Any actors you could probably take on a fight?

Any actors you could probably take on a fight?

Attached: Warwick-Davis-920x605.jpg (920x605, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Judi Dench. I don’t want to btw. I like her. But I would destroy her if she came at me.

Warwick, I swear to god please go outside or build a model kit, if people are tweeting mean words or you yourself are upset just imagine everyone as a child on the other side and laugh it off, find some peace in your heart. Talk to Ashens about it.

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I would absolutely fucking batter clint eastwood

>model kit
you mean full size car in his case right?

a still born dwarf

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Would you rather fight one Halfthor Bjornssen sized Warwick Davis or ten Warwick Davis sized Halfthors?

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I could kick kirk douglas into next week

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>it's real

I'd take the giant Warwick because his joints are fucked

if the 10 dwarfs have knives you are fucked, you can't hold back 10 dwarfs who are at perfect height to stab vitals. So probably the former.

He's joking

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he isn't, hes known to be mega upset just by people uttering the word midget lol its not a joke

who is this hacker known as Yea Forums?

on the other hand

This spicy little goblin is Annabelle Davis, Warrwick's daughter. How would you do it and how many times?

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>boring vanilla style
>as much as I felt like it but not tons

How do anatomy works on those freaks wtf, I wanna dissect a midget to see it's insides so bad bros

She can scratch her knees without bending

>tfw you can normally find gruesome stuff about anything but can only seem to find x-rays or medical illustrations for dwarfism

It's so fucking odd her vagine is quite close to her boobs.
Like how large is the vaginal cavity do you require a midget sized penis?

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I think it's relatively normal but all of their bones and organs are mashed together

this. I mean what else could you do to her without killing her? Warwicks already lost 2 kids, a third would destroy the poor fella.

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Tim Curry, easily

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if I were her I'd lick my pussy all day long.

whoa, what happened to him?

I really unironically hope it's not in response to this thread I made last week

How long can midgets hold their breath? Their lungs have to be pretty fucking tiny, right? Like little fleshy ziploc sandwich bags.

they also need less oxygen so if you thro a midget into lake, he can survive as long as normal person

I say this, and I never would hurt anybody in real life. I want to running kick his daughter, not the wife, not the son, not even him. I want to take a head start run back, and literally PROPEL my self, off the floor, and flying double kick his daughter in the face. but heres the thing, he has to see it. I odn't want to kill her, not at all. I just want him to view me taking a large run back, and actually lifting my entire body off the floor, flying across the sky, legs together, feet out, directly into her face. I literally, can't even explain to you why. she looks like she was LITTERALLY made for it. I can't stress enough just how important that it only works if the father sees. the son and wife are whatever, they can see but it isn't necessary, I just want to running kick the daughter in the face at full speed. she literally looks like she was DESIGNED to be punted, like a fucking ball. like I sort of want to see if I could spinning flying kick her in the air, but I know because of her height, I couldn't pul lit off unless I had a couple, at least a couple of tries, hwoever, I only have one shot, and I KNOW I can double kick her in the face, but not a flying kick, I'm not fucking bruce lee, I wish I was because then I would, or, if he was alive, I would pay him for that. I would unironically stack all my resouirces just to see that one thing take place. look at her face. look at her body and tell me she doesn't deserve everything i'm saying in detail. Christ I've never wanted something so much in my life. can somebody do some kind of cgi animation or anything? cheers

Isn’t there a scene in Life to short where a person is bullying him online and then he confronts him and it’s a kid in a wheel chair? Do you think the starve poster might be a midge?


I sympathise with her. She's gotta live out the one life she has as a deformed monstrosity. A life of rejection, pity and outright hostility.
What I cannot fucking stand is that some marketing cunt thought it would be cute and progressive to take a picture of her like she's some gorgeous celebrity.

This instantly conjures up images of this little tard-shoe bound butthole waddling up to the studly young bearded best man, at the reception and moments later hob-goblining away with a knowing wink and a lick of the lips as if we're supposed to be fucking sit there, during fucking tea time, forced to contemplate the allusion that at some point a regular sized bloke and this little afterbirth-in-a-wig will be fucking going at in all filthy and sweaty with his normal sized tadger fucking smashing up against the back of her neck or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends and then we're all supposed to look at each other and say 'wow isn't that so progressive don't we live in such a wonderful age aren't we all so fucking fantastic'.

I wish that little 'goblin' all the best but the sewer-stall runoff that fucking worked up this pic needs taking out into the town square to be beaten by the rotted dicks of every syphilitic beggar available, gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs and then forced to study her own shitty picture for eternity.

The only saving grace of this pic was the disgruntled stance to hold those regular-size knockers that came out some odd genetic defunct as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.

Also the UK paparazzi can fucking do one. Their every photograph, some nugget that fell off a black man's diseased dingus.

I thought she had huge tits for a midget but then I realized tits must not scale down like the skeleton
she must have a gigantic regular sized pusy

Imagine hitting the jackpot, being born to a wealthy celebrity family.
Having enough money to buy other peoples organs, to fund a mini-coup of a small island banana republic, to never worry about paying rent or buying pants.
But the only twist is your celebrity father is Warwick Davis and you struggle keeping solid food down.


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You guys are so mean. I hope Warwick Davis grows up and lives a long life like the length of Tyrone's penis.

Lena Dunham

>Height: 3 ft 6 in (107 cm

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Animatronics are getting really good these days!

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do midgets live in a half sized house? like all other dimensions are the same except y-axis is half of normal?

uttering the word midget is alot different than creating a meme about killing him and his whole family

I thought they live in holes?

Does the Thanos snap make half of them disappear OR all of them half as tall?

for me it's starvation

In 3D space it would be the z axis

Warwick supposedly has a small kitchen with convenient counters and cabinetry but not sure about the rest of his house

>Midgeposting threads gain traction like once or twice a day
>Joke about how much this stuff must rile Davis up
>Davis actually is riled up and complains about it on twitter
>Midgeposting increases in frequency and becomes the next big thing because Yea Forums knows Davis is aware of this stuff and is drives him insane
Shot yourself in the foot, Davis. Should have spent a little bit of time working out how Yea Forums worked before you bitched about it on twitter.

Id have a tunnel system that only I can use.


Go watch classic top gear, specifically when he has to race on the track. The dude has his own set of foot extenders so he can use the brakes and clutch.

only the richest ones can customize their house to meet their handicap
the vast majority use stepping stools for everything and other things to help them out in their regular-sized house

they do have special pedals in their cars though

source: i watched a lot of Little People, Big World back in the day

It still amazes me how 'celebrities' are so out of touch.
I mean, the guy went "pls respond". It's like that South Park episode.

Warwick Davis is a fucking God. He could smite any one of you soulless faggots with a single swish of his lordly finger

i live in a house originally built by a midget
it's pretty comfy desu but i hit my head pretty often and all the fixtures are too low and small

I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

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5'11" detected

there's been about 500 different midge hate threads lately, most much more graphic than that, so I doubt it

If you had sex with a midget would she be super impressed with an average penis?

I want him to address how he justified having children he knew would be dwarves. He's already spoken himself about a number of pains and medical problems he has because of his condition, so it's pretty fucked knowingly bringing children into this world you know are going to suffer like that... maybe suffer even more considering he and his wife have different forms of dwarfisms, which is what caused the deaths of two of his children already.

The 'what I would give to kidnap a famous midget' is unironically the most tame one.

Try it and report back.

5'11'' that's bussy shit nigger im 4'10

Little person Master race reporting in. All lanklets should be sterilized!

It's fucked up. They say they want respect, but they treat their condition like a fucking clubhouse, with it's own culture and memes.
It's like that episode of House where the kid is deaf. It's hypocrisy all around.

I'm paraplegic, and it's kinda crazy how many other paraplegics are far up their asses. I suppose it's the same with this prick.

You know two of his 4 kids died because they were little folk? He STILL had more after the first two died.

Apparently someone made a post about some over the top violent fantasy about him or something lmao. He seems like an alright guy but he shouldn't have poked the bear. Does he not understand that this is a platform not a publisher

i'm not a social media person, but i can't seem to find this post on his twitter page
have i been bamboozled? i can see that he follows the Yea Forums twitter though (lmao)

No it's really there. I think you have to select the "tweets and replies" tab or some shit to see it

Check his "tweets / replies" section.

the replies are even funnier

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>tfw at first I felt a little bad for Warwick
>the more I see this story unfold, the more I realize he's a huge (tiny) cunt
he's quickly turning out to be one of the more unlikable celebrities I know.

>know someone like that and everyone shit talks her when she pulls out a stepping stool in the store
>she looks to me afterwards and jokingly says I can reach for stuff if I'm there
what do?

Iunno man... I'm pretty fucked up myself. Not a midget or anything but fucked for sure. And i'd like kids. I don't care how fucked they'll be if they're like me.

It's just a biological imperative. You can hardly blame anyone for it.

people who don't know about Yea Forums seem to take it way too seriously
how could you convince a boomer not to take Yea Forums so seriously?

Which one would you do, user?

Show them the tranny threads

>My dad works at Yea Forums. I showed him your message and he said “It’ll take a bigger man than that to take on the mighty Yea Forums”. Sorry Mr. Davis.
Top kek, these replies

Even people that do know how Yea Forums works can't always hack it when they are the subject of shitposting threads, like YMS. Literally screen capped a thread mocking him for dogfucking and bitched about it on twitter.

He should have married a normal woman. Then his children would have only a 50% chance of dwarfism, and they wouldn't be killed by it. It's just evil to have kids with another dwarf.

Warick seems like such a nice guy, the thought of punting him is so outrageously abstract that it’s pretty funny imo. The stuff about his daughter isn’t funny desu

I'm not a hateful man, friend. It would have to be toss, though

it's better this way

When a tweet is started by @ing another user it is considered a reply and can only be seen in their replies feed, not their main one.

So I did talk to him in one of those threads. Feels good.

what about the one about his son?

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Capped it just in case.

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To make veal they put baby cows in little boxes or cages with locking neck holes to hold them in place while they force feed them a specific diet. I'd like to stuff Warwick Davis' midget ass in one of those and put plates of delicious food in front of his face, just out of range of his weird little munchkin mouth to torment him psychologically as he slowly starves to death. Which wouldn't take long since he's smaller than the mole on Ginny Sacrimoni's ass.

If they're two different types then how come they have the double dominant dwarfism death thing ? Could his children end up with Achondroplasia and what ever he has ?

Their cars are modified with hand brakes and accelerator controls.

>short statured individuals

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Did he raid robert downey's shoe closet?

>Knows having children with his dwarf wife will 100% result in them also being dwarves and suffer from the same pains and medical problems as he has throughout his life, if not kill them as he and his wife have different types of dwarfism
>Procreates anyhow
>Result is two dead children and two living ones that suffer with the same kind of agony he has throughout his life
>Knowingly did all this so he could feel good about being a daddy and having more of his kind to suffer with
What a swell guy!

Earwigs laid eggs in his brain.


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Underneath bridges.

>Of his own dwarfism, Davis has said, "Well, as you get older, it gets worse... Your joints, for a start. My hips are dislocated, so they’re sitting out here. Very painful knees. I had surgery on my feet when I was very young. There’s a risk of retinal detachment, but I know the signs now."
This is the life he chose for you, Harrison Davis.

I thought they made houses out of mushrooms.

These replies are a weird mix of newfags, white knights, and genuine fans of Warwick.

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Remember that time he misappropriated black culture and it was absolute kino?

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>people are actually talking to Warwick at all

wait Yea Forums has a twitter? that isn't banned? lol

I think it's just what they use to mention if the site is undergoing maintenance and is down

fucking this. he could of easily adopted some normal kids

>black culture

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vast majority of female actors

imagine kidnapping him and his daughter, strapping davis to a chair, and forcing him to watch you go BALLS DEEP into his daughter. she's small and light enough that you can just grab her by the waist and hold her up in the air. you take her top off, then her pants, till she's just wearing her little panties and a bra. warwick is begging you not to. he starts to tear up, knowing well what's about to happen to his daughter. you rip off her last pieces of her garment until she's standing there completely naked infront of you and her father. her tight little pussy looks especially tasty, and you can tell she has never been with a man before. you pick her up and enter her. your average sized cock poking out of her stomach with every thrust. she screams in pain and in fear, but her little midge pussy tells a different story. she's dripping love nectar all over and along her thighs. warwick is screaming and crying. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! "THE POLICE WILL FIND YOU! YOU'RE GOING TO GO TO JAIL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, YOU MONSTER"! he says, with tears running down his checks. you return your focus to his daughter, who at this point has completely forgotten her father was in the room. Her screams and crying has turned into sounds of just pleasure and lust. she's never felt so good before in her life. her once tight dwarven pussy is now permanently lose. a once pristine virgin pussy, now blown out like an arby's sandwich quivers with each thrust. she's going to cum, and so are you.
as she screams in pleasure, her whole body starts shaking from her orgasm, and as you return your gaze into warwick's red teary eyes, you too orgasm. you flood her now blown out pussy with cum, and drop her onto the floor like the flesh light she is. she's on the ground naked, shaking from the most intense orgasm of her life, cum pooling out of her pussy and now with a bastard in her belly. you leave the torture chamber, head home, and begin to prepare for the next day.

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Wouldn't surprise me if they banned Yea Forums twitter because of associated activity.
You really dont need to break any rule to get an acc banned.

>people threatened me so that's wrong
Okay I think that's fair
>so I threatened to have the secret police show up to their door

>could of

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Get legs lengthened

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It's legit.

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He needs to embrace his meme status like Mini-Me and stop taking shitposting about midgets so seriously.

looks way more comfortable at least

that's excellent
I'd make sure all her clothes are school uniforms.
How did Randy get away with it? Will we be safe as long as we post his song? Midges love pretending that they are not offended by the song, right?

Such a funny song. Catchy, too.
Jews can get away with anything.

>"Shut up midge boomer"

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>be a hideous deformed midge
>still allowed to breed
Spartans were right.

Mike Kowalski!

bend her over the counter and fuck her from behind

>It's like that episode of House where the kid is deaf.
House also had an episode with midget mom that had a daughter they thought was also a midget but turned out to be just lacking in growth hormone. They could easily treat her and she could grow to normal height but she didnt want to be a normie and lose her club membership.

Just be the bigger man and let it go ffs


He could be a system administrator.

Laughed out loud in real life.

shame about the mongoloid face

Warwick Davis murdered niggers?

Do you think when midgies cum it's the same amount as real people or does it come out in little drops? Like turkey baster vs eye dropper.

I want that lil treat on the right

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Probably because of this one

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>kicking babies is ok but kicking midges is not

The GoT midget would never be a goblin or a leprechaun, in fact he goes out of his way to be casted in regular roles. I really dont understand why Warwick is so buttblasted yet at the same time does the equivalent of blackface for midgets in his movies

Maybe Warrick just really likes fucking and busting deep inside that we lil cunt, you ever think about that

The main thing is he's always taken the word midget personally along with anything mentioning his family that isnt brimming with praise.
>easily offended into full retard status
>has access to a computer and looks for people mocking him online
It's a fucking miracle this shitstorm didnt happen sooner, granted most posts relating to him throughout the years have been largely leprechaun discussions around Saint paddy's day

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Attractive, petite and busty. What is not to like?

this was for a movie tho

>legal recourse
what if the poster wasn't american, what's he gonna do? sent the FBI to another country to arrest a man for bullying him in a norwegian basket weaving forum?
is he actually retarded?

Oh yeah she’s in that Tracey Beaker follow up the Dumping Ground

Attached: Warwick murders.png (576x380, 501K)

Sneed's Dumping Ground (formerly Chuck's Collecting Sea)

include me in the screencap

what murders???!!

She looks pretty cute on the right tbqh

thread theme

That text doesn't even apply to him you retard delete your image and then yourself

>granted most posts relating to him throughout the years have been largely leprechaun discussions around Saint paddy's day

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its a parody

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Peter Dinklage
>believes being little should be treated as unimportant as eye or hair color
>just wants to be treated equal and live his life
>doesn't take roles that call attention to his height anymore
>married a normal sized women
>believes little people can get along and integrate with the rest of humanity

Warwick Davis
>believes being little means he's been blessed by God
>believes humanity should worship him and other little people
>will never take a role that treats his height as incidental
>married another little person to "keep [his] bloodline pure"
>believes all little people should create and live in their own country

Who is in the right here?

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the one who didn't curse his wife and kids with two dead children and a lifetime of hardship, ill health and ridicule

mini-me killed himself though
sometimes its better not to be the clown

>When Warwick finds the poster

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>He deleted the tweet

The retarded midge can't even own up to his own stupidity

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This one is still up: Was there some other tweet?

why did his skin turn shiny

Let's hope he realized that this is a fight he can't possibly win. He's lucky /pol/ didn't get involved.

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someone post the edit of this picture where warwick is normal person size

spoke too soon

Wait you're right I'm just not used to how retarded Twitter's interface is

Ahah the midgets toast.

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he means he'll sue chink moot

i've been out of work for a while and this is the first thing thats made me laugh in ages. top kek

It'll be hilarious when Britfags and Canucks start going to prison for spamming unfunny copypasta.

He posts some really weird shit sometimes

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I wish I could use a VPN here. I post some shit.

>warwicks a brit
that explains everything

>why did god make me into a midget
>oh right the retard breeding

God I wanna punch this dudes face


Why not?

>everyone on Yea Forums is retarded
defends physically handicapped
while attacking mentally handicapped

The choking game

6ft Vs 5ft 12

you could say that bullet passed him over

You're fucked, Yea Forums.
An officer is already at your door.

Attached: Midget cop.jpg (287x423, 15K)

my patio is like the cliffs of insanity to this man

>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
Yeah, good luck with that.

Sir, you're going to need to settle down and come downtown with me.

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>legal recourse
Fucking lul what a retarded little gremlin. I hope Warwick posting becomes a thing,, especially that pasta about kicking him in the head

You'll have to get past my hired gun first

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Yea Forums blocks IP ranges used by VPN services. It's really annoying, since I otherwise always have one on.

your terminological alludation require a litigious action on my part unless an amicable resolution is attained

Move aside, infidel.

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>tfw no dwarf gf

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look out he's gonna blow!

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>escalate through legal recourse
trying to sound like the big man
doesn't know what a hyphen is
sad little man!

i could fuck that midget up
i would fuck that midget up

i guess twitter consider midget abuse to be too small of a problem to deal with

>those thighs

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nowt wrong with them

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these are better though

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kino unexpected

actually funny


Why do autists ask realistic questions about fictional people/creatures/elements?

I see this shit more and more, what the fuck? Do you autists not realise that these parameters are made up by writers when they are required and in the absence of that, you can make any kind of shit up? It's not real, you fucking morons.

God I wish autists and incels would leave.

Fucking in tears at this one, perfect response


nu-Yea Forums will defend the bullying and harassment Warwick Davis but cry when someone mocks niggers or tells a tranny to commit suicide

When will they ever learn?

Top quality. Put it in every thread, no matter the content.

Warwick is a cool guy

nigger trannies are beautiful

>6yr olds are always tight
What did he mean by this

>The stuff about his daughter isn’t funny desu
it's erotic


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That fact you have this saved on your pc actually makes me want to kill myself, why is this?

Why does he take the insults seriously then?

Why didn't Thanos just turn everyone into a midge?

Any shit talking on Yea Forums could easily turn out this way desu


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These aren't very convincing trannies.

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black trannies usually aren't

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Cease and desist, in the name of all things holy.

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classic paul dano

Animals have biological imperatives. Human beings have empathy and the ability to think ahead.

Davis isn't American either.

You're behaving like a textbook autismo yourself.

I'd love to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

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Even Thanos has a soul, better gone than a goblin

how cruel is it that dwarves and midgets exist but they're all horribly mutated to the point of being difficult to look at instead of being exotic busty shortstacks that you utterly dominate

Fucking kek

was this taken at the third annual blink-off?

This thread is mean

lmao my three year old son is taller


jemma suicide/ sizzling sierra

Kek, underrated post

Just saw her nudes, holy shit. Can you even lads? What must it feel like I wonder..

>can't even own up to his own stupidity
He's used to flying under the radar


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>Reported as a hate crime. Expect a knock on the door.
Fucking based. This dudes life is comming to an end.

There's barely any in the world and if he stays rich, it who cares as much?
But yeah they're delusional when tbey try to make it seem "Great" and all that bullshit. It'd be different he was a decent guy.

I want to cut off Warwicks little midge sausage fingers and throw them at him, while his distorted, misshapen body trembles with sadness and anger



You'll be hearing from my lawyers soon, hope enjoy prison you bigot.

man I wonder what they'll do if they see that this pasta has been posted a million times before already

Stop sneering at the camera Tim, you're not better than your fans, they just want to see you and every single fucking time you look like you couldn't give a shit. We made you who you are!

fucking shame. Actually very funny but when it happen in real life his still acts like a puff about it. No self awareness...

Ten Waricks but only if I had one The Rock on my side