Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Attached: virgin.jpg (750x593, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's usually Idris Elba.

have sex posters BTFO

Idris Elba as Ben Shapiro
Abigail Shapiro as Abigail Shapiro
Me as Abigail Shapiro's husband

Have morals.

>it's real

lmao, Ben "incel" Shapiro

>I don't see that as an insult
>mocking virgins until marriage is disgusting

Which one is it, Ben?

What does his wife look like anyway?


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save hex

I bet he thinks his wife was a virgin too when married

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lmao his wife lost all respect for him

NEVER tell your gf/wife about your pre-relationship sex life

I'd bet he's still a virgin

Get married

> male being proud of not getting laid

utterly preposterous

why not?

lol benny deleted this reply

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I lost my virginity to a hooker


Is Tom Cruise short enough? Maybe the midget from game of thrones.




"5 foot 9"

ben is 5'9 so he's clearly not that short

Have sex

Based mudslime laying down some smack.

>Go on, Paki Mohammed Rasheed my (wife's) son, rape my daughter!

>Dirty Mudslime kidfucker thinks it can talk down to anybody

>didn't see a vagina until he was 24
Hahaha jesus fucking christ what a loser

kek absolutely halal

Me as Abigail Shapiro's rapist

lmao imagine that how is that even possible

>t. Ben Virgin Shapiro

Based turkish muslim commie gigachad

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Ha ha

Fucking based. Fuck kikes, I hate them so much.

I've seen girls my age naked but am a virgin

Dude, anyone worth shit loses their virginity before they turn 18.

If you lose it after that you deserve to be permanently removed from the gene pool.

Well there is a difference between being capable of having sex and choosing not to because that's what your values are and wanting to have sex but not being able to because you're repulsive in terms of appearance and personality

>btfo by someone who gets fucked in the ass by all his male relatives
Trully accomplishment.

Louder with Crowder was also a virgin before marriage. Both of these guys are religious though.

Attached: Steven Crowder.jpg (1150x660, 142K)

Ha-ha, imagine what those people would even look like in real life, ha-ha. Must be real losers, right guys. ha-ha

He was 24 when he got married, so he lost his virginity younger than most people on this board.

>Must be real losers
By definition, yes.

Does losing it the weekend of my 18th birthday still count or am I a pathetic loser too :(

g-d i hate jews and muslims and niggers and women and gays

>Ben Shapiro has made over 400k a year at points, possibly still does, in reality most likely does because he's at the peak of his career
>most popular conservative podcast
>number 2 overall political podcast
>best selling book
>not someone worth a shit
and who the fuck are you?

Fucking faggot got butthurt over a couple of E;R videos

What's the number 1 political podcast?

Freindly reminded this is the autsitc faggot who likes steven universe and got butthurt at E;R for making a video mocking it.

some progressive shit

I think its the new york times podcast. I havent listened to it. I imagine it’s probably fairly left wing but not as cringe inducing as TYT.

>implying it matters
>implying ben isn't a huge fag anyway

yellow fever alt-righters BTFO

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Who the fuck is this.

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>and got butthurt at E;R
no he got butthurt because E;R literally had neo-nazi propaganda at the end of the video.
I'm surprised E;R's account is still up

i dont understand why you guys make such a fuss about this.
the current virgin hate is just retarded.

Based Hasan

>someone worth a shit

What kind of parent names their child Louder With

shut the fuck up incel *pushes you down*

Based ER.

for realz

thats why i became a rapist.
At least im not one of those pathetic incels

>Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Warwick Davis

That's a pretty flattering design for the little shit.

A Canadian

>have only about 80 years on this world
>get in heated arguments with people who wont get you anyway
these guys are even bigger idiots than those who they constantly attack. they need to have sex, smoke weed and rethink their life choices

Stop being anti-semitic.

The point of those arguments isn't to convince the mad zealot you're arguing with. It's to win over the neutral listeners.

Its 2 minutes of a hitler speech intended as a joke. Hitler speeches are all over youtube. Imagine being such a speeg out youd literally consider banning someone because they included content that would not be banned on its own at the end of a funny video. Also the cunts over at youtube wouldnt give a shit if it was a stalin video.

Youre just mad because you know your muzzie got btfo by absolutely losers on a livestream a couple weeks ago.

Why do they hate us so much?

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Fuck off you stupid degenerate, enjoy burning in hell for eternity. But hey, you had 80 years of having sex and smoking weed right? Fucking loser.

>your muzzie

Just don't, breh.

What the fuck who is that dog? How could he betray Fish like that? Poki will hear about this.

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Based Hasand Piker's response was epic. He is the only lefty I can appreciate.

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stop defending jewish supremacy you racist

>burning in hell for eternity
if god is real he is the one who made me this way. surely he wont punish me for his mistake. he loves us all

I like his "rugged communist" avatar image.

>doesn't make 400k+
>doesn't have best-selling books
>doesn't have millions of people listening to his opinions every morning
>hasn't been a political writer since he was 17
>b-but you said "podcast" so I'm better
cringe and trefahpilled

who put that cringe normie text there?

>that pic

A living meme

ben shapiro has a huge dick


“Pretend to joke about it until the punchline /really/ lands.”
The nazi dipshit you're defending when asked about all his nazi "jokes".

Also no one gives a shit about tankie memes because there aren't actual terrorist cells murdering rich people in the name of communism. If there were people would take them just as seriously as neo nazis.

>Louder with Crowder was also a virgin before marriage.
I cant stop laughing help

>b-but youre brown!

And that's why antisemitism is uniquely evil. Got that gang? Okay, now coming up we've got the mailbag but before that I just want to say thank you to our sponsors at shekelstein sheets. So you spend a third of your life sleeping approximately assuming 8 hours a day, but if you're like me you don't get anywhere near that and the problem half the time is that you're not sleeping on the best sheets you could be so what you want to do is go over to shekelsteinsheets.com/ben shekelstein sheets are the best in the business but the thing is they're affordable so you won't be spending $500 out of your pocket for a couple of sheets just go over to shekelsteinsheets.com/ben and fill out their custom form with your weight, whether you're sleeping alone or with a partner, what posture you prefer to sleep in whether it be face down or up or on your side and with their custom algorithm they'll tailor a sheet just for you and send it over and if you don't like it you can send it back within 30 days for a complete refund so you know that they're confident in their quality, I slept on these sheets last night and so did my wife, everyone in the office has tried them and apparently they taste like home cooking shekelsteinsheets.com/ben they're really the best shekelsteinsheets.com/ben don't forget the /ben so they know we sent you so you get your discount of $50 and they know we sent you so they can continue advertising with us, shekelsteinsheets.com/ben.

Okay. Coming up we've got the mailbag but for that you need to head over to dailywire.com and subscribe, $8 a month gets you access to all my live broadcasts, Andrew Klavan's, and a signed copy of the book Say It's So about me, my dad and the 2005 White Sox Championship season, wonderfully written, or if you want to listen to the sound only podcast later on soundcloud or itunes you can, don't forget to rate us 5 stars, if it's not 5 we don't want it. This is the largest and fastest growing conservative podcast in the nation

have sex

Based and marriagepilled

>mfw the entire conservative ideology rests on the tiny shoulders of Ben Shapiro the pint-sized pundit

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Virgincope lol

>why yes, i am remaining celibate until i find the right person, what gave it away?

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genital warts cope

Link plos.

the unredacted mueller report is coming ben. tick tock.

If it wasn't an arranged jew marriage he would probably still be a virgin.

No one gives a shit. The Mueller Report could have video of Trump fucking prostitutes with Putin and the Democrats would just pivot to 2020 as there way of getting rid of Trump. They're pussies.

How does Ben's cock taste? Imagine defending this nobody manlet

>your life is about how you make money not what you do with it

imagine not making 40k and thinking you're better than someone who makes 400k+ from his writing and commentary because you did unmarried ook ook with your similarly mediocre failure women before you were 24

little known fact: his wife is a doctor. you have no doctor wife

>Born Mor Toledano in Herzliya, Israel in 1988, Mor is probably best known as the wife of the worldwide popular commentator, Benjamin “Ben” Shapiro, and now also has US nationality. There is no precise information regarding her birthday.

Attached: Mor-Shapiro-2-768x384.jpg (768x384, 35K)

Top kek



>Heeb follows Christian morals
For what purpose?

Damn, mohammed.That's cold!

I hate Hasan but thats funny as fuck.

Ew gross!

This. They're also going to nominate Biden so they'll lose in 2020 regardless.

no it's not. it's the typical response. anyone could come up with it, and literally everyone does any time this comes up

some variation of
>implying anyone would want to fuck you anyway
has been typed millions of times

wtf I’m a communist now
have sex

Do you even hear yourself?

the point is that people will always say that it’s the former and that the latter is a cope.

wait fuck the other way around.

Fuck off, Ben.

The chosen people more like the shorter people lmao

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He's speaking the truth, though. Ben is not even a virgin anymore.

Who are you and what have you done with your life, user. Let's hear yourself.

(I'm really hoping you're not one of those FUCK CAPITALISM redditors btw)

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literally anyone could and everyone and if you deny it's probably because you actually do like hasan so everything he says becomes based even if it's a bland and obvious response

or maybe you're just a brainlet

>The virgin Ben

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Get better material.

But Ben has a loving wife and multiple children?
Plus hes from a rich background so could get a hooker if he wanted to.

Based virgin. Waiting until marriage like a good believer.

He will be spared from the flames of hell.

Sup Ben.

but purposely waiting for marriage means you are voluntarily doing it, retard

I don't even care about the virgin stuff I just want Anons to hear themselves when they lapdog these internet nobodies.

Yeah, they're not jokes, and you should unironically be gassed.

>incels are waiting for marriage
>actually the reason I can't get laid is because I'm a pure chaste boy, not because I'm a social recluse

Attached: 1557304677544.jpg (540x720, 82K)

>I'm an NYU film school graduate, sucka, and the School of Visual Arts and the Academy of Art University San Fransisco
>In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage.
>I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966.
Who the fuck are you?

Attached: GjtPAwN.jpg (501x900, 59K)

i actually regret not being a virgin until marriage and being brought up in an atheistic household. your shitty culture is not all it's cracked up to be

holy fuck that was epic

are you hasan?

larp and cope

Get a better ideologue. The dude is a cringe factory.

>the fairy tale man in the sky told me not to have sex

So instead I should lapdog actual nobodies in this thread? Get over yourself, user. You're nothing, and not even worth defending.

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>when the larping hits you so hard you begin regretting not larping sooner

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I'm waiting until marriage bros

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That's it? An anime reaction image?

>I should lapdog actual nobodies in this thread
This is your argument? Dude, you really need to have a look at yourself.

He mentions his Jewishness only when relevant and specifically mentions his religious and cultural identity as a Jew are only a part of his whole as an individual.

Cum Town


>his religious and cultural identity as a Jew are only a part of his whole as an individual
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

>sex is sacred and you should only have it until your in your mid 20s, married and used only for the sole purpose of procreation
The absolute state of nu4chinz

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>No u.

Everytime. This is what escapism does to your brain.


>sex is sacred and you should only have it until your in your mid 20s, married and used only for the sole purpose of procreation


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Jesus, these genes... Why is he wasting time as a political pundit ? He's so bad at it, he should do other things

I want to blow my load inside my wife, so deep there's not a single drop of semen gone to waste.

>tfw lost my virginity to some roastie and now i'll never be like chad shapiro

He was volcel not incel. Us incels want to have sex but can't while he chose not to have sex because of his 3000 year old imaginary jew god.

He is a cryptonazi, he has a gab account where he admitted everything.

There is no reason not to believe in God.

Give me the link. I wanna check this shit out

How in the hell do you know whether or not you want to spend the rest of your life with someone if you have no idea what their body looks like? That's insanely irresponsible.