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kelly's lost his touch lately

how can one man be so based and redpilled?

based god (trekkie)

i dont get it

Chuck's Feed and Seed

>prefer Star Trek over Star Wars

Is he stupid?

This was pretty funny.

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This desu

Are you stupid?

liberals are evil

you see sneed feed seed chuck fuck suck

How is that incompatible? Conservatives believe in everyone putting aside their differences and getting along, while Liberals believe in fostering dissent and hatred and using violence to get their way. Of course a conservative would favor Star Trek, a show whose heroes believe in peace and understanding, over Star Wars, a franchise about using violence to solve your problems.


But the culminating conflict only had violence as a biproduct, pushed on the situation by the emperor. Luke and vader didn't want to fight eachother

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Imagine being such a lanklet that the only accomplishment you have in life is wearing a dog costume

I don't get it.

Kelly has a running gag of being a Trekkie. He does the same with DC vs. Marvel.

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But I'm a trekkie and I literally don't get it.

It’s just being cheeky about rival fandoms and the idea that one would make such disrespectful hot takes toward someone who died as part of rooting for one’s team.

It's because Peter Mayhew was gay

t. jealous manlet

kelly parodies some other comic artist that has a similar style so he's just trying to sound as stupid as he can to tarnish the other guys work by association.

is it just one person who draws all these?
I always thought it was just random people using the style and accrediting the same fake person for all of them
that's why they always seem all over the map from a content perspective

It's funny because it's true.

Conservatives are unironically and unfortunately the real liberals.

No it’s one guy (ward sutton)

Kelly's beliefs are never 100% consistent. The main joke is that the comics are just a childish response to something that annoyed Kelly that week.

hes pretty consistently anti sicko

fuckin sickos man

>Conservatives believe in everyone putting aside their differences and getting along, while Liberals believe in fostering dissent and hatred and using violence to get their way.

Not really. Conservatives believe in establishing, if necessary by force, a hierarchy along pointless superficialities that's arbitrary aside from happening to have themselves on top. Liberals believe in passive-aggressively screwing each other over and being automatically justified because they're "doing their thing" and "expressing their individuality", which means buying into rhetoric of people who want to screw them over, but going along with it nevertheless because it's their decision to do so.

can someone once and for all explain the joke to me?
kelly is a raging liberal on social media and in interviews so why does he make based comics?

Fucking BASED

> hierarchies are arbitrary
try again

the guy who makes the comics is an insufferable leftist. he makes these comics as a satire/parody of views he disagrees with. ironically the parodies are funny and true while his serious comics are embarrassing garbage

there's this weird thing with leftist cartoonists that whenever they try to make fun of conservatives they end up making them look good

conservatism doesn't exist anymore.
What did the modern conservatives managed to actually conserve except the earning of big companies ?

Wow why is this guy such a fucking asshole towards the recently deceased?

Wait so his defence is literally "I'm just kidding so it's okay"? This guy actually thinks that's a defence?

Well. Nothing. I think of myself as a socialist but there are a lot of conservative values I more or less agree with. It's just that it's not the conservatives who are actually upholding them. Modern conservativism is part of a decadent, hypercapitalist crime syndicate.

It's satire.

they managed to conserve jewish wealth and power, and expand them. that's about it

These are posted in The Onion, brainiac.

That's how satire works. It's kind of like a free pass.

How can one person be this fucking stupid?

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Blame Americans for turning conservatism into corporate brown-nosing and liberalism into self-loathing whites hosting the oppression olympics.

I wonder if he comes up with the snarky insert pun first and makes a comic around that, or he makes the comic and has to make a pun to fit it.

I keep seeing this guy's comic and I never understand what it's trying to say.

>seven-thirty heaven

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Is this proof that Kelly-verse God is against the Corps?

Nah consva-boomers love start trek.

Cow tools

Why are Star Wars fans such mouth breathers compared to Trekkies?

that's just being a dick. fuck off Kelly.

fucking kek

This poster is guaranteed to have autism

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Post more kelly bros

imagine the smell


I preffer the anime girls edit

This is satire, right?

>I'm gonna explain the joke
A lot of kelly jokes are about the fake parody cartoonist persona's personality, personal life, and weird shit about him, like comics about how much he loves Whiskey Sours. The metajoke is that he's a bitter asshole with a shitty life and that keeps leaking into his comics like loving Star Trek and hating Star Wars because of the old Star Trek vs. Star Wars rivalry. But a bigger meta joke is that "people should burn in hell because muh company wars or muh fandom rivalry" is the same kind of pettiness you see in dumbass political cartoons. Since the big joke/theme of these in general is that political cartoons are usually idiotic tribalist garbage that are also paint-by-numbers and cliche shit.
But I lot of people's favorites are about what a petty and bitter loser the cartoonist is, it's like Red Letter Media used to be.

fuck off