Welp, this is it. This is the new Star Wars, the new Matrix, the new Harry Potter, the new LoTR...

Welp, this is it. This is the new Star Wars, the new Matrix, the new Harry Potter, the new LoTR. How's it feel to know Infinity War/Endgame is this generation's defining movie?

Marvel achieved what Avatar dreamed of being: culturally significant.

Attached: happy2.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Most kids in their teens and younger have probably never even heard of Avatar and have no interest in watching it. It was over-hyped and forgettable.

Feels good

Surprising lack of cultural impact for so many movies . Even Harry Potter seemed more relevant. I wonder why?

Cameron thought people would like a main hero that betrays the human race because he wants to fuck a blue cat alien, it's embarassing

this. the only reason avatar was a success was because it was made for 3d and everyone wanted to see such a movie. the second movie will flop and put the studio into crisis, knowing, they have several finished movies left to release.

People evidently did like it. I thought it was an okay flick...his earlier films were better though

Unlike Star Wars, The Matrix, or Avatar, Endgame is the culmination of 22 movies. Not exactly a first-time hit. Try again, Disney shill.

What is with nu/tv/ and these rebbit spammers constantly spouting their hivemind crap?

Talk to me in 30 years. I bet people will still think that original Star Wars trilogy is more important than MCU.

It doesn't define shit. This is like saying whatever new burger McDonald's has is defining cinema. Matrix and LOTR defined their times not because of box office but for what films they were. MCU will always be regarded as the fast-food equivalent of cinema. Accept it.

I enjoyed it

It seems to be pretty engrained in modern culture. More among people than other meia. It's a hard franchise to parody or homage because it's so retarded and safe.

Endgame has no mark on culture. Each GoT episode draws more attention than a Marvel event movie like Endgame.

Everyone here will literally forget about it within 2 years like we all forget the original Captain America movie was a thing

You say this every thread like it's a fact. Enjoy your illusion while it lasts. By 2022 you'll be in an asylum.

>May 9th
>I am forgotten

I think in 5 years everyone will forget marvel movies and be ashamed of being a fan of it.
Think about it, apart from toys and a few studios falling to lauching their cinematic universe, the MCU doesn't have a long stading appeal. As soon as the Mouse propaganda arm stop to ppump up hype, the interest will fade.

The MCU didn't have any significant impact on culture, it was hot for a minute, but it's going to be another gangnam style/harlem shake.

>Matrix makes 400 million
>Still remembered
>Endgame makes 3 billion
>will only be remembered when people look up the highest grossing films chart

>Marvel achieved what Avatar dreamed of being: culturally significant.
Holly shit, you idiots are obsessed over that article, aren't you?
Only one Avatar movie came out. Marvel has 22. Yet, answer me this: Is anyone quoting Iron Man or Captain America the first avenger?

I remember when Matrix came out and you couldn't escape that "camera spin around" thing it did...for like YEARS.
Only thing from 22 MCU movies I've even seen memed was "I'm putting together a team" and that's really just on Yea Forums(nel)

OP is one of those apes that think cultural impact is defined by box-office. It never will and has never been that. Whatever is at the top is simply the one easiest to digest by the biggest mass. It doesn't mean a paradigm shift or whatever. Especially not in the MCU where everything is super safe and calculated.

And, you make the same point about the Zapruder film. I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to think box office returns actually matter, as far as what is memorable goes.

I bet Sky High will still be more remembered than Endgame in a few years

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>every other big studio trying to do their own cinematic universe
>not a paradigm shift

Is anyone quoting Avatar? I think movies after 2005 just all suck

For the studios who want to maximize profits, it has changed things yes (for the worse). But for the medium in itself, MCU has been predictably dull and by-the-numbers from Avengers till now. This is the fast-food assembly-line of cinema. There's no arguing against that. People watch these out of routine. It's a habit.

would be if they succeeded, but now they're not even gonna try anymore so the rest of the industry didn't change

the original Avengers' success will never make sense to me
it was awful and the previous movies weren't doing that well to suddenly a team up movie make 1.6b

Hmmm, wonder why MCU got 22 movies and those others didn't. Maybe it's because they are less culturally significant.

>all this cope
Shut up, you are embarrassing yourselves.

It was blue nigger pochahantas

Or because they made less money you idiot. You're completely confusing "money made" with "cultural impact". A niche film can have a relatively large cultural impact (such as Blade Runner) and a mega popular film can leave without a lasting impression.

I am honestly surprised that avatar is brought up so much on Yea Forums. I haven't heard anything about that movie ever since it was released.

MCU films have the cultural impact of a wet fart. Are you suggesting that anyone's going to remember Endgame 5 years from now when Marvel dumps another 15 indistinguishable capeshit flicks with 100+ other equally quippy characters?

>at mcdonalds
>lemme get uhhhhh
>lemme get a MCuniverse

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LOTR, Harry Potter, Star Wars, they are all hugely successful because they are mythic tales that tap into innate human psychology of achieving one's full potential as a human. There is a reason Capeshit is the most popular and universal film. Its our new mythology, and as we increasingly enter a unhumanistic age we are in desperate need for more obvious presentation of the mythic hero. For fuck sake, THOR is back in the minds of the masses.

Yes, you might be surprised by the amount of normies who base their life around "I can do this all day" and "I am Iron Man" moment before endgame and now answer me this without googling it, tell me a significant quote from avatar.

we gotta install micro-wave ovens

>without a lasting impression

Uh huh, and somehow 10 years going the franchise can still pull $2 billiie a movie.

>I'm putting together a team
Is much older than mcu

> Is anyone quoting Iron Man or Captain America the first avenger?
Terrible point, Avatar has literally no memorable quotes.

50% of the atoms that comprise of Americans' bodies have passed through McDonald's food. That makes it significant.

And so can whatever new burger McDonald's puts out. Again you confuse cultural impact with money made. They are two dfiferent metrics. But it might be confusing for a corporate shill.

>all marvel characters are equally quippy
Confirmed for only having seen the Wedon films.

I just know it from nick fury post credit scenes
Not sure where it originally came from

Avatar is literal propaganda, how can retards like it?
>military, technological progress, and white man BAD
>savagery, natives, and trees GOOD

It makes it a significant capitalist product. But is it significant beyond how much it is consumed in raw numbers?

Going beyond food allegories, nobody watched Blade Runner and look what happened with time.

If McDonald's is the food that most burgers eat than McDonald's is indeed the most significant food in burger culture. Rice is significant to Chinese culture. Pasta is significant to Italian culture. Burgers and capeshit are significant to American culture. Your culture is shitty. Sorry.

>look what happened with time

Most people still have seen and don't care about Blade Runner. Cult movies are not significant to anyone but the cult.

Yeah, because the directors hardly take risks. The Avengers has the most memorable lines but 90 percent of the movies are forgettable. Guardians and Thor 3 have some staying power maybe.

Blade Runner has impacted the medium more than any MCU shit will.

fast food is literally american culture, don't know what you're trying to say

>22 movies
>some of their solo movies made 1 billion (Iron Man 3, Black Panther, Captain Marvel)
>goes on for 11 years
>other hollywood studios try to recreate their success and fail horribly
>latest movie became the second highest grossing film of all time by a big margin

yeah, sorry DCucks, but Marvel won
Star Wars will die once the millenials die out, meanwhile TODAY kids are being born getting exposed to Marvel movies

He means both mcwagecucks and marvel movies are low quality and easily available and loved by the lower classes

I wonder if /ck/ has daily threads on how "culturally significant" McDonald's is.

Capeshit is in fact the epitome of American culture

because people agree

>struggling to reach $2.3bil weeks after release


>military, technological progress, and white man BAD
>savagery, natives, and trees GOOD
Couldn't agree more. Based Cameron.

DC isn't part of this conversation, they are useless and are trying to stay safe till they come up with something else, we are talking to 40 year olds who only like avatar cause it made more money.

DCucks are currently larping as Avatarfags

You must have no idea just how bad /ck/ even is, do you?

Attached: cheese_top_burger_food_kfc.jpg (847x408, 77K)

Completely irrelevant point then. If it's "loved by lower classes", then it's still culturally significant. Avatar was expensive and made for a more sophisticated audience, and literally, no-one gives a shit about it.

I liked GotG but that humor isn't going to stand up over time

custom kitchen delivery

Because it's correct.

You have to go back

I am just glad that RDJ will be doing proper movies now.

Explain the merits of making a sandwich this way.

>noo why do blue people want to defend their homeland waaah

The cheese is on top so it's tastier.

Hating on avatar is reddit as fuck

sherlock holmes is fucking shite

Sherlock Holmes 3 hype

Based MAGApede telling the non r_donald betas to go back to their subreddits