ok what the fuck did projared actually do that could be considered evil?
>cheated on his wife
okay thats a dick move but really is that all you have on him?
>sent nudes to fans
okay but the fans asked him for it so why the fuck does anybody care?
>appearantly also sent nudes to underage girls
this is the one i can only find people to be genuinly mad at him for but heres the thing
where is the evidence for it? ive seen this shit spouted countless times and yet no evidence about it
so literally people destroying a mans life because he cheated on a girl? and you guys on Yea Forums are helping out on this? fucking pathetic
show me the evidence that he actually sent nudes to underage people and ill shut up but up till than in my eyes he has done absolutly nothing wrong atleast nothing that gives people reason to fucking destroy him like this and pass his nudes around
Ok what the fuck did projared actually do that could be considered evil?
No he fucked Ross wife while both of them were married
But remember, Jontron was just as bad or even worse because Reddit's account of his thought crimes hurts our feelings. :(
>still no nudes of Holly yet
When will people realize ALL ecelebs are retarded subhumans
fuck reddit and fuck niggers
He got Gen 8 reveal date wrong
By a whole fucking year
okay and? people do this shit daily what makes him special? oh because he is popular and that gives people a free pass to be assholes to him?
what does jontron have to do with anything? atleast he was never harassed openly
okay so you are literally saying he deserves getting shit because he is popular and thats the sole reason why? psychopaths everyone of you
Yep Cheaters are subhuman, we should go sharia law on his ass.
>people literally using the bad situation he is in to shit on him openly because otherwise nobody would care about them
be honest with yourselfes if he was republican and supported jontron you guys would actually defend him like you guys defended jontron
this is hypocrytical as fuck and shows me that this entire community is just a farce
I saw SkyWilliams tweet that she can stay at his to "be safe".
Dudes a piece of shit for cheating on her but these goons are acting like his locked her in a cellar and beat her.
>literally wanting to kill someone because he cheated on his wife
and yet you people constantly claim all thots to be heartless creatures when you yourself are just as heartless and cruel
Wait what's going on with projared?
idk but breaking up via twitter is probably the dumbest thing he could've done
Would MatPat’s wife Stephanie ever cheat on him?
Except MatPat and Stephanie.
Literally who the fuck is that nerd, I took a look at his profile, his new bitch and ex-bitch, they all look pathetic.
If you're seriously spending more than 3 minutes on this "story" you should get a life, or end it.
God literal said its okay to kill cheaters.
People have been brining up NormalBoots' treatment of Jontron for his thought crimes as a comparison point with this. Jon got immediately booted and members like PeanutButterGamer threw him under the bus as never having been friends with him.
Now ProJared, a feminist with some pretty skeevy shit against him, is being DEFENDED by folks like PBG. Funny how that works.
this is what iam fucking talking about he just cheated on his wife and people are like "he fucking raped her he should go to jail lets ruin his life!"
if he actually raped someone fine go at him if you want
but you faggots are taking a seemlingly small situation that his ex wife used for her advantage and are basicly just the pawns in her game to ruin this man and boost her own reputation and popularity
now she will be known as the woman who "survived" projared
good job guys you helped a thot by being her useful idiots
Has she produced any proof of her claims yet?
lol go fuck yourself, OP, you incel piece of shit. Jared is shit and so are you :)
he never broke up with her via twitter
they were already broken up before that tweet he even says so in said tweet
he just publicly announced to people that he had a divorce he was not breaking up with her he was just informing people about it
he blocked his wife because he knew she would make a drama out of it and use everything she has against him thats why he does not want to say anything more because no matter what he says now he will be seen as a monster for the duration of this month till this whole thing blows over
This is the keast sexual pic he send his mistress.
thanks for answering my question this is exactly the kind of inteligence i expect people to have who helped this thot destroy this man
good job guys you really helped this poor woman now she is going to be respected for years as a victim because of your efforts
Has Ross commented on this anywhere yet?
There projection, all of them are just as big of degenerates that probably also solicit nudes from kide
I legit don't know who this dude is but I'm intrigued. Tell me more pls
mwahahahah so fucking scrawny.
>twink body
>unfortunate face
How unlucky is it looking like a pedo :(
okay i get it you have a reason to hate him because of that but is it really the right thing to destroy a man publicly because he cheated on his wife? imagine if this shit happened to you or a family member of yours if he was a publicly known figure and word would get out
youd rather the whole situation be just cleared up in privacy thats a normal reaction from anybody
>this fucking D R A M A
>That scrawny, pathetic body
I don't even care about the cheating thing, but imagine going through your life and that is what you peak at. That's your prime.
post your own body then faggot i bet you are a million times fatter than iam
How big is it in inches?
how big is it in cm? mines 18,5 cm am i bigger than him?
>that covering the base with his hand
>that angle to make it look bigger
nice head, decent length and average girth.
I domt know hes putting the camera very close snd taking a picture from below his groin that scuffs how it looks
Why is this e-celeb drama here and not kept to Yea Forums?
>so literally people destroying a mans life because he cheated on a girl?
Women want to destroy person's life when they are rejected.
Yea Forums doesnt want it either
threads are being deleted in nanoseconds
but fucking 20 smash threads are fine
It is removed from Yea Forums by idiot mods.
Fuck Reddit but most importantly, FUCK JONTRON
Yeah people where saying he had a 4inch pencil dick?
Honestly must be femcels saying that
this entire thread
so let me get this straight you guys bully him not because of his actions but because he is liberal and thats it? kinda reminds me of the actions of certain sjw when they get mad about "rapists" online and dox their accounts but oh no this is totally a different thing you guys are fighting the good fight in bringing this evil person down
No wonder you guys like Hitler. Its the little things like these that piled up until you suddenly start shooting people for real
LMAO knew there was a bigger reason for ross and holly divorcing other than "wanting to live different places"
That's a bone pressed 4 incher if I ever saw one. Perfectly within average tolerances, of course, bros.
iam 7,3 inches appearantly
is that good? i honestly never cared about my dick length before this all happened and i just measured it today
A full inch longer than me and I get compliments regularly so it's pretty good.
>this goofy looking lanklet is not only married but also cheating
there is hope for me
ProJareds penis is SMALL. His wife said it is big only so he doesnt off himself.
>Yea Forums a site known for helping people in need when someone online fucks up and assholes are up to get them they actually come for the defense
>when jontron got fucked
>Yea Forums was there
>when pewdiepie got fucked
>Yea Forums was there
>when projared is getting fucked right now
>Yea Forums was there to fuck too because of his affiliations and personal politics not because of his actions
a bunch of hypocrites all of you i actually looked up to you guys once
as the people who stood for what was right in the world
yes he cheated on his wife no i dont think that was a good thing in any way
but he is just as much a human as we all are if we were in his situation we would have wished for privacy and helping hands aswell
please for once show me that you are not the heartless monsters people always tell me you are
4 inches MAX
Daily reminder that Jontron did nothing wrong.
okay cool thanks man i feel relieved
NYPA faggot