What would you do if you had the infinity glove with all stones?
What would you do if you had the infinity glove with all stones?
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have sex
With Tom Holland.
Remove all jews, Arabs and Blacks and send them into the sun. I don't watch capeshit can I wish for shit like FTL and world shaping terraforming technology?
Not even the infinite power of the universe can make that happen, user
Get a GF
Remove capeshit from existence, then create everything i wanted with it, stop time to do some things and explore the universe.
Snap myself to have confidence and to remove my constant self-loathing.
Nothing, just snap and die.
>but user, the infinity stones were within you this whole time
I'd snap myself out of existence, while also wiping the memories people have of me
Can I create life with it? If so I give everyone gfs.
God intervenes to prevent it
Make anime real so that those worthy can be with their waifu. Meanwhile I make only one version of my waifu for myself and we live a happy life together. Also kill all cockroaches, fuck those things.
I'd make everyone in the world except me manlets
Then walk around like a king, mogging entire cities
snaps away lgbtq
Turn every biological human male on the planet into cute girls. Also give every biological female a dick and balls. So we can make babies still.
wipes all nazis
Make me desirable to women
bring back slavery
Return the earths population to sub 2 billion
Slavery got us into this mess. Buncha obsolete farming equipment taking over the world like some fucked up Brave Little Toaster. Shoulda left them in Africa to die from lions and aids.
remove all males, gays and dykes
only keep high quality women (my taste)
transform myself into an unlimited cum machine of pleasure
create a society where i am the immortal penis god and women work for me and this new society
remove the inbreeding restriction
have sex everyday with unlimited
make my penis into a reality warper, can adjust and gape women on will
yes all possible with a single snap
But if that happened we wouldn't really know what it's like to live near them and would just end up importing them from Africa today.
Wipe all niggers, kikes, and muslims out of existence. Would also make Africa become a giant wood from point to point, and turn Israel into a giant hole in the ground.
wtf I love weebs now
I would snap myself a delicious ham sandwich
You'd still be a loser even then though and you'd just make the remaining population a lesbian civilisation
Jerk off with it.
destroy the lizard people
Based weeb. Thano's plan for wiping out people at random was retarded. You need to target specific trouble spots.
kill all the men except for me, make myself and every woman in the world immortal, makes the girls insanly horny and want and need my dick, make it once I've had sex with every single woman in the world and they've individually made me cum then the whole universe explodes into nothingness
Snap myself out of existence because my life is a joke
didnt you read the have sex everyday clause
i could care less for i'll be the penis god anyway
also id enjoy watching lesbians licking on breaks anyway.
you're stronger than you think user
infinity gauntlet masturbation session of course
with all the power of the universe dedicated to making myself cum, I'd jizz like never before
I would give myself a dick big enough to stretch around the entire globe
Then I'd remove all male population and make only women remain
My giant dick would be laid around the earth like a Great Wall of China
Women would go to it in every country to kiss and worship it
I would also multiply the nerve endings in my dick so I could feel every single time a woman touched it
Then I'd lay down in my own country and enjoy the constant feeling of billions of women simultaneously caressing my dick
I would become one with existence. Every creature, every plant, every pair of eyes, every breeze and wave...all controlled by my omnipotent will.
What if someone cuts it or a car runs it over
It would be way too big to hurt
>They didnt look cute
>they are literally all cute except bottom pink
Japan must be stopped.
Imagine the bugs crawling all over it
I would remove all hatred from the world. Every violent impulse towards your fellow man would be expelled. I would have all peoples of the world live morally and feel joy when helping others. All the ugliness of humanity would be extinguished in one fell swoop. The snap of the fingers.
Give everyone access to 2d waifus
snap myself
That sounds really boring. Everyone would just lay down and die because there's no pain or struggle. There's no drive.
>3,500,000,000 women left in the world
>24*60*60 = 86,000 seconds in a day of constant (non stop) fucking
>3,5*10^9 / 86,000 = 40,698 women fucked PER SECOND
>Average of 4 ml of semen per woman fucked
>So that is 162,790 ml of semen your dick shoots out... PER SECOND
>167.7 liters PER SECOND
>162.7 liters per second at an average cumming speed of 45 km/h (12.5 m/s), and having the semen be the same density as water (1kg per liter) gives an impulse of 2033 m*kg/s^2 which implying you weigh 80kg would accelerate you backwards (shooting semen) at a rate of 25.42m/s2, which is 2.5 times the gravity of earth. That means that you would lift off the earth towards space shooting semen towards the earth, off into infinity and beyond, impregnating all of the planet with your neverending load
Congratulations for your semen voyage
Lower crime rate by 50% while only decreasing the population by 13%
fap with it?
Make super science, magic, psionics, fantastic beasts, mutants, aliens, legendary cities and abstract entities real.
Probably die in the process, but you can all thank me later.
Just also make it so when you die you become a super powered ghost. Make that real and you're solid.
I’m fucking God, user. You don’t think I would take that into account, you worm?
Snap away all SJWs.
Why dont they rebuild vision but give him all the stones?
Two chicks at the same time
I like it, thanks user.
You sound like a naive little girl, you would just make humanity die in a few years.
Believe it or not, you giant faggot who grew in a urban bubble while common workers shielded you from the bad things, agressivity is necessary for survival, and if you really take all of it away, an infestation of rats and it's plagues would be enough to kill us, since people would be too faggy to just kill then. Also, humans relating to each other by itself generates conflict, as people often have interests that block each other. If everytime your interest shock with the interest of others you just give up, humanity won't go anywhere, and neither will you.
>i'd snap away all hatred and ill will, such a good boy
>you fucking worm!
It sounds like you're part of the problem.
Erase myself.
Fix my brain.
Would the greatest genius of ancient times be proud, knowing that this is the kind of shit we use the math they invented for?
The snap hasn’t happened yet, you fucking retard. God you should kill your self. You should kill your entire family so your worthless bloodline doesn’t infect our world, cur. Disgusting ape. Aimless dog.
I WOULD be proud
Ukraine was a mistake.
This is such a gay meme. Interpersonal conflict isn’t the only form of challenge. People would still have to maintain society and create new things, it just ceases to be a competition.
Make copy and fuck myself
Ring-pop infinity glove
As usual, the "stop hating" faggots are just projecting their flaws onto others.
There's simply no reason to do it, faggot. People who do stuff in their day to day lives have interpersonal reasons to do so, only a few lunatics do it because they want to help humanity.
Hell, I would just leeche everyone if I could, and you CASTRATING ME and taking away my agressivity wouldn't change that.
Erase 50 percent of all crime in the U.S.
I would bring about world peace by getting rid of all the -lets that plague humanity. Like so:
>Manlets, Every male human on earth under 6 foot of height would be raised to 6 foot.
>Dicklets, every male human on earth with cocks under 6 inches would get a 6 inch dick
>Asslets, Every human on earth with a bad and ugly ass would get a nice round ass.
>Titlets, Every Female whose tit's are under DD-cup would get DD-cup tits.
Globalizationnof my fetish
Our very psychology and physiology is the result of billions of years of life COMPETING for scarce resources.
Everything about life is a competition, and with no reason to try and do better, most would stagnate, some would wither and die. The most affected would be the ones that drive progress: the inovators, the explorers, the enterpreneurs, the ones who have an ambition to go beyond.
You just killed all of them, essentially. They're now neutered pawns to a communistic resource distribution.
Also, to eliminate all conflict means to essentially kill an uncountable amount of species that won't be able to adapt.
Make a few changes to myself.
>give myself immortality
>give myself imperviousness
>give myself literally every damn power there is - flight, speed, strength, reaction, illusion, knowledge, power, control of time, teleportation, undetectable disguise, etc.
And a few perks.
>cancel climate change
>make eternal the lifespan of the universe
>pause sun's lifespan permanently at its current state
>construct hidden, undetectable lair about twenty miles below the bottom of the Pacific
Then I destroy the stones. I rule as a murderous and unknown dictator from thereon out.
thanks based user
>Can feel everytime a girl touches my dicc
>Lmao it's too big to feel a car drive through it
Okay then so you’re just a self-admitted lazy faggot and saying “life requires challenge” is your shitty form of coping. Most people feel joy helping others, unless they’re totally hollow, but I assume you’re just projecting.
Snippity snap all non-whites out of existence. Then just use the space stone for travelling i guess.
>You're lazy for making assertions about human nature backed by the entirety of human existence and evolution
Helping others won't mantain a society user. Scarcity of resources applies to a lot of things, from reproduction to the markets.
How will romance work, in your swarm of neutered idiots? Have you given that any thought, you braindead bitch?
Why do you think inventing and exploring requires competition? People who are driven to do those things do them just for the sake of doing it. It’s satisfying to them, it’s not about being “the best” and countless inventions were made to help people. You’re all like bitter children, you can’t even fathom the concept of working together for the common good.
>posts naive hippy bullshit
>calls everyone else a kid
You failed econ 101, biology 101, psych 101 and history 101.
No, you’re lazy because you literally said you’d leech off everybody else. Nobody is neutered, if you think anger makes you a man, then you’re just a child. Also I’m not the same guy who posted the scenario, I just think your conflict meme is retarded.
>be me purple grape man
>just wanna be farmer
>stupid ass avengers find me
>they beat me up
>they ask were infinity stones are
>don't have them
>they get mad
>Thor chops my head off
I'm not that other user, retard.
And of course they would be neutered.
Respond to my question: how will a sexual market work with no competition?
How will romance?
And people do things because they gain some personal benefit from it. You work to live. You inovate to gain an edge. You challenge yourself to be better.
All of these come from an inate human desire to propagate your genes.
And if you say that OTHER GUY is lazy for saying he'd leech off others, well, I suggest you read on what happens when scarcity disappears in social animals. They wither and die from complacency. You dumbass.
Those meanies!!
You gonna be die after first snap, user
Jesus Christ dude it’s a thread about a magic glove lmao
I would be a tyrant let the wagies work harder than ever.
I would held a running man similar to the book were normies can try to become the ultimate neet in a death race. Those neets are free to do what ever they want never have to work again and can literally murder every wagie they see without punishment. Neets are also encountered to fuck wagies wifes.
The infinity gauntlet is useless outside of the Marvel Universe. Learn anti-life equation basedboys.
>social animals die from complacency when there’s no competition
Can confirm. I have to make my dogs fight me before I feed them or they just shrivel up.
But who would you blame your own insecurities on then..?
Well done /sci/
I probably wouldn't even care, since after the deed is done I would be able to go to places on my bike listening to good music on my earphones and just park it anywhere, wouldn't even lock it, maybe watch movies and teather, all in the prime of cultural beauty as there is nobody to corrupt it anymore.
Life would be heaven.
>find all infinity stones
>don't have hands to perform snaps
Snap all SJWs and Incels
Why is the mind stone in the middle? I thought the soul stone was the most "special" one so surely that should go in the middle?
Nah I think you mean R*ssia was a mistake.
make the infinity stones part of my hand forever and then make myself immortal in every iteration then chill.
erase everything
Release Winds of Winter and Dream of Spring.
Kill all pepe and wojack posters
this desu senpai
It's the biggest, it has to go in the middle due to space. Though Soul and Mind should really be the same thing and the fifth should be Entropy instead.
>Remove capeshit from existence
What's the matter, you don't like Commando, faggot?
Turn Warrick Davis's wife and kids normal size but keep him the same
Turn black people into treeshrews, and turn jews into fossil fuels nothing would fuck with the kike ego than being used as a power source for goyim. Then I would make women feel intense suicide inducing guilt over infidelity to stop cuckolding for good.
>soul and mind should really be the same thing
Snap my dog back to life.
Pepe and Wojack are part of Yea Forums's culture. What is your problem retard?
Why not? Your mind is the only thing that gives you the capacity for agency, you being able to comprehend what a soul could be and question it is entirely based on your cognizance and therein the ability to self actualize.
Sorry about your dog bro.
Stagnation. OC is an extremely rare commodity these days thanks to the infinite pepe and wojak edits.
get rid of 13% to reduce crime by 50%
Use them to merge them all into one stone called the Infinity Gem, because I'm pretty absent minded so I'd probably lose at least one somewhere otherwise.
Stop shitty threads like this on TV
Revert all my waifus throughout my life to their peak form and grant them eternal youth
I would make my waifus real.
Why don't make them your sex slaves for life too retard?
user they're called Infinity Stones, not Impossibility Stones.
Fukin jannies, what was the post?
>I would snap myself a delicious ham sandwich
grow up
Inside your kidneys.
If you've ever had more than one "waifu" or ever "switched waifus", you've never had a waifu. It's not just some bitch you have a crush on, that's fine, but it's not love. a waifu is about love, it's permanent.
you fucking Yea Forums assholes just take Yea Forums's terms and bastardize them into what you want them to mean instead of what they do mean. fuck you
The fuck is wrong with a ham sandwich bitch
3 or 4 at a time
stfu weeb
I'd probably stop superhero movies after batman begins. It was the peak of superhero movies, and between boomer spiderman and it was peak soul in capeshit.
Shrink myself and live inside of Hela's shoes.
>The fuck is wrong with a ham sandwich bitch
he doesn't know
Honestly how many men in the world would just put themselves inside a cube of perpetual pleasure if they had the gauntlet?
Just imagine an indestructible, invisible, permanent cube of pleasure, where you can float inside and simultaneously feel a billion different heavenly sensations.
Getting your ass ate, your dick sucked, your entire body massaged, your mind relaxed, your brain high as a kite, not a problem in the world
Honestly these two movies are the biggest evidence that thanos is the biggest autist in the universe, the fact that he did what he did instead of suspending himself in an invincible cube of pure pleasure, floating for all eternity in permanent nirvana going 'oaahhhhhhhhh'
Fuck so many women. Probably even do it in a way where they know its rape but are still willing, through the gauntlet.
The Irish
tell that to japan and china
Oh yeah sorry i forgot its ramadan you lot can't eat a delicious ham samwich
Go back to 2009 and take over D&D as showrunner.
And have one of the actors be my husband
I mean the US is culturally closer to Europe than Japan/China. So I'd assume they'd follow a similar path.
I would unironically leave earth and explore the universe.
Make yourself immortal and invincible with the first snap, then snap the fuck away.
Get a gf
sounds kinda boring. universe is just the same everywhere. only life really starts making things strange with all the stupid shit it does. rest of creation is just rocks just kinda sitting there or maybe flying around a bit
fist my ass with it
why would anyone be ironic by leaving earth?
kick warwick davis in the chin
Feed and seed
Snap away 13% of the population of course. Combined with 2% of the population.
with extra mayo just to piss you off. sounds delicious, I hope user gets his wish.
>kick warwick davis in the chin
you'll be contacted by my lawyers soon
>you don't like hostile outgroups because you're insecure
I bet you think Emilia Clarke is a good actor and you mod some e-girl's twitch stream you homo
Erase all /pol/tards.
Fist my ass with it
kill all jews, niggers and women
Conflict is an unfortunate albeit necessary reality, world peace is a gay meme, now please graduate from high school.
Probably fucking die because my body and willpower is too weak to handle the power of the stones.
Probably alter my physical form so that I could look and sound like what I want to in peak perfection for as long as I live.
Anything beyond that I'd have two concerns, the first would be I am nowhere fucking near smart enough or responsible enough to know how to change the world for the better.
The second is that anything beyond minor changes to my self would probably melt me.
Elevate myself to the level of the Emperor of Man then begin my Primarch/Custodes/Astartes Legion program. Skip thunder warriors wtf are current gen military going to do against even just 1000 legionnaires with Primarchs leading them?
Except shield my lab from the machinations of the warp I would also have to create in order to be the most powerful psyker in existence.
Then lead humanity to the stars after I have put down the dregs of society and shown the world how:
Jews = Tzeentchian Cultists
LGBTLALALA = Slaneeshi Cultists
Blacks, Muslims, Central Americans = Khornate Cultists
Indians, Chinese, most of SEA = Nurgle Cultists.
>They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.
underrated post
I would create a clone of Thanos, but gender reversed, and make her fondle MAH BALLLS
First of all, it's Infinity Gauntlet.
Second, I would wipe out this website and all of its toxic opinions so that they don't influence me.
Retards. How do you know what a world without conflict would be like? You can't use movie and TV show knowledge to explain it.
Snap Twice to kill everyone
It seems like from the movie if you actually use some snappy snap action you just getting fucking incinerated so I probably wouldn't bother.
i'd snap a random 50% of the population *wink*
>mogging their boipussy's
I would go fug Christina Hendrix in the rear, marry prime Charlize before she became a loonie, oh also gf Elizabeth Olsen during my Uni days
Other than that... Maybe make the internet go back to 2005 and avoid social media from happening because it legit ruined everything
Also visit Yea Forums during the Wii launch for some laughs
Oh and Yea Forums during the Lost finale
Have sex
I would double the size of my balls and dick so I have a 13” dick swinging around with HUGE balls. Then I would quintuple the amount of cum I shoot out with every rope and increase sensitivity to the point where if I feel a light breeze on my jeans I get rock hard and cum instantly.
why would you want that
Use it to have a wank.
uwu senpai make me one of your cute girl owo
Make everyone on earth my slaves.
give myself a karen gillan gf
can't wait for all the /got/ fags to lose their shit next Sunday lol
Waifu's and husbando's for all my Yea Forums brothers and 2 sisters.
Then use the stones to make everyone but me forget the stones exist.
Haha, autism?
It's going to be amazing
The thing I enjoy the most is the denial and 2deep4u stuff
snap nigs away
Bring back my dead father
>Power stone to make you boner harder than ever
>Mind stone to think about the lewdest things ever
>Reality stone to make it true
>Time stone to live the orgasm again and again
>Space stone to spread your cum wherever you want
The infinity fap
make everything perfect
it's not a monkey's paw so it'll know exactly what the fuck I mean
Why do autists ask realistic questions about fictional people/creatures/elements?
I see this shit more and more, what the fuck? Do you autists not realise that these parameters are made up by writers when they are required and in the absence of that, you can make any kind of shit up? It's not real, you fucking morons.
God I wish autists and incels would leave.
probably resurrect my dogs and turn myself immortal, then make Emma Roberts show her pusy
I still think no reaction thread on Yea Forums can top pic related (boston bombing)
>get rid of (((people)))
>answer huge questions about existence
>is there a god
>what is after death
>is the universe infinite
>how was the universe created
>is there multiple universes
>if so how many dimensions
>I would also become immortal or "deathless"
>I would spread the word through the cosmos of what I found to be true to the questions no one will ever have facts about
>anyone who would question me I would obliterate
>I would deconstruct all religions and build them around a god if I actually found the one true god,
>they would serve it as it must be otherwise,
>if there were many, I'd still dissolve what religions are wrong (including the atheist because they are just lazy nihilist)
>manipulate humanities mind to want to self reflect and spur that in to logic based and positive mental health
>become a utopia of healthy standards of living, mental health and community
>leave and find new life on other planets and help them how I can in the same way
I'd be the Herald of Truth. And all who would mislead would cease. I won't lie, I'd be a fan of snapping people out of existence, but I'd try not to.
Kill all jews and then destroy it, wouldn't need to do anything else to bring about a utopia
Why does that little man have two pairs of sunglasses?
I'd go back to the past to play the shitty games that suck ass
I would get rid of everyone who posts got and capeshit on Yea Forums
id snap my dick off
fucking any female i want
and the soul stone?
remember coco
Based finals week poster
Amplify the feel?
this user reminds me of the 13 yo boy drawing with a penis as a left arm
First of all The Chaos Emeralds only work if you have 50 rings, even then why would you want to be discount Super Saiyan. The Dragon balls only work if there some Green Alien Shit around. The yu-gi-og cards suck balls ( DIGIMON 4 LYFE ). I like the trifroce but all three together you get like a wish or some shit. It just looks like I have to travel time to kill him,
Plenty of documented inventors from ancient times and modern times just invented shit because they felt an obsession over something.
actually the chaos emeralds use the 50 rings to turn you super sonic. if you collect all 7 "a miracle will happen" but they only really ever use them to turn super
>you can use all 7 to resurrect someone
>you can use 2 to time travel
>you can use 1 to teleport
>they can all be used as power sources
you're better off using it to remove your virginity
Snap away Jews, Muslims, unemployed/incarcerated blacks/Latinos, coalburners, and SJW/neolib/neocon cucks. Easy.
Get a cool, tall glass of Coke Cola. Brought to you by the good people at the Coka Cola Corporation.
Jerk off
They would 100% be proud. The ancient intellectuals were the shitposters of their times
Thanos literally used the Gauntlet to make his own Waifu in the comics
Make it so every woman has huge milkers which also lactate.
Is such a thing possible?
For me in terms of entertainment, the hwndu season 1 on /pol/
I probably slept 3 hours at most during the first week, shitposting and enjoying the memes and interactions with the people on camera
I'd bring her back from death.
I'd bring back all the dead, build space elevators in every Continent, and then go on an interview on the Joe Rogan experience and talk about DMT for 4 hours.
I would become Santa for real.
I'd make hentai real.
I would use it to have sex
Based as fuck
shoot my jizzes across the entire multiverse
Why didn't Thanos just use the Infinity Gauntlet to compel Death to love him, without needing to kill everyone?
make hot bitches i like want to fuck me. thats literally it
That would feel so hollow and shit, someone loving you feels good because they fell for you, if you MAKE them love you then that takes all meaning from it, sure he gets to bone her but giant purple space niggy is probably a profound little nutsack that sees the true value of love
It’s disgusting that he made her look exactly like him
I just want to have sex
keep snapping
get 4chanx extension bud, it will show deleted posts so you never have to miss out due to jannies
you can essentially do anything, erase people like you said but you are more or less omnipotent at that point while harnessing the power of the stones so you can terraform a planet yourself or travel anywhere at will
Get every single ronery beta 4channer matched up with someone who finds them tolerable.
I'll tell you what I'd do, man; Two chicks at the same time, man.
No refractory period.
I would make Brie my wife
It was one of the things he couldn't do in the comics, cuz she's fucking death.
Revive daddy Thanos. And maybe Ronan too. Raiding the universe sounds fun.
Just like Divayth Fyr in Elder Scrolls.
Kill 13% of the population to reduce 50% of the crime
But that only fixes like half the problem with niggers, they're still going to be lazy and stupid even if they're not violent
Use it to empower my body to the highest levels so I don't die with a snap. If it can turn people into bubbles it should turn my body into a more resistant one that looks the same.
why not kill the 1% that do 100% of the crimes and reduce crime to 0?
Delete this board
Second snap to create a new lifeform out of dirt that will work and take care of every inconvenience for the human race, then we can all be lazy neets
He's carrying the big lads sunglasses for him
literally me omg
Kill all non-whites but let the few attractive Japanese/South Korean women live. I'd allow a small amount of blacks to live but turn them into braindead Parshmen while we automate blue-collar work.
Assuming I could even use the thing without dying, I would remove my most painful memories and then I would wander the galaxy as a godlike being, planting seeds of life on far off worlds.
>planting seeds of life on far off worlds.
you mean impregnating green bitches don't you?
Two chicks at the same time, bro.
Probably Black Widow and one of the other white ones.
You sound like a faggot
Way to kill the parts of 40k's story that make it interesting
how is middle school dude?
Create the perfect woman as my wife, grant space travel technology, immortality medicine, genetic engineering to uplift all humans to 200 IQ, and then I would fuck off from earth, humanity is great, but humans suck.
>sneak into multiverse
>get one (1) ovule from a goddess
>get another (1) ovule from a dyke demon
>create a cygote
>fuse all gems into said cygote
>implant said cygote into captain fungus
>wait 15 or so years to restart universe
>recipe for a female galactus
What's left for Thanos to collect, Yea Forums?
I have a list
1. Masturbate
2. Holodecks in every home
3. Masturbate
Smash ball
the best way to go
wipe out 44% of americans.
I'd turn all 7 billion people on earth into ASR and make them all tickle each other.
Since using it irradiates half the user's body with gamma radiation resulting in death for humans, I wouldn't use it at all.
The Warglaives of Azzinoth.
Might only need the reality stone for this
Or perhaps the mind and soul stones too, to create a "real" one
What causes a female face to be that hairy?
And why doesn't she wax it or something?
I'd snap away the concept of genders while giving everyone both male and female junk and the ability to control their own fertility.
Make 200 gianna Michael's and 200 Sarah Jay's and make them fight to the death
>What would you do if you had the infinity glove with all stones?
Turn on David Benioff's & D.B. Weiss's brains so everyone else doesn't have to try turn theirs off.
make myself telepathic and immortal and add about 2 inches one way and half an inch the other. I wouldn't really want to impose my will on the universe, just on principle I think it's a lame thing to do.
*huff huff*
*huff huff*