If you were Bond

...who would you choose?

Attached: harem of bond.jpg (1373x779, 236K)

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If I were Bond, I would choose the second from the left.

If I were me (which I am), I would choose the far right.

Attached: 91310A79-95C1-4E8F-AF9E-B723ABBD4A63.jpg (1098x832, 817K)


Ana> Leah>>>> Niggapenny>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who ever that thing is

You sure the "woman" to the right isn't in fact a male?

The 2 sheboons aren't Bond girls really, surely?

That girl to the far right is clearly the hottest there

The woman to the right has broader shoulders than Craig, you can't make this shit up.

If you are into men, then sure.

Villain has to be German. Period

How nice of them to take a pic with the help.

Attached: bond_burgered.jpg (620x380, 110K)

God damn Ana, giving it all away huh

Lea Seydoux.

Attached: 4bd543e839cfe5aa4fbde6fa69399eed.jpg (410x594, 44K)

Attached: hands.png (199x189, 99K)

Why is the sheboon on the right dressed like she's about to parachute out of a plane?

CUte nipples

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Is the ape on the far right his bodyguard? That can't be a Bond girl.

Attached: im yo mufuckin Bond gurl now cracka.jpg (330x421, 97K)


>What do you mean "you people"?

Attached: angermanagementplanescene.jpg (1280x550, 30K)

Is Spectre any good? It's the only bond film I haven't seen. Been holding off on watching it because I'm scared it'll be QoS bad.

Hip hop swagger, but white men like you have no fashion sense what so ever, so you wouldn't know.

>Is Spectre any good?
it is up until Batista flies out of a train, after that it shits the bed

What is MC Hammer doing to the right?

Evidently the one on the right is the black woman from Captain Marvel
She really alternates between looking somewhat like a female to not passing at all

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (761x1080, 353K)

Worst of the Craig series, still a decent watch.

In your pic, she looks like Wesley Snipes.

Far left or middle right. O.O

I'm literally laughing reading this comment and I didn't even notice that dress.

She still kinda looks like a woman
There's one picture from the CM premiere where she straight up looks like a basketball player with lipstick and fake lashes

> Marry
> Marry
> Fuck
> Fuck
> Kill

Ana obviously

Ana > white girl and then who cares I'll never touch the monkeys on the end

WOuld fuck everybody including your mom, i'm a bunny

god I want to eat her poop

She's one of the many somewhat above average looking women Hollywood raises to stardom now. You're pathetic.

Ana de Armas
not even a question

It steals the twist from Austin Powers.


Attached: bond girls laughing.jpg (565x430, 48K)

Marry fuck kill kill


don't know who any of them are, the but the one on the left is looking at Craig lovingly. she's also the best looking

>don't know who any of them are
why are you here?


I've seen every bond movie except the craig ones

I assumed this would morph into a more general bond thread

She's just the heiress to the Seydoux family. That's why she is famous and average.


They are billionaires. They produce shit ton of Hollywood/French movies. Highly connected (((family))).

>The epitome of Alpha
You';re not getting this here game is the problem.

Back in the plantation days, the white man could have both. Keep the ebony sows out back for breeding while building a large white family in the main house with a loving subservient christian white wife. Now the white man gets nothing.

the two on the left of course

Posting best black bond girl

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>...who would you choose?
Her Majesty