Any kinos for this feel?
Any kinos for this feel?
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why do people even pick up bass
Bohemian Rhapsody
you're not a musician in my book if you can't play and record/ produce them all
its fun
I'd play the bass if I could play it like Flea does
Any based musicians who play and record everything by themselves? Danzig?
I play all of these and bass is by far the most fun when you're writing music. the bass is literally the glue that holds the entire song together and a bassline can make or break a song
Prince, Paul McCartney and I believe Todd Rundgren are a few
foundation breh
Bass is one of those easy to learn hard to master instruments. I can play drums and guitar but bass is the most fun imo.
This is wrong you stupid faggot. Nobody fucks the bassist lol.
I love playing my bass though
Reality check: no one cares about musicians after the year 2008.
Bands have turned from being seen as sex gods to literal background music. No one gives a fuck about your skills, guitars are no longer sold just because of some popular musician playing it. That's why electronic music and DJs have absolutely killed the entire rock genre today.
Yes this "I play guitar and get all the pusy" meme was valid a decade ago, now if you bust out a guitar you merely give the appropriate setting for others to hook up to. Or they will already be playing music from portable speakers for their smartphones.
At best you'll hook one nostalgia boomer girl just like the people ITT that will respond to you playing fucking Creep
That's what the picture is implying, the bassist is alone.
Stevie Wonder would sometimes play most or all the instruments on a song.
there's heaps in the diy/ lofi genre
R stevie moore, ariel pink, john maus, mac demarco, alex calder, panda bear, connan mockasin
Why play keyboards when you can actually play a piano???
anyone playing music for the sole purpose of getting pussy doesn't have the right to touch an instrument anyway.
it is good that women no longer see musicians as free dildos, it makes music better since now those omega males must make music for a non-easy audience
And literally noone listens to these niggers. Face it, boomer, your time has come.
If you can play one then you can play the other. In the context of a rock band a keyboard is much more portable to move to a gig and can generate a wider range of sounds.
you'd understand if you ever saw a crowd bobbing with what you're doing
>been a musician all my life
>nothing to show for it except a album on youtube with 50 views
Fuck music,matteo da Perugia is the only good "musician"
I genuinely hope you don't judge quality on how popular something is
I played guitar and drums first for many years and then I bought a bass later on to have another instrument to record my own music. Already had keyboards forever but I'm not good at them.
Foo fighters first album, all by Dave grohl
All Tame Impala albums are recorded and produced by one dude.
you are retarded
any kinos about a painfully shy 25 year old bedroom neet musician who ends up making it after years of heartfelt blood, sweat and tears of dedication to his craft, spending all his neetbux on music gear, living on rice and beans, with minimal success aside from a few thousand soundcloud plays who ends up making it haha? a-asking for a friend
its honestly the biggest pleb filter in music, any fag who refuses to acknowledge how important the bass is is either a complete amateur or retarded, who should be avoided
Aya hirano leaked footage
remember those "learn these chords and get laid tonight!" videos in the early Youtube days
How does it feel to make a fool of yourself in front of the whole world?
Never seen so much stupidity in one single image
To make crunchy basslines
I stopped going to my guitar class because of YouTube tutorials. Never practiced after that though
wow imagine the degeneracy in the life of a one man band
What if they play both bass and keyboards?
I put a shitty pic of me playing guitar in my room on my tinder profile and my matches shot way up
Just wait till we play a show and I get stage pics, then it's over for you virgins
Shut the fuck up
How does it feel to be wrong AND retarded
It's kind of a weird instrument. I picked it up only becuase I was curious about your same question. I've found that it's deeply personal the expressive choices your forced to make in regards to how you manage the identities of both the rhythm and the melodies of any given song.
Oh shit, just looked at the pic. Yeah, it's kinda right, for me anyway. God, I'm lonely.
This. When I talk to kids no one wants to be a rockstar, they all want to be famous youtubers or videogame streamers. These are the rockstars of this generation. Literally not a single one wanted to be a rock god
Why would someone make an album about that Nicholas Cage movie lmao? No wonder Iron Maiden is done. Once their fatasses fans die no one will remember them. Metallica on the other side...
I played shows in small venues in about 8 countries all across Europe, no one gives a fuck aside from maybe some random overly drunk hobo boomer who played an instrument two decades ago. Music became a mere background setting.
Also the reason why those gimmick tribute bands are now popular and replacing the gigs of every demo band ever, people don't give a shit about any "new" band and just want to listen what they already know.
As for pics sure a picture of you playing a guitar works better than a fucking bathroom selfie mirror shot, but it stops there.
plus most women think playing an instrument is cringe. if you take out your guitar during an afterparty and you're more concerned with playing a song, you're not paying attention to things around you
Women today only like the idea of a musician, if you say to a girl that you play in a band they will say "oh that's cool!" but they don't actually care any further than that.
Yes today pulling out an acoustic guitar in a party setting is extremely cringy
Really shitty bait. A better bait it's to point out it's just a judas priest cover with chrorus bait for third worlders.