Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #487
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Well I can report back that I did make it into the olldie's 60+ screening, and it's the biggest screen I've seen her on yet. :)))

No fake beard needed, and there's 1 old guy and 2 gal's for those who were asking about old ladies not wanting to see Alita, and I helped the guy get to his seat and he seemed like a really nice fella.

And just like that Alita is gone from the UK, well for quite some while at least....

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thread theme

So, what we have in sum

Arch-user archive


Art-user archive


And the movie in acceptable quality



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>there's 1 old guy and 2 gal's
Only 3 people in the audience apart from you?

So far yeah, but the adverts are still on atm..

I'm happy for you. Enjoy.

Oh so it's just starting, didn't realize.

What is Zapans tax policy?

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I will :), and was just thinking based grandma and grandad not going to see capeshit, and instead choosing to watch Alita. As that's like the only other thing screening basically atm.

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Britanon is going to experience what it's like to watch Alita after several weeks(?) without screenings. Looking forward to that too.


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Awwww! This is too cute, I can't handle.

How did you get in?

He told them he's actually a 300 year old cyborg from Mars.


Ah, I see, that's pretty cool.

That's fucking adorable


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Where we the Colorado anons at? I saw you were planning a trip to CA for an Alita meet up in the last thread. I'm in Denver and thinking maybe to see if I can make it out too. You got room for one more in your car?


I'm guessing it's 100%. How much better would Zapan's face look if Grewishka had a bounty on him and Zapan actually took him out? A goatee made out of rubies and jade?

This is so cute!

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Hello new bread and frens
Please be healed by Amelita

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I fucking love this crossover


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>tfw watched Amélie for the first time last weekend
I love this so much.

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Shit it's been too long since I saw it, gonna rewatch it now.

>Hey guys!

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hate Amélie so much. no idea why. just not my thing. glad other people like it though.

Same artist

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requesting grewishka edit please

Smiling grewishka needed

still a bitch

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I am continually amazed by how much good content we have here

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The fact that the eyes are so clearly in front of the brain is super unsettling for this shot bravo RR

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>I was saved, made comfy by the man who shapes your desinty even now

Attached: bitch.png (908x765, 876K)

>That looks comfy.

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OMG this is hilarious lol! We're in uncharted waters again

Looks comfy in here.

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i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick, you incel cringelords need to get a fucking life

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I love Alita

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I love you too brieposter

>Successfully halted the thread
Great job user

Too bad she couldnt be that happy or that likable as captain marvel.
Shes a cunt in that movie

Not halted, simply paused

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Go away hitler

Not halted...repatched.

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Not an argument.

>got the little nick on her nose too

I want to learn the story of the nick!

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Good morning /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and out Alitafrens. No fighting.

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Morning friend I love your positivity

I concur.

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of course

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>i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda?

For one, she loves her father. She feels deep love for him, no feminazi movie would ever accept this.
Then you add that she loves Hugo and would give her heart to him. Again, no feminazi would ever give herself like that.
That right there are two ways it fails as feminist propaganda.
But then, you have her losing to the villain in the middle of the movie. Get cut in half. A feminist hero like rey or captain marvel would never lose as bad as alita did.

Well I made sure to cherish every last scene, as I know I'm not going to be able to watch it in a more imersive experience for the rest of my life...

Could be the 1000ft+ drop when she fell from zalem.

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Can we get a little marks comf? :3

>did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
she's even an angel shitty pick-up lines are the go

Only just realised that she's Alita: battle ANGEL, because the commentator says she has the face of an angel and that more prominently she fell from up above. Such as an angel. I guess that's where Alita: Fallen Angel comes from.

Little Marx?

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Don't start

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>page 7

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Such is life in the quiet hours.

I hope you're all going to have a cozy and healed day frens.

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the fun people are at work, such is life, you always have to wait for the afternoon to have all the fun

new thread theme

I love mai waifu, and SA isn’t here to dampen my spirits!

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what is this music called?

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what the fuck is this?

thats a great shot

They posted/reposted this on twitter for peeps who didn't like lil marks dieing.

Cyborg Little Marks?

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Alita is so cool and don't worry user I'll keep your waifuing safe

who made it

the genre? synthwave, or retrowave, or maybe some other different titles. 80's inspired electronic music.

yeah but who made it?

I'm not sure is WETA made it but it was uploaded onto some pro dog twitter account idk. And the movie twitter account re-tweeted it.

okay cool,

hey good to see you guys are still here, any news about a decent rip?
i got a projector for my birthday and i want to have an alita movie night with my friends

>Yea Forums folder
>6 years old
>480 files

>Alita folder
>2 months old
>240 files

Jesus christ what the shit why. At this rate you guys will surpass katawa shoujo general in a year

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what you are asking for is illegal. please stop

what are some of the best artists?

Yeah there is a mega link out there on my phone so don't have it atm.

Pls stop being a lil bish

Is the movie actually good or are you all just waifufags?

>a lil bish
Yea Forums is for people over 18.

>why does everyone hate me?

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the movie is good but i guess all is left here is waifufags.
but that's fine as long as they keep the thread up until the blueray comes out

Classic comeback...

>underage get out

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People don’t want to be moralized at while they’re just trying to waifu, Leeta

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Amazing, how original.

these are really great, where did you find them?

What projector have you got user? Was thinking about getting one.

>get out

underated post

never any best artist to any genre, only popular artists. they are easy to find if you want that. start with Mitch Murder though.

Leeta is okay in my book. She's just going through a phase is all.

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wrong. motivate yourself by this thought. improve yourself. make a shit ton of money. build nice home-theater. Achieve Ultimate Comfort. Destroy Zalem.

>o-oh okay
>i didn't mean to make everyone hate me...
>i should leave

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I know right? It blows my mind how much high quality fan art there is. All the crossovers, different art styles and memes this film produced is incredible.
Something about that film is just really magical in a way no other romantic comedy film manages to be. Then again I'm kind of a sucker for "chick flicks" so it hit a lot of the right notes for me.
I'd wait for the bluray release if you have anywhere near a decent projector setup. There's some camrips out there but they wouldn't do justice to the film.

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>using tumblr
Fuck off


It’s not a phase!

Look at what you guys did. Poor Leeta

I love you leeta. Please dont go!

Don't even have account so quit bitching around

Face like an angel, body built for battle, mind of a fucking scientist.

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so there are still the same shitty camrips?
i hoped once it was out of theaters in the us something would have popped out
>wouldn't do justice to the film.
most of my friends already saw the movie at the theater with me

There's been a lot of delays, probably because it's the last film distributed by Fox before the Disney/Fox merger. Latest I heard the Bluray wouldn't be out until June.

Yes, just the same old rips. No BD news either

chan folder
years old
How the fuck? Mine is a little over a decade old and I have 180 000 files.


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From what I heard the bluray is gonna have ~2 hours of extra features. So if the generals do keep up until then you can bet there's gonna be material for a shitload more discussion.

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Dogface is Blondita/Thotlita, not Leeta.

That is the Endgame for when I get a mortgage down, but for quite some time that was about as good as it's going to get for me...

Then why are you here?

Just because thots use dogface filters dosen't make normal Ali a Thot does it?

idk about blondita dogface tho

>claims to have been on Yea Forums for a decade
>doesn't know how to green text
Stop lying.

When you quick reply to a greentext it gives you a double ">". Normally not a problem but when it's followed by a number it's interpreted as a reply to a post number. Like this
My mistake but it happens, it's not like I spend a whole lot of time formatting my replies.

I would think she would be oblivious to what a thot is.

everyone fuckin chill out
.wav album - cyan-music.com/releases-009.html

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Don't you have a bridge to jump from?

> you meet Alita for real
>Ask her out
>Her reaction is pic related.
What do you do?

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Stop lying and making excuses for your lies. No one believes you. You're a newfag tourist trying to fit in. Its obvious.

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Don't you have a grade school teacher to be paying attention too?


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"Fake Cybergirls" and Real Misogyny

by Leeta, Vector Foundation Unpaid Intern

If I had two credits for every time some cyberbro called me a "fake cybergirl," I'd have enough to buy an Imaginos Body. Other Women of Machinery I've talked to tell me the same thing - of battling prejudice from cybernetic guys who think that we can't possibly be "real cyborgs," and that we got our body conversions for attention. But even this pales in comparison to the gawking from meatdudes who see our machine bodies as a license to objectify us. "Hey baby, are you fully functional?" I can still remember the time one of my neighbors asked if I was more resistant to heat and cold than organics. I answered him, and he decided it would then be okay to ask me another question: what kind of sexual organs I had installed. I couldn't find words I was so taken aback, and he then started listing the various types of cyber-genitalia he'd seen in pirated holovids. I turned on my heel and stormed away to my house. I was glad to have a blush inhibitor mode in my face so I didn't turn beet red.

It got worse when I started playing motorball. Even after playing neighborhood games for months with hundreds of people having seen me on the track, I'd get cyberdudes asking me if my ankles had wheelmounts and if I knew how to swap my feet out. People actually started calling me the "Battle Angel." It was revolting - even as an athlete I was constantly reduced to my appearance, as if my being a woman was the only notable thing about me as a player. I remember the day I entered the track and this dude with a megaphone, who was the unofficial announcer for the neighborhood games, said "Let's give it up for the battle angel herself!" I was horrified - in that moment I had been objectified, trivialized, colonized even - the multilayered intersectional tapestry that makes up my identity had been reduced to "battle angel" by this guy. I turned on my heel and left the track that day, never to play again.

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Are you suffering user? SA How come you are always an asshole every day? You always ruin these threads.

Never doubt the Card God.

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But through this pain, I have realized the way forward. I've recently begin interning at the Vector Foundation and with the help of our generous donors, we are producing a comprehensive sensitivity training curriculum tailored for the needs of schools and businesses in Iron City. I've taken the lead in building a team of cyberdiversity consultants who will help raise consciousness within Iron City institutions to deconstruct the culture of anti-cybernetic prejudice and cybermisogyny before others can be harmed as I was. Our ambition is to make every public space in Iron City a safe space for Women of Machinery, and to stamp out toxic organicity and cybermasculonormativity from our shared culture. And that's why I'm closing this article with a call to everyone who believes in the cause of justice to make whatever contribution you can. Your donation to the Vector Foundation will help pave the way to a better tomorrow.

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Don't pay attention to her, SA is always on a bad mood. Shes the local douchebag. Spends 14 hours on Yea Forums.

You've inspired a meme, my friend.

Will report back.

Stop these threads you fucking weirdos

That wasn't me.

That was me

It just blows my mind how someone can spend 6 years here and only have saved 720 pics. That's less than 1 pic every 3 days.

Im sorry sa. Sorry for the post, theres always some asshole arguing with people.

most pics are shit, and not worth saving. you're not supposed to archive everything. they're all in a stash anyways. welcome to the fucking internet

Game of Toilets is that way, friend

Are you bipolar?

It's just my favorite obsession. I hate seeing a post that I could have had the perfect reply to and not having it handy. Not everything can be found via google, certainly not specific image board memes.

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That user really hates picture posting and spends 18 hours pattolling these threads. Ignore them. He wants these threads image free

I honestly dont understand how such a fucking asshole could ever be a fan of such a wonderful movie.

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dem lips

Wow, never seen this one. Very nice

Looks like its going to be a 1:1 piece, but the way they phrased it makes me think there doing something else as well/on top that.

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>I honestly dont understand how such a fucking asshole could ever be a fan of such a wonderful movie.
You have to remember that even Alita's enemies often end up falling in love with her.

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>I honestly dont understand how such a fucking asshole could ever be a fan of such a wonderful movie.

Thinking two unrelated things are correlated.... You fail at logic user

Attached: 1557095287946.png (587x926, 636K)

>Yea Forums is an image board
>complains about image posting

Autisticpilled and retardedpilled

I just dont understand how a bitter angry neet asshole found joy in a movie like Alita.

i tend to only lurk. you're confusing me with another user. all i've done is post music trying not to take up the image limit


Attached: Underrated Post.png (518x551, 255K)

Stop lying nigger.


Why is she so perfect?

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By not being a bitch

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I need more of these

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Man, being able to watch Alita in the cinema's after not seeing her for like a month really feels amazing... everything is fresh in your mind and was semi like watching it all over again apart from knowing most if not all the lines :/ , but it still felt amazing.

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some weird stylizastion

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Honestly I think entertainment today is ripe for heroes that are played straight. No "gritty" alternate universe reboot, no deconstruction of the genre, no franchise crossover cornucopia, no subversion of expectations. Alita Battle Angel was completely honest with itself, had real passion behind it and focused entirely on bringing people a truly entertaining experience. I can't think of a single similar film that has done that in this decade - Guardians of the Galaxy comes close, but even that relied heavily on the nostalgia factor of it. I've never in my life bought a Blu-ray release, only DVD ones, but I'm gonna get the Alita one, if only for the extra content.

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Blessed image

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Is Alita unironically a good movie? I don’t like anime but I do like cyberpunk stuff, and the girl is cute.

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I thought it was memes at first but it is indeed a great movie. It’s devoid of the pervasive irony of modern movies, the world building is top notch, and there is absolutely no wasted scenes. It was a real breathe of fresh air for someone like me who is fed up with modern fare.

100%, The actions scenes are 10/10. However the weakest part of the movie is definitely her love story with Hugo, but its not terrible and serves its purpose.

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Thank you for the recommendations. I’ll check it out this week. Cheers.

Sorry music user. Accept my apologies if i was insulting you. Are you the synthwave user? Im sorry brother. Thats the problem with anonymity. Sorry

>I don’t like anime but I do like cyberpunk stuff
Then be careful with the expectations you have for this movie, it's heavy on anime stuff, it's not like a normal western movie.

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laserhawk, le matos, magic sword, scandroid, kavinsky, a few off the top of me head.

She's even cuter when she pissed.

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Take this on the way out, its the best we have.

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can people put Alita in Cobra Kai please? Thanks

Why does it feel like our efforts are really futile? Will an Alita sequel really happen?

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I went in blind not knowing anything about a manga or anime, just heard it was a sci fi action movie. It was so amazing, dude. It's great.

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I agree. can not wait for blood lust Alita in the sequels. Only other one that comes close is smuglita.

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Lost sheep, they need a shepherd to show them the light.

Ironic, because I made that meme.

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Dead Astronauts, Dance With The Dead, Trevor Something, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator

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no worries, and i am. can post plenty of other shit if anyone wants.

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>Why does it feel like our efforts are really futile?
Because you're weak and your faith is not strong enough.
The sequel is inevitable

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Capeshitters literally make me throw up in my mouth, and really makes me sad how fucking stupid and sheep like humanity really has become...

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Ha, love this one.


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hahah yeah that's crazy.
this definitely isn't me IRL or anything haha, minus getting a girl home of course haha.

>Dead Astronauts
>Trevor Something
my man

How did you get into my bedroom to take that picture?

I forgot to add Timecop

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o man

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bless you, how much shit on screen does this version have?

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These are wonderful thank you!

Nothing bar some Chinese subs which are very bearable, its a really good rip. that was synced up combining two sources together.

Xurious is great. Perturbator and gost too.


She would accept the Masochism and torture shit
But she would reject him over this

GUNNM OVA sketches

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The history of women can end here.

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>that pose


What's up anons how are you doing today?

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I had a gun dream last night.

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ever since i bought a cheap fleshlight masturbator i dont miss having a gf. feels realistic and better than the real thing and i can use it as much as i want to. if i put it between the couch cushions it feels like real sex


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Okay. My city's last showing of /ourgirl/ is in about three hours.

It will be my 17th time seeing it, but in a really cheap theater that won't even come close to the first 8 screenings all on premium screens. I love Alita and I just want her in my home at this point. These next few weeks will be difficult.

TELL ME! tell me tell me

I'm sorry

Attached: yeeeeet.jpg (720x317, 36K)

I was actually browsing "love dolls" the other day entertaining the idea of actually purchasing one.

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>He's just seen a vision, and he know's he doesn't make it into the sequel..

you guys think we'll get any weird sort of flashback with Hugo in them? Or literally see a picture or anything with hugo's face on it in the sequel? Or will he only be remembered in the mind of Ali.

i just got a "pocket pussy" that was 8 bucks on amazon. silicone based and ribbed, using it on the couch feels exactly like with my ex but tighter. feels like the greatest sex of my life.
they sell a mouth blowjob one and the reviews say that it feels exactly like a real bj. might get it later

A flashback might be too much I don't want the movie to drag on with that, a picture sure. Maybe Alita will mention him.

Yeah I think there wasn't enough screen time of Ali and Hugo together to warrant a flash back thingy, but I think if he wasn't mentioned or his image was totally forgotten about that would also be a tad weird.

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>DENVER user

I don't forsee that being a problem, though I think you got the last seat in our car!

>DENVER user

Heyyy Denver user! You should come up and hang out with us sometime!


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>17th time seeing it

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I was at someone else's house sitting on their bed watching TV when I noticed I had a rifle in my left hand. I shot the rifle a few times in various directions and reloaded each time. Briefly I wondered about the possibility of structural damage to the walls or the floor, but before I could finish the thought I went to answer the doorbell while holding the rifle thinking it might be pizza delivery. I felt very strong and well-protected and like this was natural. I found myself outside in an unfamiliar place and then at the house where I grew up as a child. I was in the room where my father would often sit and listen to the radio. I loaded the gun.

My parents were not around but a few other people were. At this point I recognized it was strange to be walking around with a loaded gun and that it would startle my parents to know it was loaded. I mentioned to a friend that my gun was loaded and that I needed to discharge the weapon safely. Less than a minute later the fire alarm went off and I went outside. Seeing it as a fine distraction, I went to the backyard behind an evergreen green in the garden and discharged the weapon in the grass. I saw the slug ricochet off a stone and bounce toward the neighbor's yard with no apparent damage.

That was it. I don't remember ever dreaming about a gun before. I don't own a weapon, although I have shot a few before at a range. I can't forget that feeling of connection I had with the gun in the dream, though, like it didn't just make me feel protected and safe, it brought me integrity, like I was incomplete without it.

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wow, weird. i wonder what influenced you to have it

>mfw I realize I'm Hugo

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>me on the bottom right

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you're cute one

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about to cruise some beaches in search of drift wood for a Mother’s Day gift. hasn’t really been too much weather lately but i’m still going to try and find a good piece.


AlitaArmy needs a Colorado chapter.

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>have a shitty day beset by shitty people
>know it's not so bad because /ALITA/'s waiting for me when i get home

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This would make a great wallpaper if it were higher resolution.


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Now hold on a second

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Yea Forums has an image search function if you click the little arrow next to the post number

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I regret nothing

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does Alita actually get married?

Still too small but somehow we have this cropped version though.

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Where is the HD-rip? I'm dying of thirst.

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are we posting Alita butts now
maybe Gally is for lewd

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Read the mango, I'll not spoil it.

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We don't even have a date for the bluray yet

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i cant

holy shit, perfect.
thanks a lot.
up to synching my audio right now

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You should to read it, this is a masterpiece

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I am on a complete movie viewing hiatus until the BR comes out, anyone else with me? I feel like it is sacrilege to view a shitty camrip of such a quality movie.

No alita
No life

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I think cutting out the Hugo body horror scene was one of the more questionable editing decisions

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I kind of miss manga Alita's plasma-edged karate chops

>tfw they cut out your body horror scene

Attached: hugowtf.jpg (585x585, 117K)

No worries fren, some user did a good job on it. :)

new bread anyone?

it really does suck. i’ve gone through it partially for meme faces and haven’t got past the motorball scrimmage. with you on this long haul.

The camrip is actually not that bad, I agree it's kind of sacrilege but I can't buy the bluray yet

I will bread give me just a sec

There is no reason for another bread. These generals are no longer relevant since the movie is no longer in the theaters. It was fun while it lasted. Guess this is it. I am gonna miss you guys. So long.

maybe too much of a good job
synching my audio is turning into a nightmare

lets reach 500


Don't give Jerome too much validation now


you fucked up the link

The camrip is a poorly-edited version of an earlier rip that included really loud and obnoxious musical ads in key emotional scenes. Vestiges of these remain during those moments when the current camrip freezes.

It is atrocious to allow one's experience of these scenes to be so tainted.

Anyone have the topless version of this pic?

is the guy that cleaned the rip around?
i have to ask him what he changed since synching my audio is nearly impossible