What was the point of this scene

What was the point of this scene

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Other urls found in this thread:


Comic relief

To show that he has absolute power of the inmates of the concentration camp, and he can kill them at will with no consequences.

Why weren't there any scenes of the holocoaster or the electric floors?

And this is absolutely necessary when showing Polish Death Camps


Which is factually bullshit.

>On 13 September 1944, Göth was relieved of his position and charged by the SS with theft of Jewish property, failure to provide adequate food to the prisoners under his charge, violation of concentration camp regulations regarding the treatment and punishment of prisoners, and allowing unauthorised access to camp personnel records by prisoners and non-commissioned officers.

fucking this, when he shoots that woman the way she reacts is so over the top, hell every execution in this movie is so comedic and over the top I could never take it seriously

Did this kind of stuff actually happen? Why didn't they all just rush the guards at once?

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wtf are they even doing with those shovels lmao

Remember the 26 million chosen ones when you wash your hands.

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>rush guards with automatic weapons
>get mowed down like animals

Is it not tho.

You can make Nazis do all kinds of cartoonishly evil things and normies won't question it.

Didn't know Mantout was one of (((their))) names.

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I thought it was true he shot people with his rifle except irl he was fat and was fired by the krauts because he sucked.

Why can't you retards just make peace with the fact you can be racist without being nazis?
Just because nazis are racist doesn't mean you have to defend nazis in order to be racist.
Nazis were superstitious retards that did terrible shit, you don't have to drink the liberal cool-aid to just acknowledge that.

pretty much

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well they did do cartoonishly evil thing so it doesn't seem like much of a stretch.
Let's not pretend injecting blue dye into the eyeballs of children isn't cartooney as shit.

Because Nazis were cartoonishly evil.

mostly I'm curious how that guy got himself tied under the bed like that

Why can't you stop beating your wife with a conflated strawman?

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someone did it for him, either another jew or a sympathizer.
Not much of a "gottem" there buddy.

It was real in our mind

So what was the point of Spielberg making the movie black and white if it just looks like digital trash and not old film. It looks bad. Does he have a secret jew copy of the movie that actually looks good?

To show how evil the Nazis were

Everyone loves seeing jews die. Giving the audience what they wanted.

those are straps that are on many bed frames.
you could literally crawl under them because they have enough slack for when a person lays on the bed, and obviously they can hold the weight of a person.
You could do this yourself if you ever wanted to hide.

Forgot about jew symbolism, still looks like shit.

I laugh more at this one.

I really do.

Yes the SS were desperate to try and show themselves as good by the end of the war

>things that never happened
I’ll bet you believe that they made skin suits too.

And you’re cartoonishly gay. So what?

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You're sick!

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I'll take your posting privileges if you don't stop spewing lies, goy

It's kind of an alpha way of telling a bitch not to talk back, have another bitch shot infront of her.

>those are straps that are on many bed frames.
Those are planks, look closely.

its the "I AM SILLY" of movies

Are we meant to enjoy this movie? What are we meant to feel, as an audience? Why would we want to watch movies that we don't enjoy? Is it a form of self-imposed guilt trip?

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>never happened
imagine being this stupid.
Mengele passed on his notes in the hope they'd be preserve and kept from allied hands when he was on the run.
What we know he did was not coerced out of him, it was not during a trial or speculated or taken from a witness we just have to trust.
Please don't talk about shit you have no idea about, your fantasy where all historical evidence ceases validity but only when relating to a very specific time in the 1940s is really illogical.

She fell funny.

You're new to movies huh.

Maybe you should stick to capeshit

Even if, the cartoonishly evil part is result of decades of propaganda. it's not like the allies didn't test biological warfare agents on people.


>have a fucking skull and bones for your MP's symbol
>g-guys im sure they werent this evil

Please come to /his/ so we can laugh at you

>it's not like the allies didn't test biological warfare agents on people
And it was cartoonish as well.

Attached: 3300144618_4b2d3650ef_oDDT_kérosène_Pulvérisation.jpg (1024x808, 459K)

Seems like a lice killer to me

Holy shit you're retarded for posting this picture

>>have a fucking skull and bones for your MP's symbol
It's a very old prussian insignia actually.

I'm laughing so hard at this right now. It's so fucking terrible. Her face is priceless

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to show that he was an asshole
the movie only missed the parts, that even the guards hated him

It is, but DDT + kerosene isn't exactly healthy.

>Posts picture of a lice pesticide being spread
What did he mean by this

>graphic photo of jewish baby being gassed on the spot by SS soldier circa 1940

Was WW2 the beginning of Clown World?

Skull and bones is a popular insignia in militaries before and after the Nazis.

I am genuinely confused, are they raking with shovels ?

honestly I can't believe that there are still people on this board that believe in holocaust. It is clearly fabricated and ahistorical as seen from movies.

Yeah but it isn't Zyklon B either

they're spreading out the ashes of their fellow chosen people so they're never found again


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As a german, his actions didn't make me laugh in the least. His beyond silly accent however had me in stitches, especially if you watch that Helen Hirsch scene in the laughtrack edit. How anyone could greenlight that accent truly boggles my mind, it sounds like a Monty Python parody.

biowarfare is inhumane.
injecting chemicals into eyes to change their color is just retarded.

>injecting chemicals into eyes to change their color is just retarded.
Did it work at least ?



Yeah, you can tattoo eyes. Dangerous though, it's possible to go blind from it.

>not a single scene with the holocoaster™

How did Spielberg get away with being so anti-Semitic? Is it because he’s chosen himself?

why are you trying so hard to defend the SS?

Why are you actively defending terror states?

what? i think you might be projecting a bit buddy

Why can’t you answer the question? Why do you actively support a warmongering, terrorist state?

delet this

To remind you it actually fucking happened.

the studio didn't want to pay for it, but the blueprints were later used as inspiration for the Mummy ride at Universal Studios Hollywood.

a fucking big tease. now as with every time I see that scene I'm jacking it to his fat gut

What are they doing with their shovels?

This entire movie is absolute kike propaganda.
>dude racks slide on his P-08 like its a 1911
Lol didnt SpielBERG produce this trash?

Spielberg was too busy diddling kids

it wouldn't even matter if it did work, they already had somewhat of an understanding of genetics (even though they seemed to misunderstand twins versus identical twins).
Even if you perfectly tattoo a person's eyes, their genetics are unchanged.
So unless they expected everyone to continue tattooing their eyes for the next 500 years (the time they expected it to take of the aryan to become dominant) it was literally just an excercise in sadism.

Produced and directed it.

>Let's not pretend injecting blue dye into the eyeballs of children isn't cartooney as shit.
The problem is you pretending shit like this actually happened.

But now we know how to safely tattoo eyes today because of their experimentation then.

and what is that? that post was my first response to you. you keep on going “but they weren’t so bad because of x” and then resort to strawmanning.

They didn't invent the Totenkopf but it was inevitable that as with everything else he touched Himmler would camp it up.
(Here's one from the Braunschweig Ducal Regiment at Waterloo.)

Attached: Braunschweiger_Totenkopf.jpg (800x822, 98K)

Francis you really should see somebody


Meanwhile every USMC fag in america drives around with a punisher logo on their truck

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god i wish that were me

Why do /pol/fags love the Nazis again?

You idiots realize if they discovered your tranny fetishes you'd get gassed too?

No that would be faggot cops who think they are all legit Frank Castle, yet would get btfo if they ever attempted any Frank Castle feats.
Marines usually have "PEARL HARBOR, WE WILL NEVER FORGET" or "SEMPER FI" on their trucks.
My personal favorite when I was leaving Camp Lejeune one time was a guy who put the faggy blue line sticker with the kid who pisses on it, with a thin green line sticker above it.

Why would anyone ever let themselves look like this

no we'd be gassed long before that, perhaps immediately they noticed our racial unhygiene. bet you're feeling pretty stupid right now huh?

He was king of the Earth in that moment, he didn't give a shit what people thought about him

>dude history is dumb, I'm gonna make up my own based on feelings
how is this any better than nation of islam shit?

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>t. le edgy 4chin poster

The movie is literally fiction you troglodyte it’s not even based on any real life events or actual people

Fake propaganda for brainlets.

>fake propaganda

It's a lie. People weren't fat before fast food.

>implying all of history isn’t subjective and taken with a table salt shaker
>historical battle happens between x and y
>x massacres y and destroys everything y ever created
>x writes the history books and we have to take what they said as factual when we literally have no idea if they were telling the truth

Yeah nah son everyone laughs at /his/ with your high school football coach majors

>fake event shown with the intention of making brainlets believe it actually happened ie propaganda
You must be one of these brainlets.

Zyklon b comes in a powder form dumbass it’s impossible to spray it

>yeah the Nazis were complete dumbasses that didn’t even know how genetics worked lol
>there whole ideology is based off genetic superiors
>literally 90% of their scientist were used for future space endeavors as well
>they took over all of Europe even though they were babbling retards

Yeah so what you’re saying is that it took the combined might of the entire world to take down a country the size of Montana yet they were wildly unintelligent? So what does that make the rest of the world?

>What is evaporation/sublimation

Imagine being so much of a brainlet you believe the meme about le ebil nazis wanting everyone to have blond hair and blue eyes when literally no high ranked natsoc official had these traits.


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Lol so mad

Shhh, pipe down cellet

The war was almost over by 1944, they knew they were fucked so of course they pulled the dindunuffin card.


What is so unrealistic about nazis killing jews who they thought were the greatest evil on the face of the earth?

smart people can believe retarded things, educating yourself just gives you a more articulate way of trying to justify your existing biases and beliefs.
Some nazi science was brilliant, I never said it wasn't.
But a lot of it was retarded shit they were righting off to their superiors because they had that kind of job security.
Except for the countless evidence from their own propeganda and internal documents that confirms that was the ideal.
Of course they wouldn't literally kill off all germans with brown hair that would not only be unsustainable in the short term but it would obviously be wildly unpopular.
Brown haired people idolizing blonde hair is not unthinkable.

really makes you thing


No it was when wilson agreed to set up a private central bank in exchange for entering wwI and giving the jews israel. Then it was letting women vote and out of the house and then the immigration act of 1965. That’s what started clown world.

Which hair color did Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels have?

why do you think it matters?

Is your whole point that every historical record and piece of media and recolection of the time is wrong because it would be impossible for men in power to be cucks that idolize other men?

probably to avoid continuity errors if a reshot is needed

Imagine debating serious issue on 4channelslashteeveeslash Television & Flim

>makes a statement that is false and user corrects it.
>lol why so mad xd



First they came for the blacks, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a black

Then they came for the gays, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not gays.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they stopped coming because there where no more problems.

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>hitler and the natsoc command wanted to exterminate themselves

Still better than your point that a ridiculous fiction like spielberg movie is historically accurate

You do realize brown hair is a shade of blonde hair, right?

To demonstrate the superior marksmanship of the average German officer.

why the movie is in black and white? people couldn't see with colours in 1940?

yeah it's called self-hating and it's a very common train of thought.

>lets waste 50+ bullets on a guy that we can finish of with one
doesn't sound very german to me

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I actually lived a building where this happened and the landlord told me he found bullet holes when renovating. So yes, people do comically evil things to civilians in war, always have.

Wasn't this a show the one where they would show a few stories and you had to guess which one is true?

>your point that a ridiculous fiction like spielberg movie is historically accurate
I literally never said it was.
Try to be coherent.

The Totenkopf was the symbol of a Prussian Cavalry unit you fucking historical illiterate

that sounds like a cope.
My hair looked blonde as a kid but turned brown.
It looks very light brown if I get it cut, almost a golden color.
But I'm not going to be a calling myself blonde when it's obviously not the same.

Guys why did they forget about the holocoster, lion pits and masterbation torture machines? I feel like this movie wasn’t realistic enough of a portrial of the 26,000,000.

Is joy the only emotion you want to feel when watching a movie?

Historical inaccuracies in this flick trigger my historical asperger

the worst one was Amon Goeth hanging scene
there is a record of this liveleak.com/view?i=317_1218265064
and they totally fucked it up in the movie

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KEK based. very original, fresh satire

Yes you did but I just remembered there's no point in arguing with brainwashed retards on Yea Forums so having said that


yes, being that I'm not a masochistic homosexual


>oy vey, Avi, we need to show some goyim a cartoonishly evil mad guy of power, and it shouldnt be questioned.
>ah, just get some "nazi Fridrich" or "Red Ivan", maybe a "yellow ching chong"

>Yes you did
probably not a good idea to argue you aren't a historical revisionist while proving yourself to revise what happened a mere hour ago.

Guys, remember when the nazis had a room with a metal floor that they would fill with water and then electrocute people and it would zap them so hard that they would turn to ash and then the floor opened up to a dump truck below that would take the ashes off to a secret place so they could hide how many people they killed? Yeah bro crazy man definitely really happened, this is definitely something that should be admitted as evidence to a military tribunal. Just like when Colin Powell and Judith Miller claimed they couldn't find nuclear development sites because the Iraqi government had hidden mobile nuclear development sites which plunged us into a war that destroyed a country.

I have seen quite a few eye surgeries with my own eyes (as a staff member) and I can't quite grasp what makes a person go "yeah I am gonna get an eye tattoo."

The atrocities in those Polish Death Camps need to be brought to light, yes.

can any /his/ user tell me why they did two dry runs before they snapped his neck?

Daily reminder that Saving Private Ryan is just as bad as Schindlers List when it comes to propaganda


Rip To the 6 trillion Jews that died.

to mock him



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Look how it's looks now.


It's called Kamieniolom Liban (Quarry Liban) and it's located in Cracow - just few minutes from real Plaszow Concentration Camp.

Attached: liban.jpg (1024x683, 263K)

Cope more retarded leftist, you and the other brainlets like you will be the first ones to be killed by your beloved niggers when the currently forcefully imposed model of western society inevitably implodes.

>Historical movies

more like propaganda movies

t. assblasted proud propaganda guzzler/kike

>I was just pretending to be retarded
did you really think this would work?

Stop projecting, you weren't pretending, you are legit retarded.

you shouldn't take anything historical from spielberg seriously.

>believes retarded propaganda that even a child would question
>thinks he isn't the retard
the irony

wtf I hate nazis now

this damage control is cute and all but if you can't actually point to me claiming Schindler's list is historically accurate then you just come off as a cry baby.

I can't fucking stand /pol/ but I have to give this a fpbp

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>cannot stand anonymous racism in jest
>cannot stand aimless political incorrectness
What is wrong with you?

these nazi guys are starting to sound like a bunch of jerks

Showing a drawn out death might have garnered sympathy for him.

I've been here for 5 years, I guess i'm getting tired

Honestly if seeing anti semitism has any affect on you emotionally you don't belong here. The point of all the edginess is gatekeeping against the mentally feeble like you.

>implying the other reply is mine
You cited historical accounts and media in the same sentence as a point against my argument, obviously implying you think they're both as accurate as each other (they're both horseshit anyway). Now keep coping fag.

Cast her

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Your average 4chinner is a mentally feeble teenager who hides their insecurity under layers of edgy irony

Warwick Davis

This level of projection

cringiest post itt

I'll accept that. Not saying i'm not as well

So retarded it is kind of unbelievable, no?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Where is the evidence of any eye ink injection?

And to think /k/ vehemently hates sporter mausers. Whats a fucking gaggle of plebs.

Stanley Kubrick shit on Schindler's List for being so positive and enjoyable. So yes

There's no evidence of even a single death from poison gas at any concentration camp.

There's none, he's a retarded brainlet who believes everything the media tells him because no independent thought doesn't allow him to think about why someone would lie to him.

it's an unfortunate angle

pianist is actually a good movie though.

what an amazing story

>"aryan ubermensch"
>that beer gut

how does that work? Do you snap your neck after falling like 20cm ?

The people who love nazis are a minority, yes they exist and they are cringe as fuck. Me personally? I detest lying. If all of this shit happened then why is it illegal to investigate? Why is there no evidence to support the claims? Why has the number of victims drastically changed over the years? At first they claimed 3 million died in Auschwitz, then they claimed it was a little over 1 million, how do you just over count 2 million corpses? How does that happen?

no wonder people with such animated imaginations dominate Hollywood.

>fictional propaganda

You're blindly buying into /pol/ propaganda. Do more research on your own if you think anything you just said is true.

>all germs were like the pics i share on this laosian knitting forum


I have, the plaques on aushcwitz were factually changed, this isn't /pol/ head canon. The men at nuremberg were convicted with no evidence to prove there was a systemic plan of genocide, this is fact, not head canon. and it is absolutel illegal to investigate the holocaust in several european countries. and while were on the subject, why did these so called death camps have gas chambers that were open rooms with wooden doors? real gas chambers existed back then and looked nothing like the ones at the camps. Why would nazis feed and cloth these people for 5 years if they were planning to just kill them? surely 6 million bullets is cheaper than the fuel and resources required to kill 6 million people via gassing. how about you do some research instead of watching the history channel? are you aware that the footage you see in those documentaries is actually from movies that were made in poland after the war? are you aware that they never tell you that and just let you think its all real footage? why do they do this?

A lot of people get asshurt when you question the six gorillion, even non-jews for some reason


>88 thousand upvotes
holy fucking shit

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British killed more civilians than Nazis, really makes you think.

In 6th grade I had a Jewish english teacher, not even history but ENGLISH teacher who made us spend an whole semester on the holocaust. I remember one time and I’m not even making this up, she started tearing up because somebody around her used the term “really hewed him out of it” in front of her. The US is so completely brainwashed when it comes to WWII and israel in general it’s unreal. Even the neocon boomers like my parents defend 80 billion a year to israel to the death because they think we are helping a righteous nation in the middle of barbarians. Human minds are stupid easy to brainwash when you get them from a young enough age. Thankfully the internet is changing that.

ahhh the irony in this post is incredible, time to end myself REEEEEE

admitting you were lied to feels like admitting you were stupid, and most people don't like to feel stupid.

To try and give yet another British actor an Academy Award.

everything he said is accurate you piece of shit. death tolls have been revised numerous times, and holocaust denial is illegal in several countries. you're the one who should be doing research

>Do more research
Take your own advice. /pol/ is always right.

Oy vey

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Warwick Davis plays them all. What a little genius.

British are the Jews of Europe.

If she sells like that I'd tag her for real.

i think it has the potential to be pretty cool, imagine shades of purple or neon

That would be the Germans

>this is what the future looks like

Attached: one day 9.jpg (1242x676, 162K)

isn't it strange that one day people decided to vote hitler into power? they had child brothels in weimar republic btw.

whats going on out there

bomber harris do it again


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to show the absolute boredom that was life in germany

you mean 4.5 million jews and 1.5mil comies, gypsis, people with other disabilites, prisnors of war and police offcers from france, norway, denmark and poland?heck the Nazis killed less people then Stalins terror state, probally more jews where killed in russia by commies

are you retarded?

Just Diversity and inclusion in 30s

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WTF I didn't buy battlefield because you could play as a black guy and now you're telling me this??

Yeah user, the nazis never ONCE wasted resources on ineffective means to kill civilians.

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well, it didn't really ended genetically

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To show how ebil nazi were!

Dont ask question Goy.

wtf I hate nazis now

what do you think the statistics are of a thread like this? how many actually have a social life, a good job, a healthy sex life? my guess is

this sounds as ridiculous as the holo-coaster stories

go back

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If you tards want refutations of your holocaust denial try

nice try schlomo

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ah there he is. been waiting for you


wtf I hate the gays now

>The incredibly well documented holocaust didn't happen
>But Jews definitely pimped geese because this one dude said so

>they used a few blacks as manual laborers on a limited basis therefore they weren't racist
Stormniggers are dumb
See also
>Hitler's Black Victims - The Historical Experiences of European Blacks, Africans and African Americans During the Nazi Era
>Destined to Witness - Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany

Attached: Nazis weren't racist.jpg (2423x3247, 3.01M)

kek, some free thinkers. Can't belive i used to browse /pol/.

Never heard about a Weimar before leftypol?

Debunking the myth about the 6 Million figure already being referenced by newspapers before WW2

Exposing the fraudulent "denier maths" done at Treblinka II

Krema I blueprint and underground chimney flues

"The ever decreasing figures of Auschwitz prove we've been lied to countless times”

"Jews played a significant role in the slave trade”

Another popular anti-crematory capacity image circulated among holocaust deniers

The Auschwitz numbers claim

Deniers like to implicate the International Red Cross in their holocaust denial

Supposed fakes and "restored" originals

Another denier image, this one trying to discredit the "Letzte Jude von Vinnitsa” image

The fake Sefton Delmer quote

"The most famous holocaust photo a fraud?"

Revisionist myths about WW2

Debunking "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told"

===Crematory ovens' Cremation debate summed up===

cremation process

Attached: 21 Questions for Deniers.png (1467x1459, 220K)

>/pol/ thread on Yea Forums yaaassss show em normalfags how the REAL world works

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These holocaust deniers are just trolls
People don't actually believe this stuff, r-right?

if you have anything to say, say it yourself, don't defer to somebody else to do it for you. you're essentially doing the "my father could best up your father" bit.

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>and then for no apparent reason hitler was elected

seething imgurtranny

1. that's a fictional tv show

what was the point of the entire film?

No retard, what I'm saying is that if you actually wanted someone to disprove your ideas you'd go to the correct board. But hey, /his/ has credible sources so i get why you wouldn't want to go there

SS had trannies

Attached: nazi degen.jpg (636x382, 47K)

Damn bro im nazi now

Attached: 1488.jpg (500x350, 40K)

Holocaust Documents
Goebbels diary entries
Debunking denier claims about Auschwitz
Revisionist myths about WW2
Holocaust documents pt 2
Debunking popular denier memes
Debunking denier videos
Various debunkings
korherr report
einsatzgruppen reports

Attached: lZe5Ozh.webm (960x788, 1.7M)

do you have any physical or documentary evidence of homicidal gas chambers at majdanek?

They exist.

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Black people in Africa helped the Germans because they wanted to be free from the British colonial empire because they where living like slaves in there own countrys, the British where really racist in the 1940 and are still really racist

>that guy just kicking sand at the end

JIDF is getting sloppy. They didn't even notice until the end of the thread. kek

Genuine af

>just some dudes having fun

Forgot to add: collection of various books regarding Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

Come to /his/ if you want to get redpilled

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Reminder that this totally happened

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Based Nazis

True and thats funny how fake news destroys history

literal drag, unless you think it's okay when germs do it

>holocaust totally happened bro, just look at these imgur albums
loving every laugh

Give me one witness account of a German or Polish jew that state this happend.

What the fuck are you on about you stupid nigger
Blacks were sterilized in Germany and prevented from attaining higher education. There were also far more blacks fighting for the British than the few rear echelon nigs fighting for Germany in North Africa
Stormnigger has no argument

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I don't see any rebuttal from you. Germs for all the shit they give soviets were just as brutal and savage most of the time

Hi rabbi!
how is now the weather in France?

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ok, no idea if drag is the same as transsexuallity, but I presume, some SS/Wehrmacht-Soldiers just had a little bit too much alcohol too often, or had too much of a fun time, and they started to act like women
not that uncommon...

Humor, as you watch the heads bob on the ground.

epic rebuttal, post another sourceless /pol/ screencap that'll tell him!

>holocaust didn't happen bro, look at this unsourced macro image about how Auschwitz was a luxuriant resort

Attached: Stormfag Trigger.jpg (1898x3270, 896K)

Not saying that there weren't turbo faggots in the ss but cross dressing was actually very common as entertainment back in the days.

If israeli soldiers did that in 1948 you'd never hear the end of it from /pol/, but they're excusing the degenerace of germs?

>/pol/ have no argument except to call people schlomo when they get called out for their bullshit

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drag queens today also claim to do it "for fun"

>Blacks were sterilized in Germany
Prove it because there where only one black person in germany in 1939
upwards of 50000 blaccks and arabs help the germans in the war effort in north africa because the british where treating them worse then the germans did, the would rather be part of Germany then the evil British empire you fucking kik faggot

Iran is going to annihilate your shitty terrorist state and no amount of shitposting will save you. The jigs up Schlomo.

wouldn't surprised if israeli soldiers did that too
and degeneracy?
that's just some fun among comrades


>Be a mentally ill person
Beliving /pol/tard are every where proves you are insane now take your meds fucking racist white anglo bitch

>Yes the SS were desperate to try and show themselves as good by the end of the war

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Holy shit women are truly evil

I have a book about WWI and apparently they did it a lot in every army, it was either that or the black face thing.

>if you don't like germans you must be jewish
Keep making excuses
Anglos are shit, but they're still leagues above germs, pajeet

I'll need a sauce for that

All the anglo cunts in this thread coping with the fact that blacks hated anglos because they where racist emperial scums while Germany was freeing the black man in Africa, cope harder racist anglo scum all need to go to camps I am happy England is getting invaded by pakis, blacks and indians you might learn not to be so racist anglo cucks

jewish property actually belonged to the state, should have been send to berlin, but he keeped it for himself, and yes of course they would punish him, cause he didn't gave enough (or adequate) food to the workers (or should I say, slaves)
he was also a dick towards the guards

>Keep making excuses
keep seeing tranny-shit

Yeah this is described pretty extensively in "King Rat" by James Clavell.

learn english
>keep seeing tranny-shit
You're litterally excusing tranny-ish shit. I'll keep "seeing" bro don't worry

European Jews are not Southerners unfortunately

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Nazism is the ideology of meanies

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>What is damage control

This. I swear to God they knew if they could get away with this they could get away with anything. If only we called them out on their bullshit sooner before it was too late.

>He directed Schindler's list right after Jurassic Park.

That's some impressive mental gymnastics jumping from one subject to the other

Someone needs to add cartoon stock sounds to all these ridiculous deaths.

If he was so smart he would have just burned his notes if he never wanted them getting into allied hands. THEREFORE they must have been fake notes because nobody would be that stupid

Aw nah man. Some people do spaz out like that after they take one to the head. It'll haunt your dreams

hahaha what an idiot this guy is

Holy shit!
This is American Werewolf tier


This thread opened my eyes how bad Schindler's List is

>yeah bro i'm totally for english interests
>sure the germs should have won

Spielberg is a hack who thinks B&W = more dramatic. He doesn't understand that old B&W movies were more dramatic because they were made by talented artists, not because of a gimmick

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>injecting chemicals into eyes to change their color is just retarded.
Almost so retarded that you would have to be a retard to believe it ever happened

she looks whiter than the average /pol/turd

>not this time

You must be from a country that doesn't have non-stop Jew propaganda

/pol/ is getting kind of old, wouldn't you agree? mostly because of the boomers

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Belly belly belly