Jesus christ that was terrifying. Why the fuck do we have nuclear weapons again?

Jesus christ that was terrifying. Why the fuck do we have nuclear weapons again?

Attached: Chernobyl-hbo-p.jpg (768x432, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Pennsylvania

To have a global thermonuclear war dumbass.

Because we can. And if everyone has them, it's okay, right?

Nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants use entirely different processes you retarded fucking monkey.

>implying nukes were ever real

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to have 74 years of relative peace in Europe you absolute brainlet

Guys the gauge meter only shows 3.6 roentg-

>Why the fuck do we have nuclear weapons again?
because degenerate weebs still exists.

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Chernobyl was not a nuclear explosion

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>tv show makes you scared
>omg we need to change because tv show is scary!!!!

You are a literal NPC lmao

>nuclear weapon are different than nuclear powerplants

hey buddy

nuclear powerplants are primary targets. None of that air burst pussy shit either. Ground burst

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You gullible faggot.

Okay? The radioactive effects are the same

Nukes are literally the only reason we haven’t had WW3 and that total war in current times is impossible. Learn game theory brainlet.

So the firemen that specifically existed for the plant had no idea how the plant even worked?

Welcome to an authoritarian state with a completely disposable underclass.

how else are you gonna vaporize 100,000 gooks in an instant?

They were firemen for the whole town. Why the fuck would they need to know how a nuclear power plant works?

There are theories that one of the explosions was a nuclear explosion. A very small one.

It launched debris straight up over 3000 meters. of course if there was a small nuclear explosion , only a few tons in yeild in a confined space. You would of course not notice it at all behind the background radiation.

Did the average soviet citizen even know what a nuclear reactor did or was aware of what radiation is? I feel like they would have kept that on the down low and just told them it was an anti american super secret power generator or something. Before the internet you’d have to learn that in school and I doubt they taught you that shit unless you were trying to become some sort of scientist.

>war is not possible

I have bad news for you. War is inevitable between superpowers. Its a miracle of man that we were not wiped out in the 60s and 80s.

In the 60s a nuclear torpedo tube was flooded during the cuban missle crisis ready to fuck up the american fleet.

In the 80s there were mutliple false alarms that could have resulted in a massive accidental first strike.

Our best hope is that somebody will come along in the future and give us a treaty that will limit nuclear weapons to sub apocolyptic numbers.

however the problem is new countries wanting them. which is why it should be policy to nuke countries attempting such things to keep them out of the club

>Why the fuck do we have nuclear weapons again?
When was the last time we had a world war, again?
MAD brought world peace.

please tell me that faggot who ruined everything gets gulag'd

Based muslim rape fields.

The story of the apple of eden that offers knowledge but dooms you from living in the garden is a metaphor for how the progress of technology and society will only lead to more destruction and separation from nature. That is the natural cycle brought by evolutionary competition and dynamic hierarchy systems. A thing that gets discovered will be used for destruction by someone who deems you a competitor and wants your resources. Only way to counteract that is to discover a worse thing and threaten with that. And the cycle of terror continues.

The only way to escape this samsara is to choose the path of enlightenment: the middle path. Ascetics like buddhists, dhaoists and orthodox hermits are the only people that can say they haven’t added more nonsense into this world. Then again they too are inherently guilty and full of sin, but at least in their lives they’ve minimized it as much as possible without committing suicide. The rest of us are part of the cycle and are willing and active participants of the kali yuga and the machine demon that will eat us and the world. Our guilt and sin is astronomical.

Some people, like the nurse, had a rough idea of the concerns. The firefighters wife was concerned about chemicals and the danger of that - so not in tune with nuclear dangers but still aware that if a power plant blows up you have a new set of dangers.

The show implies that most of the people were more afraid of the state than of the dangers of the power plant.

And the reason why it is a female that picks it up in the story is because the female represents nature and the cycle of life and death. Adam is the male will that is tied to the fate of nature, but who is aware of the mandate from God. It’s his union with Eve that is symbolic of our union with samsara.

>Okay? The radioactive effects are the same
Literally who cares, coal kills 10 000 more people a year than all nuclear accidents have killed in total

Globalization (trade), internet and nukes are the reasons there is no more total war and just petty bought and paid for false squabbles and land grabs by super powers. It’s like a giant mexican standoff that nobody has anything to gain from.


go to bed Putin

why do people believe this history channel bullshit of near catastrophies? Stop reading Cracked. The closest calls were only a couple of occasions and even then there were multiple part safety checks. MAD scares motherfuckers enough that they don't really do anything.

Because they are terrifying. What the fuck did you think?

when they bright people with radiation sickness to the hospital can it transfer to the staff?

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>only 30 people die
this is a big nothingburger

>fewer nuclear plants compared to coal
>coal doesn't poison the area to the point of being uninhabitable for generations


if nuclear weapons are so bad how come hiroshima and nagasaki have a population of like 2 million

yes. Forever in their lives people must wear lead around them and even when they have sex they must wear lead condoms.
fucking idiot

No. Breakdown of command is the central reason we are alive. The second a dedicated military goes through one of these situations we are fucked

Japanese have crossbreed gene splicing with roaches

nukes is the only reason that we have more or less peace dumdum

why did the guy that knew the reactor was gone look down at it? wouldn't getting thrown in prison be better?

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alright so why arent turks using nukes constantly?

Why does talk about nuclear anything bring out the brainlets?

>there is a false alarm
>one of several people in charge of detecting false alarms thinks it's a false alarm
>he says it's a false alarm
>people listen to him
194 times the world was fugging close to dodal destrugdion :DDD

These kikes killed any chance if us using nuclear energy.
Death to all normies who buy this propaganda

The only realistic country to first strike with nukes would be north korea and they would quickly be glassed off of earth for it or the military has some secret star wars tier laser dismantling system. It just won’t ever happen man.

>not understanding ownership and responsibility to where the buck stops

how are you able to post from the kitchen ma'am?

>nobody has to gain from it

what if i told you that every major nuclear armed military has done enough math and study to know they can win a nuclear war?

A nuclear war with china would be devestating but we would fuck them up 10-1.

Nukes are the reason Israel or America don’t want to go to war. But for places like Russia that have deserts and forests that are basically irradiated wastelands from nuclear testing, it’s practically just another Sunday. Russia has been recently developing newer ICBMs and antiICBM defence systems and they’ve been mobilizing and ramping up their wartime strategies. Especially now that the Northwest passage is opening up due to higher global temperatures and ice melt and their various trades and petrol backed currencies start being valued more and more. I don’t see Russia provoking a war, I actually see them profiting and prospering in the coming ages. It’s the US that will likely provoke an attack as its global reach and power diminishes (even China is cornering them out of South China Sea trade). But once this provocation occurs, Russia will have no issue with ending it with nukes even if they take heavy casualties. The Cold War was different because the Soviet Union was going through an internal collapse. Going to war during this time would’ve been stupid for them. In the future we will see another Cold War but this time the roles will be reversed and it will be Russia with the upper hand and US will be the one internally collapsing. The big question is whether the US will attack in a last desperate attempt to gain back its power or will it accept its losses like Russia did in the Cold War and work to rebuild?

Soviets providing real numbers that would make them look bad are as likely as North Korea doing the same.

chances are high you wouldve been shot on the spot
didnt you see the guards with AKs

>wouldn't getting thrown in prison be better
No guarantee you'd survive a sentence. So his choice was between being killed relatively quickly with a low survival chance (he hoped) or being killed very slowly after years of torture with a low survival chance.

Kinobyl is a great show and I love it but it's exposed how many absolute brainlets populate Yea Forums. I already suspected as much but holy fuck the absolute state of this place.

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I'd take getting shot over dying of radiation poisoning.

actually it was

>military equipment shows massive first strike being initiated against the soviet union
>everyone agrees except one guy
>they threaten him with execution and treason if he doesnt agree with the rest of the command.
>he insists its a bug
>time for missle arrival passes and nothing happens

The faulty Axiom in this is that we sin by working against our nature and thus destroy ourselves in the end.
The truth is, we are Kali Yuga. There is no point in defying our true nature - which is being like a virus.
We exploit, we destroy, we build, we eat and defecate. That is what nature forces us to do.
Just embrace the demon and enjoy the ride while it lasts - we are Satan's brood, not god's.

>being this assblasted over being proven wrong

>doing math

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This is pretty interesting, these guys filmed going to the core

Seems crazy to me. I mean I guess they know what they are doing but still scary.

I was born in 91. the year the cold war ended. For some reason though i developed an obsession with nuclear war, and media that dealt with it.

If you ever actually want to feel fucking sad watch grave of the fireflies and a british cartoon movie called "when the wind blows"

I’m sure they have but what would they gian from it? Irradiated wasteland, less drones to make money from and less trade partners?

its not the core that blew up

Also radiation sickness is straight up nightmare inducing, truly one of the worst ways to go.

everything in this post is incorrect. why won't you at least just fucking google what you're so sure you're right about? is this an epic trole?

>it's exposed how many absolute brainlets populate Yea Forums
It's the human race in general. Think of a smart person, not even a genius but just somebody you think is smart. Got one? Half the people in the world are dumber than them.

>what would a superpower gain from nuclear war

if they win total control of the planet

so alot


>reddit spacing
You have to go back.

Literally just use Thorium.

He watched a youtube video about it.

>an anti american super secret power generator
doesn't sound too far off desu
I guess they had some idea that radiation was harmful, hence iodine qt / vodka guy on the bridge, but never thought they'd be exposed to it unless WWIII kicked off.

>fewer nuclear plants compared to coal
The death toll is still higher even on a per-plant basis
>coal doesn't poison the area to the point of being uninhabitable for generations
Except it does. Coal mines absolutely fuck up their surrounding environment

Thanks for proving my point.

Some coal plants release more radiation into the environment than the average nuclear power plant does

>carlin quote with no acknowledgement

dumb AND a thief

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Ah okay

Literally no one cares about planetary domination. Nobody, absolutely nobody would have anything to gain from a thermonuclear war except the Posadaists and their alien waifus.

I would guess that everything about nuclear power was still classified at the time, hell even today many countries barely have the technology to build one.

>which is why it should be policy to nuke countries attempting such things to keep them out of the club
I, too, have read The Killing Star.

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That's reactor 3. The one next to the one that blew up.What you see on the floor is 350 kg graphite rods that were blown the hell up. Here's what number 4 looks like on the inside.

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But that’s not a faulty axiom. Sin is a relative term to God’s will (which is without entropy as God is eternal). In your very own admission we are the Kali Yuga, which I agreed with, so therefore relative to Gods will we are sinners. Your posts and my posts agree. You’ve simply decided to see it as an inevitable whereas I believe there is another option: the middle path. The most likely outcome of it is the delay of the inevitable, yes, but there is also a slight chance that in that middle path there may also be found a salvation from the cycle (nirvana, heaven, whatever you want to call it).

>Chernobyl (2019) (HBO)
Is this is a TV show or a movie? I want to watch it.

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That would have been epic back in 300 AD, but now the elite arguably already have global domination through trade and exploiting others. There would be nothing to gain from just being able to just color the whole world map red white and blue or red and yellow and stand back and say “yay we lost half of the worlds population and resources but atleast we took over the world!”

The UK operates in the exact same way.

Miniseries with one hour episodes. To be honest the first episode should’ve been longer it feels like it ends very abruptly.

>crying this hard
Gee, user, take your pills.


At some point, portions of the remaining core, fuel rods, moderating material, concrete and melted chorium may have gone "supercritical"... It would've "fizzled" just as quickly as it had started though.

Still could've released enough rad to make someone instantly delusional

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Is that guy safe in there?

> Americans told to "duck and cover".

We watched when the wind blows in year 9 history and I'm still haunted 5 years later

Drink your onions, brainlet.

Not really, the UK has very strict work regulations and strong workers' rights. There's still a lot of fuckery, but trust me there's a reason all the real underclass professions are done by Poles/Romanians etc.

>nobody cares about planetary domination

so are you a fucking retard? why do you think our military is as expensive as it is?

everyone else seemed pretty sane, just scared. I think that guy was just an asshole. It was his second fuckup too, apparently working on subs he got a good hit of radiation and later made a potato baby.

>the elites control the world

A autistic fat retard is in control of the most sophisticated and powerful military on the planet.

If such elites existed he would have had a heart attack or stroke a year or 2 ago

Not really but he ain't staying too long. I don't know if it's taken right after or less than a year after the accident or 10 years later. Going later is safer. They did sent teams in right after the accident though.

So that no country goes to war.

Also nuclear energy can be made safer were it not for lefty enviro-statists gumming up the works for R&D.

Some of the victims of Chernobyl were buried in lead coffins.

>For six months following the accident, as the Sarcophagus was under construction, a team of courageous scientists from the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy re-entered Unit 4 as part of an investigation aptly named Complex Expedition.

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>gay cartoons

If you guys want actual PTSD from a movie just watch the extended version of the day after on youtube , and THREADS.

Both of these movies fucked me up for years.


Are there suits or something that help? The one guy in the show touched that piece of the reactor(?) and was instantly fucked up.

Neocons faggots who can't handle America having slowly killed itself as a world power will lash out at China and Russia who will more than likely dominate Europe and Asia, cutting the US out of global trade.

gronald blump bad

Here’s the paper on this theory.

Major reasons were the blue glow some fishermen saw from the initial blast and the fact that certain villages had high production of xenon particles (which get released from fission reactions due to radiation) in Cherepovets which was s couple hundred kilometres away from the meteorological path of the debris cloud, implying that there must’ve been debris launched even higher in the sky that got caught in upper atmosphere currents which then makes the Cherepovets xenon production make more sense.

It’s crazy that still to this day people still don’t really understand just how exactly it exploded and there’s still many competing and often contradictory theories.

>“Everyone was afraid of one thing: an explosion might happen again, because the reactor was out of control” recalls Viktor Popov, the nuclear physicist in charge of the expedition. “Were conditions inside the reactor such that another catastrophe might occur?”

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The BBC Horizon documentary on them was fucking amazing.

I voted for him. After 2 years of him putting his twink son in charge of the country you really cannot make the argument the man is intelligent at all

Someone please explain pic related to me (both the core itself and the incidents). I know nothing about nuclear stuff aside from the absolute basics.

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Targeted with what? An ICBM or as the 5th alternate for a bomber? You don’t seem very knowledgeable.


>live less than a 1000 kilometers from Chernobyl when this went down
>all I remember is some nervous jokes about the wind
>and buying water in bags from the store
It was pretty uneventful if you didn't live right next to Chernobyl.

>not understanding how the juxtaposition of cartoon animation and the horrific subject matter go hand in hand to affect the audience
>being this much of a zoomer
I can guarantee either of these cartoons will impact me more than that gay american one you posted
that being said THREADS is really good and it fucked me up

The masks help filter radioactive dust that you might breathe in. The suits block alpha radiation and maybe a bit of beta radiation if they are made with aluminum. They do fuckall for gamma and neutrons. Those cook you like a microwave and can only be stopped by lead(just gamma), concrete (both) and water (both). Your cells and DNA get recombined and every tiny part of you starts to swell up and slowly die.

Leaf here, once china and russia start using the northwest passage against our wishes and there's fuck all our screen door submarines can do about it we're go running to big daddy US to protect us who will probably (hopefully) annex us to make sure others don't get to just use it. They also wouldn't want China sitting on their heads (chinks own the entire west coast of canada at this point) with massive amounts of natural (but hard to get to) resources when you have legions of slave labor political dissidents to mine it for you.

Scientist tried to impress his friends and caused a chain reaction.

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The accuracy of modern ICBM is something like a few hundred meters.

Do you want to do the math of what a 250-400 kiloton ground burst would do to a building a few football fields away?

>They explored the plant’s ruined and unpowered sub-levels with flashlights and cotton masks. “At that time,” says Popov, “there were no places in [Unit 4] that were not dangerous, not by normal human standards. We entered fields of 100, 200, 250 roentgens an hour. This kind of situation could crop up unexpectedly. You’re walking down a corridor and the levels are not too bad; 1 to 5 roentgens per hour. Then you turn a corner and suddenly it’s 500 roentgens! You have to turn and run for it.”

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Which would save a ton of lives because the overpressure wave travels much further than the fireball and people get hurt by flying debris and glass.

>Within three months of the Chernobyl accident, a total of 31 people died from radiation exposure or other direct effects of the disaster, according to the NRC, UNSCEAR and other sources. More than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer may eventually be linked to radiation exposure in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, though the precise number of cases that are directly caused by the Chernobyl accident is difficult (if not impossible) to ascertain.
>Surprisingly, the overall rate of cancer deaths and other health effects related to Chernobyl's radiation leak is lower than was initially feared. "The majority of the five million residents living in contaminated areas … received very small radiation doses comparable to natural background levels (0.1 rem per year)," according to an NRC report. "Today the available evidence does not strongly connect the accident to radiation-induced increases of leukemia or solid cancer, other than thyroid cancer."

Kind of interesting really. I would think it would have been greater. Seems like people at the facility had problems, but the show implying all of these citizens watching the building burn are fucked is probably a bit overstated?

Bы зaeбaли yжe. Пиздyйтe oбpaтнo нa cocaч.

Watch it pussy

Thats like, Capitalism dude.

Nuclear reactors are pretty fucking crazy

>literally create a mini Hiroshima just to generate heat

I mean, aren't there less dangerous ways of doing this?

>In December - six months after the accident - the group of scientists finally found some fuel, with the help of remote cameras poking through a long hole drilled into a wall. It was still emitting extreme radioactivity. “It made us treat it with the utmost respect,” remembers Yuri Buzulukov, another expedition scientist. “To approach it meant certain death.”

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It's a dramatization to make people go ohh noo those people are gonna glow green n shiet, most people don't even know about the sun's natural radiation.


A subcritical nickel plated sphere of plutonium placed between two semi-sphere shells made of plutonium-gallium alloy surrounded by tungsten carbide blocks to block radiation is used for experiments on neutron radiation (and the demon core is most likely the core that went into the Nagasaki bomb). When the two semi spheres are placed over the sphere in the centre, they capture neutrons being radiated and bounce it back into the core, creating a chain reaction of energy that intensifies rapidly because more neutrons=more fission=more neutrons. The experiment was to measure the neutron radiation fluxes and it all went to shit because of crappy safety measures and engineering design flaw (using a screwdriver manually to control the semi-sphere coverage of the subcritical core). They were basically asking to get irradiated, but then again at the time the Soviets were much more advanced in radiation research so Americans weren’t keen on stopping their progress for safety.

We'll safely move into fusion once the jews are done making their money off oil

>Not really, the UK has very strict work regulations and strong workers' rights.

KEK, I know for a fact nurses and all the sanitary personnel is treated like shit in the UK.

Our military?

Is there a torrent for this?

Why is the danger so spotty? What is actually emitting the radiation?

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Nurses are cunts and should be treated bad, maybe 1/10 are there to help people, the rest are for the pay and won't do a thing for anyone unless they have to.

That's a bomb core. It's at 95% supercritical meaning it just needs the extra 5% to start a chain reaction. They put tungsten bricks around it to reflect neutrons back at it and slowly cause it to increase from 95%. One dude dropped one of the bricks as he was placing it and it made the core go into supercriticality and release a shitton of radiation from the chain reaction. That was the first accident. The second one involved one guy holding the upper half of the core up with a screwdriver which slipped and the core went supercritical for a few seconds before he flipped the upper half off of the lower half.


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plutonium core in the center - is radioactive, constantly shooting off alpha particles/nuclei. the circular thing around it + what he's holding are neutron reflectors (i believe beryllium) that act like a mirror and will bounce alpha particles back at the core. those particles emanating form the core bouncing back and causing more atoms to split/shoot off more alpha particles causes a chain reaction.

the scientists were responsible for figuring out how much reflection was necessary to trigger a criticality event (they need to know this for when it gets put in the bomb, to know how much they need to compress it to cause a nuclear explosion). they test this by lowering the top half of the reflector onto the core until they measure just enough increase in radioactive output.

the scientist in the picture was a bit of a brazen retard, and rather than using controlled/safe practices to test this he'd just use a flat tip screwdriver to slowly lower the core. he fucked up, and the top fell onto the core and caused a chain reaction releasing fucktons of radiation into the room that'd ultimately kill himself and a few others.

this is a dumbed down take and probably not 100% accurate in the technical details but is the gist of it.

how do these guys die? pretty quick if that close?

No, you wouldn’t. Canada has already made the statement to the US that US has no sovereign rights to the NW passage and have been feuding US on this. US doesn’t respect the sovereignty claims of Canada or Russia, and it’s looking more and more like this boastfullness will end up biting them in the ass because Russia and Canada will see more opportunities to work together on this.

Haha no they aren’t.

It's not like I have a television/cable

Capitalism with non-White immigration.

Why do white people need to be threatened with nukes to stop slaughtering each other?

No we dont, you're delusional.

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>The science team next needed a closer look at the reactor itself, so they brought in oil industry engineers to begin drilling through the reactor’s reinforced-concrete containment structure. They finally broke through in the summer of 1988, after the end of 18 months of drilling in harsh conditions. “There were many theories about what we might find there,” says Buzulukov, “but everyone agreed there would be damaged reactor core: graphite blocks interspersed with distorted fuel rods. But once a hole had been drilled in the side of the reactor vessel, the sight that met our eyes was totally unexpected. The reactor was completely empty.”

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i haven't had cable for over a decade. what are you some normalshit that came over for game of thrones threads? how can you be asking if there is a torrent for this?

greatness is a double edged sword

This is anti-nuclear propaganda being shilled by oil kikes

Because Jews promise to finance their dreams.

Because I assume someone recorded a stream of it where I can watch it? I don't watch Game of Thrones this is the first TV show in years I've wanted to watch and I'm not paying for an HBO subscription to stream it

>You will never traverse the nuclear wasteland with your waifu.

Nuke me now China and Russia, I'm ready.

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just download the torrent retard

The first accident had 2 casualties. One 25 days after because he was handling the bricks and got 200 rad and the other 33 years after the accident of leukemia because he was sitting further away at a desk.
In the second accident, the guy with the screwdriver died 9 days after and a bunch of people that were in the lab died 19 to 50 years later of either leukemia or other causes.

When the core exploded it spewed fission products, contaminated water, debris and all sorts of shit in the air and around the plant. Some places got hit with more crap than others. Concrete also blocks radiation so turning around and facing a room filled with shit will make the dosimeter spike.

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>she'll still reject you in a nuclear wasteland
we can't win

The test of if you're a real low IQ moron is if you can watch a show like this and don't become a reactionary fag who believes in anti-nuclear energy shilling
you've failed btw

Right now yes, but if you're an American, you probably have no concept of not having a military. We can't do SHIT against anyone, if a bunch influential, powerful countries decide to declare it international waters despite Canada not wanting it to we have literally no course of action to stop that from happening besides getting someone to protect us. And in that case we would probably take the physically connected, culturally similar country we've had hundreds of years of relationships with who's also the greatest military might on the planet rather than someone else on the other side of the globe.

>In 1991, the stressed and exhausted members of the expedition realised they had no choice but to venture into the remains of Unit 4’s reactor hall themselves. The risk of a possible second explosion was too great to ignore.
>After a treacherous climb over graphite fragments blown out of the reactor and shovelled off the roof, they discovered steaming concrete, heated by the fuel beneath it. Upon closer inspection, they saw radioactive lava - an astonishing find. As the team passed through a narrow, shattered corridor adjacent to the reactor base, their torch-lit dosimeter crackling away at an alarming 1,000R/h, one man noticed that the lower biological shield had crushed the wall beneath it.

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As far as we know its the only way to create really big kabooms so we need them to make conventional war pointless as we can just point an ICBM at every single settlement in your country and make you do what we say or else. If the explosions dont fill everyone your country's human and crop population being genetically fucked will sucker.

>totally unexpected
>the reactor was completely empty
No one had thought that the stupid hot material would burn through everything and into the ground?

So we can bully smaller countries by claiming they have nuclear weapons.

>white people
*Cough* India and Pakistan.

When they use radiation to treat cancer, is it just super directed or a really tight pattern? Do they literally fire it at the tumor?

can someone post that Yea Forums rule report screen with the violations replaced by chernobyl quotes

>The explosion that blew off the reactor lid also dislodged special serpentine sand and concrete from within the thick walls surrounding the RBMK. In that same moment, a powerful shockwave forced the entire bottom half of the core assembly - including the lower biological shield - downward by several meters into the space below.
>Over the following week, intense heat from the fire and radioactive decay gradually increased until it reached temperatures sufficient to melt the fuel assembly, which poured out and bonded with the sand/concrete mix to form a kind of radioactive lava called corium. This lava then oozed through pipes, ducts and cracks in the damaged structure to the rooms beneath. (yellow stuff in pic is uranium)

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>implying I care what a shill thinks

Hitting a nuclear power plant is the same as hitting anything else. It isn't going to double blow up.

Also air bursts are dramatically more effective because none of the energy gets wasted digging a big hole in the ground. Artillery shells have proximity fuses that cause them to detonate over the ground for the same reason.

If you are so easily influenced instead of actually understanding or seeking to understand the science behind it you need to kill yourself, I wonder how do you even know how to breath.

Who /stalker/ here?

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>be virgin technologist
>out driving with coworker chad engineer
>we talking future shit
>mention we need that fusion yo
>yeah if anyone would want that, engi replies
>why wouldn't they? i ask
>isn't it dangerous?
>mfw i knew more about fusion than the smart guy

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>but you can rape her
mission accomplished

You’re a bit disconnected from the world and I can tell you browse too much /pol/. Majority of Canada and Canadian Government itself is not at odds with Russia or China. They don’t see them as a threat, at least not as much as they see the US as a threat. In recent times Canada has been trading a lot more with China and Russia due to the US tariffs and their relationship continues to grow. What benefit would Canada see to allowing its aggressive neighbour to have control over its northern passages when trade with them is getting less and less prosperous? Not to mention the illegal immigration problem coming in non stop from the border because the US literally let’s it happen. I don’t think you realize just how rotten their relationship has gotten. This isn’t the 60s anymore.


yes a mini-nuke planted to sabotage the soviet nuclear program.

read this instead of watching propaganda.

This, nukes change everything now we dont have to care about muh economy we can threaten you to cough up those natural resources like the good old hunter gatherer days. The only reason there arent nuclear craters all over this rock is due to white people, we all know chinks would have gone nuke crazy a long time ago.

Yes. Targeted and controlled amounts. See chart for how much.

Attached: 2552_IIB_Radiation-Chart_Feb19[1].png (2552x3826, 231K)

>he also can't read

>ITT: The same effeminate queers from The Terrror generals.
The similes about sense-desires

(2) A lump of flesh for which birds of prey fight each other; if the bird that has seized the lump of flesh, does not yield it, it may meet death or deadly pain from the beaks and claws of the other birds. Similarly, the sense-desires are common to many (bahusaadhaarana), i.e., the same sense objects may be claimed by many and may become the cause of deadly conflict.


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You don't have to go to /pol/ to understand your country is going to shit because of globalism. Our leaders are on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum and wouldn't try to work together no matter what because of the optics but the future might when not everything is about rabid identity politics and tribalism.
>Not to mention the illegal immigration problem coming in non stop from the border because the US literally let’s it happen
No the problem is Canada, trump cracks down on illegals like he should, justin tweets welcome to canada because free brownie points, gives them free welfare, puts them up in HOTELS in the most expensive city in the country and then let the backlog grow to +5 years (during which they have multiple anchor babies and start collecting baby bonus and will be given citizinship because their kids are canadian). It's gonna be one of the biggest issues of our election and tons of people are sick of being told to ignore the problem

So the rest of this show is likely going to include a lot of the after effects from the exposures. Like the guy who looked right at the reactor probably has very little time. Seems like so far we've seen the red faces, burning hands/flesh and puking.

Containment is capable of withstanding a direct hit from a kamikaze b52. I think it could handle an explosion going off outside of it.

That has nothing to do with targeting. Why would a civilian power plant be targeted? Russian ICBMs are still MIRVd because they are less accurate than minuteman III. If the nukes fly the primary targets in the US are the missle fields, Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD, the Pentagon, the navy and sub bases near Bremerton. To effectively destroy those targets could take nearly all of Russian ICBMs. Why? What’s the Russian fail rate? A lot higher than the Americans.

This is why the Russians are developing relatively cheap meme weapons and trying to get the US to the bargaining table with bluster about doomsday weapons. There is a high probability that at least in theory the US could pull off a successful first strike. They have a huge advantage in the air and sea component of the triad and with Russian ICBMs neutralized it would be game over.

Well isn’t that just a nice condensation of the same old /pol/ memes about Canada. Again, what /pol/ thinks is not what the majority of the world or any sane individuals think. Idealism is the folly of children. Practicality is the realm of adults.

Tin coffins actually with concrete on top.

It's mainly about cleaning work, management and ramifications of the accident and not the accident itself. There will also probably be an investigation and we'll find out more. The guy who looked from the roof died on May 30th. The guys who looked in the reactor also died shortly after.

Zinc because it creates a hermetic seal.

>Gorbachenko suffered a radiation burn on his back where Shashenok's hand was located when he helped carry him out.

An aluminum plane smashing into a solid reinforced concrete rock is not the same thing as a nuclear explosion right outside

it has everything to do with targeting. Why would you allow powerplants to survive? ICBM's are mirv'd not because of accuracy but because of increased destructive capability.

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/
Nice argument retard but Canada is going to shit and it's only gonna get worse for everyone not at the top, our ponzi scheme immigration method is gonna collapse our welfare state and you're gonna see hordes of Canadians crossing into the US for work like the twilight zone, illegals from the north because we were too busy patting ourselves on the back for not being americans.

What is coal ash pond drainage

Really? I would think HBO would have a hard time avoiding showing the deaths.

I still don't understand why they didn't have sufficient meters. Seems unbelievable.

Delirious incel /pol/tranny

peak retard

Hey I won’t stop you from believing what you want to believe. I’m just warning you ahead of time of how reality differs from idealism, so you’re not too disappointed with how the future turns out and you don’t turn into another Bisonnette type retard.

What are your thoughts on WW3?

>the anti nuclear brainlets are getting uppity again

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They did. Those exploded the moment they were switched on because the levels were 10 times higher than the maximum they were set to detect.

It’s most likely inevitable. Touched on it a bit here:

It's sort of like how black people need to be threatened with jail to stop slaughtering each other, except it actually works

It interesting to read about it at some point but what I can't help but laugh at is the slav youth that takes up interest towards it like some kind of fandom. I've even heard of some of them treating a trip there as some kind of rite of passage. It's ridiculous.

Of course there will be gory details. E2 will show us the firemen slowly dying. But the show isn't 100% focused on the accident and what made the reactor go boom + deaths. We'll find that out but they will also show how they tried to cover it up at first then admitted they fucked up after the cloud got to Sweden and started one of the most ambitious operations ever. The sarcophagus was built in 6 months after the accident. Villages were buried underground, people evacuated, animals shot and vehicles abandoned. Robots failed from the radiation so people were called in for the job. Only worked for 90 second shifts before stopping or they'd get a lethal dose.

Because they’re subhumans and the seething replies to this valid question are telling

The 3.6 ones were enough for regular situations while the expensive 200 one was for minor accidents where the 3.6 ones weren't enough. Nobody expected what happened.

i cant wait for china to bomb USA already its about time for the power to shift

I was lucky enough to inherit money from my grandpa to help buy a small house, if not I would have been in indentured servitude like so many Canadians with literally no hopes of owning a home in their own country anymore. Increase immigration, keep wages down, let foreigners buy all the property then keep the leafs as serfs to whatever automation can't do with the lowest possible wages. There's no reason to take pride in being canadian anymore and you don't have to be a /pol/tard to realize that

You’re welcome for every invention ever.

>calling being delusional "radiation sickness"

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Ok buddy. Don’t forget you can always emigrate to your favourite country (the US) at any time and spend the rest of your life there. Canada does not see the future like you. You will be disappointed.

Competition is how you develop civilization

Here's your horse, bro.

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>Mother Russia has developed 2mt Weapon. So what if there’s only 1 in existence and we could never get it on a missile. We can get Tyler Rogoway to write a fear mongoring story about it.

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They didn't understand the dangers. Everyone on this bridge died

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Can't wait for this kino to continue. Been a lot of shit tv lately.

I'm surprised it got all the way to sweden before some detector sensing it.

S E E T H I N G. Somehow I know there's a white piglet somewhere who is angry and short of breath.

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shill thread

years and years later? I think only 31 people died initially. then they say something like 6,000 cancer cases that they believe are correlated.

Yeah because Canadians are fucking retarded, delusional and full of themselves, day of the rake soon

Yeah well let’s just say the logistical problems Russia might be facing in its strategic operations are pretty small in comparison to the economic and sociopolitical issues the US is facing. Hell even one of the US’ all time money making machines (the movie industry) is collapsing right now.

go back to your stupid game of thrones thread, not even a decent pair of tits on that show anymore

Yeah, that's not very typical, I'd like to point out.

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Polish detected it as well it seems but kept quiet. Probably some of that USSR convincing at work.

>tfw world history ended because the soviets and the americans are too pussy to use the weapons divine intellect gave them
fucking faggots

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Unfortunately for you, the only one that will be getting raked in Canada will be you. You can learn from history or repeat the same mistake. Hell you don’t even need history. Try looking at your dominant religions and see what they say about what type of person you should be. You might not be religious sure, but then doesn’t that make you the very anti-traditional person you vilify?

>I've seen reports that radiation spewed into the the atmosphere. Why is that?
>Because the top blew off!

hbo shills itt

Dilate tranny. Niggers and trannies vs white, asians, Latin. You will never win, keep seething.

In the span of several years I assume. I can't find any information about their ages but you would think some of them were young enough that they should be still alive

Latins and asians don’t like associating with self proclaimed whites.

Sometimes it can be hard to understand things you haven't directly experienced. The ability to transmit knowledge of these experiences via words, books, other media is what lets us build upon the past. This is what helps create life as you know it.

Why do I have to explain the value of visual media on a tv/film board? If you were unfamiliar with the effects of radiation then a fiction drama about it might help you understand better.

>So what do you do to protect the environment in cases like this?
>Well, the town was cut off outside the environment
>Into another environment?
>No, no, it was cut off beyond the environment. It's not in the environment
>No but from one environment to another environment
>No it's beyond the environment. It's not in an enviroment
>Well, what's out there?
>Nothing's out there!

Where did you read that they all died?

If you're very much woke, there's no such thing as distractions.

Attached: kyrie_irving_11_embed_[1].jpg (2686x2015, 530K)

>Surely there must be something out there?
>Well there's some Cesium, some Strontium, Iodine and tonnes of rubble but nothing else!

>history final coming up
>user watches harry potter to study

>..and definitely no graphite.

So if the core was critical for longer it would go off as a full scale nuke?

I'm not super tech savvy when it comes to nuclear powerplants, but why were they so freaked out about graphite? Isn't graphite completely harmless and the same shit we use in pencils? Also was the glowing molten stuff the "Elephant's foot"?

But why would I, my wh*te friend? Tranny shit and falling testosterone levels are plaguing the white guys, not us.

>primary targets

Not at all. They only make a list on a counter value strike, just like hydro dams of any merit.

>air burst pussy

you have no concept of the things you're talking about

lol @ at a decrepit plutocracy controlling anything except the unfortunate saps in their own destitute police state

yeah because niggers are in a state of permanent peace in africa

link? torrent?

No because nukes work off of nuclear fusion (elements slamming together and creating energy and new elements, dictated by the Strong Nuclear Force). The process at work here is nuclear fission, which is the work of the “Weak” Nuclear Force, aka unstable heavy elements decaying and releasing energy very quickly. Both modes are essentially unleashing the full energy potential of the very elements of our universe. The former is just more explosive than the latter. That said, fission can sustain its reaction for much longer than fusion and therefore can cause much more drawn out problems.

It would have kept getting hotter and hotter while releasing more and more radiation. For it to become a nuke there are more steps involved.

Fuel rods are filled with processed uranium pellets and bundled together to form a fuel assembly. The reactor core is made up of lots of fuel assemblies. The assemblies are kept in water for cooling and moderation (slowing down the rate at which uranium shoots neutrons). Graphite rods are another tyoe of moderators that can be inserted to slow down the reaction even more or speed it up of they are removed. You now have hot water from the heat generated that goes through turbines to generate electricity.

user this says it's not radioactive. Wanna go inside and have some fun?

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Because human beans, especially moronic geriatric Politurbo members, are arrogant creatures who think they can control forces beyond their understanding.

I've seen the previous BBC documentary on Chernobyl but this one was just as good.

>tfw you know literally everyone in that first episode is going to die or suffer for the rest of their lives either extremely painfully via the initial massive radiation doses or via thyroid cancer and the like

Fucked me up desu.

It's harmless but only ouside of fucking nuclear power plant.

>the guys who turned the pumps on created a catastrophic danger. These men were in denial that the reactor had exploded so they attempted to bring it under control, but their actions resulted in a huge risk of a thermal explosion that would have vaporized all of the nuclear fuel in reactor #4 and the nuclear fuel in all of the other reactors at Chernobyl and leaving the entire area a giant irradiated crater and cause much of Kiev to perish. Northern Ukraine and most of Belarus would have been uninhabitable for over a century if the molten reactor fuel reached that water.
is it true

They removed the reactor 4 tower in 2016.

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No that’s outrageous. Keep pumping water into the core.

actually the strong nuclear force is pretty well understood

Thyroid cancer has a 1% fatality rate (mostly old people) and can be treated/cured.

It's a pipe


Thank god Sergei made nice 3D models in the early 2000s.

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thanks again i was just reading up on centrifugation and how they create the pellets that go in the fuel rods. so in the show when he looks down at the core and sees the giant glowing yellow energy, is that just supposed to be reacting uranium because the explosion had caused the fuel rods to break open? or am i misunderstanding

The core actually went prompt critical the moment the power surge happened, it's the only logical explanation for why the power increased up to 30 000 MW thermal, 10 times the maximum thermal rating of the reactor vessel.

>of course not Brian

That's what they worried would happen if the molten core reached the underground water table. It would heat it up, contaminate it and make shit balloon and explode. That didn't happen though since they dug a tunnel under the reactor and poured more concrete. The elephant's foot has not moved from its initial position in 86.

The graphite was basically from the core that exploded so it was super radioactive

You're delusional, off to the infirmary

>Hitting a nuclear power plant is the same as hitting anything else. It isn't going to double blow up.

NPPs aren't strategic targets for that reason.
They're strategic targets because they're high capacity energy production facilities and blowing a reactor with no one to prevent the spread of radiation is pretty much like using a free dirty bomb on enemy territory.

Yup. The pressure tore apart everything where the reactor was. Sand walls, water tanks, the 1000+ ton biological shield was thrown in the air then crashed back down on the reactor. The red stuff is the melted core mixed with sand, concrete, graphite and whatever was in its way.

Attached: Cross-section.png (1223x835, 1.48M)

This radioactive stuff is the closest thing to magic this world has

Graphite absorbs neutrons really well. Those graphite blocks were just around a supercritical mass of molten plutonium that blew them apart. You better believe they took some neutron souvenirs from that to show the common folk.

I'm not ready for the firefighter storyline, lads. Shit was bad enough to read, let alone watch.

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Will we ever get a Bhopal movie?

Your average person has no clue how a reactor works. They think scary bomb stuff is turned into electricity and that's about it.

They were expecting to see the graphite blocks in pic related. Each line goes down has around 350kg and one dude saw them jumping up and down before the explosion.

>So the firemen that specifically existed for the plant had no idea how the plant even worked?

They did, but they didn't know the reactor blew up, and the effects of extreme radiation on the human body was still pretty much a mistery (in fact, that knowledge comes from Chernobyl itself)
So they believed it when they were told only the roof was on fire.

Daily reminder that "scientific american" could be bought and read in the USSR after 1985.

Forgot pic

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If you think violence is something that only one race of human does you’re incredibly stupid. White, black, Arab, Mexican, whatever; they’re all capable of being incredibly violent

chernobyl rundown with historic images

It wasn't even graphite rod itselfs, there was just parts of blocks that surroundings graphite rods lying on the ground all around this place, meaning that there is no more nucler reactor, it's all blowed up.

>coal doesn't poison the area to the point of being uninhabitable for gen-,_Pennsylvania

ok so another stupid question: given that graphite is supposed to slow down the uranium reacting- someone mentioned that the first explosion occurred because the graphite tipped control rods sped up the reaction?

based and redpilled

>Did the average soviet citizen even know what a nuclear reactor did or was aware of what radiation is?

Some did yes, scientific publications about civilian nuclear power were available to read in the USSR, but you still had to give a shit about how it works to buy the magazines and read them.

this guy was a fucking nigger tb H

Fucking lmao you're actually retarded
>Brand new satellites detect a single launch in an incredibly unlikey scenario
>Guy who's responsibility it is to interpret the data correctly interprets it as equipment failure
>None of that stupid drama about executions happens and life goes on

am pregnant, watching trailer
thinking this will genuinely be too spoopy for me

Anyone else smell roast beef?

What’s your favourite artifact bros?

Mama’s Beads for me.

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>Which would save a ton of lives because the overpressure wave travels much further than the fireball
No the fireball (mostly ultra high energy radiations turning air into plasma) travels faster than the speed of sound, the overpressure goes at the speed of sound.

The fireball doesn't go very far as it's almost immediatly dissipated into infrareds, what cause the extreme heat at longer range

Can't wait for the episode where the woke womyn scientist shows all those old racist white men what really happened at chernobyl

I have a taste of coins in my mouth, is it bad?

That's not a coal power plant

yeah, people were sent in to shoot all the animals in the area to prevent them from spreading it further too

Don't forget Miracle Mile
Criminally underappreciated movie.

If this show is anti nuke then Titanic is anti boat. It's about a specific Incident with a specific reactor and the cover up of the accident.

Shell reflects radiation towards the sphere, initiating more radiation which gets reflected initiating more radiation etc etc

Empty's. Full Emptys are neat too.

Complete bullshit.

Much more terrifying scenes are incoming in the next episodes. The helicopter runs, Liquidators, those three divers...

Attached: Liquidators.jpg (1366x768, 103K)

>military equipment shows massive first strike being initiated against the soviet union

No, it showed a single missile.

It has to do with the design of the reactor. Before the test they removed a lot of control rods against security regulations because they though it would interfere. The rods were removed and water went into their holes. When they activated the SCRAM button because the reactor was getting too hot, the rods went in at 0.4/m per second and started displacing the water that was already regulating the reaction. Before the graphite went in and started absorbing radiation it was too late and the core spiked to catastrophic levels.

The demon core was melted down and incorporated into later test cores. It was not in the Fat Man.

>No because nukes work off of nuclear fusion (elements slamming together and creating energy and new elements, dictated by the Strong Nuclear Force).

The original A bombs (the plutonium core on the pic was used in one) were simply fission bombs, H bombs require so many conditions to ignite it's absolutely impossible to have a thermonuclear reaction by accident.

Did Ep2 come out? Where is the screenshot form, I dont remember it in Ep1?

I like the empties and the sparks, too bad they're useless.

Yes the graphite causes a momentary spike in the energy that is created in the reactor, to about 30,000MW, 10x the regular amount that the plant sustained. 33k was the last reading that we have.

Promotional shot

I see you're a stalker of culture as well.

It's after the credits.

I really hope the show covers this event.

>Your average person has no clue how a reactor works. They think scary bomb stuff is turned into electricity and that's about it.
This. I was outright called a liar when I tried to explain how nuclear powerplants work to a friend. (He later apologized once he read up on it though)

Also the guys who went in the reactor the following months after the accident .

A bit misleading. The fission reactions were used to kickstart nuclear fusion, and that’s what causes the big boom. Essentially every nuclear bomb uses fission reactions. But the end goal to achieve the “bomb” is fusion.

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When I google Valkyrie engine, I just get Aston Martins

No, for that you'd also need supercriticality, but to attain that you'd need to increase the density of the sphere just long enough so supercriticality can kick in.
That's why we have complex explosive lenses around the plutonium spheres and why the timing is so fucking important you can't blow up a nuke by accident (and why it's so hard for countries to make nukes from scratch in the first place)

Reminder that only a fraction of the plutonium actually fuels the explosion, the rest is vaporized in the process.

I'm guessing the meters with the high range couldn't measure low levels of radiation accurately, which is going to be the majority of what you want to know assuming your reactor isn't an open bonfire

If you thought Chernobyl was bad just wait until we perfect stable fusion reactions.

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We get divers for sure.

Attached: Divers.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

>Abundant and cheap energy
I don't think so goy

The fuck are you talking about ? How is that misleading ?
Nukes can be either fission or fission-fusion.

You're talking like you just want to spread your wikipedia knowledge on the subject.

>fusion reactors
>turn it on
>melts everything in a 500km vicinity

cold fusion is a meme

It always surprised me how fun hunting for artifacts was, you'd think it would be boring. I wish I could get CoC running again, it'd tide me over between episodes.

Fusion isn't that bad. If it can't sustain the superheated gases that are required to create plasma it just stops.

Oh sorry you’re talking about atomic bombs not nuclear bombs.

Fusion reactions would stop instantly the moment the confinement is breached + it doesn't release radioisotopes.
How would that be worse than Chernobyl you mongrel ?

Fusion bombs are nowhere near identic to controlled fusion reactions spergtard.

jews did both

Because the graphite is supposed to be inside the reactor, and graphite outside the reactor means your reactor a splode. Also the graphite was in direct contact with the fuel and shitting out something like 500SV/Hr

I agree how can a fusion reactor ever explode? To the infirmary I go!

Btw it’s controlled “fission” reactions my smart friend

>fusion reactors are controlled fission

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But we are talking about comparing a fusion reactor with a fission reactor. Should I be at fault for simply following the topic of conversation while you’re blabbing about something else?

The town was built specifically to house the workers at the plant and their families

>communism destroys russia
>let's fill the movie about it with sex-communist propaganda

Oh nvm, it's probably just a legend

Then how would an accident on a fusion reactor be worse than chernobyl ?

The reality is probably still worse than the official numbers though.

Hmmm I dunno, how could a fusion reaction go bad in combination with tools, fuels, and apparatuses added to it in various experiments? Hmmm I can’t think of any ways. Probably as safe as an RBMK!

The control rods had a few feet of graphite on the tip. Because of that, the first few seconds of insertion didn't actually slow down the reaction as the boron had yet to enter the core. To make this worse, the reactor used water as a moderator which meant the control rods actually increased reactivity as they were inserted and displaced water. This was a big problem in Chernobyl since most of the control rods had been completely withdrawn to sustain the reaction at low power due to some dangerous design quirks of the RBMK.
The solution was no more water in the control rod channels.

Fusion is like the exact opposite of fission. You need to actively work to stop fission from going crazy while with fusion you have to actively work to keep it going. So in fission if shit hits the fan you have to act fast and try to salvage it but with fusion you can do nothing and it stops itself

Don't reply to tripfags you tourists, they're nothing but underage cunts seeking attention with their lack of arguments.

You said if we think Chernobyl was bad just wait for fusion. But fusion reactors are less dangerous because and . If they fuck up it doesn't blow up, the reaction ceases. The main problem with them nowadays is that they require more power than they generate but they are trying to use miniaturization to counter that.

Well I did say once we perfect it. Assuming we’d be able to find an energy-positive output to sustaining nuclear fusion reactions, and not just have to waste energy to keep it up.

30000 was the point where the instruments died, not the maximum power achieved.

So what is the scale of this "thing" and what exactly are we looking at here?

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There are functioning fusion reactors already. The problem is that at the moment they consume more power than they produce.

1. I said once they are “perfected”, indicating we would surmount the problem of having to put more energy than what we got out of it. Again, thanks for the quick science lectures, but I already had that covered in my post ;)
2. You’re absolutely correct. Nothing could ever ever go wrong. Why even think of possibilities?

>To make this worse, the reactor used water as a moderator which meant the control rods actually increased reactivity

Graphite as a moderator*
Replacing a good moderator (water) with an even better one (graphite) is what caused the power surge.

A moderator doesn't slow down the reaction, it simply slows down neutrons so they can be caught by U-235 nuclei.

Probably radioactive lava.

I was arguing with a mechanical engineering student a few years ago about how safe reactors are. He refused to budge from his claim that "all reactors will wear out and explode within 20 years" despite literally being across the road from a 45 year old reactor.
A lot of people with anti nuclear beliefs treat it like a religion. I grew up near a nuclear power plant and was bombarded with anti nuclear propaganda. It scared me to the the point where I tried to learn everything I could about nuclear power and reactors, at which time I immediately became pro nuclear after realizing how irrational all my fears and all the propaganda was.
It's mind poison.

What you see is the core of the reactor a few dozen meters above it.
You can see the blown steam pipes.
Below it is a mixture of graphite, zirconium and uranium dioxide lava burning at 3500-3800°C

Explain to me why the 11 active RMBK reactors can't pull a Chernobyl on us today

You're talking to a retard. Refer to his babble at the beginning of the thread if you still think he's worth engaging with.

New thread

They all had their designs altered after Chernobyl I think. Also various safety procedure changes.

Didn't it also use water for both moderation and cooling?

how much is 3.6 roentgens on that chart?

What would happen if one of them blew up or containment was breached? It won't spew radiation out. The energy inside will just disipate because you can't keep the reaction going. It might kill people at the plant but so can a coal plant if it blew up so what's your point again about them being worse than Chernobyl? It doesn't contaminate the area for a long time like fission reactors. You're just being smug to excuse poor wording.

They can. Probably won't though since their operators won't try and blow them up on purpose as a joke

Lol stay upset you don’t know how to read the word “perfected” thanks for not replying to me anymore and instead trying to “wormtongue” your way onto other people’s laps. Slimy brainlet you are.

They still have a positive void coefficient meaning they can meltdown extremely easily

You’re right my dude. We totally know all the variables and possibilities for accidents with the perfected model of a fusion reactor which we don’t have today. Great stuff.

Glad there's new kino on the menu, we haven't had comfy threads like this since The Terror

Water can be used as a moderator yes, but it's not as good as graphite because water also absorbs some of the neutrons. That's why they put graphite tips, to prevent water from filling the control rod channels and absorbing some of the neutrons, which would decrease the power by about 7%.

Convertor says 3.6 roentgen = 0.03358679 sievert but you need to calculate by exposure time.

Much better computer controls
Much more sensors (and better ones)
Better trained crews
Power limitations to prevent instability of the core.
Better confinement
Better control rods and servos.

Doesn't mean they're safe, they're still top tier dogshit and no one ever wanted RBMKs after 1986.

That's like saying a Thorium reactor is more dangerous than a coal plant since Thorium is nuclear. Never mind the fact that it uses salts and can't really explode. We don't know all the variables of fusion reactors but what we do know points to them being less dangerous than fission reactors.

All races have been in constant conflict with their own for most of human history. It has to do with proximity, nothing is inherent to Europeans that makes them have war with each other.

>Globalization (trade), internet and nukes are the reasons there is no more total war and just petty bought and paid for false squabbles and land grabs by super powers.
People said the exact same thing before WW1

Yes I’ve heard it all before. It can’t explode, it can’t sink, etc...don’t worry about it buddy. Let us schizos worry about it ;)

probably much worse, the soviets damage controlled the fuck out of the whole event. i bet a lot of firefighters and liquidators died

You sound like one of those people who thought the LHC would create a black hole and kill us.

The instruments didn't die, the SKALA computer wasn't fast enough to display the data when it happened.
The computer took about 10 minutes to give a complete and detailed report of the reactor core status.
Only the control rod position and thermal power readout (among few other parameters from within the core) could be displayed almost instantly (usually with a 1-2 second delay)

That's why it stopped at 30 GW, the sensors were destroyed before the computer could process the data.