Reddit humor

This show is fucking garbage, can't believe Yea Forums recommended it and said it was funny. Bitch I laughed more during a 2 minute Lettuce Boys video than this tryhard female humor

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Women aren’t funny

Sometimes I feel this way but I really fucking loved Mean Girls
It's more like 1% of women are funny

Just one look at these women and you just know they quota'd their way to a TV show.

I don't even think it's a show I saw it on Youtube

god I want to eat her poop

get a fucking life for fucks sake
who the fuck makes these kinds of dumb as shit posts
>hurr i wanna eat her poop bros i simply NEED to lick her soles sniff her braps XD

Not him but I do and these kinds of posts elevate the quality of the board. Redditors wouldn't understand.

Not a fucking redditor, only redditors find that lame shit funny and probably do it to fit in because "Yea Forums is weird and random XD"

>cute + ugly girl dynamic
why do women value this combo so much

reddit wants you back

Why do Burgers think that being disgusting with food is funny? Or can be cute? Where does it come from? It’s repulsive and vomit-inducing.

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yeah, but now imagine they're unattractive and you don't want to fuck them. I rest my case.

Fuck off troll, The Katering Show is bloody brilliant.

reddit moar liek FAGGIT amirite


Okay. I saw these girl's morning breakfast parody show a while back and I gotta say, they're funny for women. They have acting chops but not a lot of creativity. It's like "we're really fake and hysterical people" and that's the joke. And the ABC gives them 100 episodes while Aunty Donna, Elliot Loney and Jordan Shanks work 10 times as hard and are way funnier. The Australian Comedy scene is such a joke (no pun intended) right now. You know it's bad when Tom Gleeson is the funniest guy on TEEVEE.

Honestly everyone here is a pervert. If you don't jack off to feet, you're a normie who needs to leave.

fpbp. Anybody who disagrees, put your money where your mouth is and post funny women

Australian humor just isn't suited for comedy. My mates can always make me laugh but if you were to turn it into a show it would be horrible.

He hasn't seen The Big Lez Show, Frontline, The Micallef Program, Chaser's War on Everything, Wilfred, Danger 5, Fat Pizza, Ronnie John's, Moody Christmas or even fucking Hard Quiz.

>trying to shill Lettuce shit

You're the reddit, you redditor.


Literally all examples that prove my point.

alright cuntr, before we take this bait any further, what kinda comedy do you enjoy eh?

I've also met Shaun micallef and I could honestly talk to him all day everyday and never not be entertained. But I'd rather rip my eyes out than sit through one of his shows


What? Who are you? Rove or something

I wanna fuck the one on the right. Post more women like that, with sharp features and crazy blue eyes.

based aussie roastie sheilas triggering incels who don't eat vegemite

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s1 was decent-ish, I got a few laughs. By s2 the concept had been played out. Theyve since done 2 seasons of a morning show parody and where they play the same characters and its a complete abortion. These two "characters" wore thin after a few eps of a 10 min yt series and they gave them and the public broadcaster thought it was a tremendous idea to gove them a half hour show.

>watches something starring women
>surprised it's shit
how blue are you...

It's actually pretty funny by women's standards

Tom Gleeson is based you faggot.
The Kates dont have any "acting chops". "Im manic and bubbly but secretly exasperrated and depressed" and "im bpd with a gluten alergy and a flat affect" for 9.5 hours of tv usnt good acting.

Brian Baumgatner isnt a good actor for playing retard cookie monster man for 9 seasons on the offic either

Half of those shows are awful.

Big Lez is cancer.


Dee from It's Always Sunny
Susie from Curb

Aunty Donna is only occasionally funny

>aunty donna

Those are actresses. When have they been funny without reading a mans words?

The blond one was soooo hot!

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the right one is my dream woman. in every way.

>tfw we got namedropped in the placenta episode


who clapped during the final episode?

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thanks, i hated it.