>10/10 Chad
>Married to older women
>Why any theories
10/10 Chad
Other urls found in this thread:
Shes pretty hot tbqh
Probably an open relationship where he can fuck whoever he likes and then come home to a loving and loyal wife.
he's hoverhanding his wife
Maybe they love each other or something?
All the Chad actors date disgusting old whores, maybe Chad's are not only better looking than us but also have deeper understanding of relationships
Because a woman who loved you before you were rich and famous isn't just with you for the money and fame.
Because the real world is nothing like the retarded version you incels think it is
20+ year old difference here... So weird
>these are the guys who post "have sex"
women marry men better looking than them
even worse is that british actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson. yeah here
All gay and just picking a random uggo for a beard
They’re in love, incel?
this is due to the sex market where men compete for women and women jsut pick the winners, who are determined by
-cock size tied to sexual skills
-wallet size
-handsomeness tied to network size
When you reach their level of testosterone, looks stop mattering. They're in it because they know these women can keep a family together and probably know a swarth of tricks in the sack.
They've lived long enough to have the youngest, primest 10/10s. But now they know what really matters at this stage in life.
I'm going to go ahead and guess you're a virgin.
Sir Christian Bale seems to have a lovely wife.
Because less attractive women wont take it for granted or leave them because they will probably never get with someone that's good looking and successful again. Also because they are in love.
>they started going out when he was 18 and she was 42
either she's a beard or he wanted a mommy gf since day one and took the first thing he got and just ran with it
You've never been in a relationship have you?
they marry rich, older women before they become famous and now they can't get out.
women date up, men date down
This one can be excused because she was his waifu from a young age. Think of your number 1 female crush and getting to marry her. It doesn't matter if she's past her prime.
/10 Chad
>being mocked by ugly dykes in every movie he's in
Fembusters, Thor, now MiB.
Hemsworth may look like a chad, but he doesn't act like one.
They got married a decade ago when she was 32 and he was 25, then she quickly cranked out three kids for him. Is that really unreasonable?
>Believing Hollywood "couples" are real
>Not knowing what beards are
inside info: he is gay
Why does Hollywood hate tits?
she's like a mix of young madonna and jennifer connelly. she hot.
>then she quickly cranked out three kids for him. Is that really unreasonable?
Nothing wrong with that.
MILFs are on, bros.
There's this straight myth that the older women get the less batshit crazy they become, and thus more easily are men's mommy issues projected onto them to achieve catharsis they could never achieve with their actual mothers (because incest and all that). It's a lie, of course, but heteros will fall for almost any banal justification.
They also started going out when she was the director of the first movie he ever starred in
She literally casting couched that nigga lmao
Older women don't play games. They can't afford to. By their age they've learned the value of a relationship. Every older woman has had at least one man in her life that she regrets ruining things with over petty shit. They know they have to be more genuine than they were when they were younger. Men value this. Younger women should take note, because one day your looks will no longer sustain you.
Yeah, plastic surgery does wonders.
>10/10 Chad
Is that right? I'm never slow to jealousy when it comes to handsome men and their superior looks but I've never envied him; still don't.
I wanna marry Gillian Anderson.
Fuck off you bluepill fags
Sexual prowess
Older chicks fuck better
>tfw you will never marry connelly
fuck paul bettany
Mr Gibson seems to have quite a major blind spot there.
What year is it?
I'm pretty sure we're at the point now where straight guys would pretend to be homos to advance their career, what's the point of a beard
You might be gay user
Aaron, I know you are here.
Explain this shit.
Well he clearly has the choice of just about any woman and he wanted her so she must be a good woman.
>Fucking obviously
My theory is she's hot as fuck and she's had a few extra years of pusy training to get that sex game on point
>All the Mommyposters
>Suddenly confused when Chads marry older women
This. I was surprised no one ever brings this up when talking about them usually. I hope for his sake he's just deep into older women and enjoyed getting taken advantage of
Chads marrying older/uglier/fatter women is the same as beautiful girls marrying betafags. They've fucked hundreds of attractive people already and are looking for someone to settle down with and an uglier wife/betafag is a better marriage material than someone who will wonder if you are the best they can get.
as a lateral-thinking Hungarian on /int/ once pointed out his country's womenfolk must be the most desirable in the world because of the rates at which they have been raped and abducted by foreign invaders throughout history
I'm slightly ashamed for being amused by that
>Eddie Redmayne has a wife and child he never talks about while he pretends to be a huge faggot in public
What's his endgame
this. most stable hollywood marriages work this way.
>hoverhanding your own wife
He's one of us.
it this one case, cuz she can fuck his brains out, look at her facial features
the rest are beards
>I'm pretty sure we're at the point now where straight guys would pretend to be homos to advance their career
You'd be wrong on that point, user. Coming out's still a career-killing move.
Wasn't she a stripper, I mean "dancer" or am I thinking of some other hollywood faggots wife?
Is that like a reverse beard? Pretending to be a faggot to keep your family life private?
this but i wonder if there is more to it than that
a scheduled baby sacrifice
God, he was probably like 40 when she was born. Probably gets off to the fact when she's swallowing his balls every night.
That just really isn't true. Sure there is a huge difference between an 20 year old girl and a 25 year girl but the difference between a 25 year old and a 30 year old is not significant other than the older one is likely more desperate. A lot of false memes.
>when dubs appear
how to tell? actors in the UK have always gotten a kick out of being ridiculously camp, certainly including the heterosexual ones. that's why you still hear 'em being referred to as "luvvies"
I remember watching him on grange hill in the 80s.
Funny to see him in big films, he's done well.
>make your name in a tv soap called Home and Away
>straight dude acting gay
Lol no. He's a poof acting straight.
>grange hill in the 80s
Holy shit user, were you a punk? and did you participate in riots and shit?
He's just an autist.
sex with geezers is the price a young girl loves to pay to get a cushy life, plus she always breed secret orbtiers for better sex
This. Holy fuck going to clubs in early twenties sucked. Filled with pretty, annoying cunts that expect to get free drinks and that doesn't even lead anywhere. If you have the looks, you wont even need to play the maybe-games.
With women in their thirties it's a lot easier. They need a real relationship because the clock is running out little by little.
These hollywood actors might have gotten some support from their wives. Maybe there's an actual need for each other that keeps them going. The guy wants someone stable without hassle and the woman is genuinely happy to be banging a hot young man.
This fucks with my head to the extent I start to see fagcraft everywhere. Which was probably the idea.
He's a legit good actor.
>wife gives you three blonde blue eyed children
My boy Hemsworth knows how to pick them
Gotta spread the seed, bub. Can't do it with an old lady.
menopausal women go quicker to sex, but they still have plenty of men ready to service them for free.
>These hollywood actors might have gotten some support from their wives.
The point I wanted to make and completely flubbed was Mel Gibson's first wife and mother of his hundred or so kids (Robyn Moore) did a lot for him and showed the guy amazing devotion.
Pic related makes Americans seethe
>the price a young girl loves to pay
I don't believe that. Another way of coming at it would be to suggest they enjoy it about as much as I would. Or you, I mean just imagine the damage a predatory fag studio head could inflict.
Me on the top left
chad dog
Where are the male kids
>Successful, moderately goodlooking and wholesome white family
You know it, brother
All you need to know in life
Really makes my think the big think.
>29 years old
>still cry about no mommy gf
what joe biden doing on the right?
Nah, it makes minorities and fags seethe. Actual Americans look at that picture and pick up a few pointers for their upcoming Christmas card.
i want this right now
I don't think that's hymen dividin biden he's not sniffing anyone's hair or molesting the children
Nonsense. In fact the hotter the woman the less effort she makes, because thats what makes sex better for men. A man fucks well, if he knows how to work her body. A woman fucks well, if she makes sexy poses while getting fucked. Other things are lingerie, submissive behaviour during fellatio and asking to "come inside me". The whole "pornstar riding" etc. is a meme. Normal women dont have the fitness or stamina to ride for longer than 30 seconds and most women dont know how to suck a dick.
She's either gr8 at sucking dick or taking it in the dumper. Or he is gay and he's trying to distract is from his gay scent trail, or he just likes older chicks, my dude
no idea, even pete davidson has a hotter milf
So he is closet gay?
>Hiding gayness in current year
How stupid are you.
I wish they'd appeared in a film together.
>tfw your dream actress/actor has an ugly spouse that could have been you instead
No, that's your shitty fantasies.
She made his career by casting him in that young John Lennon movie. It's a fair sacrifice.
>goes to clubs
>surprised he meets trash women
are you retarded son
I love this man
Yep. I'm gonna do the same with Brie Larson one day.
im 25 and have my pick between a 42 and 49 year old.
older women are better at relationships most of the time, especially with the women around my age. They're insufferable and have no idea what they want at all. Older woman take less for granted.
put the ruby back on melony
Or. Or, maybe she just is feminine, has traditional values and not the average braindead instagram model that only wants to party and fuck.
The reverse is also true.
If you say so, chief.
Kill yourself gay boy
Chads that are full of natural testosterone are more likely to have girls.
have you seen Filth?
>submissive behaviour during fellatio and asking to "come inside me".
>when they beg you to fill them up and moan they need you inside them
She is hot. End of discussion
>tfw gf is one year older than me and really caring but she has small tits
But he has two sons
he is the most famous in the closet gay in hollywood
Older women with Chad's do insane shit to keep them. They know they're past their prime. She probably treats him like an actual fucking God. She'd probably kill someone if he asked her to. He can just cheat and fuck a 10/10 if he wants. Marriage is about your core bitch and what she's willing to do for your family unit. Hot pussy is always around bro.
1) I guarantee she's absolute fire in the bedroom
2) stop putting hot girls on a pedestal, and they might eventually start developing personalities.
Dad does the two genders only sign, based
Elsa Pataky or Brie Larson? I know who I'd choose
Is that Miley Cyrus in the bottom right?
Maybe he is pathologically altruistic. Like he thinks he is being virtuos by giving his magnificent Chad self off to someone that is less worthy of him.
The two kids in the car are boys I think given that Thor has twin sons.
>Dad painted his nails
the madman unironically brought Miley Cyrus to a family Christmas
She's hot though and at least a 9/10.
Elsa Pataky was a bigger name than Chris Hemsworth when they met in 2010, she was probably richer too.
>Miley Cyrus ruins Christmas
she was/is hot. problem is when dating older women they don't think about the future and how she will out age them hard core.
it's all fun to be 20 banging a hot 40 year old but you gotta realise that in 10 years she is going to be 50 years old while you would still be prime 30 manchad
That's why you as a chad fuck older women until you are 30, then you fuck around with younger women and when you are 40, you settle for kids with an 18 year old.
cause she's an absolute stunner. That woman is always going to be hot, even when she's 80. Plus she must be grateful as fuck and worship his balls
try having a kid when you're 40 fag
I would, if I was a chad on Chris Hemsworth's level.
Because he's not a Pseudo Chad posting on a Sumatran Knitting forum he is an actual Chad who doesn't base his personal relationships on autistic minmaxing of value and does what he pleases
my father in law had his daughter at 60 with his 30 yo wife
old men can sire kids almost indefinitely, its the women that enter menopause
its natures way of saying that old men need to seek out young and healthy wombs
If you go full-on mommy with her and suck her tits every night they'll eventually start growing like 2 cup-sizes and start producing milk.
do you think men are like women? ofc at 40 the child might turn out schizo but still
Men hit the wall at age 35. If he isn’t an ultra-chad, he becomes a sexual non-entity to women.
Well there's a difference between just not being 10/10 and being downright hideous.
Have fun with the autism-sister-in-law.
The actual opposite. Men with weak genes have more daughters than sons.
imagine being 60 and still wanting to provide for a slut, holy shit beta cucks never learn
Mel Gibson
Clint Eastwood
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jason Statham
Pierce Brosnan
Sean Connery
>tfw in love of my boss but had to settle for her daughter who she always wanted me to introduce me to
Shes married to his brother
Young woman are more willing to experiment sexually though, they are also more fun to hang out with in general.
if it's an actress with an ugly husband, that husband is probably a very wealthy, high-status, and often high-class man (successful entrepreneur, producer, etc).
For ugly wives wealth and status don't matter as much, but class and temperament often does. A wise man will usually be willing to sacrifice a little in the looks department for a classy, well-bred woman with a motherly disposition. Typical millennial and zoomer girls addicted to social media and smartphones don't understand this.
Imagine having a perfect ideal Christmas, then Miley shows up with her genderfluidity and ruins everything.
Not even fucking close. Men age like wine, with the right genetics and heritage. There's a subsect of women to where that's all they want.
Looks will get you nowhere if you don't either have money or can fight.
>not knowing that its an act
t. Post-wall limpie
Lol, sure thing. Keep convincing yourself that you’re just a few years away from getting laid.
some sort of emotional connection?
And yet she wears the same glasses she would wear on stage for her degenerate show.
>getting laid
what a challenge. hard part is finding a woman who isn't a retarded skank who you can't trust for longer than 6 months
>Limpie blaming women for him not getting laid
You’re ugly.
I don't care for that stuff with women, I only want to fuck them
I feel more emotionally connected to my cat than I ever would to a woman, he's easier to understand and communicate with too.
>Men age like wine, with the right genetics and heritage.
>posted the wrong genetics and heritage
topkek, looks like they had an argument
No user, it's these 47 points I've done research on. Also check out my hot glue vids.
have sex
>you will never be an old man with a young lady who gives you this look
Why the fuck should I even live?
If men age so well, why do all middle aged men have to resort to fat 40 year old Philippino women?
Thats just an act. She is billy ray cyrus' daughter. Shes trad wife at home.
>44 years old
Then why wear the degenerate glasses at home?
only the ugly ones or autistic with 0 social skills who have to do that
they probably just took the picture before he rested his hand on her.
>only the ugly ones
Ok, so all middle aged men that aren’t top 1> actors/models
>55 years old
He knows whats up
>S O Y face again
That’s the reason for all hoverhand pics you retard
>Posts a fucking bong
If you were a 20-something year old chad, would you date a hag like Britney Spears?
How the fuck is that being a "tool"?
hed probably look pretty good if he lifted weights and shaved all the hair off. That lack of exercise middle age look with a professor haircut ain't doing him any favors.
Not Britney Spears, but difinietly Linda Cardellini
Yes and she would pay for everything I wanted while I scouted out the next one, then I would begin to slip the word bald into every conversation.
no man should ever date an older woman
unless he plans for her to leave an inheritance
Pump, date for a while then dump yeah ofc. Point in case, everyone does that to her that's why she's 37 and still dating.
this guy, is only one that I envy
I don't know. I really enjoy my bosses company out of work and before I started dating her daughter used to hang out her place nearly every day. started off just helping do shit around her house and garden then genuinely enjoy hanging with her. had some close sexual tension situations with her especially when I used to stay over.
don't know if it meant anything but she used to always say how I would make the perfect son in law and how she should have married someone like me when she was younger. before I met her daughter she used to always try and entice me with how her daughter earns 6 figures and that I can be a stay at home dad when we get married since I am so handy lol.
good thing though is that I get to keep 4 of my cars at my bosses place since my mom would give me shit if I brought them home (I have 2 at home lol)
Why are Slav countries always so shitty? Basically Africa-tier.
Poor bastard, wonder how he ended up there.
>say it again Britney
>Britney: Do I have to, can't we just have normal sex?
>Fucking say it bitch or I leave you for a younger model
>Britney: Fine... I'm a slave for you. Hit me Baby... One more time.
>trying to keep some of the hair rather than just going full bald
I don't know why guys do this.
god damn him
>tfw the purest hollywood waifu will never buy you a patek philippe world time and have your beautiful children.
Wow - what an amazing joke. You should write for television shows.
Unless you're a lesbian, cause muh girl power.
If porn has taught me anything it's that eastern european women have incredibly flexible and talented assholes
What a stupid looking woman, that dumb half open mouth, reminds me of one of the Kardashians
One could say... Roasting.
She's a beard.
A distraction to keep you from learning about his bizarre sexual fetish..... for fish.
He said, posting on Yea Forums
>it's okay for men to behave like women
I'm 33 and my wife is 41. Did i made a mistake? She looks younger than her age. People mistake her for 25.
Gotta fucking love Straya, m8.
Also, is 4 years older enough to be considered a mommy waifu? 27 married 31 here.
Nah, she's an actress, sort of. She was in some of the fast and the furious flicks, and snakes on a plane.
best nosejob ever
can somebody explain me the beard meme? i feel stupid idk what it is
Coverup to hide your homosexuality.
from a 6 to a 10
>can think of the world only in cliches
>calls others bluepilled
When you can have literally anyone through lust you only want one because of love
>date young whore who will just take all your money
>date smarter older woman who is way past her whoring days
Not really a hard choice
The whore, please
Better sex life that way
>tfw girls only want dicks that big
So you marry your best friend?
yes and he has neither
>tfw I slept with sluts... and the sex was never actually that good
Why did society lie to me?
lol do you guys have the full version of this
If you’re young and famous and can suddenly hook up with the hot actress girl you wanked over as a young teen she can trick you into marrying her maybe?
The ability to fuck around with strangers has no correlation with being good at having sex, same with dick size for guys for the most part. Both of these factors only come to play if you have further plans beyond a one night stand.
Because society is filled with people who fuck whores and either:
Only fuck whores and have no concept of what emotionally fulfilling sex is actually like
Lie to themselves because they're no longer capable of finding an emotionally fulfilling sexual relationship and use whores to fill the emptiness inside.
No fucking way thats actually his wife. Unbelievable
She was the hottest succubus in Europe when they married. She just happened to get older.
> t. virgin
He's a hyper-talented gigachad with extreme confidence and a great sense of humor. He's an apex alpha male the only type that can even compete is the hyper-masculine Mel Gibson / Clint Eastwood type.
Why? He got her after she hit the wall, had been fucked by numerous chad bad boys like Don Johnson, after a breast reduction, and she was a single mother. That is crap.
>implying Diogenes didnt browse the chans
I suspect it's because when you're upper-upper class the shaven head look is considered low social status, like it used to be across the board.
Having a skinhead has bad connotations, especially if you're in line for the monarchy.
No it isnt.
>no blacks
jesuuus are americans this racist?
>There's this straight myth that the older women get the less batshit crazy they become
This, they may learn how to 'act' more normal and socially appropriate but all the underlying neuroticisms and psychosis is still intact.
Yeah, the family who still gets shit for the nazi king who abdicated and the prince dressed in nazi regalia for a costume party should definitely just embrace the skinhead look. Nothing bad will come of that.
He's not a faggot, he's a furry who wants to yiff with Nala.
Hey, I'd marry her too, if you know what I mean.
chads fucked hundreds of hot, young men all their life.
maybe looks aren't a priority to them after whore #5122350 fucks him.
maybe they actual choose someone loyal and with personality that will support them in middle/old age?
grow up.
>them thicc thighs
She went full gotti milf mode, god damn
It's called love, incels.
She's willing him to die, breh. Not being especially bright she probably doesn't realize he's willed the bulk of his wealth to his numerous adult kids.
that's one way of looking at it
>screamed like a castrated femboy in Thor 3
>Yea Forums autist doesn't understand the concept of acting
Non-news at Eleven.
No user, people base relationships entirely on muh dick.
>castrated femboy in Thor 3
>summons Surtur to "kill" his sister Goddess of Death
>toe to toe with the fucking Hulk
meanwhile in Thor 1
>caked up with make up
>literally cant lift it
See where your logic falls apart?
Fucking KEK
She’s a beard.
People age fine if they take care of themselves, that's it.
People who say
>this entire demographic ages the same
are probably just uneducated millennials.
>They're insufferable and have no idea what they want at all. Older woman take less for granted.
This. They're also less likely to cheat because they're older (and as such know that their pool of choices is narrower). They also are less likely to think they're too good for you (again, because they're older and are accepting of whatever it is they get).
Lol you are talking about women...
Men don’t hill the wall unless they drive into it.
The wittle gurls
What makes you think everyone who hits the wall didn't drive into it?
Everytime someone ages prematurely, its almost always due to unhealthy diets, lack of excercise, but mostly drug and alcohol abuse.
"Hitting the wall" is a millennial invention to pretend that you can suddenly age for no reason at all, instead of accepting that you've been leading a shitty lifestyle.
you sound cool user (unironically)
This one is 100% a beard.
The older women just let them sleep around in exchange for financial security.
Older women are better in relationship, sure, younger women are cuter, but they are pretty immature when it comes to being married.
t.23 yrs old married to a beautiful 28 yrs old woman
She was my crush since high school, we married when I was 19.
>using older women for anything other than pump and dump
ugh, so white
this is not longer the 50's, this is gross
>man children prefer older women
Stop the presses
To be far it's better than being a scumbag and dropping your wife the moment you become famous.
bongs aren't human
Still hitting the wall faggot.
i've dated a couple of really attractive girls, they usually are very fucked up in the head. My theory has been that all the craving and attention they since they are like 15 eventually gets to them.
Also, they are extremely passive in bed, at all ages.
>"experienced" and "grateful"
Wew lad
They're not experienced and he knew that. The reason they were grateful was because they were desperate. Old women always miss the days when they were younger and more attractive.
Retard zoomer
Franklin was a player who took advantage of emotionally vulnerable women.
IIRC he also said you should do it because they're not likely to get pregnant.
>Date with a woman older than you (married with her..)
> mommy GF fetish
That's explain any of this thread
>Picks a man from a family well known for their inbreeding
classic incel thread
>i-if I was a chad I would (....)
these guys have had effortless sex with countless 10/10 bimbos since they were teenagers, they just married a woman who has qualities beyond that, who they wanna be around 24/7 and raise kids with
Does that mean we're all chads?
Is it? Is it tho? I’m not so sure. If u get famous and then stay with your wife she is probably just a beard.
oh shit nigga that's quicksilver?
actually,she cheated on him, just like she cheated on her then partner with Chris
Anakin was also a 10/10 Chad married to an older woman. And look what happened
>can have whoever he wants
>prefers a woman who appreciates what she has b/c she knows she couldn't do better
Have sex
>itt: what is love
>46 years old
Oldest guy to play Bond, looked the youngest. Pretty crazy. Remember, in A View to a Kill, he was almost 60 years old.
This actor is legit gay tho
virgin detected
It's just pathetic at this point
Lisa Bonet was the prime fap material of every single non white kid from the 80s the late 90s. Forgivable. It'd be like a white superstar marrying Paltrow or Gianna Michaels.
Mommy issues.
>Men age like wine, with the right genetics and heritage.
This never has and never will apply to any Brit. Their genetics are absolute filth and that's before you factor in the food and pollution.
Have dex
see Roger Moore hit the wall, but only in his 70s and 80s.
>i-it's impossible for him to go for an older woman unless he's having sex everywhere like the Chad stereotype in my mind dictates
That's a football player dumb dumb.
The exception that proves the rule. For as hideously weak, ugly, and low test as the men from Britain are? The women are even worse.
would [spoioler] sneed
>those stretch marks next to her crotch
>incels complain about women leaving men and upgrading
>incels expect men to do it every time
You just hate women. Admit it.
>why isn't he fucking young whores who's after his paycheck REEEEEEE
don't look up hugh jackmans wife
I think his point was that Chris has a huge cock, not your incel seeing paranoid delusions.
Older women are superior. Hot mommy sex and she can take care of you.
Is that Octomom?
This guy wanted her forever, and actually was such a Chad he got her. He’s the gold standard to guys everywhere.
Why nobody says that Elsa Pataki was dating Adrien Brody before meeting Chris?
Fucked up. She gets a whore’s dinner
Gross desu :-/
My point was there are old women that don't look like punching bags.
She went so deep into the liberal thing that ended up in the other side longing for a healthy long-term relationship with a stable family and finding it with liam. based
So women who are much less attractive than their boyfriends cheat? I wasn't aware of this.
She went insane when he became more famous than her.
That's because you're a virgin.
I'm not (close tho).
Mommy issues
This is just unacceptable. Not because he’s a fag (which he 100% is), but because he didn’t even try to find a suitable beard. Any chick would fuck this guy, and he picks HER?
They married young and she was thin back then.
my hair looks like this at 25 :(
he loves her
It's more of a lottery. A Handsome man in his early to late 40s has the ability to make girls from 20 years to women of 60 years to get on their knees. But you either become that, or the normal archetype of a miserable 40 year old man. there's no middle ground
>Sticking your dick in crazy
Ultra chads, especially Connery and Eastwood.
Reminder that once a man hits 60 he is automatically given an 18yo, loyal, qt, virgin gf. Just hang in there bros and keep aging like fine wine.
no, I'm gonna do this with Brie Larson one day
Interesting. I thought he was a fag as well. It probably works better for him being in HP movies anyway.
I hope you mewed throughout adolesence
So close to being perfect, ruined by Miley the nigger lover.
>those hips
When you can tell by looking at the front of a woman that she has a fat ass you know you got a real one. Good for him.
>It's been 6 hours
>Still seething
You'll get your chance, user, I believe in you.
>That firm, powerful buttgrab
It's a pity Hollywood won't cast older women
I almost puked
So he has dozens of autistic children because this selfish whore decided to bear in an age where her children wilö turn out 100% autistic.
He's tall, top 0.1% good looking, is confident and 100% of all women, no exception, would kill to suck his cock.
So no, he's the opposite of us. Even if he would be an introverted autist who is also a loser in education and job , there is a scale in looks where you can be ANYTHING and still 100% of all women would basically rape you, Hemsworth is on that scale.
Why would I?
I'm not a dumbass millennial.
>emotionally fulfilling sex
I like that phrase. It took me to my fifth girlfriend to feel anything while fucking, beyond the obvious. I guess I just didn't like the others that much beyond wanting to get my dick wet and didn't realise it. That fifth one though, it was like night and day, from the very first time as well.
Turns out just getting off with a chick is way different to being with someone you actually are into, who knew.