Marvel plans to reveal one of its characters is gay

Here's hoping it's Black Panther.

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It will be Hulk.

It's gonna be a woman.

I put all my chips on c*ptain marvel

And watch them not do gay shit in movies because chinese money

Clearly it's Captain Marvel.

Loki. Ragnarok suggested it.

Wait, I think I know who it is. It'll be one of Peter's classmates, funny if it'll be MJ.

It will be a woman because men love lesbians and their acceptance of homosexuality is performative and not legitimate.

>reveal character that is A. already dead or B. very minor to be gay
>score diversity points with your (((overlords)))
>don't have to show them doing any gay shit on screen so that China and soccer moms won't boycott/ban your movie
Genius move desu. Note that, for all the faggot shit supposedly happening offscreen or in backstory of Harry Potter, not once did any gay shit happen on screen/page.

Loki I can accept since the God was Bi in real mythology.
Didn't he get fucked by a horse once and he pretend to be a female horse?
That being said I'm not watching anymore after Endgame, that was my last marvel film.

Obviously it's Hulk

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>And watch them not do gay shit in movies because chinese money
Yeah it'll be J.K Rowling style: claim it's the case without ever showing it.

That's because no one was gay in the HP books, after the 7th one came out Rowling just claimed Dumbledore was gay (all along) for diversity points. (Or back in 2007 or so, political correctness points)

Tessa Thompson

Honestly this, I'm pretty sure it'll be Valkyrie, Mj in Spider-Man or a female character from Captain Marvel, but not her because they don't have the balls to make the protagonist gay.

it should be black panther. what could go wrong

See I know you're right, but I really really fucking hate that you're right.

Good chance it's Loki, Captain Marvel, or one of the other female background characters. (If it's a woman, don't be suprised if they chicken out at the last minute and make her bi though.)

Genius, nignogs would chimp out because they hate homosexuality, and they'll blame "white" writers and "white" directors but it's the jews all along again.

It better be Captain Marvel. If only because that movie basically all but shouted "CAPTAIN MARVEL AND THE BLACK CHICK ARE LESBIANS TOGETHER"

Loki is the most obvious choice if it's a guy.

A lot of rumors about the Loki tv series have been that they are doing the reincarnated into female body story.

Black Panther would be hilarious but we all know it's gonna be Captain Marvel

Not her because she's the protagonist and you know I'm right. It'll be a female minor character.

more like Nu-lk

100% it's going to be Captain Marvel. They're going to retcon her comic character as a lesbian. I wouldn't be surprised if they introduce Spider-Woman also and then make the two a couple.

Some dude was gonna build a wall around Asgard. He pretended to be a female horse to distract the dudes horse and derail his plans. Got fucked by the horse and CARRIED THE BABY TO TERM. The madman

This like are you guys retarded? She had a lesbian haircut in endgame and wore some faggyass mansuit to tonys funeral

Being gay in China and the east isnt a big deal. Homophobia is a western thing



Also, it's been heavily rumored that Brie Larson is actually in the closet. A lot of gay actors like to take gay roles to throw off suspicions.

Are you niggers serious?
It's obviously The actress is outspokenly bi

So liking a song makes you a nazi? Do you like devil went down to georgia? congrats, youre a nazi. Do you like Guns n Roses? Youre a nazi? Do you like to breathe and be white? Youre a nazi! Do you like America? Congrats youre a nazi! Did you vote for Bush or Trump? NAZI! Did you attend private school? NAZI! Grow up in a loving white family? NAZI! NAZI! NAZI! NAZI! NAZI! NAZI! NAZZZZI!!!!!!!!

It was Ebony Maw. A guy doesn't take that name unless they're really into sucking black dick.

It's Valkyrie or Nebula.

>Being gay in China and the east isnt a big deal. Homophobia is a western thing
Dumbfuck. It's tolerated so long as you keep it to your self, but you get shit thrown at you if you try to politicize it like for instance showing it in media in China. If you don't know the nuance don't even speak on the topic. Private life and public portrayal have two different rules in China and that's something you westcucks can't comprehend.

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Gayfag here


I’d be so happy if they made the KANG a gay.

It's probably going to take a couple more years. Hollywood loves to drag out shitty fads.

>Being gay in China and the east isnt a big deal.

Is that why China literally censors gay shit out of movies before allowing them to be publicly screened?

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Dude some woman got jailtime in China for having a lesbian in her webcomic. A bunch of games recently had to be changed because they promoted homosexuality. You're super ignorant if you think gays are given equal treatment in most eastern countries.

Nah, sorry.
The main dude in Eternals is rumoured to be going to be openly gay character if that helps

That would be a ballsy move, all things considered. But I doubt they want to alienate the black male audiences.

That's one of the Mortal Kombat 12 characters confirmed in the next roster.

It'll probably be one the the characters in the forthcoming tv series. They can effectively do whatever they want with a few characters now that they won't likely appear in future films. Saves the Chinese box office.

Would it even be possible to tattoo Hulk? What kind of a needle would penetrate his skin?

dr strange

Maria Hill with a totally off hand and out of place remark that's shoehorned into Far From Home.

Since you're here reply to this: how does a man's ass feel like?

>major step for LGBTQ representation
You guys have your own dedicated movie channel, a plethora of gay characters in comics, games, and TV, and gay Oscarbait wins awards regularly. You have representation. Get over it.

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Out of 7.7 billion people on this planet the amount of people who give a shit about tolerating faggots are the dying little shitstain of 600 million people in the Westcuck/Anglocuck countries, and even those are divided on gayfaggots. Sorry to break the news to you.
Given how the homophobic societies are the ones who are procreating while the homotolerant societies are the ones dying and rotting away, it's also a mathematical fact that, as always happens in history and happened multiple times, you will only enjoy this homotolerance in a tiny timespan before the whole world is yet again throwing you off buildings and killing you with rocks.

>homophobia is western
>the middle east is now western.
>shiggery diggery doo

>What kind of a needle would penetrate his skin?

pretty sure if you tattoo banner then Hulk gets it too, its not like a werewolf transformation where he rips his way out of Banner's normal human body


Keep crying bitch homo. Math doesn't give a shit about your feelings.

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100% this.

Don't be suprised if a few of the tv series get kinda crazy. Especially for characters like Wanda and Vision. They likely won't be on the big screen again.

Reminder that Disney's every decision is mandated by focus group to make sure there won't be significant backlash.
They'll focus test many of their characters with the gay until they find one most audiences react positively to, and that's what they'll go with. They won't tell who it is because the Russos themselves don't know it yet.
Though it might look like it, this isn't a Rowling-esque arbitrary "he was sucking cocks all along" reveal, it's a calculated move.

It will be the one no one is considering

>pic related

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Wouldn't the pain response for the tattoo being done trigger the Hulk transformation? Kinda like the autonomic response he has if he gets too sexually excited.

>Reminder that Disney's every decision is mandated by focus group to make sure there won't be significant backlash.

This is wrong.
Disney stopped caring about backlash, or even money, a while back.


To hold? Pretty nice. I'm still a virgin though.

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Yeah, pretty sure if Banner wanted a tattoo he'd get himself drunk or sedated beforehand

if he didnt then its either a bacherlors party / lads night out gone wrong or the Hulk wants a tat in which case I guess youd need an industrial laser

God bless the Chinese.

>Disney doesn't care about money

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A gay virgin?

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Depends if he's still savage. The new professor hulk might be able to revert to Banner for short times now that they are mentally one.

They really haven't, they just perfected it to an art form at this point, to the level where, when they want to """"innovate"""", they make it look like a bold, progressive decision/move, but it's never so out there as to spark genuine outrage from people that can't be dismissed with the "flyover hick" argument.
That's why I don't think they'll make the blonde chick from Frozen gay in the second movie, despite all the tumblr types clamoring for it, because having that on a straight up animated kids' movie would be too out there. They need to get people even more malleable to the idea before dropping this one.

Thumbnail looks like Sam Hyde, wtf

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desu youre a virgin until you put your dick in a vagina even if youre gay

fucking another man in the ass doesnt cut it

Other Gaynon here, I imagine a lot like a woman's but man like. I really don't have a good reference point for you, you'll need a bi user.

You are a god damn weeb idiot

Women are easy, only after you crush a warrior in battle, enslave them, break them till they're your willing cock slave. Only then will you not be a virgin.

>They're already cast-calling an asian qt to be Clea

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It's black Captain America. He's gay in the comics as well

Well I should restate it. I attempted to have sex with a woman to confirm I was gay and wouldn't have been able to go at all without pills. I've only given blowjobs, no giving or receiving male/male sex. I guess I'm technically not a virgin, but given that its Yea Forums I really didn't care to get into such nuance before.

>Brag about bringing out a strong female character to inspire little girls

>make it so 97% of the female population finds it difficult to relate to her so Brie Larson can feel smug and pretend she’s not a rich white girl from an acting conservatory

Captain marvel, Im sure

And that horse was Sleipnir, Odin's six legged horse that Loki gifted to him.

Aren't the Dora Milaje lesbians in the comics? How come there was no mention of it in Black Panther?

It'll be Valkyrie. And all the prog-lefties will bitch endlessly about how that was expected anyway and it should have been someone else to satisfy their bleatings.

In China, it's illegal to put faggotry into media.


Its obviously one of the white men. Thats the most 'woke' option.

Noone would care if they made that bald chick from Black Panther a lesbian.

This. It SHOULD be this though:

Not him but another gayanon: it's okay. I don't think anal is the 1:1 analogue of vaginal sex people act like it is, like it's the gay version of regular coitus, because it's not. A lot of dudes don't even bother with it


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Next they are going to announce that the sky is blue.

>first gay hero
>it's a cartoon CG animal

This would be the best possible outcome from a shitpost perspective. Twitter enraged by the slight, furries rejoicing everywhere; it'd be a lot of fun.

wrong pic

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Also, they pretty much already announced Captain Marvel as gay when she appeared with that haircut

Partially true. Men engaging in abnormal sexual behavior is naturally more repugnant because it's seen as the mans role to get out their and fuck women. The behavior we don't tolerate in women is that once they've slept with a man not to fuck around because then the child could be anyone's. Of course this was from when we lived like animals but those influences are still there.

Gotta be falcon because he has literally no other personality traits

He has a family though

they removed all faggotry from Bohemian Rhapsody for the China release

I'm sure they must have but can anyone confirm if they removed the self insert gay scene from Endgame for China.

It's the most marketable gay.
The way they're talking about it seems like they're patting themselves on the back, and I don't thing womangay is enough for that in this day and age.

Imagine believing this

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And even then, it's too much.

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that would be hilarious

I can’t stop laughing

They’re just pulling an “over watch” on us. They want to stay as relevant as long as possible by using lazy “socially acceptable” cop outs. They’ll have he gall to shame people as bigots “that hate gay people” for pointing this out too.

we live in hell

Well isn't that something.

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they've already said she's bisexual

It'll be Captain Marvel
It has never been about representation but social engineering. Homosexuals are easily manipulated, really it is a social trend being sold as an identity.

its Valkyrie

the actress stated as such that her character is not only bisexual but she wanted to have an on screen romance with captain marvel

in the future they want to have Hercules be openly Gay in eternals.

Black panther wont be gay because Africans in Africa do not play that shit nor do they tolerate it in anyway

>a tiny step backwards for humanity, a big step forward for our careers

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Hiddleston and Bettany are implied to be leaving after their D+ series.

he didn't care about Scarjo's death and he refused her numerous times

it sorta makes sense

it has been foretold


as vapid as homofaggots

it's spiderman, he has the tightest outfit

Loki, Rocket, or Marvel. Literally everyone else has been confirmed as at least bi. Maybe Mantis