>Star Wars fans consider this great
Better than anything since The Return of the Jedi honestly.
But people just like this because muh light saber duels.
>better than anything since ROTJ honestly
>Star Wars fans
AKA, children?
It is, I'd rank this up there with that Tie Fighter short as being one of the best Star Wars fan creations this decade.
It's leagues better than anything from Nu-Wars or hell 2/3rds of the prequels.
that tie fighter short is parsecs better than this drivel
It's straight up entertaining. You faggots complain about everything.
I'd say Tie Figher was a 13 while this is a 9, while nu-wars combat has been hovering around 3s and 5s, save that one scene with Vader from rogue one which was an 11. Prequels are really hit and miss and vary from 6s all the way up to 12s.
It's better, but not by so much.
>muh one half hour combat with cartwheels, massive force usage and anything to keep the ADD kids interested
This is why I hated episode 1, 2 and 3. It made 4, 5 and 6 feats look like shit. And I'm not talking about Disney movies.
>people think this is good
how embarrassing, read a book once in your life.
Let's face it the fights in 4, 5, and 6 haven't aged well. Vader's suit actor can't move in his frankly ridiculous and poorly constructed suit, all his strikes are sluggish and awkward, he's constantly off balance and it's goofy watching him "fight", both him and Luke overextend and over-exaggerate every strike making the sabers seem more akin to heavy clubs when they're supposed to be nearly weightless and elegant swords. Prequels did a lot to improve on this, the flips and spins can go over-the-top back into the realm of impracticality but taken as a whole the choreography and believably of the weapons is greatly improved in the prequels over the OT. This is a huge improvement over the original where him and Darth lazily tap their blades together a few times.
>Vader barely lets Obi-Wan finish his sentence before attacking
It's shit.
If you're over 20 and browsing this website, you're a child too
And this is how I know you watched 1,2 and 3 as a kid. Seriously, battles in 4, 5 and 6 had way much more gravitas, 1, 2, 3 looked like Jackie Chan into space.
That's actually a major compliment Jackie Chan is one of the best when it comes to action in film. His scenes are intricate but read perfectly, He's truly a master of his craft and stands head and shoulders above anything Hollywood puts out today. I would not in anyway rank the prequels on the level of Jackie Chan but it says a lot that you see them as similar enough to make the comparison and really hammers home the fact you know absolutely nothing about the subject.
>1, 2, 3 looked like Jackie Chan into space
What's the issue here
>Seriously, battles in 4, 5 and 6 had way much more gravitas
I love historical revisionism. Especially when the cast and crew thought the duels were lacking.
B-but RLM told me...
>Lucas wanted expert fencers/swordsmen for the ANH duel
>Alec said he would do the stunts himself
>Hamil thought the fights looked stiff and wanted faster and one handed duel with Vader >props kept breaking so Lucas told him they were heavy
>hamill laments the prequels were everything they wanted in a duel
>Lucas literally copies other movie duel for ROTJ
>critics praised the duel in tpm
>retards on the internet say they were bad 20 years later
Hella f*ckin' epic OP
>caring about le glowstick wars
>critics praised the duel in tpm
That was one of the good ones. But that by no means makes what OP posted better than the original product.
>And this is how I know you watched 1,2 and 3 as a kid.
Stay in denial.
The joke of that comment is you would have to be in your 20's or early 30's to watch the prequels as children
I never said they were badly choreographed. Just that they felt out of touch with the original trilogy. You go from epic two handed sword fights to crouching tiger, hidden dragon stuff and this is somehow supposed to be normal, because? I know I might I've sound If the situation was reversed, it would have pissed me just as much.
>things don't go as planned
>therefore it's shit
ok so fuck ewoks then
So your only problem is incongruity now? Then you should be all for fixing the OT's poorly executed fights.
>muh kung fu acrobatic fight scenes
Sad and fucking pathetic. The fucking fighting capability of the actors/stunt-men shouldn't be important to you, plebs, it's the story and the conflict behind the confrontation that should be interesting.
These fights don't need to be revamped. Revamping them, in fact, cheapens the whole of the franchise. If you care about infantile shit like "Luke and Vader are totally overextending their strikes!!!11!", you are the epitome of pleb. That fight isn't supposed to be The Raid. It's about the emotion and the build-up.
Zoomers are a scourge on humanity.
>1 shot by Han routes an entire squad of stormtroopers
Ah, the good old days.
Shut the fuck up, gramps.
>wahhh i want the flashing cowors and flip flopping men reeeeeeee
Go take your meds, faggot.
Shut the fuck up.
Only good fight in PT is Maul fight. CGI Yoda is a fucking joke and RotS fights are way too long and overdone to the point they are just silly.
Fuck you, bitch. Enjoy this pic of my massive schlong.
Imagine having this saved on your computer.
Mentally ill faggot.
a) they are not poorly executed, just less flashy
b) episodes that follow should be the one adapting to the original stuff, not the other way around
This is the most kino re-imagining I've seen.
>imagine giving a (you) to someone
Jesus Christ, get help.
>this triggers the capeshitter
Damn I just realized I'm 26 and still occasionally on Yea Forums. The fuck am I doing with my life.
>not this
Way better
Why do you fucking nuwars kids not realise that both Obi Wan and Vader are old dudes? I even hear immature twats complaining that Luke overcame Vader in ROTJ too easily. It was the fucking point (The fucking wheezing from Vader didn't give any indication?)..Old style fighting. Weight. Fucking swinging lightsabers about like a retard isn't cool to watch. There is no context behind it.
imagine being such a normalfag that you'd come here and try to give people on 4channel shit for saving weird pics
I'm 48, you're here forever
>justifying being a faggot
>n-no idiot the fights HAD TO be boring because otherwise there’s no context
Fucking this. Hilarious also that Lucas added idiotic stuff to S.E that met with hatred from fans but this garbage is embraced. I swear this gen is retarded beyond hope.
fuck off newfag normie
Neither of those pictures are of dicks, you massive mong. It's just confusing perspective. You look like an A-1 mouthbreather for sperging out over them.
The original scene was a couple of minutes of fencing tops...how bad is your attention span if you cant hold it for a few minutes. Choke on your Onions Faggot.
They did have to be boring, though, because Star Wars was made in the late 70s before Chinese stuntment took over Hollywood and everything became a pseudo martial arts movie. This is just the way they are and they're fine. The point is that they don't need to be changed. It's understandable that new movies will have cancerous martial arts fights with shaky cam garbage all over the place to give the illusion of skill on the part of the actors, just like it's understandable that it didn't used to be like that.
Going back and editing classic films serves no purpose but pandering to infantile fantasies. Just enjoy the movies for what they are and move on with your life.
>Just that they felt out of touch with the original trilogy
Fun fact: this is your opinion
>They did have to be boring, though, because Star Wars was made in the late 70s before Chinese stuntment took over Hollywood and everything became a pseudo martial arts movie
This is bullshit because even by '70s standards the ANH fight was bad. They wanted expert fencers in the duel
>haha why do you want your movie to be interesting dude it’s just a couple minutes of geriatrics banging their sticks together get over it
well that's just your opinion about my opinion
You win this round.
Its a typical over the top fan project.
The duel in A New Hope does kind of suck but its not supposed to be a great fight, its supposed to convey that Obi Wan is completely out matched by Vader, About ten seconds worth of spliced in footage with Obi Wan doing some classical fencing moves and Vader nonchalantly parrying then knocking him off balance with a heavy slash would be ideal. It would give you a better sense that the two are skilled swordsman while still retaining the feeling that Obi Wan is doomed.
How did that strike in that vid not cut off Mauls arm? Utter shit.
What's this supposed to prove? Qui-Gon didn't hit the handle in TPM.
>they are not poorly executed
They're poorly executed, stop kidding yourself.
>episodes that follow should be the one adapting to the original stuff, not the other way around
So if something was shit it should stay shit rather than improve? Very poor cognitive function you have there.
Maul is attempting the same move to stun Obi Wan that he used to stun Qui Gon instead Obi Wan counters and kills him.
Its a kid's show. He ends up with a deep gash across the torso.
Did ya get wizard powers?
This proves blue boards were a mistake, the normie may still be repulsed with proper application of degeneracy.
>They're poorly executed, stop kidding yourself.
A fight is not all about choreography and flashy acrobacies. Otherwise you could say that every fight filmed before the 90's were "poorly executed".
This is really awful. The ANH fight definitely left a lot to be desired, but there's no reason it should have been something gaudy like this.
The way I see it, The Phantom Menace fight was fucking great, but I don't think any other fight after it needed to be like it. I always felt it wasn't "how Jedi fought in their prime" but instead that Darth Maul was bringing that insane energy to it, with Qui-Gon and Obi-wan barely managing to keep up.
The fights in the following two films were often too over the top for my liking:
Ep 4 fight - needed to be more than it was, but not by much, certainly not like this fan film
Ep 5 fight - perfect
Ep 6 fight - perfect
Ep 1 fight - perfect... and insane!
Ep 2 fight(s) - needed to be reigned in a bit. Yoda should have only used the Force and only brought the sabre out for one or two blows, like a really decisive move.
Ep 3 fight(s) - first fight with Dooku was fine if I remember right. Sheev vs Yoda and Anakin vs Obi-wan both needed to be reigned in, though I'm not sure what I'd suggest for Sheev vs Yoda.
Rogue One Vader fight at the end - it was awesome, people complain about it being too much, but it's not like he was doing backflips
I actually don't have much of an issue with the sequel trilogy fights. I have problems with the occasionally nonsense choreography and the outcomes, but not with how they're placed in the films or the amount of energy, I feel that they struck the right balance, it's just the films are trash.
>A fight is not all about choreography
It just makes up 3/4ths of it.
>Otherwise you could say that every fight filmed before the 90's were "poorly executed".
Not true, again look to the work of Jackie Chan he was very active in the 70s and 80s and consistently put out excellent well shot and well executed fight scenes. You make your ignorance apparent everytime you post.
It's shown time and time again that Lucas doesn't understand what made Star Wars good.
>says retards on the internet
The fact you people wanted JJ and he gave you exactly what you wanted and still complained shows this fandom doesnt know Star Wars either. The truth is its a nostalgia trip to your childhood that you will never get back
I liked TFA.
> that one scene with Vader from rogue one which was an 11
Spinning is a good trick
This is now a webm thread
You want to make an actual argument against it or just spout memes?
Y’know how military dudes will criticize the terrible ‘unrealistic’ gunfights of Star Wars? Well the sword fights are just as bad. Look back at that iconic Vader vs Obi Wan fight and consider.
Alec Guinness is an aging stage actor with no fight choreography experience. The Vader actor also has no experience in fight scenes, he was chosen simply because he was a 6 5 bodybuilder… who also broke the prop because of his lack of coordination. The shots are short, followed by quick cuts to try and hide the inexperience of everyone involved. Obi Wan is twirling in place in a very shoddy, failed emulation of the kind of action one might see in a 70’s wuxia film with trained actors who have years and decades of fight scene experience. I’m pretty sure that twirling scene is the main reason Guinness was so vocal on hating on the Star Wars series and purposefully making children who think he’s Obi Wan cry
Bob Anderson was brought on to choreograph the next two films and even do Vader’s stunts, but everyone else was still inexperienced. Compared to his works with Errol Flynn and Princess Bride.
>A fight is not all about choreography and flashy acrobacies.
Just about every fight in a film has choreography, even the "realistic" ones.
For further context, compare that 1977 Star Wars fight scene with a movie made a decade earlier on a comparitively modest budget without flashy special effects but plain steel swords like Zatoichi: youtube.com
There are actually shots that stay on the actors for more than a few seconds, the actors are actually moving around and reacting to each other’s attacks and parries in a sensible manner. When the titular Zatoichi does a full body turn it logically fits in the flow of the fight as a way to go from a parry right into an attack of his own, all in one extended shot without any quick cuts to hide actor mistakes. Yes it is a fantastic portrayal of a blind swordsmen and no it is not 100% realistic, but this fantasy has a very firm base in reality. It also helps that Zatoichi was made for a Japanese audience where sword (and polearm) sports are very common and accessible. Still it was mostly a Japanese release and very niche for western audiences so general standards of sword fights in Hollywood remained “I watch it for the plot!”.
This is now a KOTOR thread
Is this a Yea Forums meme?
Shallow fanservice. Awful. I bet you clapped at it.
I think it's trash tbqh
Did anyone actually eat that?
I miss him
>Y’know how military dudes will criticize the terrible ‘unrealistic’ gunfights of Star Wars?
They literally do that in every film. Star Wars is no exception and NEVER tried to be realistic.
> Well the sword fights are just as bad. Look back at that iconic Vader vs Obi Wan fight and consider.
It was never a real duel. It's fucking magic swords. What kind of retard thought about realism in Star Wars? They never nitpick princess bride this harshly
I miss him
>Hey this fight is so "grounded" and all that
>It isn't
>B-But I never said r-realistic!
>They literally do that in every film. Star Wars is no exception and NEVER tried to be realistic.
Of course. It doesn't shut up people who've never been in a fight before about that.
>It was never a real duel. It's fucking magic swords. What kind of retard thought about realism in Star Wars? They never nitpick princess bride this harshly
Have you seen the fanbase?
I miss her
What a fantastic scene, I instantly recognized this as one of my favorite movies Blind Fury I had no idea it was based on this.
Also that fucking Godzilla music is fantastic. Shit, I really need to watch this.
>It's understandable that new movies will have cancerous martial arts fights with shaky cam garbage all over the place to give the illusion of skill on the part of the actors, just like it's understandable that it didn't used to be like that.
I'm suddenly reminded of Bohemian Rhapsody
It was set out to be a fantasy from the beginning and 20 years later people start saying things are unrealistic? I just don't get it
Then explain that to the fanbase. They go on about how
the OT fight scenes are. When in an actual fight, they're neither what an amateur nor professional fight looks like.
>star wars fans consider themselves smart
>"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it."
Is she describing Star Wars as a whole?
>that faggy voiceover from Ep 3 towards the end
The editing in some of the new movies have some goofs too. I don't mean Force kicks, there's parts where she grips the lightsaber by the blade.
Argentinian Gohan is a beast.
fuck you for making me click on that, it's cringy as fuck
This fanmade fight is horrible but PT fights are mostly kino, fuck off boomer
I thought it was mexican
>the OT fight scenes are
>soldiers stand in the open firing from the hip
>blacked out visors
>pants on head retarded space tactics
>letting the enemy know your hidden base
The fanbase mindlessly defends these even when people point this stuff out.
Could that scene have been shot better if Guineas weren't such an ass hole about it? Absolutely? Did it need the fucking twirls and jumps and slices? Only add riddled children think so.
I miss her
That's why nobody takes you retarded boomers seriously anymore.
Best part was the prequel voiceover flashback.
V > IV > VIII > VII > VI > Solo > I > Rogue One > II > III
Vader vs Kenobi isn't an action scene. It's a tension-building prelude to the actual action scene, the escape. You fucking losers.
>boomer cope
You people come up with the most ridiculous excuses to justify the flaws of OT.