Didn't see a thread about it.
What level of politicized garbage do you think this will hit/10?
Didn't see a thread about it.
What level of politicized garbage do you think this will hit/10?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying Watchmen wasn't already political
take your brain medicine, ya ding-dong diddly retard
>we convinced ourself that they were gone
>but they were just hibernating
>day of the rope soon
>tick tock tick tock
is this the first siegepilled tv series?
Looks like some solid rotten garbage. Amerimutts will love it.
Watchmen was already EXTREMELY political but feel free to cry because you dont agree with the politica this time
Who is making this show, Damon Lindeloff?
>DC puts out another piece of shit
What a surprise
Watchmen was political. It wasn't cringegod good-boy-points rightthink political.
>from Damon Lindelof
Imagine actually watching this
isn't Watchmen vertigo?
Looks like trash. Might try one episode just because Jeremy Irons is playing Ozymandias.
Lindelof shitting all over another established franchise i see
Politics is fine. What we don't need is another brainlet muslim lives matter more propaganda reel.
>be dc
>be jews
>take all of alan moores creations and ruin them
>dont understand the orginal watchmen was a deconstruction of typical super hero tropes and that means no sequels, prequels, expanded universes, or any other money grab garbage
>be pol
>dont realize alan moore was a political anarchist and watchmen was highly politcal and Rorschach was meant to be a piece of shit libertarian type
Holy shit it really is him? I was just joking.
>don’t realize
Don’t be naive. They know exactly what they’re doing.
> A jew writing about evil christians persecuting black people
It's all so tiresome.
So the Rorschach gang are supposedly some sort of evil right wingers that take justice into their own hands? They seem to be killing cops.
alan moore doesnt even like comic books anymore. He thinks they are fascist power fantasies and hates cape shit and thinks its ruining society
Rorschach was absolutely not libertarian.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Your point?
Yeah and they're advertising it with his name like he has a good reputation or something
>libertarian type
>complains about muh degeneracy
so Rorschach was supposed to be a proto-Christopher Cantwell?
Oh, boy.
HBO is very fast going downhill and taking the Netflix road. First the GoT disaster, and now capeshit no one wants to see.
literally came true:
Watchmen was from before Vertigo existed and even in recent years DC published those shitty prequels under the DC imprint. Watchmen was 1986, Vertigo started in 1993.
The movie was ok
I agree on everything else
Would be a better series than the one we're getting
>I hate it when things are political
>unless I agree with them of course :)
>be dc and marvel
>dont realize that moore basically ended cape shit with his deconstruction like a good anarchist/occultist would
>they keep making cape shit anyways even though past moore comic books become shit and both companies are always on the verge of bankruptcy
>be Yea Forums
>think they invented meme magik
>moore had a good time with you guys in the 2000s
Well for one not all political views are sensible but beyond that the censorship of all but one side makes it boring. It would likely be much the same if every single piece of media was about the jews.
Don't worry it's made by Jews. So the Muslims are going to be bad guys in the story.
>be DC
>continue to use the Watchmen name to produce prequels to a self-contained story
>later include the Watchmen characters in your big crossover event with the rest of your roster to boost up your sales, even if, yet again, Watchmen is a self-contained series
You mean like real life? I live in a city where every day there are unprovoked shootings by muslims and we have an organised white child rape system by them. I don't need media to tell me that.
Rorschach was a fascist.
Have you not seen doom patrol?
The Watchmen comic had smart politics written by a smart writer. This show does not have that luxury and will most likely suck shit. Some of you people really don't fucking know what others are talking about when they mention "politicised garbage" these days.
Horrible TickTock ...i mean trailer.
Here's Lindelof's "letter to fans" about why he finally chose to adapt Watchmen.
>nigress hero
Yeah that’s a no.
Oh my god the cringe
What city?
Do you live in Nigeria or are you just addicted to overstatements?
"Watchmen is being politicised!"
Are you actually a fucking mongoloid? Have you only read the title of the book?
you're so dumb and reactionary it hurts
Of course not. No one has because no one wants to waste $8 a month on nothing but DC shit
Your reply didn't say anything. Why are you so fucking stupid? Watchmen is all politics.
>night owl is a beta orbiter cuck
>rorschach is a incel ragelet
>silk spectre is literally stacey
>blue guy is the meme of a braincel, cucks himself with himself
>comedian is /our guy/