
will the elephant ever show its foot? are the water pumps still going? would it hurt if i pulled off that reactor lid? find out itt

last one:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Why were the plant workers only mildly perturbed about the horrific death that awaited them?

Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts

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How many rotogens per hour?

You have a duty to do.

Attached: impossible.png (1912x968, 3.05M)

at the start they didnt realized what was going on and when they realized the gravity of the situation they knew their fate had been sealed. life is pretty bleak in eastern europe and even more so in soviet era ukraine.

probably still in disbelief. It's hard to come to terms that you either off yourself within a week or you will regret it

Attached: 1557346560670.jpg (687x849, 124K)

3.6 comrade

>posts "westcuck" propaganda shit

good job

They are all in shock literally every single one of them even dyatlov but unfortunately he was the one in charge

Welcome to the USSR comrade.

The millitary meter maxed out at 200!

>Come to me. You will gain what you deserve. Your wish will soon come true. Come to me. Your path is ending. Come to me. Only one will be rewarded.

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lads i haven't had time to watch it, is it anywhere near the level of kino the terror was?

why are you so butthurt about this, but i dont think i ever saw a single russian upset about one of the best movies of the past few years, the death of stalin. that movie was way more irreverent toward you guys, and dealt with a lot more death

yeh its looking like good depression atmosphere kino

why do we only use the heat from nuclear generators to power steam turbines? It seems like such a low tech and wasteful way to use it
t. retard

>using the same title twice

Oh wise Monoloth, will I ever get a qt GF?

I want to kill Strelok.

If I'm honest it's better than The Terror so far.

Not great but not terrible then, what about the pumps?

I dont know why he went up to the roof. Just say you did, and tell the dumb bureaucrats what the want to hear, then catch the next train the fuck outta there.

Soviet mentality: the series

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How do you propose we do it? The reaction inside the reactor causes a lot of heat and radiation. How could we harness the heat except by boiling water that goes through turbines?

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>Just say you did
Did you not see the guard?
What is it with you idiots that think you can sweet talk USSR era brainwashed guards into doing sensible shit?

Steam turbines have around 40-50% efficiency. Name a better method.

Catching the next train will prove difficult when the city is sealed off. And go where since you need travel permits to go to other places by train. They catch

Will i ever get my shit together mr monolith

Will Chernobyl outshine The Terror?

>He's shooting at a dog

Attached: 1551917477588.jpg (640x721, 32K)

fuck you monolith we'll see about that

Almost all forms of energy generation is done through steam power to drive turbines
Nuclear power is the most cost-effective and efficient way to do it

Sorry user. The air is glowing.

Attached: shit happens from time to time.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

shit how many epsiodes will it have, i really wanna see it now

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I think I would take my chances.

Touch the graphite, user

Attached: d7416e.jpg (320x240, 18K)

Will I find happiness, monolith?

Chernobyl never happened
If graphite is so radioactive that picking it up burns your hand and gives you ARS then why are pencils made out of it?

Checkmate atheists


What graphite?

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>tfw read so much about Chernobyl that nothing really shocked me about the show

Jealous of you people who actually had a life instead of spending their teenage years obsessively reading about pointless shit on Wikipedia.

based dyatlov poster

Attached: s_chernobyl.s01e01.720p.webrip.x264-tbs[eztv].mkv- (1280x640, 122K)

5 episode mini-series. What makes it scarier is that it really happened and yet the events that occurred seem even more unbelievable.


You're telling me you didn't notice the graphite outside, comrade?

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Why is he vomiting?
Dyatlov will die only in 95 from heart attack

will this show remain kino for all 5 eps?

He had a bad sandwich for supper.

He got radiation poisoning to as he walked around, just not a lethal dose.

non-lethal doses still make you puke though

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i dont know man. find a way to get as far away from there as possible. what the worst that could happen? you die? you'll die if you stay

Nah, I ain't gonna do it.

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The odds are good. Same director and writer for the whole run. The trailer of future episodes suggests it too.

no. its confirmed turning into sjw trash. we might get one more good episode though. but thats the best we can hope for.

>he's shooting at a qt slav Instateen

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I know. That's why I named it pls no.


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he died at 65 looking like this, and his legs and arms looked like ground beef

the dude got way too much radiation in his life, amazing he lasted as long as he did

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>The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor.

Didn't this old fella played a Meister in GoT?

have sex, comrade, you are delusional

> omg a woman appears on screen
> must be sjw for sure
have sex incel

>not knowing that women in Bielorussia were allowed to vote only in 2004

Maester luwen for the starks before theon got him killed


Attached: Luwin.jpg (333x500, 56K)

read this instead of watching propaganda


you see this, what did I tell you
we're going to be sitting here trying to discuss this show and people are going to be telling us to have sex. sjw trash and into the bin it goes

Manhattan Ground Zero vs Hiroshima Bombing when?

> is that way.

Duty towards the workers of the Soviet Union.

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it was an alpha tactic to seize control of the argument. he wasn't taking any shit from some bitch subordinate engineer who was in shock from a minor tank rupture.

he vomited because he wanted to demonstrate how their COWARDICE was making him sick.

Бaзиpoвaннo и кpacнoпилюльнo

Why did they CGI'd cat?

Attached: CGI cat.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

too expensive to hire a real cat

Well, the show was good while it lasted

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I hope it's fake. Please be fake.

are you unable to click a link lol

lmao have sex tho

*start losing an argument*
*vomit and faint*
the ol' Jordan Peterson trick

>clicking links off of Yea Forums
this is how I know you started coming here after the captcha went up

to be honest its even the New York Times thats telling us its preposterous. even the lugenpresse is turned off by this bullshit, so fuck off

if you are too afraid to click a nytimes link its you who is the newfag
plus i was the one who originally posted it
i think you are just being a delusional person right now

>click on clickbait article
You would want me to do that, would you?

>clicking links

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anyone more gun literate know what type of rifle this is?

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I just highly doubt a side character that is a stand in for like thousands of boring scientists is that big of a deal

it's not like she's going to use her Mary Sue powers to go back in time and prevent the explosion, so let there be a stand in character

How many doses of radiation are you guys on? Im on like 3.6 my dude.

redditors have joines us, say goodbye
we had a good thread going so far

>he dosent remember the [] code to edit link titles to custom text
Moot accidently it one time, every user that got banned in that thread remebers it to this day

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nugget? mosin nagant or whatever that /k/ goes apeshit over

Moist Nugget

Maybe some type of Mosin-Nagant but I'm not sure.

Attached: Mosin_Nagant_series_of_rifles[1].jpg (800x890, 62K)

>doesn't archive
>doesn't screencap
>gets in a spaz when people tease him for posting a NYT link
I think you're the one that doesn't belong here, if we're to look at your behavior.

Attached: EPIC_FAIL_GUY_HELMET.jpg (251x251, 4K)

this might just be me being dumb but the charging handle/bolt/whatnot doesnt resemble the mosin's

>oh shit they're starting to call out my retarded clickbait article
>let's call them reddit

SKS then?

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Will things with the girl I'm dating work out?

The air is already glowing.

What the fuck monolith

Seems they work out for her kek

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This never got used.

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thanks Obama for the broken equipment

different situation, different mechanics
but sure, be a paranoid little shit while trying to come off as an oldfag, not everyone got got that day yo know?
and i dont mind posting clickbaity shit on here because that review really wasnt worth the archiving, at least to me

>Firefighters rushed to the scene without special equipment or a clear understanding of the potential risks; they had not been trained to deal with a nuclear explosion, because such training would have involved acknowledging that an explosion was possible. They kicked at chunks of radioactive graphite that had fallen around the reactor, and their boots stuck to the melting, flammable bitumen that had been used, against all safety regulations, to coat the roofs of the plant’s buildings. Efforts to douse mysteriously fizzy, incandescent fires only made the conflagrations seethe with radioactive steam. (These fires probably contained uranium dioxide, one of the fuels used in the reactor.)
>Feeling hot, the firefighters unbuttoned their jackets and took off their helmets. After less than thirty minutes they began to vomit, develop excruciating headaches, and feel faint and unbearably thirsty. One drank highly radioactive water from the plant’s cooling pond, burning his digestive tract. Over the next few hours, the exposed firefighters and plant workers swelled up, their skin turning the eerie purple of radiation burn. Later it would turn black and peel away. After evacuation and treatment in Moscow, many of these first responders died and were buried in nesting pairs of zinc caskets. Their graves were covered with cement tiles to block the radiation emanating from their corpses.

Attached: chernobyl-forever-the-brave[1].jpg (2500x1818, 1.31M)

Why do shills never share mega links

just torrent it on pirate bay or whatever

>but i dont think i ever saw a single russian upset about one of the best movies of the past few years, the death of stalin.
The movie was banned in Russia on January 23, 2018, two days before it was due to be released. The Cultural Ministry stated, "The distribution certificate for the film The Death of Stalin has been withdrawn." One member of the Culture Ministry's advisory board was quoted as saying, "The film desecrates our historical symbols -- the Soviet hymn, orders and medals, and Marshal Zhukov is portrayed as an idiot," and added that the film's release in advance of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad (February 2nd), would be "an affront to Russia's World War II veterans."

based and redpilled?
my rune-reading skills are a bit rusty

Because they don't exist!

Used cars and helicopters for sale. Inquire with shady dude near exclusion zone. Ask for Sid.

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>Marshal Zhukov is portrayed as an idiot
He is a giga-chad in the movie, wtf is this

>One drank highly radioactive water from the plant’s cooling pond

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when will goodsir show up, unironically a great actor

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It's not like Russians aren't among the masters of torrenting. Whoever wanted to watch that movie did so.

you are like a little baby

>After graduation, Dyatlov worked in a shipbuilding plant, installing reactors into submarines. He received a radiation dose of 200 rem, a dose which typically causes mild radiation sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and reduction in resistance to infections,[1] during a nuclear accident there. His son died of leukemia. In 1973, he moved to Pripyat, Ukraine to work at the newly constructed Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
>On April 26, 1986, supervised a test at Reactor 4 of the nuclear plant, which resulted in the worst nuclear plant accident in history. During the accident, Dyatlov was exposed to a radiation dose of 390 rem (3.9 Sv)

What kind of boomer needs mega links to watch tv shows?

> Efforts to douse mysteriously fizzy, incandescent fires only made the conflagrations seethe with radioactive steam.
> One drank highly radioactive water from the plant’s cooling pond
fucking hell.

All those commie blocks...wasted.

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why does moskow keel sending shit equipment

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Seems he went with the "double or nothing" school of though.

Some of the guys knew but still had to put out the fires so they wouldn't spread to reactor 3.

Radiation, what radiation?

Russians have almost zero survival instinct

That's what they did. They kept the good shit for themselves. They also plundered Moldova's wine stores so Stalin and the higher-ups could drink fancy wine at banquets. Moldova still has the biggest wine collection in the world after the Soviets were done with it. Here's Putin's personal reserve.

Attached: dodon-i-a-dus-la-moscova-lui-putin-cateva-zeci-de-sticle-de-vin-din-colectia-presedintelui-rus-pe-ca (700x467, 93K)

I always felt that steam turbines were a waste of energy, but there's pretty much no other way to utilize the energy made from burning fuel except through using it directly for heating

Don't you know stalker, you ARE Strelok.

Goddammit these games had some great atmosphere, no game has even come close capturing the eeriness of that place.

Attached: stalkerhead.jpg (770x396, 44K)

I fear that some episodes might be a bit boring, given their description and especially because the retard director tried to put a contemporary spin on things with his 'Cost of lies' shit.

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I don't think anybody else seriously tried.

>Marshal Zhukov is portrayed as an idiot
he's the only moral person in the entire film

call of duty 4

Funny how a game this buggy could have such a wonderful atmosphere.

I should finish Call of Pripyat some time.

Oh for fuck sake, why do all things now need a STRONK WOMEN in it???

If it actually HAPPENED, I would have no problems with it, but why do they always need to get shoehorned into a good series/movie. WHY FOR FUCK SAKE WHY?>>>>>>>>>>>>???????

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>Over the next few hours, the exposed firefighters and plant workers swelled up, their skin turning the eerie purple of radiation burn.
>Later it would turn black and peel away

Next episode's gonna be rough

Attached: workisdone.png (574x355, 161K)

>the scene where those two look into the core
>faces turn red gradually

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and the guy that went to the roof played jory cassel in GoT
hbo loves to re-use actors in different projects

Requesting pics of reactor chan

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Because it’s an anglo production after all. They’re just infusing it with Anglo culture

no fucking way dude

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Help, I can't stop making shitty memes.

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Women sit on their ass watching Netflix all day, so shows naturally have to cater to them in some way. Supply and demand etc. etc.

>literally seething

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This has got to be the most forgettable character in GoT. Had to google it.

I just remember Jaime killing him

>You're delusional, get to the infirmary, you'll be fine

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It may be surprising to people with little technical knowledge but electricity is generated by the transfer of mechanical energy due to a rotating shaft a magnet and a coil into electrical current. A rare exception to this being solar energy, but that isn't the point being discussed. So, how does one generate mechanical energy to turn the shaft to generate electricity? Well, one can use fluids that pass over a turbine fixed to the shaft to turn it. These fluids could occur naturally, as in hydro or wind power or be generated and controlled by man as in thermal systems and nuclear systems. Now you use the energy from the reaction, be it burning coal, gas or what have you or operating a nuclear reaction to heat a fluid to impart energy to it and then distribute that energy to the shaft system. It so happens that water is pretty good at holding energy and can be distributed rather efficiently by turning it into steam. It also happens that humans have been engineering steam engines for quite some time now and have become quite good at it. Now you use the steam generated to turn the turbine and generate power. Yes it seems low tech as all you seem to do is boil water and use the steam to turn a paddle, but it is little more complicated than that in it's application even if the concept is straight forward.
>t. Chemical Engineer

its only 3.6 inches deep
not great but not terrible

I mean The Terror also really happened just without the supernatural bullshit. Which is what makes this even better cause Sovjet Era Ukraine is even bleaker than the North Passage.

my sides

>they actually did the blue beam shooting into the sky
this is pretty good

Attached: Screenshot_2016-08-25-18-29-05.jpg (1440x1440, 194K)

the ex-devs did.Metro and Survarium are made by ex-Stalker devs and there's Chernobylite and Stalker 2 coming

Here's Theon's second mate that didn't interrupt his speech. Should pop up in the next episodes.

Attached: Ironborn saving Chernobyl.png (1920x1080, 3.06M)

Yeah I agree, my brother said I should try Metro 2033, but it pales in comparison to the Stalker series.

Yeah I loved the map, I think COD MW2 had some Chernobyl maps too. But it was just the maps+CoD aesthetic.

Yeah the amount of time the game just straight up crashed/froze was frustrating, but I still kept coming back to it.

Also check out the Mod community of Stalker, there are some amazing mods to improve graphics/gameplay etc.

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So far the show is not great but not terrible

Attached: Chernobyl.S01E01.[2019.05.09_10.28.3 (1280x720, 368K)

Ok should I start this show?


slav call of duty

>Stalker 2
eternal development hell

3.6 not great but not terrible

Pretty sure I've seen that guy in a thousand series and can't name one of them.

voice actor for Charles Vane in AC4 too
his voice is god tier

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That's the father from VVitch

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Ralph Ineson, was in a couple of harry potter movies and one of the new star wars

It's got this really thick atmosphere of just unease in almost every interaction which I particularly enjoy cause I have autism.

Seems this guy had too much to drink, nothing to see here. Someone should shop Varys coughing on top of him.

Suvivarium ain't that great and Metro is decent but that's Moscow not Chernobyl.

Attached: bleurgh.png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

3.6 is significant actually

>Ralph Ineson
The basedness just never ends with this series.

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>gets the 'good' dosimeter
>only goes up to 200 roentegens

Fucking Soviets man

>Dude, the superiors let million people die because including them and their families because they were afraid to report and ask for help from the EVIL communists :)

This is your brain and television in Drumpfs America...

>tfw its our moment to shine
cant wait

Attached: 1520760679482.jpg (800x600, 36K)

The office

I mean you dont really need to go above that cause if you measure 200 röntgens you're pretty much gonna die already.

>that's all just a steam

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the good dosimeter went up to 1000 roentgens, but it burned out when it was turned on

So if 3.6 is significant how is 200 not noteworthy? Are they different scales? Please help am retarded

Thank you for controlling the spread of misinformation comrade

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>A rare exception to this being solar energy, but that isn't the point being discussed
I think this is actually what he was getting at - i.e.
>why can't we make a kind of radiation powered solar panel?
I'm aware of betavoltaics but nothing that would work for neutrons or gamma rays. I guess the energy levels involved would destroy anything we can make too quickly for it to be of any use?
>t. dog walker / unemployed programmer

>tfw finally come home from 5 years in the arctic only to be transported to chernobyl

Attached: TERROR_110_AM_0425_0044-RT.jpg (4500x3000, 998K)

>Their graves were covered with cement tiles to block the radiation emanating from their corpses.

200 is extremely noteworthy, but nobody believes it's an accurate reading because it would imply the reactor exploded, and RBMK reactors cannot explode.

the strangest thing about those chains is that its fucking real and we have no explanation as to why he did it

>One drank highly radioactive water from the plant’s cooling pond

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He had dismissed the 200 roentgen device as defected. Because if there were actually that much radiation (or higher) they would be vomiting all over the place, which they weren't.

Ahhh. Thanks. So it is the same scale? Asking cause since they skimp on equipment they might have differing scales from device to device

Will I become a gigachad

There's no actual evidence that confirms, the eskimo stories just mention that a few of the crew were wrapped in golden chains


>, which they weren't
Why not?

vimeo.com/335042024 dyatlov cut

I want an Iodine nurse gf

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Solar panels have traditionally been extremely inefficient as well and are rather cost ineffective as well as much more voluminous when compared to thermal/nuclear steam power systems.

>look at how kawaii I am onii-chan

b-but the only woman i interact with is mom

Any better pictures? Profile?

uwu extracting my control rods gets me so hot and steamy onii-chan

i asked on /k/ but the thread devolved into arguing about the show itself, a friend of mine on discord ID'd it as an M38 but I'd love a second opinion!

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Please don't make me fall in love with Chernobyl

I wonder who this is. I'm guessing it's the main firefighter.

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Play the original release only.

that's not the real name

it's probably a mosin, no idea if it's a m38 or not, probably one of the late variant tho since the barrel is quite short

>Get massively irradiated
>Feel hot so take off your jackets
>Feel thirsty so drink from the reactor pond

Someone do an edit of the virgin power plant worker and the chad firefighter

thats that guy

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Chill chuvak.
Don't be such a ballbag.
I am from Odessa but I love this shit.

Will I finish the game I'm making?

Played them all on release. Didn't touch redux versions.

In the oven, yid

No it isn't, Bryukhanov survived and was put on trial.

Attached: Bryukhanov.jpg (858x1390, 163K)

The hallucinations of shaman bear is a metaphor for lead poisoning hysteria.

when was this scene, I must've missed it

How many years of gulag?

It's in next weeks episode.

C-Cherno - chan I...

Attached: vomit.png (471x637, 324K)


It's in the trailer, it's a future episode when everyone starts dying of radiation poisoning.

Any decent Baneposting edits so far?

>Didn't touch redux versions.

wtf is wrong with the redux versions?

>The night shift main circulating pump operator, Khodemchuk, was likely killed immediately; he was located in the collapsed part of the building, in the far end of the southern main circulating pumps engine room at level +10. His body was never recovered and is entombed in the reactor debris.

Attached: fuck your pannel brah.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

>put on trial
But didn't he want to evacuate the city once he realised how bad it was?

good point... if you're not getting the radiation for free then the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
there's plenty of motivation to understand and improve turbines as much as possible, since they're not just used for power generation but air travel and other things as well. i guess they just intuitively "seem" inefficient from a nontechnical standpoint because we can easily sense the noise & vibration they make.

I think it's Toptunov, he was in the feedwater room at the end.

Leonid Toptunov

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The plant had been mismanaged from the start. Granted the mismanagement started at a level way above Bryukhanov but he was a convenient scapegoat, after all the other RBMK reactors had also been mismanaged and they were still working.

Haha bro. I went back 5 years ago and was horrified at how many kikes there were.
As a kid I never noticed it.

If even the nytimes complains about it being contrived, then it must be shit

It's bizarre how anyone hasn't shot up Uman' when there is a yearly kike pilgrimage.

o monolith, will I ever get a brown lgf

his death was pretty impactful in the book I remember, I was on permanent fuck jaime mode until he got his arm cut off and shit


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>One drank highly radioactive water from the plant’s cooling pond, burning his digestive tract.

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It's not the size, it's how you use it.


>Last month, researchers from the University of Bristol mapped that radioactivity in a comprehensive survey of a fraction of the exclusion zone, uncovering surprising hotspots local authorities had no idea existed.
>The team used two types of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in an unprecedented fashion, mapping 15 square kilometres (5.8 square miles) of Chernobyl's 2,600 square kilometre (1,000 square miles) exclusion zone in 3D.
>They used the pulsed laser system known as LIDAR to measure contours in the landscape while recording radiation levels with a lightweight gamma-ray spectrometer. A rotary-wing UAV was used to get a closer look at anything that caught their eye.
>Over a period of 10 days the team sent a fixed-wing survey craft out on 50 sorties to sweep the area in a grid-pattern, starting near the relatively low-risk village of Buriakivka before making their way towards the zone's epicentre.

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what is /k/'s pleb take?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Nuclear Engineering Department, and I've been involved in numerous emgerncy tank explosions, and I have over 3.6 confirmed roentgen. I’m the top engineer in the entire Soviet Union. You are nothing to me but just another delusional comrade. I will send you to the infirmary with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with telling me the core exploded? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting Fomin and Bryukhanov and so you better be prepared to go stand on the roof maggot . The roof that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking delusional comrade, I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can infirm you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my dosimeter. Not only am I extensively trained in lowering fuel rods, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Glorious Soviet Nuclear Program and I will use it to its full extent to get water into my core. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have not gone into shock. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit feedwater all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking delusional, comrade.

as in the show or the firearm? They seem to be hung up on the fact its from HBO

Gulag system only existed for 10 years and the numbers of victims was exaggerated by a fascist who for some reason was pushed into the classrooms of millions of Americans in the 1980s

will i get black ice for the mp5k?

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so feedwater did cause all the radiation? hmmm I think Yea Forums owes someone an apology

I think they've done a fantastic job so far getting the dread of the whole situation across to the viewer.
But is everyone so calm because they're oblivious to the dangers since it's an unprecedented event?

I want to stick my genitalia inside the graphite

prime example of a moist nugget in its natural habitat
moist refers to the cosmoline

>They seem to be hung up on the fact its from HBO
fascinating brains on some fascinating people

>banning comedy films
unbelievably cucked

thanks friend!

It’s just a tank explosion comrade, I’ve seen worse

daily reminder multiple people on /k/ have used the mosin bolt handle as a prostate massager

>They seem to be hung up on the fact its from HBO
what as in... it's probably absolute kino?

The ones who understand the situation are in shock or denial. Everybody else is oblivious

I always imagined that every happy/cheeky person in the USSR just ended up dead shortly after.

it's also only been 7 hours, hardly anyone knows what's happening

wait until that first KGB heli flys in

Glorious Soviet technology has multiple uses, comrade

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they don't want to pay for it or it's cucked or

Dyatlov recieved a dose of 3.9 SV, it's fatal in 50% of cases

so /k/ is full of incompetent boomers who don't know how to torrent and don't watch good tv shows, just like Yea Forums?

actually it's a board for crossdressing tripfags, homosexual deviants literally shoving shotgun barrels in their ass and call of duty kids who can't legally own firearms

of course it did you moron, go up and check the reactor while you're at it

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all of whom i would assume know how to torrent desu

>the mismanagement started at a level way above Bryukhanov
The idea in communism was that they had made a science out of managing people and societies. Hence the design spec for RBMK, which I imagine looked like:
>We need a nuclear reactor that is cheap to build and operate, generates a shitload of power, and it should be safe too, I guess. Our social engineering can cover any safety flaws in the nuclear engineering.
Irresponsible because you need more than one layer of safety when the stakes are that high, and also because social engineering isn't based on real science and doesn't work properly.
The actual engineers were just as good as the ones in the West. The RBMK was just as cheap, powerful and sort-of safe as it was intended to be.

rare case of a man hitting the wall


>The actual engineers were just as good as the ones in the West
when they weren't copying western designs, mainly civilian tech though, cars, electronics, appliances
Military/space/nuclear engineers are a whole different story, in many cases they were better because typical mode of operation is locking them in a (comfortable) prison existence basically, until they finished their designs. More focused, better incentives (staying out of decidedly uncomfortable GULAGs)

Alpha Beta and Gamma.

n-no boss, I agree with you!

Mi-26 YUGE

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They call me the rolling master.

Are we going to get the FEED ME COPTERS scene?

is this actually good should i watch

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No, too late. We already watched it and formed our club, you can't be a part of it

>YWN give Chernobyl-Chan a good hard SCRAMing
>YWN induce her into a prompt criticality
>YWN feel her bathing you in 3.6 roentgen per hour of neutron radiation
Why even live comrades?

the story with 150 images

Honestly you should have to perform the secret handshake to even post in the threads.

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>comrade comrade comrade xD its just like my commie memes!

Fuck this stupid revisionist show

I really do wish they'd just gotten russian actors
having people speak english is so offputting

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oh fuck off it is so much better this way

cable is a sacred american institution :^)
that's one thing communism (netflix) got right

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because you get to enjoy good actors like Jared Harris actually acting, as opposed to acting out a fake russian accent or asking russian actors to act in a non-native language

Christ that comic haha

Nah it's fine, I only cringe a little when they spell slavic surnames.

How about you sub watching weebshits and peripheral orcspeak subhumans fuck off? This is being made for us English speakers, it's we who will make the bulk of its profits and it's we who get to be pandered to.

its a late version of the shit rifle known as the mosin-nagant

good lord what is happening there

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listen to the podcast if youre this much of a brainlet

Cherenkov effect, perfectly harmless comrade.

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so we can have comfy threads for atleast five weeks
/ttg/ is back baby

at this time of the day?


located entirely in pripyat?

so uh those liquidators just shot animals right

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Its sex. So if someone tells you to Have Sex... send em your smuggiez

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No, Cherenkov effect only happens in water or another kind of fluid. The blue beam in the air is caused by ionization of the air.


may I see it

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You could always wait for a LOSTFILM release or whatever is top Russian dubbing team at the moment.


On the roof, comrade.

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bros where can a retard like me get a general understanding of how nuclear power works

IRL there was no guard, he went and looked there himself. This whole scene in the bunker is total bullshit from start to finish. There was no such meeting and Bryukhanov was asking about evacuation himself, but since Moscow was told that reactor is intact, he was told not to do it over the phone. The whole armed guard thing is also horseshit, they are both civilians and Sitnikov wasn't even on duty at the time, there was no way he could be ordered around. He was asked to assess the situation and he agreed to do that.

Media fuckers just need everything to be a statement I guess. Can we have at least some subtlety and nuance in these shows pretty please?

uranium reacts, breaking up into smaller elements which releases some energy, and continues the reaction to the next nearby uranium atoms

Energy -> heat
this heat heats up water to the boiling point

the steam from the water spins huge turbines
turbines create energy

this is more or less how most electric plants work, by the way

there's a turbine spun by steam at the end which makes energy

how is the energy that was generated stored

also what do the control rods do

Battery technology isn't good enough to store as much energy as the nuclear plant creates

the electricity is sent right into the grid and just sort of hangs out in the grid, until someone uses it up, iirc

control rods do exactly what the name implies - they control the reaction of the uranium atoms in the reactor

what they do is inhibit further uranium fission (the proccess where uranium breaks up into smaller elements creating energy) and make the reactor stop functioning, more or less

the issue at chernobyl was that the control rods were tipped with graphite, which actually momentarily spikes the power in reaction with uranium

that's when the first explosion happened, the second explosion that fucked the plant and flipped the biological barrier like a coin was when water flooded into the reactor without control, and a huge burst of steam exploded

>yfw your workers can't handle their feedwater

Christ! Had to send him to the infirmary. He'll be fine though i have seen worse.

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B-but the graphite...

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Perfectly Harmless