What's your favorite candid film or tv show?
What's your favorite candid film or tv show?
that's a child you fucking pedo
god I want to eat her poop
looks like she dates individuals from the sub Saharan
looks good to go
Never worked out a day in her life. Just look at how her leg skin wobbles as she walks.
There's nothing that spectacular about that body but it's still mesmerising
It's the panties doing the trick, it also helps its in public.
her brain has not yet fully developed you fucking pedo
me in the background sitting down
I dropped this bitch ever since /pol/ found out she was a coal burner
have sex
>millennials and zoomers
>ever having a developed brain
They clearly stop developing by the age of 10.
Low testosterone
when live cams were actually good and you could even move the camera
old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
that's literally a child and with down syndromes to boot. Disgusting.
The one in the dungarees looks too pure for her cyka friends
Why are american girls the sluttiest in the world? Is it all the shit they put in their water?
Very high test and based thread
Is she going to turn around and show her ass, or what?
Reminder she commissioned those videos to promote her Instagram.
hormones in cheese and meat
God I want her to fart in my face
is girl skin as soft as it looks?
Brains don't fully develop till your mid 20's. This is not an argument.
>Yea Forums drools over a coalburner thread
Is it morning in america already?
esl here
I still have no idea what that word means
man I would bury my dik so deep in her but who ever pulled it out would be crowned king of England
You've clearly never considered Europe.
It doesn't stop developing until you're 25.
Thankfully most countries aren't retarded and have the age of consent be 14-16.
You've clearly never been to Russia in summer.
Depends on the age. Teenage girl's skin is made of heaven and heroin.
Got damn!
I'll bet that girl fucks on the first date.
wasted high school on video games
Imagine the taste
fucking cringe
We're looking at images, not having conversations, retard. Are you honestly going to tell me you're not attracted to that? Do you think you'll go to jail over an anonymous comment?
This is the only time I've thought Jap girls were attractive
Why is she dressed like she's out on a date? Is she trying to bang one of the students?
>that cute little spin
>them tiddies
i’m in love, my niggas
>tfw a bunch of hot chicks were after your dick through all of college but you were to dumb to realize until after you graduated and everyone went there separate ways.
lack guys sit in back slowly jacking off into a towel laid across their lap
At least that is what they did when I was in school two years ago.
fuck, hs was just hell if you were a white boy
Imagine being pinned down by those girls and forced to sniff their stinky feet!
the sandals aren't regulation but the hair and dress is fine. She is probably in training and getting assessed so is looking extra nice that day.
>the heel pivot
she's trying her best and it's cute
those kids are probably not listening
>tfw you were in college before #metoo and could've had sloppy drunken sex without being called a rapist
Why did I not prioritize, bros?
>This entire post
This thread sucks
>two years ago
I really need to get my life together and leave this place
If you haven't caught on to the fact that the average age here is like 15-16 then you might be a bit slow
you're looking at images of half naked children you fucking pedo
>A see through dress that cuts off at the upper thigh and is tight around three chest is regulation
The fuck is going on in schools today?
Again, you do not need to pretend you are not attracted. It comes off as pathetic.
there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
Imagine believing women have any brains at all
>booty trying to eat her dress
Why does this make the penis into the big penis?
I have a question for those who are smart enough to answer, what exactly are the reasons for the majority of aoc being 18 in most places? why that arbitrary age? is there something biological that happens at that age?
Did he literally candid shot up close?
I wasn't aware Obongo had a hot daughter.
Its developed enough to dress like a whore.
jesus fucking christ
i wonder if they are down for a threesome with a lucky white chad?
reminder that girls peak between 11-15 and anyone who disagrees is a liar or a jealous roastie
Clever dad.
that's a 14 year old girl you fucking pedo
>reminder that girls peak between 5-11
>her brain has not yet fully developed
She's a girl. It will never fully develop.
Australia has sluts like this
when will this meme end that girls who have had their period and are sexually developed are children?
17-18 is literally the most arbitary number imaginable. it signifies NOTHING
White girls are literally perfection (
Yeah and it's awesome. I mean it does get hot as fuck in summer it's harder to blame aus girls for dressing like that
>17-18 is literally the most arbitary number imaginable. it signifies NOTHING
That's actually true. 18 was chosen arbitrarily as it doesn't signify any actual mental or physical milestone of development.
Biologically women develop earlier than men, FACT.
a racist and a fucking pedo
oh I'd give her a pleasant pop
if that's a child then i'm grandpa
Age 17-18 is the average age when puberty ends, brainlet
>fat dude checking if the camera got him looking
Imagine the smell B R E H S . . .
based and sheilapilled
No it isn't. Puberty generally ends for girls at 15 or 16. One google search would have told you that, fuckwit.
naziped is the best timeline though.
girls start puberty at like 8-9 and usually finished by 14. which is like two or 3 years earlier than boys. it's why in middle school all the girls are giants with huge tits
creepy old man
I like that her little brother or whatever catches him and has that "wtf" look.
reminder that xenoestrogens are causing girls over the decades to progressively have their periods and puberty earlier.
When age of consent laws were written the average 16-17 year old looked like a 12-13 year old today
Who tf are the creeps making these videos
On average, girls begin puberty around ages 10–11 and end puberty around 15–17; boys begin around ages 11–12 and end around 16–17.[1][2][3][4][5]
It doesn't help that I actually work as a medfag. Yes, it's 17-18
>Puberty starts on average at 8 years old for girls
And in the case of Delaware?
It's level of education and thought prepared enough to make adult decisions but not optimal
Nothing is arbitrary, there's always thought behind these things, even if you don't agree with it
Don't know anybody who disagrees
It's not even that simple, puberty officially ends at around 16-17, 17-18 on average but technically a lot of your growth won't end , on average, until your early 20's.
Puberty isn't a marker for the beginning of sexuality in humans. There is no primitive society which uses puberty to permit sexual activity. They do however use puberty to time marriage.
>progressively have their periods and puberty earlier
Your source says one thing and you say another, you illiterate fuck. I hope you never provide my medical care.
18 isn't the universal number even in the US, retard. In some states it's 16.
i bet she's 12 isn't she
It's universal legally, consent isn't adulthood and 16 year olds still need adult co-signing even with marriage
18 is also seen as the age of majority
Once again these things aren't arbitrary, you're just ignorant of this subject.
So many girls I follow on IG are 13-14 and look 18+ easily.
Hello retard
angry roastie detected. sorry. you're destined to be a childless aunt
drop some names nigga
Welcome the world of medical ethics. It's always been that way.
>Puberty isn't a marker for the beginning of sexuality in humans
... It's literally , literally, the age range where primary and secondary sexual characteristics fully develop.
>There is no primitive society which uses puberty to permit sexual activity
So your actual goal is to revert back into the primitive state of mankind. Interesting. Unfortunately I have a feeling that you're wrong about *all* primitive societies not valuing the development of sexual characteristics before engaging in sexual intercourse though.
>there are people who unironcally call her a "child"
It's 16 in Australia
lol, did you use paint fill to make that?
Girls who grow up without a dad also get their puberties earlier
>It's universal legally,
No it isn't, you intellectually lazy sack of shit. Turning 18 hardly means a fucking thing even legally speaking. Most 18 year olds are still legally wards of their parents, you can't buy alcohol or marijuana(where legal) and soon won't be able to buy tobacco. An adult can marry a 10 year old if the parents OK it, so bringing up 16 is just you being disingenuous.
There are people at age 30 I would call a child. Just because you started puberty earlier does not mean you're an adult.
She's definitely hot though
Good lord. The body of a sex goddess, the vagoo of a kid. She's perfect.
>So your actual goal is to revert back into the primitive state of mankind
To an extent yes, because it is optimal for our mental health. There are some things in modern society such as working away from family or being swarmed by strangers, but the ban on early sexuality is counter to our good development
>not valuing the development of sexual characteristics before engaging in sexual intercourse
They do, for marriage. However, sexual contact between children and adults is also common. It is however a misconception that such contact typically involves penetration.
have sex you fucking pedo
>Prior to 1970 the age of majority in each of the States and Territories of Australia was 21 years. Since 1970 the age of majority has been reduced to 18 years by the New South Wales Minors (Property and Contracts) Act 1970, sections 8 and 9, by the South Australia Age of Majority (Reduction) Act 1970–71, by the Western Australia Age of Majority Act 1972, by the Tasmania Age of Majority Act 1973, by the Queensland Age of Majority Act 1974, by the Northern Territory Ordinance 1974 and by the Australian Capital Territory Ordinance 1974.
>In Victoria, where the common law rule still applies, the age of majority is 21 years. However, persons who have not attained that age are permitted to exercise many functions that at one time could be exercised only by an adult. An 18 year old in Victoria may vote at a parliamentary election to the State or Federal legislatures and he may become a member of a State or Federal legislature. He may also make a will and serve on a jury. He may obtain a loan to purchase a dwelling-house and may secure the loan by a mortgage on the property
No, it's 18
Sweet fake pic, bruh.
Can someone tell me why this thread is still up. Are jannies actually based?
>There are some things in modern society **that cannot be avoided** such as working away from family or being swarmed by strangers
sorry for the mistake
she is though
I find it hilarious how people throw around the word "pedo" everywhere yet are completely clueless as to that an actual pedophile would be disgusted by these girls.
an actual pedophile would have his boner killed by any kind of sign of puberty/ sexual development. they are into CHILDREN. you know. those completely non sexual creatures without any sex hormones in their body who just want to throw bugs around. actual pedophiles literally get rock hard looking at toddlers in diapers.
pedo is becoming the new "racist" etc. soon people won't know what anything means anymore or the consequences of just spouting these words whenever they want to insult someone
When will you post her ass?
18 as age of majority and legal adulthood, is literally the most popular age across the globe.
Even the worst shitholes have it even higher instead of lower
Blessed thread
Me: smoking a cigarette
I fucked a lot of hot chicks because my dad's a rich cunt
And I'll say this : all pussy feels 98% the same
It's the same fucking hole. Dicks on the other hand vary a lot and it's always an adventure
How does this work? Will she hit the wall by the time shes 20 or does it just mean more years of being peak sex goddess
>CHILDREN. you know. those completely non sexual creatures
wtf I love albania now
>actual pedophile would be disgusted by these girls.
Why? the majority of pedos are still strongly sexually attracted to grown women. Their emotional attraction is stronger for girls though.
I thought this was sheever at one point
>To an extent yes, because it is optimal for our mental health
I didn't know that warfare, slavery, starvation, half your children dying, not having a written code of law, and disease were good for your mental health.
>There are some things in modern society such as working away from family or being swarmed by strangers
There are a lot more things wrong with primitive societies which I don't think make it an equal exchange.
>If it doesn't involve penetration
Idk man, there is something about ritualistic eating the cum of the village elder like they do in certain African tribal societies that seems a bit.. off to most people.
She's 17
excellent bait
I will suck the dick of whoever finds me the source of this until the day I die
What a bullshit fake map. Its 15 in like half of EU
it looks some sort of china town or asian country
Inclusion of children in tribe sexuality is a positive part of our ancestral environment. There is no equivalence to famine or war.
>Even the worst shitholes have it even higher instead of lower
But that's an outright lie. Google is your friend, fuckface.
Age of consent =/= legal adulthood
You have to be under a certain age to have sex with minors. It's so that an 18 year old won't be given a stat rape charge for having sex with his/her hs crush that is 16 and etc other scenarios. You can't be 40 and just fuck little girls regularly
rate my mom
thats china town in NYC its full of roasties like that m8
The level of dedication these creepshot artists go to is really admirable. Even hiring an inconspicious limo to get the right shot
>white women
You can't find it brah I'm pretty sure its from a creep thread from Yea Forums.
It's literally just a guy walking after a random girl filming her ass.
She's 17 ya doofus
I just want the full video, that's what I meant by source
>tfw had segz wiv cave grugette hoo had blud pussee 25 moons ago an she luvd it but cave masta hit mi wiv stik n sed i hav to leeev trib for 48 moons cos she waznt enuf ice seesons old n he showd me the numba of ice seesons on rok counta
>You can't be 40 and just fuck little girls regularly
unless they consent
The one where you have to imagine the smell
It's 15 in Poland, moron.
rate my mom
These days it's all women and before that it was every woman except for whites that did this
You new age types always just selectively pick any aspect of ancient societies they you romanticize without ever trying to understand the context of that behavior. It's pathetic frankly.
No, group sex existing in primitive societies is not evidence that sexual behavior between minors and adults is ethical you absolute pederast
Given the chance, I would fuck your mother, user.
Yeah? then explain my basement
>Thinking it's just white girls who do this
user, do I have a story to tell you
Just think about it logically
how can nig nogs even compete
best time in high-school was age 13-14 when girls already finished puberty and looked like this before you even got started. I was still around 5'2" and all the girls were taller and had massive tits. I used to fap like 10 times a day back then.
she can get any man she wants. even brad pitt.
A pedophile by definition is attracted to prepubescent children. You might very well consider it immoral to engage a relationship/sex with a teenage girl due to her being not mentally developed. But the mere physical attraction to her body has nothing to do with pedophilia and is not unnatural in the slightest. A 16 year old with big tits displays adult sexuality in a visual level.
>ancient iPod
These are all old and wrinkly now
This thread lacks diversity, imma fix that shit
He don't
gross nigger
>"Article 10. Age of majority. § 1. An adult is any individual who has attained eighteen years of age. § 2. A minor becomes an adult on marriage. He does not lose that status in the event of the marriage being annulled.
Learn to read the damn chart you idiot
What if you were like in a bar and there was a 15 yo girl who was let in, she looks grown to you and flirts with you and you flirt back, would you ask her for an i.d. before you bang her?(before you ask, yes minors do get into bars and clubs)
jesus christ, both of those girls have perfect tits for different reasons
I can't figure out if she knows the guy that's filming and they planned this or if she's a baddie and is putting on a show for him
It is ubiquitous and there is no doubt that child-adult sex is normal across studied hunter gatherer societies. These societies are a unique opportunity to study human groups organized in ways which are optimal for their mental health and collective survival. There is a good body of evidence that child-adult relationships are beneficial and so ethical.
The Truth About Pedophilia and Child-Adult Sexuality
t. retarded amerimutt that's never been abroad
I feel bad for non Australians who didn't get to experience prime upskirt and leg kino every single day at school. the best were year 8s with pink panties
keep your baboon-faced shitskins out of this thread
get that disgusting shit outta here
You are deluded. She's already dated 2 NHL players and lives with her current boyfriend.
being the most privileged and empowered group while simultaneously taught they are victims and repressed leads to a certain hypocritical beast
at least brown thots aren't cowards and know they are hos all around and acknowledge their inferiority
white women produce weakest sons. what more could illustrate this failure
Is it weird that I wanna eat her butt?
Please God the sauce
Why would it be?
haha imagine the smell if she just woke up and took a fresh dump haha
>tfw worked in bars for 4 years from ages 16 to 20
Well, I would flirt with her and *not* bang her because I'm not a goddamned degenerate who picks up women from bars. If you don't try to get to know a woman before you have sex with her then you're wasting your time with her.
Flirting is fun, banging whores is just a waste.
That nigger is a black incel
>haha imagine the smell if she just woke up and took a fresh dump haha
it looks like she already did hahaha
>on Yea Forums
>complains about degeneracy
was waiting for the chankla to come flying to smash that cup
heh boobs
She can handle my balls if you knowutmsain
>Muh backpain
>Chicks would rather chop of their tits than do some back exercises 2 times per week in the gym
Some women must really hate putting in any effort.
who would want to live in a world without whites, imagine how fucking ugly everything would be
PETA and you can all be lined up against a wall and shot. Go and selectively use century old biased studies elsewhere, the rest of the medical community shuns you for a good goddamned reason
Based. It's so funny all the girls worth looking at always wear the shortest skirts that are just barely school regulation length.
I was fairly popular and got girls at my high school to do splits while wearing skirts and sit in my lap all the time. For a few months I remember I used to always unclip this girls bra when she wasn't looking. She had massive milkies
fuck off pajeet
Why did you reply to me if there is no evidence or line of thought that could change your mind?
>Complains about
Nah I find it hilarious. Schadenfreude is a good pastime. Also, I have always maintained my position that furfags, bronies, pedoshits, and etc other degenerates be gassed. Just because I share a Taiwanese under water basket weaving forum with you does not mean I like you
I've seen your line of evidence before, and I know there is no changing your mind , pederast. The studies you cite are always flawed or misused. Every single goddamned time. Frankly I'm busy and dont have time to argue at a brick wall.
>Just look at how her leg skin wobbles as she walks.
that's the best part though
Also, cut the air or reasonability. You're not reasonable and have the linguistic mannerisms of a sociopath.
>Nah I find it hilarious.
Then why do you continue to complain? Seems like you just want attention.
she has terrible feet 3/10 would not suck
women are fucking disgusting animals
>preferring white girls means you're a racist
Sure thing breh
It's funny to see those types justify themselves.
>Frankly I'm busy and dont have time to argue at a brick wall.
Rich to accuse me of being a brick wall when you're the one writing death threats.
>The studies you cite are always flawed
There is no possibility of studying child sexuality honestly. it would never be funded, and studies which have reported results countervailing mainstream opinion have been condemned by places as high as Washington. It is not a serious field of work in general.