So, uhm...
Why did Tony even need to do the snap?
They could easily have wiped away Thanos' army with just Captain Marvel and 1/5th of the infinity power
So, uhm
because they wanted idiots to have a moment where they could clap
Because he's impulsive and wants to avoid unecessary risks, brainlet
You just saw Captain Marvel, the strongest one, fail to get the gauntlet from Thanos. And Scarlet Witch, Thor were nowhere near them to help. And he was on the verge of putting on the gauntlet again and snapping instantly. If Tony didn't catch Thanos by surprise it was inevitable that Thanos gets the gauntlet back a second later to snap again. It was like a western movie, whoever gets to shoot first wins.
tony really fucking hated the mexicans he had to hire to get the avengers complex built, all he could think about when the place got nuked by thanos was that shit eating grin pedro had the whole time
thats why he had to snap, to undo the damage thanos did and stop those fucking mexicans from getting around all his gagets and things
heaps of his stuff went missing last time but cap wouldnt let him do anything about it, theres no way he was gonna go through that again
Because the writers needed to kill him off
also, he has no training with the stones powers, that's the one move he knows that he can probably pull off
see Because you're ignoring context and making it seem more ridiculous than it actually is. Time was of the essence, Thanos literally was able to put on the gauntlet twice with Captain Femdom around. If Ironmanlet didn't snap right there and then, Thanos would have gotten the glove back immediately and snapped again. Every second counted.
>If Ironmanlet didn't snap right there and then, Thanos would have gotten the glove back
How? Tony could just fly away, and Thanos would never be able to catch him
Also, he could have used the stones individually to deal with him
Because he demanded 100M for 2 movies, that's why
A stronger character who could fly was up against Thanos and he still managed to put on the glove twice there and then. Thanos would have gotten the glove back in a second and won if Tony didn't snap away the enemies. Don't forget Captain Marvel, Wanda and Thor weren't around in that area to help Tony when he got the stones. If it wasn't for the element of surprise and I guess dramatic close up shots (and also destiny, that Dr. Strange shit) Tony wouldn't have been able to win.
1 outcome where they win.
I never understood even doing a snap, why not just close your fist or just wish in your head? In the comic it makes sense as Thanos is trying to show off and seem mighty but in the movie it’s like you need to snap your fingers for it to work.
>Thanos is showing off
>but Tony Stark, he’s super practical though
Iron Man was copying what he saw work like any good engineer
Wish they killed Captain Marvel but I really don't care much for this franchise, so whatever.
>Captain Marvel
You fell for the meme .
The moment he put on the gauntlet and the colorful lightning flashes appeared on his arm and body he was already dead due to the gamma radiation. Might as well snap at that point.
yes, exactly. the movie got this wrong. it has nothing to do with snapping, or closing your fist. it's just a mechanic they gave the stones in the movies to make them more beatable - e.g. thanos may have the gems, but he can only use them if he closes his fist. therefore, don't let him close his fist! etc.
Because they so wanted to show muh wymyn power so they've lost all tension. Tony snaps is suppossed to be ultimate and the only solution but it doen't look like this becase everybody shits on Thanos and his army during the final battle
the stone was breaking his suit and also killing him
>It was like a western movie, whoever gets to shoot first wins
You mean like murrican cops?
no, american cops shoot first and then lose
because their country is still going down the gutter despite their efforts
>Every second counted.
Excluding the time he took to say "I am Iron Man"?
He could have just space stoned him to the moon man, it was a contrivance for filmmaking, don't try to pretend
Because RDJ's contract was up and they didn't want to pay him more money.
Why did Tony's snap also kill all the Wakandans? Seemed a little out of character.
Tony just wished the black order was gone. It was the stones themselves that chose how to interpret the command.
How strong is Thanos, really? He toke out the IM, Thor and CA so effortlessly, then proceeded to take on all the Avengers on a 1v1.
Also sad how they dropped Hulk vs. Thanos rematch. Did Hulk even help out during the big fight?
Because RDJ's contract was over and he chose to not renew it. That's literally it.
Dude the guy fucked up his arm it wouldn't be a fair rematch to pin him up against Thanos in that condition plus he would've still lost considering this thanos was more in his prime and a planet destroyer on a series of conquests (He lacked empathy and sympathy for life)
why didnt they just go back in time because kang the conqueror caused the time travel to battle of ny and used the nuke to destroy thanos and the time stone to go back to the future when the snap never happened?
Tony and Steve had obvious "actor wants out" endings. There was no need for that last snap and another avenger like Thor or Captain Marvel could have brought Tony back with the stones if they wanted.
Steve could have been rejuvenated with Bruce's de-aging time machine too. None of that happened because Downey and Evans are done with capeshit. I don't blame them.
So he could bring everyone back, retard.
Hulk did that you dense fuck
It's kinda fucked up when you take into consideration the fact that Captain Marvel would've (if given the chance) came out just fine if she had put on the gauntlet and done the snap
There was so much at steak. About 30 seconds earlier Thanos had the fucking thing on his hands again and about to BTFO everyone.
they wrote the Dr.Strange strange 14 million to one plot just to shut you nerds up but it didn't work.
what is Evans even going to do after MCU?
it's not like he was a great actor before Captain America
He said he wanted to direct. Can't imagine he'll be any good at that but he now has the clout to do it.
Dr. Strange could've sliced Thanos' hand right off before doing the snap again or when wanda had him in a pinch but no instead he got someone (a father) killed
Because these movies are complete utter bottom of the barrel dogshit without stark, Steve and thor moments. This one was unimaginably awful when they were t in the center of something.
Finally without any of those three pulling off something defiant and heroic would cause an outrage even amongst the most die hard marvel movie capeshit fans.
Also, it Is so fucking obvious that without downey, evans and hemsworth as centerpieces, these franchise Is fucking doomed.
>Thanos literally had the glove on and had KOed Captan Marvel
>Tony wrestles with him and is able to transfer the stones to his own glove because they're both nanotech
From that point he was already dead, his armor was visibly frying before he snapped his fingers.
Yes 14 million other things COULD have happened
She was the strongest, but Tony was the most clever
>There was so much at steak
wouldn't be funny if in a couple of years he ends up directing a Marvel movie? specifically Fantastic Four
In the comics, snapping is just a way to visualize how easy Thanos could just wipe away a population. 'The click of a finger', its just a cool way to show an action being done by the villian
why did Thor take his hammer in the past when his past self will be hammerless...?
it doesn't matter because Captain America returned the hammer to its original place
You could literally make an entire movie of Cap going back in time returning everything to its original place
Cap immediately returns the hammer at the end
oh ok thanks
Why did it occur to none of the geniuses behind time travel that if it works how they say it does, it’s entirely possible to use the past to dupe infinite copies of anything into existence?
Because writers @ Marvel can't think that good plus this opens the door for Kang The Conqueror
You don’t need their broken-ass time travel rules for Kang to work. Their time travel is literally weightless. They could get a copy of pre-snap Tony back and not even shortchange the other timeline.
>why did tony need to snap
because RDJ wanted out of capeshit
Because they had limited pym particles. Also what would they need to even dupe?
Great. So we have two sources of infinite resources now, while thanos failed to figure any of them out.
how are humans the only ones that figured out time travel (besides the time stone shit) yet there are far more advanced life forms in the universe?
Infinite resources sounds like an awful idea anyway. Populations would have nothing checking their growth and would grow uncontrollably. You can't really settle new places because all the land you cleared for new living space would just grow back.
Thank you!
Literal perfect excuse for every single thing that happens in Infinity War and Endgame.
we are seeing the one outcome where they won.
The single one. All other outcomes result in a loss.
Comics literally do this sort of shit all the time. It's why hero deaths are irrelevant. Just as an example a bad one in the recent Injustice series, Green Arrow is killed early in the series. In the second part of the series, he's alive again because they brought in a parallel universe Green Arrow from a timeline where shit was all fucked so he didn't care if he left.
Which is horseshit. You'd think something as busted as time travel would open more possibilities where they win than 1 in 14 million. It's my headcanon but I think Strange lied.
My god youre a retard. Nothing would have stopped tony from flying away that instant thanos was about to snap his fake gauntlet. All that staring at him and tony pausing to quip. He would have been long gone. there is no excuse moron
Captain Marvel got knocked out before this. Tony was the only one standing between him and snapping so he had to do it
Reminder just wearing the gauntlet was killing him, just having the thing on fucked up Hulk's arm a shitload before he even snapped, Tony was probably as good as dead as soon as the glove was on.
This. He was dead as soon as he got the stones.
This. OP is too dumb to understand a fucking super hero movie.
Uh, I never watched the middle Thor movie but how do they explain Loki stealing the Tesseract?
he risked himself though
There was no risk, he snapped knowing full well he would be kill as hell, a risk would be if he had a chance of survival
>Wipe Thanos and all his army without killing me
There. I fixed that for you.
Marlel were sick of paying him 50m+ an appearance
exactly. owning the gems is enough. the snap was just a show off.
Pretty sure that's just them activating the glove, the snap actually completes the action after building energy
Could Chris Pratt's guy have snapped and lived? He was able to hold the power stone in his hands already
So, why where they running towards the van nin the final battle? It didn't make sense.
Why did Hulk struggle so much the first time he wore the gauntlet but Tony didn't?
Why did they not use just 5 stones to bring black widow back just like Thanos did to Vision in Infinity War?
The opening scene of Infinity War shows Thanos destroying the Asgardian ship with its habitants, how did they fucking survive?
He'd probably be able to survive pre-gotg2. But he got his powers taken away so he's just human now
Oh yeah, forgot about that
>Go back in time with an extra suit and red goo
>grab Captain Woman and bring her to future (present)
>Now you have 2 captain woman
ignoring the fact that Tony, a normal human, shouldn't have been able to even touch one infinity stone without being disintegrated instantly, (a feat 5 aliens including one half celestial could barely accomplish and they almost died) let alone wield all the infinity stones together at once
maybe he thought he couldn't use them long enough to defeat thanos without doing an instant win move like that
that's literally what the writers say and wanted to portray
ofc all the men want thor to be stronger (and in the comics both him, Hulk and Dr strange are stronger)
but the fact is she took a punch to the face from ungloved thanos without moving, something that both the hulk and thor were knocked back by (which is retarded and she was never that powerful in the comics and even at her MCU power level comic book hulk and thor would still be stronger and Thanos much stronger)
Yeah. I can't think of anything in that which is a good example of something. It's like a bad fanfic written by an edgy 14 year old who goes around saying Superman is lame.
Though certainly there are plenty of times they bring back superheroes in dumb ways after some shitty writer kills them off for shock value.
Death in superhero comics is almost meaningless. Hell, DC even had Blackest Night as an event pointing out how broken and pointless death had become. I don't know if it made the event worthwhile, but it was interesting commentary.
>why are they running to the van
It was their attempt to get the gauntlet out of their. Time travel it the fuck away and start dispersing the stones.
>Why did Hulk struggle and Tony didn't
Literally because of plot.
>Why didn't they use the stones to bring back Scarjo?
It's stated like 3 times in the movie, and at least once in infinity war. The soul used to obtain the soul stone is linked to the soul stone. There's no way to get her back. She essentially IS the soul stone.
He killed "half", the other half escaped on escape pods. I'm not entirely sure if that's ever stated or shown, but it's implied, then shown on earth during Endgame.
>Kang The Conqueror
That would be great. He can tie into Fantastic Four and Avengers. He's known for being a villain for both. Plus you really need him for Young Avengers.
>Captain Marvel ruins everything again and annoys everybody to no end
Brie knows how to play the character because in the comics she's just like that
So I guess it's just heavily implied that once all of the stones are set in the gauntlet they sort of "balance" each other out, in a way. Its still the single most powerful item in the MCU when all of the stones are together but Tony being able to wield the stones for less than a minute isn't too farfetched.
You underestimate how dangerous this version of Thanos is.
>Thanos gets all the stones again
>Has unlimited power again
>He has to snap for some reason
>Because Captain Marvel is holding two of his fingers he can't win
Man, what a dumb movie.
>Tfw still cannot properly snap my fingers
what the fuck am i doing wrong this is bullshit fuck this
That was so fucking dumb. In the first film they showed he just needs to close his fist, and the snap was a final quick thing, now this movie they're acting like the snap is absolutely crucial to everything.
wash your hands, greasy sausage fingers
>So I guess it's just heavily implied that once all of the stones are set in the gauntlet they sort of "balance" each other out, in a way.
that wasn't implied at all
and Tony making an infinity gauntlet with regular earth metals rather than the magical scifi metals the dwarves used is also ridiculous
and everything we knew until now in the previous movies and according to the comics, the infinity gauntlets merely put all the stones in one place and allowed a person to wield all 6 together for reality warping
that's all it does. combine all their powers and allow them to be used all at once by one person
the wielder still has to be an extremely powerful otherworldly being like thanos to even think about putting the glove on
come to think of it that is retarded
buy i guess
but i guess we have to assume they made up that rule for the MCU and that they do have to snap
This. Also, shouldn't the stones have the power to heal or repair any damage done to the user by using the stones? Just use the reality stone to heal your arm or whatever.
See here? No gaping hole in his chest, right after being impaled by Stormbreaker
Why does Thanos have those weird rimples n his chin anyways?
Why is captain marvel so strong again? She got her powers by getting blasted by space stone energy. Scarlet witch get hers with the mind stone and she is pretty strong. But cap marvel is on another level.
Should Thanos with all the stones be more powerful because he has the power of all the stones instead of one? And yet Thor managed to overpower with storm breaker. How and why is she the strongest again?
cause he's an alien
all males in his race have those
To prevent more deaths as the battle went on.
But why? Everything has a biological reason to exist, what evolutionary purpose do those rimples have?
because the writers say so
and they wanted
>feminism the super hero
who is also their counter to wonder woman and superman at the same time
Why didn't Tony just include in his imagination that he would snap away all of Thanos' forces plus survive?
Because humans can't survive using the stones you retard
boy star trek would sure trigger you
literally like 500 species of aliens with random bumps and ripples on their face that otherwise look exactly like humans
maybe it's attractive to females
Why didn't doctor strange destroy the time stone as soon as he became aware of Thanos plan?
Why not just use the stones to make sure that humans could survive using the stones?
>maybe it's attractive to females
But why is that?
>gets the fucking glove
>doesnt teleport thanos to space
>doesnt turn thanos into fleshy cubes
>doesnt do all the magic bullshit thanos used
>doesnt do anything actually logical
>just fucking nukes the army (who werent doing anything anyway) and thanos (who they subdued with 5 characters, 3 of which are low tier in power)
Its literally just because Tony Stark needed to die because lol contracts.
I can't wait for Homecoming 2.0 but with the mentor figure being completely unlikable
>returns the hammer
>steals the shield
>Tony making a guantlet out of earth metals
This mother fucker made time travel a reality in one evening. I'm pretty fucking sure he can figure out how to contain the stones.
But like you said >all the gauntlet does is put them all in one place to wield
doesn't refute what I said.
I never said you didn't have to be fucking powerful to do it. He died. Of the three people to wield the goddamned stones, HE died. Doesn't mean he can't fucking use the damn thing for 30 ish seconds.
The one time we get to see a single being wield a single stone, she even survives for a good 45 seconds.
No it's not fucking thrown in our goddamned faces that the stones sort of balance each other out, I'll give you that, but you can extrapolate that these stones, which we're all created at the same time, at the beginning of the universe, from the same event, with the same ultimate purpose once brought back together, might be able to balance one another out. But maybe I'm just a cuck.
... read the first part of what I said
what evolutionary advantage does blue/green eyes or blonde hair have
or cleft chins they don't
you're over thinking it
theyre just aliens and almost every alien in every scifi has features that are just there to distinguish them from humans
why don't you go ask why vulcans have pointy ears
kys faggot brainlet
>why don't you go ask why vulcans have pointy ears
Why do they, though?
why the FUCK does captain america show up in the end in total disregard of the time travel mechanics they hammered throughout the movie?
how do you fuck up snapping
>put thumb and middle finger together
>force middle finger down so it pushes your thumb away and smacks your palm
you don't see why this is pointless yet?
Why did Strange even give up the time stone in the first place? Thanos never wouldve been able to snap and if Strange died the stone would be tied to his corpse.
he lived in the alternate timeline with his waifu (cucking himself) and then came back after stealing the shield (cucking alternate cap again). Cap dont give a fuck.
The Hulk is a gamma monster and could barely wield it, and he becomes more powerful the more pain he receives.
Because RDJ is old and the whole crew wants out. It is time for the next phase, which will focus on individual story archs and not ensembles. It is almost time for BRB
Because he aged in real time until 2023 and then walked to the bench at Avengers HQ. He didn't use the machine to come back he just lived his life.
Because there was no other way™
Not in MCU. Yes he's made because of Gamma rays or whatever. Doesn't just have an infinite amount of rage, especially now that he's Professor Hulk. I'm going to assume and speculate here. Tony had the full Iron Man suit on (except the helmet but fuck off). He figured out how to safely contain the stones, right? So he probably had his new suit programmed to take a decent amount of the energy coming from the stones which is why the suit was frying and why when he did snap, HE FUCKING DIED.
Strange is bound by some ethereal law to protect the time stone, meaning he cannot destroy it. It CAN be destroyed but its his duty to make sure that doesnt happen, either. He gives it up because it's the only way to stop Thanos without the stone being destroyed. They explain in the movie why you can't just go and take away or effectively "destroy" the infinity stones.
Does the line "we're in the endgame now" really make sense when victory is still 5 years away at that moment?
high iq post
He didn't go back to the main universe otherwise he would've appeared on the machine not the bench
If he didn't use the machine he stayed in another reality and couldn't have gotten to that bench by himself. In the alternative reality the events that happened in endgame didn't happen.
Why didn’t Strange look at 28 million timelines? Then there would be two outcomes?
More importantly, why didn't he just create infinite resources?
Thats my one gripe too. In the comics it was just to show he had so much power all he had to do was snap his fingers to wipe out half of life, but the movies made it something that had to be done every time. Weird
What part of "In only one timeline they win" you don't fucking understand idiot
Well... That's cause they're movies? And either way it's established he had to use "gestures" to use the stones.