If it was my duty, as a Doctor, to save your life, I would let you die

>if it was my duty, as a Doctor, to save your life, I would let you die
>Be grateful and support my ideals

Attached: Lul.jpg (1032x2048, 351K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you don't have to tolerate the intolerant

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What if I didn't tolerate your intolerance towards the intolerant

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I don't tolerate (you)

Why are white supremacists such fucking faggots?
Hur dur I wanna say whatever I want but no you can't react to it at all or you're not playing by my rules ablooabloo

At least niggs own it when they spout garbage

>its ok to do self justice
SJW would be the first to go honestly

By that logic commies should be punched too.


>spouting genocidal ideologies that in living memory killed millions upon millions of people

Like communism?

>"excuse me, is this the administrator? yes, i'd like to file a complaint against one of your doctors. he just informed me he would've let me die on the table because of my political beliefs. also could you please send the doctor's contact information to my counsel? i'll be filing a personal lawsuit against him with the ACLU."

Pol thinks the government has a duty to force Twitter to allow them to say whatever they want without being banned.

>i never said niggers were worse than jew faggots.
>white supremacists
Dumb american.

>wall of text
>all those verbs
>quotation marks with no atiribution
0/10 propaganda design
A woman made this

Political beliefs arent a protected class luke race and gender.

it's a kike uses a nazi as a mouthpiece episode

I got banned from pointing out americans are afraid of russian involvment on their elections and yet they don't care about AIPAC and israel's spies. That's how retarded twitter gets

What the hell does that tattoo even mean?

Attached: rj96A.jpg (460x321, 18K)

>not wanting to be killed over a tattoo
>”lmao what fucking faggot dontyou know actions have consequences!”

why does he have an S on his chest? is he superman?

. i bet those liberal writers felt so satisfied with themselves writing this.

And? They can do as they like with their services.

I got banned for saying learn to code

>lolbertarian spotted

>>At least niggs own it when they spout garbage

Attached: ffff.jpg (300x239, 12K)

the left-wing wall of text meme even applies to posters?

What's stopping people from retaliating?

>hating on a supermanfan

Attached: nazi.jpg (600x305, 45K)

>At least niggs own it when they spout garbage
>(citation needed)

>"oh, is that so? i wasn't aware. regardless i'll be filing a malpractice lawsuit considering you have a doctor who thinks it's okay to let patients die if he doesn't like their politics."

have bex

>At least niggs own it when they spout garbage
Not so sure about that

this but unironically

>At least niggs own it when they spout garbage
Do they really?

Then you punch the guy who punched the guy and the self-flagellate
It is correct though that for a society to be "fully" (maximally, rather) tolerant, it can't tolerate the intolerant. Otherwise you get Sweden, England and other cucked countries

why are white supremacists in libcuck media always such pathetic faggots? obviously, this guy would feel no shame being saved by a black woman, he'd just have preferred to have been saved by a white (non-cucked) guy, since that guy'd have done a better job. as for the argument that's surgeons are a finite resource and eliminating all the blacks makes it less likely you get saved, don't worry. we'll eliminate all the blacks they would've been performing surgery on too. now that isn't a problem anymore.

or y'know whatever, I just pulled this out of my ass right now. but you'd expect the guy with the massive swastika on his chest to have better arguments for having that there than some random shitposter who spent 5 seconds thinking about it does

Because you were antagonizing people. You use their service and you have 0 right to use social media.
What I am saying is correct. Twitter offers a free service that is subject to their TOS. You agree to abide by it and they are clear they will ban if it is found in violation.



Attached: hahajew.jpg (1888x1027, 931K)

They kind of do, per Marsh v. Alabama.
>we have recognized that the preservation of a free society is so far dependent upon the right of each individual citizen to receive such literature as he himself might desire that a municipality could not without jeopardizing that vital individual freedom, prohibit door to door distribution of literature. From these decisions it is clear that had the people of Chickasaw owned all the homes, and all the stores, and all the streets, and all the sidewalks, all those owners together could not have set up a municipal government with sufficient power to pass an ordinance completely barring the distribution of religious literature. Our question then narrows down to this: Can those people who live in or come to Chickasaw be denied freedom of press and religion simply because a single company has legal title to all the town? For it is the state's contention that the mere fact that all the property interests in the town are held by a single company is enough to give that company power, enforceable by a state statute, to abridge these freedoms.

>im a doctor who kills people i dont like haha, dont worry im a good guy tho XD
in what world is the doctor not far worse than the 'nazi'

Why are American neonazis so obsessed with hating black people anyways?

The actual nazis barely gave a shit about them

Is this a recent American TV show?

Did you know that whites are now a minority in the US, among people under 20 years of age?

What does the S stand for?

I want to punch a nazi but I'm afraid that his Big Guy friend will simply catch my punch with his hand.

>just make your own social media network!

> we'll eliminate all the blacks they would've been performing surgery on too. now that isn't a problem anymore.
fair argument
proportionally the health care system would be unburdened
it's latino nurses which start to cause logistical issues

>>We do not agree that the corporation's property interests settle the question. [2] The State urges in effect that the corporation's right to control the inhabitants of Chickasaw is coextensive with the right of a homeowner to regulate the conduct of his guests. We can not accept that contention. Ownership does not always mean absolute dominion. The more an owner, for his advantage, opens up his property for use by the public in general, the more do his rights become circumscribed by the statutory and constitutional rights of those who use it.Thus, the owners of privately held bridges, ferries, turnpikes and railroads may not operate them as freely as a farmer does his farm. Since these facilities are built and operated primarily to benefit the public and since their operation is essentially a public function, it is subject to state regulation. [3] And, though the issue is not directly analogous to the on before us we do want to point out by way of illustration that such regulation may not result in an operation of these facilities, even by privately owned companies, which unconstitutionally interferes with and discriminates against interstate commerce.

Hey Doc, what now?

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but we have to tolerate intolerant leftists, right

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>Sir, i have never claimed a black cannot perform surgery, i just desire that they do it in their own nations upon their own kind; further you have broken your Hippocratic oath and i will be reporting you to the relevant authorities.

Are they time travelers or what?

hahaha what the fuck is that spastica

captain america was more /pol/ than /pol/

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>Hur dur I wanna say whatever I want but no you can't react to it at all or you're not playing by my rules ablooabloo
holy shit. the projection

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>you have 0 right to use social media

Attached: caa7396d97037cab6c3cfe0266a91bb1-xl.jpg (840x672, 70K)

The retarded and left-infested justice system. See: Charlottesville.

in D.C. they are

The Jew always projects.

>the hippocratic oath is legally binding

speaking of spouting garbage...

Attached: ddddd.png (500x530, 189K)

Seed and Feed

>Twitter offers a free service that is subject to their TOS. You agree to abide by it and they are clear they will ban if it is found in violation.
If they are enforcing the TOS as it's written, no problem. There is plenty of evidence that this is not the case.
If they have the balls to write an explicitly political TOS that reflects their actual pattern of behavior, again, no problem.

>They can do as they like with their services so long as it is adversely affecting people I disagree with and not people I agree with.

Fixed that for you you jiggling faggot.

remember that the next time a baker gets sued for not making a faggot cake

White Americans are a minority of people under 20 years of age in the US.

>killed nazis and racist imperialist nippon
>muh mascot

lmao the state of alt right

because leftists think white supremacy means frothing, irrational, omnipresent hatred for anyone or anything not white. it's just a classic strawman

He didn't say that. You're putting words in his mouth and then claiming he said them.

>people should die for having opinions I don't like

Attached: SJWs harass a 10 year old kid and fail.jpg (741x2765, 320K)

>the hippocratic oath is legally binding
you'll be disbarred, have you license permanently revoked and possibly face criminal proceedings if its proven that you threatened to kill someone in your capacity as a doctor

Can't wait for liberals to start being treated like this then.

it shows

When are we getting a Black Terror movie?

Attached: 01.jpg (271x400, 105K)

i think you are a Nazi, can I punch you now?

>He didn't say that.
>you have 0 right to use social media

try reading next time

>Because you were antagonizing people.

Holy shit I can SMELL your fat rolls.
I bet you think "Cyberbullying" is real, too.

Not on the basis of the hippocratic oath. Breaking that thing literally means nothing.

>it's a the nazis hated everyone that wasn't white episode

Attached: 1497281325699.jpg (900x700, 140K)

This implies that the Left is fighting actual Nazis and not just beating the shit out of women, journalists and unarmed men on their knees.

Attached: Antifa Attacking Jews.png (832x920, 731K)

>They lost their right not to be punched in the face when they started spouting genocidal ideologies
Cool. I'm off to punch Huffington Post cunts.

Attached: Huffington Post kill all men.jpg (2048x1536, 178K)

>because in the real world the best thoracic surgeon available is a black woman
That's why its hollyjew propaganda not real life.

If that guy secretly recorded the doctor saying that, then consequences would never be the same. Hence why someone smart enough to get into and pass med school would not be caught dead saying that.

>They lost their right not to be punched in the face when they started spouting genocidal ideologies

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if you could throw a bunch

of course, all white people are on one team to oppress the black team per identity politics

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Of course noone would. It's a shitty drama show about doctors.

>Breaking that thing literally means nothing.
Yes it does, its the ethical foundation of the contract you undertake as a medical professional and the common parlance used for referring to that aforementioned contract.
This is one of the weirdest things I've seen anyone argue.

>killed more commies than either

What now, antifa?

>They lost their right not to be punched in the face when they started spouting genocidal ideologies

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gentle reminder that the swastika symbolises rotation around a fixed axis, the logos, vivifying activity of the primal unity
don't let jews fool you with their redefining, symbols have meaning

>black terror movie announced
>he's gonna be portrayed by Idris Elba and will kill alt-righters
here is your movie, goy

Cool let the war begin, good luck

Ive seen enough weak chinned lefties getting knocked the fuck out to know who im siding with, have fun

Six million

before the war

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literally no one in this thread is talking about drumpf. you are obsessed and need help

I think you’re forgetting that the majority of people in America during WWII hated niggers, faggots, beaners and gooks.

>2 guys in a room
>1 is intollerant
>the other won't tollerate the intollerant
who is the intollerent one. can't wrap my brain around it

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>They Iost their right not to be punched in the face when they started spouting genocidal ideologies

Attached: VICE kill all men.jpg (600x589, 48K)

I am so fucking sick of the (((media))).

Imagine a 10 year old having a more complex understanding of comedy and world issues as well as a mature outlook than you.
The nu left is so fucking pathetic.

Jesus. Word of advice. You will never exit the friendzone. That blue haired loud feminist you suck up to in the hopes she will pity fuck you one day? She only fucks niggers. And one day, she may let you fuck her. But only after she has five half nigger kids and hits the wall and she is looking for a provider.

>out of context

imagine being a black woman right and not having enough shit to victimize yourself with that you try and make ww2 about yourself.

>white right wing chad
>with giant Swastika tattoo

Is that what leftists believe ?

Attached: DerUntermensch.jpg (599x478, 51K)

Heil Hortler
also fuck niggers

Being pro-white means you hate everyone else.
I am so fucking sick and tired of this shit man.

struck a nerve, did I?

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Leftshits keep claiming to want a war. The only reason the Left still exists is because they refuse to ever START that war and the Right is polite enough to not do it for them.

Who would have guessed that a bunch of effeminate soi-chugging commie faggots would be shit at actual fighting?

Attached: Battle of Portland One Punch.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

Attached: tolerance.jpg (800x1000, 452K)

Is there a single real case of anything remotely like this ever happening in real life? No, then its propaganda, and garbage.

blessed doppels.

also give the guy on the right 3 beer and he will rage through 3 police man and a refugee squad alone

we know what you look like pol. stop embarassing yourself

Attached: le_altright.jpg (3600x2400, 831K)

Whites are the minority period.

You have to bend and twist and count things in a very specific way for whites to be the majority anywhere.

>Leftshits keep claiming to want a war. The only reason the Left still exists is because they refuse to ever START that war and the Right is polite enough to not do it for them.
>Who would have guessed that a bunch of effeminate soi-chugging commie faggots would be shit at actual fighting?

Attached: 1513413430625.jpg (720x960, 43K)

>America during WW2
>hates non-whites

>Germany during WW2
>hates non-whites

So why did they go to war exactly?

not at all. just exasperated that you decided to bring up trump for no reason

I have zero issue someone shouting back. It's when you end up in prison and attacked that maybe the rules are unfair.

i know they are in cali, and funnily enough that case law is also the reason open homosexuality is seen as a political belief there

big guy is /fa/ as fuck

>This one faggot dumping leftyshit images he got from Reddit

Keep going. You're really fighting that Patriarchy or whatever.

So just like communism, capitalism and feudalism?

so? One fat guy? I still dont get why you guys like this picture so much, its nowhere comparable to you tumblr freakshows.

Attached: cucks.jpg (1050x1374, 381K)

no one is scared of you. if the state stops protecting you, you'll have no defence and you won't survive. think about that

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Big guy could pick you up and slam you into the concrete

Leftists always talk big shit, its why they end u in gas chambers having to beg capitalists to come save their asses.

Left--wingers are loudmouths, nothing more.

die, cis-scum!

Attached: we wear masks and attack children in large groups, we're the Alt Left.png (1035x863, 1.48M)

>Yea Forums found him on steam and gifted him games
In the end, the kid won.

>over a tattoo
>over a tattoo

because pearl harbour and a propaganda campaign to make americans support sending troops to europe

Attached: Leftists and Violence Cartoon.jpg (1294x852, 158K)

>t. non-doctor
Have you ever read this thing? Firstly you swear upon the greek gods.
Then you swear to teach others medicine without demanding money. Is every doctor who is in the employment of a university a dirty liar for getting money?
Then you have a part about preventing damage. Good luck telling a cancer patient who doesn't want to treat his cancer anymore and only demands to get pain medication. Filthy liar and cheat of a doctor!
Also, you can't do abortions. Just like in real life. And don't even dare to operate bladder stones!
Now stop being an idiot

Attached: this is america, dont catch you slippin up.png (712x849, 615K)

It doesn't work when the person you're defending is racist white supremacist. The inability for you people distinguish between being proud of being white and being hateful of anybody who is not white is what causes nutty SJWs to group you guys together.

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>wtf just let me peacefully preach the removal of minorities and separating children from their immigrant parents in peace!

You don't seriously believe I'm a mutt do you?

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No matter how many fat MAGA tards exist, nothing will ever top this.

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Is he saying that he would have killed him (or let him die or whatever), or that he wouldn't have been able to save him?

whats wong with his arms?
is he malnourished?

I just am sick and tired of these limp wristed faggots going on about how they punch Nazis.

They don't. They punch other weak dorks at a nerd convention and then claim the guy was a Nazi afterwards.

Go into a biker bar and punch a Nazi and we can talk.

Those two are one in the same idiot

Isolationism is no longer a thing, white places are very integrated by now so simply saying "i harbor no ill will towards other people" doesnt fucking cut it when you are forced to live in the same society

If this place is going to continue to function, we need to admit whites are better and run shit

It is

oh so you're just another worthless foreigner complaining about a country you have nothing to do with

white people need to end though

Imagine typing this out without a shred of self awareness

Attached: marge_Laughter.jpg (288x297, 11K)

I will admit it's been a while since I've seen it, but I don't remember this episode of Queer as Folk

And no one will respond to you because liberals don't like facts that contradict them.

>the removal of minorities and separating children from their immigrant parents in peace!
ILLEGAL immigrants. Law breakers.

I live in Japan. Guess what happens to illegal immigrants? They get deported. Because it's the fucking law.

Attached: peaceful liberals strike again.png (1073x777, 530K)

>*man kills you with baseball bat*
>"he can do whatever he wants it's his bat"

This. I am tired of hearing leftist faggots talk shit up and down about how the "Revolution" is coming.
Get it the fuck over with already. I am tired of waiting to to put your ham-planet ass down for a dirt-nap.

Attached: Civil War Delays.png (640x640, 504K)

>wtf just let me peacefully preach the removal of whites and making them pay for brown people to replace them in peace!

Everything is tribal and racial, whites don't have a mainstream outlet, what are they left with?

That is right those suspender guys that have been waiting for them all along.

Who said I was complaining? I'm laughing at your pathetic "muh leftist muh rightists" attitude like most other countries do

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>waaah why are criminals treated like criminals? Fuck borders&shit!

>You guys are nazis and it's okay to punch you
>Wtf I object
Compelled thought.

not real americans

He's wrong about the oath but you do sign a modern version which would prohibit the OP doctor doing harm but what he even said would be enough to get him struck off or brought before the council.

Attached: just call someone a nazi and you're innocent.png (836x601, 780K)

You aight white boi. I’ll be sure to fuck ya girl good with my bbc

not an argument. without the state, you and every other leftist are defenceless fodder

>like most other countries do

Your state-run propaganda-channel =/= "most other countries".

>If this place is going to continue to function, we need to admit whites are better and run shit

They just need to stop demonizing and attacking us.

Stop making it clear non-whites are trying to take over, stop allowing racial double standards where the rules are only applied to whites.

Why didn't he floor her and give her a material education on natural inequality.

>152 Replies / 40 Images
Holy shit, you faggots should kill yourselves.

Attached: fuck off freedom.jpg (797x799, 146K)

>us (((white))) guys

No the actual Americans did not like those groups.

Funny when it comes to attacking us you would claim that everyone was racist, when we point that out you must disagree.

You're seriously a doctor? Re-read my post, this time read the actual words and think carefully instead of going off on your own tangent.

Using this logic it should be okay to punch black people and Chinese people since they believed in genocide of not only white people but even their own people.

wow, Trump was caught lying again!

Attached: fact check is liberal propaganda.png (1168x740, 560K)

What a coincidence; We're laughing at the fact that you faggots vote people that hate you and your country into power and fill your nation with immigrants that are tanking your economy, and are proud of it.

Attached: Eurocuck Gungrabber.png (670x496, 46K)

>you and every other leftist
>he still thinks I subscribe to his pathetic tribalism
>he thinks this is an argument

Attached: 1517257627620.png (721x436, 655K)

i guess english isn't your first language. you are complaining. you don't actually have to say you are complaining in order for that to be the case. you are an irrelevant foreigner with no say in any matter pertaining to america

It's Berkeley, Jake.

>weedy incels and a fat guy who hasn't seen his dick in 10 years
>w-we d-don't l-look s-so b-bad


Nope, genocide of whites is okay and should be pushed, other races are special and important so nothing should happen to them ever.

White supremacists are idiots.
But I don't like the doctor argument. What happens if a White supremacist doctor saves a minority life? Should the paciente learn to tolerate White supremacism? OBviously not, because White suremacism is bullshit. So the argument is flawed.

>Your state-run propaganda-channel
Nope, pretty much everyone I've talked to from countries all around the world view your country as the laughing stock of the world. Your population is so fucking stupid that they can be convinced by shit like Fox news and CNN

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>they need to stop attacking us

Lmao and you think that will stop by trying to push this "stop talking about demographics" nonsense? People dont need to talk about it, they literally witness their neighborhoods being ruined and fucking leave

Attached: alt left kidnapping and torture fuck white people.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Would the doctor say that to a crip or blood who wound up in his ER?

No, of course he wouldn't.

ok bugman

Attached: bugmen.jpg (2884x3096, 2.54M)

you are a leftist. that doesn't require your approval

Attached: antifa nazis.jpg (1920x1387, 867K)

Sounds like you live in an echo-chamber.

Enjoy "laughing" at the United States while it has record-low unemployment while your countries crash and burn.

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Crips and bloods are victims of issues stemming back to actual racist laws and institutions

>you faggots vote people that hate you and your country into power
Nice projection lmao

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>my third world friends and i believe it so it's true
literally no one cares what you think. you don't matter

those who willingly abandon civility deserve no empathy or mercy. there are a lot of sick people in this country and they need to scared into submission or incarcerated. I can be as edgy as I want and it doesn't have to affect anything but violence creates victims no matter what the intent is.

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>being so fragile you get threatened by people smiling and looking happy

lmao just go straight to kys

Doctors already think they're God, so TalmudVision isn't helping, of course.

Luckily almost no-one is actually a white supremacist. Evolution doesn't do rankings beyond who continues and who dies. At most you get white nationalists who as part of that don't want to be out-competed by faster breeding subspecies. Depicting supremacists is just designed to act like there's no sensible argument to hear.

All of your shit media says Trump is an evil white supremacist, which is it euro faggot?

>"I have to go out and steal and rape unarmed white women every night because my great grand-daddy had to drink from a different water-fountain than the white people."

Sure thing, Jamal.