Shocking : HBO wanted more GOT to continue and more episodes

[HBO] said, ‘We’ll give you the resources to make this what it needs to be,’” Weiss said. Benioff added, “HBO would have been happy for the show to keep going, to have more episodes in the final season.” But the showrunners refused. “We always believed it was about 73 hours, and it will be roughly that,” Benioff continued. “As much as they wanted more, they understood that this is where the story ends.”

Attached: FireShot Capture 306 - David Benioff and D.B. Weiss’s Rush to Finish ‘Game of Thrones’ - The_ (1325x277, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

good riddance

>“We always believed it was about 73 hours"
>73 hours

why does this sound so autistic
is this what screenwriters really do?

they pitch something and say, yeh we lookin at 73 hours


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My ass. They're already going to be on Disney's payroll and they just wanted to get off of HBO as soon as possible. The quality of their art doesn't matter when mousebucks are on the line.

I really hate these kikes.
GoT was probably Jewish propaganda anyway (what with Martin being 1/4 tribal bloodwise) but at least it was interesting.

Do normies understand how incompetent D&D are? Will this bullshit actually follow them? They're just so fucking stupid.

>decide ahead of time it has to be 73 hours
>go at a leisurely pace thinking you have plenty of time
>realize that you have so many characters and so much shit going on that to even attempt to tie 50% of it up you're going to need to rush
>but it doesn't matter
>it simply must be 73 hours

>about 73 hours
nobody says "about" 73 anything. you say about 70 or about 80. these fuckers actually set an exact time limit on the series. there wasn't anything "about" about it


So they aren't incompetent as much as they are assholes. Not surprising really.

>Not 72 hours and no more than 73 hours - 74 is right out!

Who cares? Deadwood movie, The Righteous Gemstones, Watchmen, Chernobyl, the new GoT show...

8 years is a long time. Watch something else. Have sex.

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Mousebux awaits

Honestly I'm glad this trainwreck is being rushed to end. I couldn't stand any more seasons of this.

Great, so those two d fags are 100% responsible for the last two seasons sucking gigantic ass.

I assume they mean they wrote it in 73 hours.


100% SuBvErTeD

>have sex

Do you really think they are gonna say "we want to do other shit with our lives and not do 20 years of GoT?"

They could pass the torch to better people, but they are kikes, so they had to burn it to the ground.

Disney paid them megabucks to get off the got train just in time to produce them Star Wars content for their streaming service.

Damn, that article is sharp as fuck with the criticism. And most of it is on point and completely fair. However I'll give Dabid props for saying this

>“I plan to be very drunk and very far from the internet.
This means the finale is going to cause huge amounts of asshurt in one way or another. And they know it.

>Wanting your most successful flag ship show to continue is shocking

This. They just don't care about GOT anymore. They just wanted to move on asap.

Why didn't they ask other people to do it?

like that time boaty got specd by skillspecs

So basically no one wants it to end except the show runners. What fucking idiots. This is the kind of show where you want to take your time and not rush it. We spent years watching plots slowly develop where people talking in a room was some of the more entertaining scenes. More of that would have been fine, but the show runners wanted to just move on already.

Shouldn’t be surprising. They’ve fucked GoT up, and now they want to fuck up Star Wars too. If they make Revan a girl, heads will roll

I would laugh until I was sick if this season turns everyone so against those two fuckwads that Disney changes their mind about putting them in charge.

the next star wars trilogy is already dated, we don't know if it's D&D or Rian Johnson yet though. Either way, one of them are locked in now baring some Jame Gunn tier upheaval

Well look at what we got, even with the smaller episode count.

"breakneck pace" sure, but at this quality, nothing is even worth expanding on. You wouldn't get a more intricate NK kill. You'd get whole episodes of painful tavern banter and maybe a one-shot or two.

The actors want it over with aswell. It's probably draining as fuck working on GoT where you are away from family for months on end.

They should have fired them and replaced them with Hackson or Lucas or really anyone.

The absolute garbage of this season is pathetic

Stop trying so hard

hbo wants it to continue because they want money and this is literally their only massively successful show right now. these two can't write original content worth a shit so why the fuck would any of you want more seasons of this shitfest? the book series has been pretty shit since asos so the show was always going to turn into garbage even if they adapted affc and adwd properly, those books fucking suck.

True, but why not recast ?

I have a horrible feeling they are going to ruin KOTOR

Because a lot of the popularity is with the characters and the faces people associate with them. 8 Seasons is fine. The issue is them not preparing for the end sooner. Season 7 was in hindsight a waste with the wight hunt. They could've started building up towards the ending from the start of S7.

Fortunately Johnson subverted everyone’s expectations of Disney Wars being salvageable, and the idea crayon brigade are cheerfully filling the golden goose of GoT with lead.
There’s going to be absolutely no good will left when they get round to it.

>Zeke the Plumber

Very nice esoteric reference

>They could pass the torch to better people
This is the thing. The main actors, especially the young ones would want to do other projects, and that's why it was so retarded to eliminate characters like Young Griff, victarion, dakrstar, and killing all the tyrells. They shot themselves at the foot, the jews completly fucked up

You are right. Honestly I just wanted for the Long Night to last 2 episodes with good dialogues & a proper ending of a great character (I love the NK) and some more episodes to see Danny's descent into madness

Why were these two so desperate to finish? Is there wot if souf fc won fanfic really that important to them?

Consume consume consume.

Like user said, disney money

If they can’t sacrifice the time and money to go out with a bang, fuck them. Two year beak for nothing. I’m glad this story is breaking. Normally the media covers this stuff up for political reasons. I’m glad there not in this case. Everyone is scratching there head why this isn’t the epic conclusion we all waited for. We now know why. They fucking gave up.

They already have two spinoffs in development.

I think they are going for the worst ending on purpose ruining every character along the way.

You don’t say? Like they ruined GoT?

Maybe they’ll make a good adaptation but more likely than not they’ll just gut it of every interesting element in favor of epic subversion and putting the most popular clickbaity characters on a pedestal

>My ass. They're already going to be on Disney's payroll and they just wanted to get off of HBO as soon as possible. The quality of their art doesn't matter when mousebucks are on the line.
So they're going to subvert Disney children movies now? Sounds pretty Jewish to me!

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For how long?
This is an f-grade performance. Why the fuck give them a bajillion to run a show when you can buy Vince Gilligan or Matt Weiner or.... Ron Howard and Tom Hanks?

This was short sited on there part. Bad ending can eclipse anything good that happened in the entire story, rendering all useless. Even some of the worst movies have been saved by good endings. Star Wars needed them to rebuild what Jonson broke and if they can’t do their own story justice then nobody will expect them to go the extra mile for Star Wars.

So we're getting a
>poochie went back to his home planet
>da end


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Of tlj didn’t make little Johnson lose his job then I really doubt any sort of reaction to the finale will impact Disney’s valuation for d&d.

They've literally said the only reason they accepted writing for GoT was because they wanted to do the red wedding. It doesn't take a genius to realize they've been phoning in it since to get it over with, that was the only scene they wanted to do.

if the world was a just place, this is what would happen.

Phoning it in is one thing but when you phone it in AND try to wrap up a story in the bare minimum time you end up making the whole series look like a waste of time. I don’t think people would have gone half as nuclear over the last two episodes if there was more set up or more episodes going forward. Right now they’re just racing to the finish line and it’s all very terrible.

That's what I pray to. Fucking hacks.

HBO should have given the show to someone else.

>baring some Jame Gunn tier upheaval
that didn't even stick

>Damn, that article is sharp as fuck with the criticism. And most of it is on point and completely fair.

Too bad it's taken ages for most people to realize it, they're only angry at the show now because Dany is the one getting shafted so they go looking for the cracks they ignored before to justify their newfound hatred for the show. Dumb cunts

>what is a cashgrab

You really think that’s the only reason this article exist. That’s fucking sad. Meanwhile all the other stories got butchered. At least by the end nobody is going to get a happy ending.

They should have gotten different writers.
They actually should've been fired after the quality drop in season 4

>cut out nearly all of the story and characters in the books after season 4
>we have no story left

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They cut out the Greyjoy storyline with the kingsmoot, and then they realized they needed to add it back in like 2 seasons later. so they did it in like 2 episodes.

Then they did exactly the same thing with Dorne.

They clearly had no idea what they were doing with the story from the moment they added Roz in the first season.

If the wanted to not make GoT anymore why didnt they just resign/give the job to somebody else?

t. brainlet

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Article's on point, but you can go over to any social media site and see that there's a whole lot of people angry at the show solely because Dany might not get a happy ending. Also, for every article that correctly points out the show's flaws there's also a shitty one.

Same reason GRRM doesn't want anybody to finish his work when he gets a heart attack and dies, scared that the person who wraps it up does a better job of it than they could

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>So they aren't incompetent
No, they are most certainly incompetent, as S4-8 clearly demonstrates.

Why isn't there more butthurt that we had to wait two years for THIS

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Yep. Star Wars is in great hands. Great hands.

Jew &Jew have been complaining about being tired since Season 1 ended
And they've been wanting out since S3
You can see it in their faces on the interviews throughout the years, they were not happy even with the millions they made, their facial features got significantly older, a telltale signs of being overworked.

Looks like some sort of excuse. I bet Kathleen Kennedy convinced them to hurry up and finish GoT if they want to make SW movies and the bastards rushed it and went full Mary Sue with Arya to impress KK

Rush to finish? They had 2 full years to produce 10 episodes. What the fuck.

it all makes sense now
d&d were joffrey the whole fucking time

They already did someone was remaking the games in URE and Disney stopped them

Exactly. I could have waited a third year if that's what it would have taken to retool and restart without those turd burglars.

Can you Blame HBO? All there current shows that aren’t Chernobyl are chick and dyke shows. Many people including myself only have HBO for Thrones especially after Westworld derailed and ruined every main character but MIB.

>If they make Revan a girl, heads will roll
don't worry they will to subvert expectations. also revan will be played by maisie williams

It's funny how people interpret the cast interviews differently since this season started

What we thought they meant:
>This season will knock your socks off, just watch

What they actually mean:
>Oh god help im trapped in a nightmare of my own making

Happened to Colin trevorrow


>probably Jewish propaganda
>Mongolian rapes blonde
>close-up of testicles
>The Red God

Which one tipped you off?

I honestly believe the tremendous backlash will make them unemployed for a very long time. I was just randomly watching season 1 clips, then I accidently clicked on something from season 6. Damn the quality difference, the dialogue. They honestly thought that they could better GRRM in terms of writing? Look at the seasons where GRRM personally advices, then look at the shit now. Fucking mongoloids.

I wish they hired a decent guy and re-shoot and re-write everything starting from season 5. Because I honestly doubt we will ever find such a casting, which is the only proper point of this show.

Nah studios won't do the research necessary to know just how much is theirs and how much is GRRM. They'll see these guys and think "oh shit they made GoT" and they'll get instantly hired.

Sunk cost fallacy. Normies invested 8 years into this show, so they can't admit that it's trash now.

Thank god, because the show has been shit since season 6 and I just want it to end already

>could've explained what's going on with Radmure, the Vale, Dorne, the Reach etc
>could've introduced Young Griff
>could've kept Littlefinger around longer and given him a proper death
>could've given the Night King an actual backstory/motivation/development
>could've given Jaime his arc as a diplomat
Who else /waiting for GoT Brotherhood/?

Aye. It's not even a "they did the best with the limitations placed on them", they had no limitations and still produced this shit

maybe they'll pull a FMA and release a revised series that speeds through the first 4 seasons in 1 season knowing everyone already knows that part so they can do the proper ending

>I honestly believe the tremendous backlash will make them unemployed for a very long time
no it wont. all these people care about is making money, and these two have been the show runners of a show that has increased in popularity every single season and its now one of the biggest shows in the world. you think the execs give a shit that D&D took some shit at the tail end of the show? they made hbo shit loads of money

They're getting hired by Disney right? They're ready to be done and make serious money themselves.

They're clearly never going to be great directors or writers in their own right. So yeah, it makes way more sense for them to this one thing really well (which they get paid quite handsomely for) then to just have a career of shitty nepotism and then be forgotten

A good writer could've fit the entire series into 73 hours, fucking television hacks shitting up the medium.

they copied a scene from the last jedi. i wonder who pitched that idea (kathleen kennedy)

which one

>arm with weapon locked
>drop weapon
>catch it with free hand and stab opponent

Imagine tanking your own show just so you can get to work on the next project a little sooner

Imagine having that little of respect for the medium and being that much of a fucking jew

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And Josh Trank.

Is it possible to get cancer twice and both cancers cancel each other out?

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Post yfw you never gave a shit about GoT and are laughing at the show crashing and burning without any source material.

Martin will never, EVER finish his books, he has creative impotency. Fat fuck can't even finish his books because the show one upped him, and the show sucks dick.


they come together and form ultracancer, a advanced form of cancer

Wrong tab, meant to go to .

contract already signed so even if the mouse backed out dabid would still get paid

>working closely with Rian Johnson
holy fuck how does nobody in the industry see through this hack

you don't have to apologize
this is

I stopped watching in season 6 after Arya's parkour episode. Did I miss much?

Then don't sign on for a massive, extremely long series and continually build things up? They have absolutely no excuse for this garbage, they dragged things out early on because they were waiting for the books, it was obviously gonna be near 10 seasons from the start.

They should have moved on after S4 and given the series to someone more qualified for creating an original story instead of adapting a book

lmao, I already have them on my list of shitters to avoid

>Fat fuck can't even finish his books because the show one upped him
The show never one upped him. If anything how abysmal the show is should motivate him because his ending would surely be much better. He hasn't written because he's a lazy fuck.

also, kek
I knew it

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The show would have benefited from one or two more seasons in its current state, or conversely, Season 7 and 8 could have been full length seasons while still keeping the longer episode format.

Or, you know, they could have cut all of the trivial bullshit and replaced it with meaningful content that fit the narrative and everything that they established up until the climax and conclusion of the series. For example, in Dany's arc alone, it takes her two seasons to obtain personal confidence, dragons, and a political mind, and in the third season she finally gets her army. Within the span of one episode, she loses her army (lol but only half) and one of her dragons.

Either way, the pacing is atrocious. The show was butchered by these hack kikes.

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are you sure?

He hasn't written because noone cares about his books anymore, the shows ending is the definitive ending of the series, he has no control anymore, he was supposed to finish the last books by like season 4 at max. He fucked up because the popularity of the show caused him to choke.

amen sis

And then you're Deadpool.

It's UE you retarded zoomer. UT, UE.

>Do you really think they are gonna say "we want to do other shit with our lives and not do 20 years of GoT?"
I literally hope the Star Wars deal crashes and burns and these fuckers never find a job in show business again, I could've done BETTER job at TINY FRACTION OF THE COST

>He hasn't written because noone cares about his books anymore, the shows ending is the definitive ending of the series, he has no control anymore, he was supposed to finish the last books by like season 4 at max. He fucked up because the popularity of the show caused him to choke.

He can't finish because he has like 12 completely different plotlines that he has to merge into one and it's a royal clusterfuck.

These talentless kikes wanted to move on to other dogshit projects. GRRM should never have given them his blessing.

>They know that R+L=J, so they're perfect!

What a brainlet.

Yeah man he should just create more tax policies or have half of the main characters die to a disease so it can be gritty or something. Fuckign EPIC XD

That's not what he wants, that's what happens when you're D&D. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

>[HBO] said, ‘We’ll give you the resources to make this what it needs to be


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>He hasn't written because noone cares about his books anymore
Clearly 100% false, him not finishing the books is a constant source of complaint from the fanbase, especially during this terrible final season most people are wishing he would finish the books (he won't)
>the shows ending is the definitive ending of the series
Only because the books aren't finished, this isn't saying much and doesn't do anything to support your point.
>he has no control anymore, he was supposed to finish the last books by like season 4 at max.
He was never going to finish both books by season 4, no one ever thought he would. Best case scenario was finishing book 6 by the time season 5 or 6 ends, and then him giving them notes on the last book. I agree that he is too scared to finish the books now that the popularity is high, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the show "one upping" him, the shows quality is far, far worse than the books throughout the entire series.

No they don't, that's why 3 to 5 spin offs are in the works, depending on who you ask.

The books are obviously superior to the show, but I mean that the show has a narrative while inferior to the book, is the one everyone wants to see and cares about.

>No they don't, that's why 3 to 5 spin offs are in the works, depending on who you ask.
People waited 2 years for this last season and its less than a quarter of the quality of the previous ones, they will fucking lose money over it when people see they don't care about quality at all

How many times you order pizza from restaurant that delivers raw dough with non melted cheese on it for 6 times in a row?

It does look a lot like they want off this boat really real bad.

>How many times you order pizza from restaurant that delivers raw dough with non melted cheese on it for 6 times in a row?
>food analogy

>Yeah man he should just create more tax policies or have half of the main characters die to a disease so it can be gritty or something. Fuckign EPIC XD

He needs to cut down on the viewpoint characters, make them non-viewpoint characters. Make Arianne the Dorne/Griff view, Tyrion the Meereen/Barristan view, killed Asha or Theon at the Battle of Ice. Cut it down.

How many times will you take your car to be repaired for the same issue to the same mechanic?

If they get it back running and it stays that way for a considerable amount of time, every time.


>but I mean that the show has a narrative while inferior to the book, is the one everyone wants to see and cares about.
It's not though. Everyone wants the books but that isn't happening so you settle for the garbage version of the show just to get ANY resolution no matter how bad.

I thought the anti D&D thing was just a meme by bitter bookfags but holy crap they destroyed their own build about the prophecy for this. Why did nobody at HBO intervene once it became obvious they were rushing the ending?

>Why did nobody at HBO intervene once it became obvious they were rushing the ending?
I guess it was too late and already running late, they took 2 years to make the final season

I hope this teaches HBO to hire genre savvy writers who enjoy what they're doing, if they don't learn good fucking riddance

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they don't care enough as long they got (you)'s. Anyone who truly watches GOT is probably not fucking high enough to matter, or to much of a normal fag to notice.

At first they came for the Robbfags, and I said nothing for I was not a Robbfag.
Then they came for the Greyjoyfags, and I said nothing for I was not a Greyjoyfag.
Then they came for the Barristanfags, and I said nothing for I was not a Barristanfag.
Then they came for the Littlefingerfags, and I said nothing for I was not a Littlefingerfag.
Then they came for the Jonfags, and I said nothing for I was not a Jonfag.
Now they come for the Danyfags, and there are none left to speak out for them.

I don't know why you retards are saying they should be replaced. We've seen what happens when showrunners are replaced and almost all of the time it goes to shit. Now we see what happens (again) when showrunners stick around to the end, they eventually reveal themselves to suck because in spite of having all the elements available to them they still fuck it up with their lack of long-term planning.

The take-away is this. Don't fucking watch anything until it is done and over if you want to avoid disappointment. Stop fucking giving a shit about new products because there's plenty of old shit that went well you certainly haven't watched. And if that means you don't have something to sit around and discuss around the office then you make that fucking sacrifice for the sake of better quality and not needing to get pissed.

I was a Nedfag.

arya fags are still left.

>but the breakneck pace 'Thrones' has taken...
WHAT? 2 fucking filler episodes in a season with 6 episodes

>or to much of a normal fag to notice.
even the normies are calling them out, on facebook, twitter, youtube and reddit

I was a Nedfag too but the show didn't actually ruin him. Also Arya got left out because shes been getting ruined the whole series but her fanbase loves it.

That's what makes it so bad, they rush through things that should have been fleshed out, yet they still find ways to meander and waste time with filler bullshit.

How about you deep throat my dick faggot.


It's too late to call them our. Show is over.

>It's too late to call them our. Show is over.



That's not how it works. People in entertainment fail upward.

Stop shitposting and finish the books you fat fuck

Why the fuck would I watch Brotherhood after this.

I was also an arya, and bran fag
they totally shit the bed on those storylines.

>not zombo ned with his head falling off kino

they clearly gave up.

They didn't need more time, the amount of fucking around and doing nothing but filler these past 3 seasons was the problem as well as them beong scared to take any risks

Star Trek TNG is better than GoT and it's complete. Comfy as fuck, no forced CAWKS or FACCKIN. Just deep philosophical questions examined from every angle per episode. Long arching storyline with legit payoffs.

This, All good things literally made me fucking cry in the last scene at the poker table.

> Dabbid paying sheckles they don't have too


So instead they cause irreparable damage to their reputation, well played

>Thinks a trash series can make something other than trash
>Thinks it's appropriate to reward HBO kikes for producing trash by watching more trash

Just kys already.

>mfw didnt fall for sunk cost fallacy thus havent watched a single episode of season 7 and 8
Pretty comfy desu

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Even if I am not going to enjoy the remaining episodes, if things keep moving on the way they have past 2 episodes, I'll still watch them just to know how bad of a curse should I put on D&D

They rushed it and ruined their reputation. Normies are starting to see what a shitshow it is now. The show went to shit after the books ran out.

How fucking sick would that have been. Imagine Ned trying to eat Sansa and her scream “Father Stop”! The horror on Tyrians face! Why didn’t they do it!

>Will this bullshit actually follow them?
Disney must have noticed what kind of a mess D&D left at their previous place of employment and hopefully will cancel rest of the new movies after new one flops dead on arrival

what happened to westworld

>We always believed it was about 73 hours, and it will be roughly that
Anyone else getting HIMYM vibes from trying to stick to a plan that makes no sense a decade later? Sometimes things change and you need to be ready to accept that your original plan might not be the best.

I would've liked to NK's spell backfiring partially and see the undead Starks defend the Winterfell

Also, did Eddard's body ever even reach the North?

not even mentioning the absolute cucking of stannisfags

They ruined their reputation and the reputation of GoT and now they can't fix it.

>Doras turned into feminist skynet who wants to kill humanity (and the show wants you to root for her)
>she reprogrammed Teddy to be more compliant because he was just a scripted love interested anyway (even though they made a great couple)
>Bernard is pointless and confuses the plot
>Mev became Neo


nice quints

They can't even blame HBO for not giving them enough time or money. Why the fuck would you pick a random number like 73 hours like that? Good god they are biggest hacks I have ever seen. I think this is the first time I've seen a pair writers deliberately fuck themselves over while the network tries to help them.

All they needed to do was make the long night two episodes and the battle at kings landing another two. Give Jon a proper fight, somthing to justify his resurrection by The Lord of Light. The thing with Ayra could still happen. How could they not give it their all!?

It's a case of Jewish nepotism gone too far

There were too many to get them all, but you're right that I should have included the Mannis for how bad he got it.


>How could they not give it their all!?
Maybe the cocaine memes are real and D&D inhaled the whole blizzard NK summoned

>HBO wants their biggest show ever to continue


succession is pretty dam good.

sharp objects was great, it blew away the last season of True Dick

D&D were really tired of it. They pretty much rushed everything to get it done before their next projects.
But I also thought there were some budget restrictions from HBO that they blew already on six episodes, but apparently not.

>The quality of their art doesn't matter when mousebucks are on the line.
I thought the pay from Disney was shit?

>D&D were really tired of it.
But why'd they let their reputation suffer permanent damage over it? Literally why not hire couple enthusiastic new writers to help them wrap up?

Why not quit and let another showrunner take over instead of fucking the last seasons up and exposing yourselves as hack frauds?

Quitting would make them look bad and cowardly, I think they'd have gotten away with signup up a few co-writers easily to make the final season a real blast with the TWO YEARS of time they took to write it

Exactly. I was getting excited for how they might use what the learned from GoT to revitalize Star Wars. Now not so confident anymore. Kennedy needs them or Star Wars is stuck in streaming forever.

>the next star wars trilogy is already dated,

The most amusing thing has been watching the normies turn on them. Even reddit. Subs where criticism would have got you banned or brigaded into oblivion are now full of people complaining.

The show has been utter shit since season five, and only the first three seasons were good looking back. Anyone who took this long to wake up deserves the shock.

>reddit python

They already have their next gig. Why would they care about the franchise shitting the bed at this point?

Red wedding wasn’t even remotely shocking even for the books. They toned it way down for tv and that’s not saying much. Anybody that was honestly shocked by the red wedding is a faggot. Anyone that thinks it’s edgy and pushing boundaries is an even bigger fag

Wonder what she’s up to?

>They already have their next gig. Why would they care about the franchise shitting the bed at this point?
Most employers get reservations if they hear you fucked over the previous employer they had


That article is super gay and way off point. I swear it reads like a college undergrad making up things to be mad about for their sociology class

>The Real Monster in “Game of Thrones” Is Its Hidden Reactionary Ideology
Deer lord what is with these guys!? Reactionary isn't necessarily a bad thing, Russia for example would've been better off had Whites won the civil war

Glad you caught the reference fellow r*dditor! :D