Why does people with the name "Jared" turns out to be massive kiddy fiddlers?

Why does people with the name "Jared" turns out to be massive kiddy fiddlers?

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The absolute state of "game reviewers"

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Post yfw gamers.

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Is this the part where we equate some technicality with raping babies?

This guy was always a massive prick, so I really don't feel that bad for him

he molested you?

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>Why does people
learn english, foreign scum.

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I watched a Let's Play by the guy once, and he was extremely unpleasant. It was like watching modern Spoony playing a game, I don't see how the guy has fans

Imagine siding with the roastie. Ya'll deserve to be gelded


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Wow, what a surprise, another YouTuber who already showed his cock all over the net despite being a "kid friendly" channel is a creep. I never liked this guy desu.

Autism and Virgins user

does he still do game review? or is he still stuck in "let's play" purgatory?

tell me what the fuck happened I remember stumbling upon his videos when I wanted to get into D&D. why does he suddenly get this much attention?

See incels, all you have to do is become very famous and wealthy from your autistic rantings online and you too can have multiple shitty whores crawling all over your penis

>PBG once again inserts himself in a thing he should not have inserted himself in and loses subs for it

Someone said he mostly streams now

Why the fuck would I take sides with any of them?
I don't know these people, they could all burn to death for all I care.

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Remember that time Spoony ran a red light and crashed his car?


PBG literally makes videos for 8-12 year olds. fuck's sake man

>Defending this

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I don't know what he does but always inserts himself in some unrelated drama and it's hilarious


>wife under monogamous pretenses
>doesn’t have nudes circulating like bird man does

You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

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Post pic pls.


So wait, what's the story here? There's nothing coming up on Google. Are you just shitposting?

Imagine being nicknamed after a disease that makes people look like you.

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He cheated on his wife, possibly wrecked another man’s marriage, and sent out dick pics to his fans and asked them for nudes.

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Who is this, and what happen ?

That's all?

he cheated on his wife, and she got tired of his gaslighting and revealed that he had been using 18+ tumlr accounts to get nude pics of underage girls/ guys and there are a lot of people on twitter who are posting screen shots of him either being scummy in DM's or sending nasty nude jarrod pics

He has a skinny penis

Someone translate this millennial gibberish to english, please.

goddamnit ross

The man's a prophet


Leave zoomer

jarrod fucked up

Circulating lies about someone

Have there been any new developments in the last 6 hours? Did Holly’s nudes leak yet? Did Jared’s wife drop any more nukes on him?

Why not just say "lying"?

it's feministese for "trolling"


Try learning some new words
women might think you have a brain

Based Pan. He also exposed a lot of Channel Awesome shit before it explode on them too.

I'm not interested in millennial language.
The only people who use those words are idealists, and I like to distance myself from that scum.

Because they wont get feminist street cred if they use words everyone else uses and understands

This guy would be cool if he could speak English

>The term "gaslighting" has been used colloquially since the 1960s
Nigger retard
>The only people who use those words are idealists, and I like to distance myself from that scum.
Holy fucking fedora

You're a fucking idiot, it is a word commonly used in debate spheres and other places where elevated vocabulary is typically employed

why would you do this?
fucking moron....

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>The only people who use those words are idealists, and I like to distance myself from that scum.
What the fuck does this even mean? What does this have to do with gaslighting? Do you even know what the term means? Jesus Christ

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fucking kek

But fedoralards are the kind that talk about nothing but politics these days.

So, it's only used by pretentious retards, got it.

It's not that isn't fluent in english, it's that he's super fucking autistic.

They hated anons because they told the truth
Gaslighting is a shit word. Just saying lying


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It's the term used to tell crazy people that someone or some group is out to get them and is manipulating everything they say.

>It's not that isn't fluent in english
speak for yourself

Someone post the “The Shining” edit.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people? Not to mention he completely stopped making videos, which arguably now I understand why in retrospective if all this was going down.

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Yea Forums just got a sticky lmao. They are so extraordinarily mad about this and I can't figure out why. I feel like there's a personal connection here.

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I can't belive Projared was a chad

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>going from an 8/10 qt wife to a 4/10 androgeneus boy women

Eceleb spammers BTFO.
Now if they just made the jannies delete all eceleb shit in general more actively it would be good.
It's pathetic that Yea Forums is unironically discussing that some le ebin as fug zoomer entertainer's life.
This is literally a reddit topic.

woa just like us

because ecelebs belong on b
with the rest of the shit

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We need a celeb board. Sure, Yea Forums would die overnight, but at least we'd clear the cancer from Yea Forums.

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