>antagonist is evil because... he's evil
Antagonist is evil because... he's evil
Yeah, so?
Look at the Jews
>guaranteed 200+ replies
Fuck you and fuck your mother
>antagonist is evil because he believes in flat rate tax
>I need somebody to relate to because I'm an unrepentant asshole so make the evil villain sympathetic!!!
Globalist Money Elites aren't Jews Nazishit
Explain psychopaths with good childhoods then
Being crafty and parasitic plus a natural in group preference isnt some mass organized evil, its actual a very loose and interesting evil that your tiny brain doesnt want to think about with nuance
>has more resources
>has superior strategies
>has superior technology
>still loses because of plot armor and literally (((god)))
>Look at the Jews
This. Evil is genetic. Some individuals or groups of people (a.k.a Jews) literally can't help but be "evil". It is our job as the righteous to wipe them off the Earth.
Evil has no duality, it can only be destroyed in a Holocaust.
He wanted power, dominance and with it comes destruction
Tolkien good/evil agency is as complex as Christian idealogy
Plot armor saved him too. He should have died but for "muh will".
fuck tumblr
based poltard
He literally had the opposite of plot armor when he got his finger cut off.
There is no possible reason why he would try to grab Isildur and his actual armor should make it impossible to have a finger cut off cleanly.
Do you even know what fantasy, or romantic literature is? What an archetype is, perhaps? SpeAk EngRish? GoT faggot.
Ignore the movie.
It's called the GOP.
Nothing wrong with a villain that's just evil to be evil, Sauron is one hell of a force and presence, he never truly dies anyway, he just becomes weakened and can return again if the conditions right. If you can't understand Sauron then you just don't know your evil and how a villain that's just evil will always be way worse than a sympathetic one. Voldemort, Palpatine and Sauron are some of the most top notch villains because unlike a lot of the newer villains they are just evil and born into it. But Sauron is nothing but a foot heel to the true evil of the LoTR lore and that is Morgoth or Melkor as he's also known as.
I would guess Jackson and whoever thought it would make Sauron less threatening to be defeated and "killed" in a straight-up fight. It was made an accident because that was less humiliating maybe.
what happened in the lore?
Several battles were fought just to enter Mordor. Orophir, Thranduil's father, was killed during the fighting on the land that became the Dead Marshes, which used to be called the Battle Plain of Dagorlad. That was the largest battle, and Sauron's armies were mostly spent in it. The Black Gate was quickly captured, but a seven-year siege of Barad-dur itself was required to defeat Sauron fully. Isildur's brother, Anarion, was killed by a projectile hurled from the fortress. Finally Sauron was forced to make a desperate sortie to try and break the siege. He fought Gil-galad, the last High King of the Noldor, and Isldur's father Elendil in single combat and killed them both, but was 'defeated' himself. Isildur cut the ring off Sauron's hand as a kind of keepsake or loot. Nobody really knew what it was, and it was by happy chance that this also prevented Sauron from re-materializing himself much sooner than he did.
I’d rather have a villain that’s evil because he wants to be than some asshole who’s bad because he had a shitty past
Specifically, the ring was a weregild for the death of his dad and brother, because Tolkien loves history. He wasn't just randomly looting, it was reparayshuns.
so glad the film reduced him to a spotlight
A serious misunderstanding. "Sauron" never even physically appears in the story; he is a miasma, dissipated force, "The Eye."
The villain is the Ring, the One, which is a representation of the evil (or potential for it) within us all.
Why do you think the crux of the climax is Frodo on the lip of Mount Doom, trying to cast it into the fire, while the great battle at the Black Gate is a distraction and Sauron doesn't even appear there?
Did not expect two(2) rational individuals in one thread. I’m freaking out a little.
>there are phrases for what is happening so it isn’t retarded
There's a complex explanation of how Sauron became what he was. It wasn't "evil", but you're just trolling, so fuck you, autist.
will it be kino?
starring ben shappiro
Actually Sauron was just autistic. Let's say the world made by the Ainur and Valar was made from clay, resulting in various shapes that do not necesserily make any sense. Sauron wanted a world built by (his) lego. Perfect blocks that fit together.
Once again, autism is the true enemy.
nah the dic. is shit
Yes, and?
There are people who are born dicks.
That's just how it goes sometimes.
I have a strong feeling it’s a famous-death-can-grab movie. Complete with forced focus on romantic interest.
>see, it was because of a woman the whole time