This will never happen again under Disney.
This will never happen again under Disney
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his German is so sexy
Bryan Singer is literally only the man alive based enough to conjure up scenes as redpilled as this
This was a pretty good movie. I don't understand why not all capeshit is made like this.
First Class was directed by Matthew Vaughn
>caring about Muties
>caring about Kikeneto
All Muties must be roasted by Sentinel beams.
Now Based Fassy can play an actually good villain the MCU.
all fucking muties must fucking hang
Imagine this scene...except with niggers. It would be the most kino shit ever seen on the face of the planet. Why are there no /ourguy/ killing niggers movies bros?
Actually it'll happen especially under disney. Wouldnt have happened under Walt though.
Except Magneto will be a sassy black woman.
How about captain britain instead?
Brian's a blonde, 6'4" Super-Genius UberChad, who's also a goof and prone to manic anger. I don't know, I can't see Fassbender getting that huge, but I wouldn't mind it either. He could sell it.
fuck that's shitty writing
not guy you're replying too but it's just statements in the dialogue, it doesn't sound like a character is saying it's just reiterating what is currently happening.
That and the lines are boring.
>Villa Gesell
>mountains and a lake
>Mexican accent
That scene was cringy as fuck
Underrated post
>beer not filled to the top of the glass
>half of it is fucking foam
This is what mutts think "beer" is supposed to be? Christ
this flick is worse than X-Men Origins
>killing nazis
Killing the good guys isn't redpilled you delusional tranny, if Hitler won the war we would be living in a utopia right now. Instead we live in this ever increasingly crumblin shithole of a society.
What's happening is a general fight. Stark's gloating to Xavier while chocking him, hoe he's /going to/ rev up Sentinel sale again.
/pol/cucks being retarded , as usual .Suck cock , faggot .
>he doesn't know having head is better for your digestive system
Before you make yourself look like an idiot, do some research first
>create genuinely tense scene
>ruin it with fucking rock music
Unironically kino as fuck
>not have a healthy and decent head on your pint.
you know jews really should just kill everyone on the planet because of the holocaust. like, they have total justification and you know why stop with revenge? why not just kill literally everyone, if you're jewish?
> Deustch beer ?
>The best
Fucking Kraut, everybody knows Belgian's beer is miles ahead of Deutsch piss
That scene and the one where he forces Charles to hold the Baconator still while he puts a coin through his noggin are legitimately fantastic filmmaking.
why are you '''people''' obsessed with sucking penises?
Reminder that the MCU will never be half as good as the Foxverse was
You conveniently ignore the fact that all but two of the X-Men movies are garbage, the first two Wolverine movies were garbage, and Legion was made with almost zero input from Fox.
That scene was pure kino. Are there any other scenes like this one in other capeshits?