of his schtick and this is one of the few things that get him attention.
ITT: people larping as Christians pretending to be offended
When's he going after Jews and Muslims?
He's probably afraid to die like a fucking fag
When I die I'm willing to meet my creator and answer for every shot I took
What is his one joke, exactly?
When he was a child, his mother forced him to attend at mass every Sunday
>says setup
>says "funny" part tying in to setup, expecting you to laugh
all his jokes are basically this
All britbongs hate god for cursing them genetically.
Because the Church of England is notoriously oppressive. Ricky is a brave man.
Am I really supposed to believe the kind of people who visit 4channel on a regular basis are devout Christians?
Not believing in god is the default state for the human mind, deal with it.
he browses /r/atheism
Hello, I'm pagan which makes me religious. Don't worry too much about the connotations of that word, I merely use it to describe facts.
Anyway, I have noticed that even though I am religious, the non-religious types actually spend more time thinking about god than I do.
no such thing as a quiet atheist/vegan
It's not necessarily from devout Christians. I'm agnostic, but I'm tired of hearing people bash Christiainity, when especially in the UK Islam is growing constantly and every placates them but shits on do-gooder Christians. It's cowardice.
That's because Steve was the funnier guy, without Steve Gervais is a hack.
Never, of course.
>Thousands of people kill others every year because their gods ''told them to''
>Some comedian is the one that is obsessed
>"hUuR muh scientific proof! If you can't measure it in a pie chart or come up with an equation for it it's not real dUuR"
Why are atheists such monumental brainlets?
Has he read the Bible?
Gervais is the most insecure fag I've ever seen. There was a clip from some show that had Gervais, Chris rock, Seinfeld, and Louis C.K all talking about comedy and telling stories. Gervais would chip in rarely with something unfunny then look around desperately for the others to laugh, and then if they did Gervais would explode into clearly fake laughter.
Don’t be mean to Muslims you bigot
The majority of militant atheists grew up in religious households and are butthurt for life about getting dragged to church every Sunday.
Probably had to go to Church once when he didn't want to
>because he realized his religion wasn’t true
Yours isn't either.
holy shit lmao I'm laughing in real life. You've actually started a militia? does your military have a rank structure and medals and decorations. what does it take to become a first class military atheist? must be a tough boot camp for militant atheists. good lord I don't think I've ever heard such an oxymoronic phrase in my life.
thank you for the joy your impossibly stupid descriptor briefly gave me
He's not stopping Islamic wars by mocking Christianity