What the fuck happened to family movies and comedies...

What the fuck happened to family movies and comedies? We've had nothing but Judd Apatow ironic pathos for more than a fucking decade now, where are the wholesome movies for the family?

Attached: 1557392195014.jpg (960x720, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:


White men need to rise up and put an end to this shit

if you haven't noticed, the nuclear family has been under attack for nearly 20 years now

family is racist and white supremacy, you bigot

looks like some kind of nigger orgy

me in the middle

Our race is finished if we don’t wake up. The future leftists want for whites is either this or some LGBT freak family

Why don't you start by charming a white woman and having children with her?

>coming together and being civil towards each other for the sake of the kid
Good parents. You incels could learn a thing or two from them.

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa white americans

what the fuck is a 'pullum'?

this is degeneracy and it legit makes me sad ;_;

yeah that'll put a dent in their numbers

pullum sneed

That’s the bare minimum. We need to do more. A violent solution is the only viable solution. Brenton Tarrant was right about everything

The whites are fucked up. Look at history. They are responsible for 90% of violent deaths of mankind. Having a deadly winter turned them into psychos. It's better to get rid of them.

How about not creating unsustainable relationships that affect the child's development in the first place?

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It was unsustainable the moment the whore race mixed with a black

>A polyamorous interracial relationship with 1 kid who feel the need to attention whore themselves to the public of their degeneracy is stable
What manner of total faggot are you?

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have sex

>white people want to get rid of other people
>treat them like insect and exterminate them
>other race want to get rid of white people
>let them die peacefully and make babies with them

haha yeah white people are totally the good guys...

Report back when you've done the bare minimum. Although I'm pretty sure your prioritization will have changed a lot if you ever get that far

>I'm too stupid to understand the concept of a blended family and co-parenting

The concept is understood to be degenerate. Mix raced families are disgusting and deserve death

Too bad us blacks in America are armed unlike those muslims in NZ
If you autistic fucks ever try your gay "race war" fantasy shit here you will eat lead and bleed black dick

There are plenty of wholesome, complete families in the media. They're just never ever white, straight/traditional or Christian.

Lmao at you for thinking blacks are anywhere near as well armed, well trained, or disciplined as white men

>let them die peacefully and make babies with them
Yeah that's not how the Haitian Revolution, King Phillip's War, Mau Mau uprising, Mongol/ Turkic Invasions, or Rhodesian Bush War went. You're probably some moron who still falls for centuries old propoganda about how white people genocided all the Native Americans by "intentionally" introducing them to smallpox

T. Someone who actually pays attention to history

i'll have kids after i've put yours on a boat to africa

It's kinda funny to see all this posts about "protecting white culture" and shit like that. Like what have you done ? Made a post on some funny incel board ?

The key word being here, deserve. They won't get it and it won't change, so the best thing to do is just do the best you can to make sure the kids aren't irrevocably fucked because of it. And these guys showing that support together even though they probably hate each other, is good for the kid.

Blacks take an entire magazine to hit someone once standing 10 feet away.

>Hoodrats standing a chance in an actual racewar facing white militias
Fucking lel, keep dreaming Jamal. There's more to a military victory than simply being armed.

No I understand it. It's degenerate behavior that only dipshit Protestant Christians, various polygamist cults, and brain dead secularists will act upon.

You're not more responsible because you try to tear a child between two separate families due to your own romantic instability.

They’re mutts. They’re already fucked.

A few dead 8chn autists will scare the fuck out of any others who feel like murdering for muh race. And it's true that random blacks aren't as well trained as white men, but white nationalists aren't people. Stick to your Murdoch Murdoch videos kid.

White women are nothing but yeah now. Qt azns are where it's at now

Haha yeah small skirmishes are totally the equivalent of entire population of million people exterminated in North America, Australia or eastern Europe. White people are totally not autistic psychos...

White nationalists are white men and tend to be the most militaristic and well armed.

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That's a social construct created by da white man to keep us down.

Race traitors who cuck out to gooks will be treated the same as race traitor whores who fuck blacks. You’ll get the rope too, weakling

>mfw the step dad isn’t white

Some people don't learn from their mistakes.

Asian/white offspring have the best of both worlds though. We are simply securing a future.

Nah, these are white men. You satanic cuckolds can go jerkoff to muh Breivik and muh Black Sun all you want online, but as soon as you try your horseshit in America we will fuck you up like we did to Roof.

Attached: First_six_USAF_airmen_to_receive_the_Air_Force_Combat_Action_Medal.jpg (800x546, 109K)

What an absolute whore. What the fuck is happening to our race? Why is the Jewish subversion so effective? Why is it impossible to teach our women the importance of white racial purity? Why is this not implicitly seen as a positive value ?

Lmaoing at all this chest puffing when NONE of you wh*te purists are anywhere near ready to have kids.

All you do is cry on your echo chamber and make /pol/-tier threads on other boards for whatever reason.

Have sex doesn't even cut it at this point. You fags need to wake up and stop talking up a fantasy that will NEVER happen

Keep thinking that buddy.


>Mongol/Turkic Invasions
>The aftermath of the Rhodesian Bush War
>Small skirmishes
>Eastearn Europeans aren't white
I can't even...
>White people killed millions of native Americans
There is so much about this that is historically illiterate that it's kind of hilarious. You haven't even started talking about how white people King Leopold II genocided millions of Africans like most brainlets of your tier have yet.

Before you do, most of the deaths that occured under the Congo Free State were due to widespread disease and King Leopold II arming different tribes with modern weaponry which were then used *amongst the the different tribes* to massacre each other because Belgians considered the natives to be noble savages and therefore child like.

Our race is being annihilated. Race mixing is white genocide

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good becasue the nuclear family is american cancer

I tweet epic pepe memes on twitter

And that's unironically a good thing

This post is proof of the real liberal agenda. Pic related

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They’ve stolen your homeland. They want to steal your future next.

Attached: F8AF9507-FE3B-4F17-AE86-E7E649C4FD64.jpg (750x746, 80K)

Also what's up with retarded white bois posting nazi shit ? Nazis weren't good at all. They were fucking retarded and mental. Build your own white shit and don't copy those morons.

LOL you can't achieve it either incel
bro this is so cringe take a look at yourself for a moment bro

t. Jew

Also, no, white people in fact did not kill millions of Native Americans , that is popular folklore spurred by the exaggerations of men like Bartolomé de las Casas who claimed that the Spanish genocided "millions" of native Americans despite the fact that all possible demographics shows that the entire territory the Spanish oversaw during his stay had nowhere near that total population.

Also, the Spanish didn't conquer the Aztecs alone , they assisted them in a civil war and the victors pledged loyalty to Spain.

Based, do I have to worship the false son of God from a fucked up desert religion that was forced upon my ancestors or is that optional?

>us blacks
it’s such a shame that you’re 100% that black nerdy kid who watches DBZ has a slightly below average dick and all of his friends are white
goons won’t save you just because you’re the same race as them you’re gonna be eaten alive as one of the first ones once race war starts

t. thinks he is aryan or some shit (56% in reality)

Up to you. Personally I believe that white civilization is based on Christian values but I understand the argument of my white brothers that Christianity is a tool of the Jew. It doesn’t matter what religion you choose as long as whites rise up and unite

more like
>i can't get this so i blame [insert boogeyman of the month]

what's up with white leftists online larping as blacks?

lmao I can think of a few "fellow whites" I'd rather string up first since most of my friends come from different ethnic backgrounds

what a hideous family

It's really only white Americans , and by that I mean white people in the new world as a whole, who believe so fervently in some kind of racial solidarity. White people are the greatest murderers of white people on the planet as intra-racial violence has always been greater than interracial violence.

>The Jews
The average Ashkenazi Jew is probably whiter than the average white American

me too. starting with leftists and racetraitors

No not a post you discord tranny I made this awesome anti-propaganda propaganda picture

Attached: 85151880-B8AC-47C7-8D46-578EB04B81F5.jpg (900x1200, 239K)

Starting with any faggot that wears a suit you mean

honestly i have no idea im not black im european. America is a shitfest right now. Shit is funny. You have blackbased boys who watch DBZ and other retarded Anime shit, you have nazi white american whiny bitches, you have jews, black dudes fucking white bitches, white dudes who like their wifes being fucked by black dudes. It's really entertaining

>Insert boogeyman of the month
You do realize that this is what feminists talk about when they start saying that they want to "deconstruct the patriarchy" right? The Nuclear Family is patriarchal, yes there are people who are actively opposed to that.

as a kid I always thought of "family" as synonymous with "crap" in that context. so did my folks, with the result everyone was happy

ok but how are the feminists stopping you from getting a wife and starting a family with her

>lack dudes fucking white bitches, white dudes who like their wifes being fucked by black dudes
Yeah that doesn't happen a lot actually, in fact it's still pretty taboo in a lot of the country.

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enjoy your "refugees," eurotrash

Don't forget the almost automatic association between being a "family values conservative" and taking it up the ass.

Attached: wes goodman.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Sending my white children to africa sure wont help much.

lol. feminists have been actively trying to get western women to forgo marriage and children in favour of career. they encourage women to be hyperpromiscuous and to reject and denigrate sexual modesty. this is not controversial, it's literally feminism 101

By telling young women that getting married and having kids is "beneath them", promoting homosexuality/ hedonism, and outright brainwashing them into backwards egalitarian cults surrounding xenophilia. There's a reason it's mainly white girls who fall for "new age religion" memes and a lot of them are convinced that they are locked in some of meta historical struggle for power for men.

It's insane and it's a lot worse than you think.
T. Grew up in leftist university town

they'll likely grow up to be leftists like their parents, so africa is where they belong

If I were a woman I'd do the same, most dudes are ugly as fuck and aren't worth the trouble

So fucking what? How the fuck does some feminists on tumblr stop you from starting a family?

The whole everyones a cuckold meme isnt true its pushed by jewish porn companies that everyone is watching it and loves it but in reality everyone is disgusted with it same as blacked porn but they have to subvert and destroy the white family unit so they try to push breeding with blacks in every show and movie and they try to infiltrate every porn site flooding it with cuckold and blacked porn to try and brainwash the men.

If you 're a chad you can turn any feminist bitch into a traditional waifu, look at Laci Green

>Source: Yahoo Personals
Yikes. Here come the infographs

most women are ugly too. unfortunately feminism brainwashes them into believing that they're entitled to chad

I never get to post this.

Attached: 1498835433857.jpg (720x720, 179K)

Yeah those statistic pictures that are being posted in every fucking race bait thread. Okay. Really hoping that this statistic is legit but sometimes im confused with how white posters here are so fucking obsessed over that shit.
I love you bro. Wish all good things to you and your family.
Yeah classic fucking joke. I bet all those /pol/acks are really enjoying their daily blacked threads. They are clearly compensating their inner stuff.

here's one you might like

Attached: 1557329751322.jpg (2032x3528, 840K)

>How does some feminist on Tumblr
* A batshit university professor who pushes propoganda on young and impressionable minds , en masse corporate policies that exist to push feminism for profit alone, and a wave of puritanical censorship across all forms of media

A lot actually. Of course if you know where to find good women you can still start a family but then a lot of men don't know where to look because they too have been subject to this late stage capitalist nonsense

>it's /pol/ that posts the blacked threads!!
no, it's triggered leftists trying to make "/pol/" (read: anyone who disagrees with them) mad

uh yeah. Tranny leftist posters. ITS ALL THEM!!!! You are so unfocused. Can you leave this battle on imageboard and just really find a white girl and make her happy and i promise she wont leave you for black dude.

>/pol/tard tries to subsume himself in imaginary crowd

Attached: IncredulousAllSeeingEye.jpg (152x225, 6K)

You fucking idiot, there's no "brainwashing" if you were a woman you'd go for the most attractive mate too instead of some loser incel

... You realize that the primary source and not the source of the study? Yes, that is how researches collect raw data - directly. Yahoo personals is just one means of collecting raw date on the sexual preferences of people, and it's completely legitimate.

>Here comes the infographics
Statistics are not a bad thing


Attached: 3BACAC05-4BD7-48BC-AFDC-097F307E786D.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

No, leftist and race traitors will hang first. Niggers next.

average "They’ve stolen your homeland. They want to steal your future next." poster

13% is responsible for whaaaaaat???

in the past women didn't have the choice. they had a much smaller pool of potential mates to choose from. now women have literally thousands of desperate men from around the planet all vying for their attention on tinder, dating sites and social media

Tell me who is depriving you /pol/tards of having a family. The Jews? How? Is it that hard to work on yourself first, look around and seriously make a deep decision on what woman you will choose to date and then marry? Is it that hard?

Humans are not merely mechanistic animals and you're vastly oversimplifying the way our sexuality works if you think it's as simple as physical attractiveness.

Wealth, power, neurology, subjective circumstances like age differences or geographic/ sociological barriers and etc other variables all play a role as well. It's really not as simple as "look good start a family"

I guess if I was a 56% permanent undesirable I might be like the incels in this thread.

Carry on.

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What about Instant Family?

you are a delusional leftist. stop posting

women and the degenerate leftist society that enables them

Nazis exterminated 20 millions of slaves because they didn't consider them as white. White people autism at its finest.

Fuck me. Talk about brainwashing. Do you ever go outside?
Literally everyone I know from uni are getting married and having kids. Sure, people don't get married at 18, but their uterus are craving that big (black) dick coming out of uni.

You discussed blacked more often than anyone i fucking bet.

Okay, then make a decision to avoid marrying those females. Look for women who don’t engage in mainstream culture and make note of it

>implying rightists don't try to focus on self improvement
They're dead serious when they say that dislike degeneracy , user. When you have an individual philosophy that embraces concepts like noblesse oblige and free will, it means that you tend to gravitate towards virtue ethics.

That said, there are still deterministic forces at play that limits a person's options. Kind of hard to start a family when there are millions of men and women that are being told that doing so exploitative, where social capital is the lowest it's ever recorded to have been, when we live deracinated and strained modern lives away from each other , and where our culture has been replaced with mere consumerism. It's not just feminist, it's not just Jews, its the entire materialistic neo-liberal order that established itself in the 21st century that is the problem. Alexis deTocqueville warned us about this age

>women who don’t engage in mainstream culture
virtually nonexistent. grow up and leave your house

i accept your concession, leftist retard

>Literally everyone I know from uni are getting married and having kids.
Which is anecdotal. Everyone I know from uni is not. There 7 billion people on this Earth yet you're going to generalize this population by looking at a handful of people?

I'm talking about demographic statistics, not anecdotes.

>Everyone I know from uni is not
I call bullshit. And please post your statistics.

Yes, there is such a thing as a demographic collapse. For white people, their birth rates are extremely low and have a steadily rising aging population. Essentially, once the Boomers kick the bucket white people in my country will pretty much be a minority. I'd event expect parts of different states to be annexed at our Southern border because of how culturally alien they've become to the rest of the country compared to our neighbor.

>I call bullshit
Yes, you seem to rely on anecdotes a lot don't you? Well, I come from an extremely white area of the country, so...

I guess let's just start with the basics.

Attached: 2018_6_21_metro_frey_generationzplus_map1.png (708x750, 99K)

It’s not the Jews fault white women are repulsed by you m8

Why can’t you all just have sex?

Then here are the statistics on the aging population issue

So there is objective statistics and research that backs up my own anecdotal experiences from my neck of the woods. This is what it's like for millions upon millions of people in my country. No one wants to have kids, actively shun and make fun of the idea because they've become brainwashed and deracinated consumerists or have had their families torn apart so that they have no trust in themselves.

Attached: FT_16.06.23_raceAge3-1.png (640x860, 46K)

>That said, there are still deterministic forces at play that limits a person's options.
So work beyond them and stop being a victim. Go further than just the standard places. Go further in search of a mate and you’ll come across plenty of women out there who will happily give you the time and effort

Well there ya go. You cannot win if you do not play

>jewish-owned and run media constantly demeaning and devaluing white men
>not their fault white women don't like white men

Well obviously, but there are legitimate barriers which come in form of major societal issues that ought to be fixed. If you know where to look then yes there are still decent men and women , but that doesn't excuse the absolute state of society

>constantly demeaning and devaluing white men
lolwut. White men are over-represented as masculine main leads

Attached: 1555318316283.jpg (556x561, 15K)

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White women almost exclusively prefer white guys and tend to be more racist then them. Random white whores who star in pornography are not the average white woman. Like no really, white guys will drill oil more than white women burn coal.

>White men are over-represented as masculine main leads
>Over represented
>Majority of the population
Which is it?

find a flaw

Attached: mSRbn7x97V76konhG5nJEOMCCj9IfeR3ZS1UNlMGhZw.png (599x511, 341K)

No it does not excuse the state of society. The west is seriously screwed and I don’t think it will get any better with the way it is now. I do see where you’re coming from though.

pathetic leftist

>Like no really, white guys will drill oil more than white women burn coal.
well the first part is true. But there are twice as much BMWF relationships than the other way around.

see there should be more minority main leads, based on demographics. But whites prefer to cast themselves as the main protagonist.

not an argument

Attached: 7y9oHoTfYEhXVVBNfEotkAl_kuxt9N51T0eunrtiF-0.jpg (600x399, 45K)

white "men" lol good luck with that

>ywn watch the after party orgy
Just kill me

heres a preview

Attached: 1554830143506.webm (406x720, 991K)

while i am neutral about the message, that pic is creepy as shit. what kinda alpha centauri portrait shit

Based. What the fuck is the context for this though?

Lol this is your own hell you’ve created

Fuck yeah! Hail Thor!

Some british Caribbean festival.

Attached: BritianBLACKED.webm (362x640, 990K)

Fuck off

>t. skinnyfat chinlet

Literal cope. Go cry into your mein kampf, fag

I need to know why the white bitch is taking the bbc in public and if she has a cuck at home. It's important to my fapping.

Yeah but not me

For the love of God and the motherland, HAVE SEX INCEL.

>waste your time for the 30 seconds i'll spend fapping

Have sex, incel jeez. All i see is a happy couple. Happiness that you'll never know you disgusting neckbeard

But user, lower birthrates are multifactorial, among others fewer kids and later in life.

t. brainlet

>Have sex
any more buzzwords you want to add there? leftist subhuman

Attached: 1552038069613.jpg (900x600, 77K)

Marvel happened

>u is d-dum...
Come back in 5 years when you're old enough to post here.

Based as fuck. Wh*toids are a minority in a country where everyone hates them. America is a BLACK country now. If you attack us, theres NOTHING stopping us from attacking u as well

>white nationalism bad
>black supremacists good
The state of nigger worshipping leftypol subhumans

Attached: 1557063251616.jpg (640x604, 53K)

>attacking white people
good idea

Attached: image.jpg (500x290, 53K)

>t. A heavy abuser of all the latest alt right buzzwords from /pol/.
0 self awareness

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>her baby
I don't know why this makes me laugh harder than anything else.

>that image
You think these guys are like this because they instinctively know their genes should be eliminated from the population?

>quoting regards
t. retard

they lost

>leftist talking about self awareness
you can't win this

Attached: DiAhhYiUcAAJBlz.jpg (1025x1461, 313K)

would you raise a daughter in the present society?

Attached: BBC123.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>t. Will never breed.
1 shot at life...


Attached: 1556289825238.jpg (898x1468, 134K)

Definitely. I'd even ask the nigga to record it.
>quoting regards

it took over 20 million russians to stop them. you think a bunch of sub-80 iq jungle bunnies would do better?

Calm your autism down, user. Take your meds.

A shot is the last thing you will hear when shit goes down

Glad you agree, they sure did get BTFO.

protip: when your only reply is an insult, you've lost the argument

Attached: 1549544853863.jpg (577x608, 55K)

they suck?

>capitalizing the "A" in user
You do know that's not a name, right?

Take ALL your meds at once

>t. Genetic dead end.
I thought you loved the wh*te race user.

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some movies with this feel?

Attached: eofj34xr2r821.jpg (540x325, 38K)

>you think a bunch of sub-80 iq jungle bunnies would do better?
yeah. they don't need any rifles to do that

Attached: american dating scene.webm (576x320, 1.15M)

>still quoting regards
I'm not even the same guy you're arguing with, dumb dumb.

the t shirts scream "give me praise for doing what I should be" which is civil. excessive stupidity and narcicissm

>clearly says paris on the poster
this is what happens to blacks when they get uppity. please try it again

Attached: 336px-Lynching-1889.jpg (336x480, 65K)

Bestiality is illegal

black people can barely hit the side of a fucking barn. The only thing they can shoot is a basketball

no this is what happens to blacks when they get uppity

Attached: BLACKBULLCAR.png (913x890, 719K)

>Still having an autistic fit on an image board while wh*te women are not selecting you
Tick tock, tick tock

I don't say we should kill all blacks, but would it really be a bad idea to concentrate the population for better monitoring. It could be a makeshift town or a "camp" if you will.

Attached: 3-pornhub-insights-2018-year-review-gender-female-pornstars.png (620x811, 231K)

I'm not even white, dumb dumb. Just because it says anonymous in the namefield, doesn't mean we're all the same person. I only replied to your post to make fun of you for quoting regards.


Attached: Pepe zoot suit.jpg (1215x888, 165K)

A concentration camp?

>t. Cletus

Sounds nice

oh it's you again

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I don't get this. Stormy Daniels and most other platic-filled pornstars look absolutely disgusting. They're not only wrinkly and unsymmetrical, but their boobs look like they're made out of stone.
The entire appeal of women and especially boobs is softness.


Attached: lap1Saz16Ksv0Th2pJWyEpGLTtGLCI07EoxbsWO5OE8.jpg (640x640, 125K)

Women like cletus more than jamal.

Niggers hate how ugly they are, so they go out of their way to avoid their own race.

Ultimately, everybody datez upward, and upward is white.

Attached: PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-09.png (311x439, 8K)

t. newfag

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Isn't there a burger you should be flipping?

Attached: st-saint-petersburg-florida-largo-mcdonalds-fast-food-restaurant-pickup-DA8EPP.jpg (1300x956, 165K)

>Insecure nigger.

Attached: 1556319961117m.jpg (1024x895, 61K)

no a white girl needs impregnating
by a black bull not me

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Stormy Daniels got searched because of politics. Nothing more, nothing less.

this one of your "soldiers"? i think 90% of whites with a 1911 would wreck the average blacks shit

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I will never understand why americans tolerate these monkeys around them. What do they gain besides high crime rates?

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The only people obsessed with niggers are other (male) niggers. Vicariously living through another man's penis.

Attached: 1-pornhub-insights-2018-year-in-review-gay-searches-categories-pornstars (2).png (620x1367, 166K)

keep your sick fetish to yourself, degenerate

this world is so fucked we buy people entire cars for "being respectful" we need a plague

have sex*

*with a woman after she's been BLACKED

Attached: 1553267206108 (1).webm (640x640, 1.5M)

>being a step ""parent""

oh no you didnt

Attached: i_bet_jews_did_this.jpg (700x700, 71K)

america will never be a socialist country

>that face
Gets me every fucking time

They need someone to flip burgers for them. You couldn't expect a white person to reduce themselves to a nigger's job.

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is that the pornstar Nick Gerz?

yea its kino

Attached: bbc.jpg (1092x960, 97K)

>letting immoral women debase themselves and usually learn a lesson but it's too late and their lives are ruined
These women are hopeless anyway, may as well light the way to damnation so our own daughters can see what a mistake they made. If men's opinion doesn't matter anyway then let them fuck themselves over.

Stop being an incel and get a gf.

america will never be a socialist country

t. actual incel

She's belonged to Chad since she was 13.

Attached: large.jpg (320x480, 64K)

Families haram now. Singles bueno.

Attached: pol_talks_to_a_coal_burner.webm (854x480, 2.16M)

>t. Actual incel

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Attached: 1554318340209.jpg (933x1244, 121K)

Niggers didn't even make the pornhub top ten, despite this being the year of Black Panther. This was a marked drop from 2016.

It seems like niggers are hopelessly behind the times and outdated.

Attached: 3fb.png (336x532, 115K)


Attached: -IjgjmmiHGloyuor8Kav-ToZN2yfKkW4yA_1-1JndXY.png (420x391, 15K)

This. We should stop being comfortable and form vast militias. We need to burn down every "Hood" there is with the inhabitants still inside. THIS would be real progress

Attached: 1555600533488.jpg (1024x1024, 130K)


This is a game changer. The N-Word's only worth was "muh dick", and yet cold hard reality proves them the least desirable species on Earth.

A skinny white dude is worth as much as an N-Word who hits the gym daily. What hope do they have?

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Have sex permavirgin

Marked drop on male porn stars, too. Which is funny because all these white dudes are veterans everybody said would never make it back on top.

Yet here we are.

>muh dick

No. That's a myth. The biggest dick belongs to pic related. Jonah Falcon.

White men in general have larger dicks in reality. Niggers just love to flex.

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>13.5 inches.

What the fuck.

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Niggers fear what they can't have.

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I don't know about statistics. But I'd rather get coddled by a cute white boy.

Femanon btw.

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Imagine looking like this much of nerd but having the biggest dick in the world. It's gotta be frustrating to not have your best quality out in the open at all times.

Sauce for this incredibly based scene?

BLACKED belongs in 2012-2015 when it was most popular. Movies kinda caught on with this. Too late.

Problem is, it takes a couple of three years between a writer delivering a script, and the movie actually getting released,so all that BLACKED is the literal shambling BLACKED corpse from 3 years ago, come to rear their face to a world that does not seem yo care anymore.

They are quite literally old and dated. BLACKED was old and busted by 2015, some 3 years before /pol/ itself became old and busted.

It's just that media is slow on the uptake. Just remember the general rule:

If a meme appears on TV, it is already a dead meme.

Going black is a dead meme.

It must be frustrating being a black man. Despite all that flexing (and white people helping you out) you're still third place in the race war.

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This is fucking stupid. Ugly people have always existed.

You're saying that pure race people are inherently super models and that's simply not the case.

people realized they can go to youtube and find better, edgier comedies, starring people they actually like, without any dated references to memes from 2012, for free.

This stupid video is better than any comedy Hollywood has produced in the past ten years: youtube.com/watch?v=jX8JwCLQFn8

This is true.

Blacked has seen a massive drop in my usual places. What the hell is going on?

Whites get rated prettier more often, tho.

why does everyone on this site have a fucking race complex lmao

be racist normally you fucking autists

bl*ck subhumans , how does this make you feel?

You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class bl*cks. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the bl*cks all it would take to destroy this community is one WHITE bull?

Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% BL*CK town until suddenly a couple of WHITE stallions walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong stallions infinitely more than their pathetic bl*ckoid husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these stallions wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the bl*ck women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.

The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Mexico where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly latino girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the latinos hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their WHITE children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior WHITE stallions who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.

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