I have a friend who really liked Endgame and got pretty upset as I pointed out certain flaws with the scenario. (illogical things) She said she liked the movie and sees no point in delving into its illogical flaws.
Why should we care if things in movies like Avengers are illogical? I love videos, analyzing these things, but I wonder if Yea Forums has any good arguments on the issue.
neither is wrong. she enjoys shutting her brain off to enjoy the show and you enjoy using yours to analyze it
Owen Hall
she's a "Bruh, turn off your brain" tard
Noah Bailey
If you don't care enough about the flaws to point them, then how can you admire a show that improves on those flaws? Things only get better through criticism.
Brody Lopez
>she enjoys shutting her brain off she enjoys being a retard
Aiden Martin
Take out your lad and tell her not to point out the flaws in your social etiquette.
Nathan Rogers
The movies are to sell merch to kids and incels, male and female. They're hardly the tip of the spear, story means nothing, theyre under the impression these are character studies.
Jose Walker
WTF? Why do you have friends who watch comic book movies?
Mason Clark
i agree, except for one little thing...movies are considered mindless entertainment AND a core part of the culture, according to these people who also say "just turn off your brain". i would even go as far to say that normalfags organize their entire lives around movies/tv. at least that's what i did when i was one of them. basically they want a culture that is entertaining but devoid of meaning. the autists among us want meaning and thus analyze everything, even movies, which many of us ought to know by now are made to be empty trash to demoralize the viewers. mocking the circus doesn't make us any less of clowns.
Kayden Perry
>Why should we care if things in movies like Avengers are illogical? Because it makes us dislike the movie. However I have not seen Endgame so I can't really say if it's potential plotholes and flaws actually hurt it.
Lucas Morales
dont think.just watch.
Ryan Lopez
The point was made in another thread that its best to enjoy things for what they are, even brainless capeshit, so long as its not the sole source of entertainment and cultural material you consume. Being aware of what it is and enjoying for what it is rather than solely seeking some kind of height that will lead only to elitism.
Austin Perry
Marvel movies are visual spectacles, material that requires little thinking to enjoy.
I like a good film that gets you thinking but then I also like to balance it with guilty pleasures and simple viewings like the Marvel movies, although lately I'm going off Marvel with their forced diversity approach
Angel Thomas
anyone got the "watch it crissy" pic of the NK?
James Edwards
I have enjoyed all the Marvel movies, Endgame was the first one I literally cannot enjoy because the time travel logic is so profoundly stupid that it ruins the entire movie.
The most hilarious part being how they tried to justify it by claiming in the movie itself how films like Back To The Future got time travel wrong, but then end up creating a version of time travel that is inconsistent in both physics and the movie itself.
Aaron Moore
Its really really closely related to michael chricton's timeline
Grayson Harris
We shouldn't. Movies are about emotional resonance, craftsmanship and storytelling, not logic. Logic is irrelevant.
Parker Baker
You are both wrong. She is 'just turn off your brain'-tier and you think you are clever because of 'flaws with the scenario'. Pointing out plot-holes isn't analysis.
Robert Harris
I mostly agree, but you have to understand that a) some people just don't care about logic in their movies b) suspension of disbelief is a thing. I say that while capeshit is not something I enjoy, there's certain merit and craftmanship in taking a bunch of nonsensical stuff and turning it into a thing alot of people enjoy, even if I don't consider it on the same level as doing a long, coherent and rich story. I like to analyze those kinds of things merely on that merit, even if they are not my kind of story and call it a day not like I still have the urge to say something when friends call endgame 'the best movie ever', but there's no point really
Superhero movies are the lowest of the low. Dumb costumed characters fight cliche evil guys for cliche good reasons. Truly the peak of entertainment media.
John Phillips
"She said"...There is your answer.
Caleb Robinson
She is right. If you are a fucking autist nitpicking flaws of fucking brainless capeshit the problem is yours
Juan Martinez
>Why should we care if things in movies like Avengers are illogical? Because otherwise there is no point in getting invested in the story. It ruins the immersion, you are taken out of the story because if its stupid, it doesnt FEEL real. Sure there is fantastical things on many series, but that is where our suspension of disbelief kicks in, its what our imagination can accept as "improbable, but possible" when we consume any form of fiction, but as those unlikely events or things start to pile up, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay in the "possible" category and not move to the "this doesnt make any sense" side. If there is logic incongruence to the point that it becomes distractingly noticeable within the fictional universe, then all other rules are put up to questioning as common sense or previously stated facts are overturned. Anything can happen, and when anything can happen, nothing matters anymore. The illusion is broken, reality kicks in, its all convenient lies and feel good tales, you arent staring at another world, just to a empty screen displaying a bunch of liars pretending to be something they are not, and really badly for that matter, as they have failed.
Oliver Adams
Game of Thrones' writing is pure kino next to to this, you were right and based OP