Entire website claims to hate reddit

>Entire website claims to hate reddit
>They know all about them and the way they talk, they post screenshots of reddit, but they don't browse it! We swear!
Truly a clown world we live in

Attached: Pure clownery.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>le clown world meme

>a few people is everybody

Reddit isn't that bad

>Entire Reddit claims to hate Yea Forums
>They know all about them and the way they talk, they post screenshots of Yea Forums, but they don't browse it! We swear!

Truly a clown world we live in, OP

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I dont hate redditors, I hate newfags who don't lurk for an appropriate amount of time before posting and who ask people to spoonfeed them.

It doesn't take a genius to spot someone who doesn't belong, and majority of newfags happen to be from Reddit, and from your off topic bullshit thread I feel comfortable telling you to go back there and never come back.

>user claims to hate /pol/
>He knows all about their memes
truly this has been, a clown world

Attached: e0a.gif (2952x3047, 1.18M)

I browse three niche subreddits (hobby, author I like, videogame I like), it's not that bad. Reddit suffers greatly from the upvote system (you always see some stupid quirky comment and replies first and quickly lose interest scrolling for adequate posts) and absence of catalog system (you can sort threads only by creation date and various amounts of upvotes).

MY homepage is Reddit and 4channel.

the clown used to be funny, but /pol/ needs to grab anything they can get their uncreative little fingers on and create a cringy and heavy handed narrative around it.

clown world is an anti semetic meme therefore it's not

>a few

We're not allowed to browse 4chin at work and besides, call it social engineering, call it whatever you want but ever since I started browsing Reddit, I've managed to have sex several times.

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Why would somebody ever know about /pol/ memes without browsing /pol/ am i right? They're so conservative and never leave their board or leak to other boards or sites, its literally impossible

/pol/ made all those memes, though.

You just hate it because it makes you angry.

Grow a pair.


Posting a hot take and getting called a retard for it, is not "/pol/ leaking."

It's you.

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>posting a hot take
Oh thats rich coming from the board that blames jews and niggers for everything, call sjw triggered snowflakes all the time (while getting offended themselves by the dumbest shit) and constantly reafirm how hitler was a good guy

you retards are so deep in shit you cant even smell it anymore. its the only way you can stand posting in that shithole. now its the time you say "but i don't even browse /pol/ lelelele triggered SJW jew nigger muslim roastie kys"

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There's nothing more reddit than the frog
It's the most normalfag fucking thing

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>constantly reafirm how hitler was a good guy
edgy opinions get you the most (You)s

does anyone actually find the clown world shit funny? I'm conservative but jesus christ that meme is unfunny cancer
Newsflash, you're not the first one to realize "bro we all live in a clown world"

I only come here because Yea Forums aggregates the best reddit content now

poopyinthepants man

How anyone can find a pepe edit funny anymore is baffling
And of course the plebbitors on /pol/ made it into a political thing like the faggots they are

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>you're not allowed to know your enemy
butthurt redditor

>Oh thats rich coming from the board

Several things you have to consider.

1) Just because /pol/ does it, doesn't mean you have to throw yourself down the cliff too.

2) Just because they hurt you, doesn't give you a license to be a retard to people who were never /pol/ to begin.

3) /pol/ living rent free inside your head.

Got that? It's not hard to understand. You've built your entire personality around hating something, that you never bother building the stuff you like.

Even /pol/ has a list of red-pilled shows to support right beside the list of shows to boycott. What about you?

It's terrible

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its pretty easy to visualize what the people who post that shit look like

Front page is terrible. Certain subs are completely okay. Same goes for facebook groups. Some are fine, others are trash heaps. Hey, same goes for this shit hole.

>/pol/ made all those memes, though.
>image created in July 2018
>posted on Yea Forums in December 2018
>posted on r9k and s4s in January 2019
>/pol/ shits on it in February 2019 and claims they invented it

>How anyone can find a pepe edit funny anymore is baffling

Just ignore them, you mongoloid. The more you rage about it, the more power you give to them.

At this point they're only doing it to wrench a reaction out of gullible retards like you. Stop hiving them attention.

>Stop giving them attention.

Should be a new rule on Yea Forums.

>i'm not /pol/ lmao i just really really like using the same memes and posting the same way as them and i know their list of stuff but i'm definitely not /pol/ kek punk'd

Every time

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what's a newfag?

>/pol/ made all those memes, though.
no they didn't
>You just hate it because it makes you angry.
yeah, I think its sad when almost every popular meme gets associated with childish larpers
>Grow a pair.
have sex

clown pepe is the most edgy, misunderstood chaotic neutral meme that came out of Yea Forums. It's so fucking cringe

The 2016 election ruined us, man. I just wished we could go back to the halcyon days when I didn't have anxiety over that dammable frog.

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>It's so fucking cringe
Well it came from Yea Forums. Couldn't expect anything else.

My homepage is reddit.com/r/Yea Forums

Truly rent-free.

Notspendingenoughtimewithhisnewson Man

Have sex.

show pussy and boobvs

Hillary, what are you doing on Yea Forums?

rent free ;^)

You've become paranoid. The only explanation I can find is that you've lowered the bar so hard, that everything is now an enemy. Grow a pair.

Attached: rich-pepe.jpg (460x460, 42K)

>zoomers are retarded

Thanks for another great totally unseen before insight, zoomer.


>lol paranoid
>lol rent free

It's so predictable. Probably explains why you can just steal memes or edit pepe pictures as well. Every day is groundhog day with you guys

Filtered, redditor.

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It's been known for nearly 5 years now that the left cannot meme at all, their best attempts are simple theft.
>And if you werent a fucking newfag you would know this happens every time with got


Thanks for filtering yourself from my replies, zoomer.

I am not /pol/. Really. Stop saying I'm /pol/ because I'm not.

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