Hawkeye and Black Widow

Am I the only who thinks that Hawkeye should have died instead of Black Widow?

Attached: black widow and hawkeye.jpg (1750x1000, 382K)

Now go KYS.

Now fuck off roastie

Hawkeye is way more likeable so him dying would have had way more impact for me. Also his Ronin redesign in Endgame was fucking retarded so I'd have been happy to see that go.

Whoever that Hawkeye actor is is just fucking terrible. He looks like an old man, not any kind of a super hero

based and redpilled

He was pretty great in that one episode of House

Jeremy Renner looks like a human pug. I do too but I'm not trying to be a movie star. He should have been killed off in Endgame.

No. He had a family to take care of and he had already lost his soul and will to live after they got dusted.

Natasha sacrificed herself to save his best friend's soul.

Fucking aces.

Why did Scarjo's tits get smaller with each movie?

No, since Hawkeye is uglier.

Is this a joke? Hawkeye is the most hated character in the Avengers

This. Hawkeye would have sacrificed himself to revive his family, but Natasha literally had nothing to live for except the mission.

I wanted them both to live. shame no one loved cap marvel so she could have taken her place.

I'm talking about my own opinions here, I like Hawkeye more than Black Widow as a character.

nigger what? he's one of the only humans that isn't wearing armor like some kind of faggot, and he actually went 1v1 against vision to try and save Wanda. that makes him pretty based in my book.

his opening scene in endgame was surprisingly emotional i m o

Yes. It makes no sense at all that he lived.

fuck off, brie

I love how he was just running around the world murdering people for 5 years and nobody even bothered to stop him

>nobody even bothered to stop him
they explained this in the movie though...

fucking capeshit brainlets.

No. He had a family waiting for him at home.

Yeah, the explanation was, meh we can't be bothered to stop him. When they really wanted to find him widow did it instantly.

Black widow is sterile. Hawkeye has strong 20/20 vision sperm to hunt down Velma's eggs.

Therefore, Black widow is useless in this scenario.

Why would they stop him exactly?

It's weird, in the first film it seemed like the great sacrifice needed to be made but in endgame they were going out of their way to kill themselves.

Can someone explain me how the fuck black widow was the most important thing for Haweye? he got wife, children, and point of getting stone was sacrificing most important thing for you. How the fuck some retarded bimbo that wanted to fuck pretty much every avenger was most important thing for a guy with family

Beside his family and Wanda, Black Widow was the closest person to him, and vice-versa.

Because they were soul mates. Blame Whedon.

black widow is dead?

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He was killing criminals, wasn't he? He had basically turned himself into a vigilante to try and cope with the loss of his family. I could be wrong but that's what I thought was going on. I thought it would be obvious to everyone.

Give me a Budapest prequel.

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Since you can only retrieve the stone by sacrificing what you love the most....
It would have been cool if she jumped off and just before hitting the ground reappeared on top of the mountain with the stone in her hand.

Yes, the green nigger lady would be too if she didn't come to the present from the past on Thanus' ship

>man with wife and three kids
>single woman
I like them both but honestly it’s better this way