Other urls found in this thread:
OP are you ok?
You seem tired, go report to the infirmary for exhaustion
Everyone is pretty much dead in the 1st episode
user.... everyone is dead
This movie is boring.
It's horror kino
Everything is fine, the metallic taste in the air is normal also to enhance your security the guards won’t allow anyone to leave
Bo. Ring.
what happens when the core stares back at you?
Coming up, on Reactor Nightmares™
Ausfag here, can't upload images anymore ;_;
nah it's just feedwater
sneed's feedwater
Youve been drinking the feedwater again havent you?
That's basically average day for a Slav. The real fun began when for next decade or so kids born in countries affected by the radiation cloud were 20 times more likely to be born deformed, without limb etc.
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
Are you ok friend?
You seem overworked, go report to infirmary
I'm impressed at how good this was. Yes, it's western-biased, but nonetheless I enjoyed the first episode.
More excited for episode 2 of this than GoT now.
>than GoT
wew lad
why was he so reluctant to confirm the reactor was ok?
he was delusional
he knew that if he was right he was dead and if he looked he would be dead
>can't upload images anymore
Because gravity.
How exactly is it Western biased
It's in English.
Miniseries about Hisashi Ouchi when?
Who are the coal miners funding this shit?
No, they aren't. Most of the plant workers survived this thing. Even Dyatlov survives.
Cuz this type of reactor doesn't explode
No one dies except one man who was near the hydrogen tank blast
A few men are sick from feedwater, and a bird died.
If i pull those control rods up would you die?
It would be extremely painful
You're a big guy -
For us
Is this show entertaining to watch? Or is it super fucking depressing
Bo. Ring.
Pripyat looks like it's in deep shit
Not Ouchi, stop reposting the same shit over and over
It's boring.
12 minutes in you're depressed as fuck but it's really good
not depression, nothing bad happen
many hero in show many great man, but also routine action for small water leak
Unironically both.
>being depressed is good
female detected
More so educational pleb, but it's probably all wrong
As of episode 1, it’s almost entirely accurate afaik.
please stop spreading disinformation
if the State says red trees are normal, then they are normal and we must adjust to this
Bryukhanov is still alive today.
Imagine if he started to receive shitposting meme mail due to this
What you are experiencing is the Chernobyl effect, it’s perfectly normal
you are so fucking easily manipulated
What did he say then the microwaves hit him?
what are you mad about comrade?
He said "based"
t. easily manipulated person
Why did they wear these all white medical uniforms?
If they just worked in a control room what is the purpose of it?
>the poster
The white uniforms protects them medically by letting the radiation know they're neutral.
what's the point in confirming something that can never fail? It's like asking if then sun is in the sky still.
Medical is different fabric, these are just machinist clothes but in white. And they wear those white things to these day.
>these day
illiterate baboon
>tfw spend the entire episode why they wear those stupid baker hats in a power plant.
power plant literally baked them
the general theme is fairly accurate but the effects of radiation are highly dramatised (vomiting blood, skin peeling off the bones immediately etc) and the devastation of the reactor explosion is highly exaggerated (in reality the roof was blown off and spread the core around, but there wasn't as much building destruction as depicted).
Regarding radiation exposure, they got the radiation tan right (though it happens in the show much faster than in reality), but most of the workers and first responders only felt dizzy, nauseous and a bit weak. It's in the weeks afterwards that their insides turned to paste.
>After one week in the hospital, he began to show outward signs of radiation sickness. His skin began sloughing off. Because his cells couldn’t regenerate, no new skin formed to replace it. He again began to have difficulty breathing. Ouchi said, “I can’t take it anymore. I am not a guinea pig.”
>vomiting blood
could have been from the explosion, also no one has ever experienced that much radiation so you can't say the body doesn't respond that way
>skin peeling off the bones immediately
doesn't happen, but bleeding and blister immediately can happen
>not that much destruction
>though it happens in the show much faster than in reality
you are wrong, please stop posting
the eye witnesses said that being in or above the reactor hall for a minute was enough to tan the face
its shows that the slavs are a bunch of retards ,they should have just continue to send dogs in space instead of touching nuclear energy.
Only the roof has blown off, all the walls are still intact.
which is exactly what they show, you clown
they basically copied this photo for set design
Not even horror but the scariest shit I've seen in a while
I'm glad mankind has learned to never underestimate the forces of nature haha
haha i want to fuckin be wiped away by a thermonuclear blast
I imagine it being similar to standing in a microwave so it's not a strange idea you would get literal burns from standing close to it. Shit I can zap a burger for 30 seconds with a household microwave and burn my mouth just imagine what a nuclear core could do to your face.
Dyatlov died in 1995, looking like he aged 40 years instead of just nine.
Just googled dyatlov and he doesn't look alike but fuck me they did a great job with casting the other two blokes
Based communism: The TV show
It seems like HBO aims for the memes and comedy rather than tragedy and good writing.
That's just a bad photo.
so is it worth watching?
>The meter shows 3.6 roentgens
>But doctor, the scale only goes to 3.6
Somehow I laughed at that interaction
>not great, not terrible - seen worse
>One of the firefighter sergeants supervising the effort on the roof, had his eyes turn from brown to blue after looking down into the exposed core and getting an intense blast in the face
I saw episode 1 and it was bad enough with the guys checking where the core used to be and getting radiated from far above and only for a short time... jegus fuck episode 2 is going to be worse isn't it? When workers start getting closer and exposed to the core proper. And those that have to go inside for the effort to seal it off.
why would it be worse? 3,6 roentgens aren’t so bad comrade.
Not great, but not terrible.
Radiation poisoning takes time to kill you. It is going to get worse in later episodes as everyone statrts to literally fall apart like melted candy
Why would it be worse? Its not good, but its not bad either.
I thought it would be depressing, or just interesting. It caught me off guard with how scary it is, and in such a strange and unexpected way. There's no monster, no jump scares, but I felt sheer dread in my heart seeing these people respond to the situation and already knowing how bad it really is when they don't. It's worse because you're also kind of in the same boat with the characters because neither of you can see the danger, people are just melting alive to no discernible cause.
Depends, radiation itself can kill you without sickness involved.
Also everyone, ahem *ting ting ting ting ting* I would like to remind everyone that Chernobyl was the result of CIA sabotage due to the facility acting as a front for multiple military projects.
>not being able to support 3.6 roentgens
Surely you don't want to blow this out of proportions, right comrade?
I guess worse in different ways. If they go full on with showing the body horror, yeah it's going to get pretty fucking nasty in the later episodes. But for me, at least in episode 1, the horror came from the proximity to the core and seeing how bad it was both for the surroundings and for people being exposed or even looking into that nightmare. They're not turning to mush like they will later, but the dread of watchiing and waiting for when they do/go something/somewhere that ensures their death by exposure.
Yeah. It's sort of a slow burn. Very moody. First ep was also very depressing. Love the styling and lighting I really think they nailed it. Hope they use some more actual footage from then like they did with the phone call. Thought it was pretty neat.
If it's intense enough you can just die outright pretty much immediately. A strong enough blast and your system goes into shock, your heart can't take it. I mean technically you're dying of a heart attack or some other issue, but the radiation is the killer cause.
what part of the episode made you go "oh shit"
for me it was looking into the reactor, or the sad true story of the comrade telling him to go get the other worker in the pump room as he died.
It does resemble the character a bit.
>first Dyatlov Pass Incident
>then Chernobyl
what's his masterplan? what's next?
The broken windows and graphite scattered on the ground when Dyatlov went to use the other console. Soundtrack was a big part of it.
The firefighters for sure. Up till that point with all the workers inside it was bad, but close contained. Like you see people in parts of the plant that are separate away and doing fine, just the few going to dangerous places getting fucked.
The firefighters though, when you saw them pulling right up to the collapsed building among all the core debris, and you can see them radiation burning in real time and they don't even realize it yet, that was the "oh fuck" of the episode for me.
And the best/worst part of all; the background hum of the exposed core just some 50-100 meters away, audible above the fire and the warning sirens, but none of them know what the sound is so just ignore it.
Opening the Dyatlov-gate, that will support the world with a steady supply of water, and a comfortable 3,6 roentgens of radiation.
The bit with all the civilians watching the blue light, and thinking the falling ashes are snow and playing in it.
>watching the scenes where they measured the radiation
>"both counters maxed out"
>"it's fine, they are probably faulty"
Please someone tell me they weren't actually this stupid and this was merely an exaggeration to make the whole thing a little more dramatic
Wouldn't doubt it man
Normally when stuff doesn't work they just smash it with a hammer till it sort of works again
I think it's realistic considering that Dyatlov knew that if a mass scale incident like that would happen he and his family would end up in gulag. That's why I think they were this dismissive.
>baaa you are so easily manipulated baaaaaa
It's accurate. They weren't stupid, it was a form of denial. If it was right then that would mean it was a disaster of such unimaginable scale they literally couldn't cope.
This was the highlight for me too. The music and the beautiful atmosphere was great. All the civilians admiring the color of what is baically their impending demise, kids playing and adults getting cosy with each others. Really well executed scene which set it apart from other shows for me
It's not that they're stupid, it's a refusal to admit or believe the truth, because the actual truth is too unimaginable. Like, if the core was melting down and it's thousands of roentgens, then they literally have no idea what to do because not only is it a disaster of a scale they're not prepared for, but it's a disaster so bad that it's never occurred in history before.
As well of course, as this the blame has to fall on someone, the moment you speak the truth you paint a target on yourself.
Will it show all three basement divers dying despite the fact in real life none of them died and all lived until old age?
There's something about the existential horror of chernobyl.
This thing deep inside which isn't evil, or thinking or anything, but if you look at it you die.
Something pretty fucking spooky about it
It'll show they lived. iirc the writer for this was one of those that discovered they were alive. The USSR kept a lot of what happened secret and it took a long time even after the soviet state collapse for all the information to be told to the West.
It's not just Chernobyl. It's the soviet/russian mentality: everything is fine and we have the best everything and everything bad that happens is caused by enemies outside or subversive elements within. These people are expert when it comes to shirking responsibility. The first guy to speak out would be the scapegoat. Same thing happened when the nuclear sub went missing. The commander sat on the info that Kursk had an accident for 6 hours, before he relaid the news of the accident to higher-ups.
Essentially if the problem is as bad as they secretly come to realize it is, then they are not prepared or suited to deal with it, there's nothing they can do. But if they accept that and are open with it, then that will lead to panic, which will only make things infinitely worse. Like the old communist in the episode says, cut the phone lines otherwise we'll have a real shitstorm on our hands; you have to fight the power plant, you don't want to have to also fight the people. Of course this logic falls apart because of how bad the accident truly is, but in theory it's not stupid. The concern that being dramatic or sensationalist and sounding all the alarms and evacuating the populace and causing a panic, would be worse than being realstic and hiding the truth. The soviet idea of valuing logic and order first and foremost, as foundations upon which to tackle a problem. Only, nobody ever dealt with the problem they had before.
>a writer actually did research before penning shit
Who is this Greek god of a man whose dick I must suck?
for those wondering if the first episode is real, it's basically an artsy remake of this documentary
skip to 34mins if you want a good comparison
It's like the grim reaper itself sitting down there in that hole, in an armchair with a skeletal grin and beckoning you to come closer, just take a little peek.
The invisible and soundless nature is so disturbing. You're watching these people rot living before your (and their) eyes in real time, it's no different from a horror movie or slasher victims dropping like flies in gruesome ways, and the victims unaware of the threat to them. But, there's no monster here, no killer hiding around the corner.
Why didn't he just use a mirror on a really long stick?
Because he was literally marched there at gunpoint, you stupid frogposting fuck.
Look at the sun with a mirror. It won't help.
How come these threads became so slow? I like it more this way.
What's this guy's story?
Because then the mirror would reflect and concentrate all the radiation into a beam and melt him instantly
t. nuclear physics major
how many recorded cases of immediate death due to radiation are there? The dose required to kill you within minutes is insane, not even the guys who stared at the melted Chernobyl core received enough.
It is possible in theory, but noone in Chernobyl died this way. Even Khodemchuk was probably killed by the blast/falling debris, not radiation.
>But for me, at least in episode 1, the horror came from the proximity to the core and seeing how bad it was both for the surroundings and for people being exposed or even looking into that nightmare
Well, as time goes on everyone becomes more aware of how bad the situation is, so you can expect fewer characters getting blasted by radiation completely unknowingly - on the other hand, as the core is still exposed and still spewing out radioactive stuff everywhere, the radiation horror has barely even started. The characters will be more aware of the situation - which is potentialy even worse.
One of the most terrifying scenes was the engineer walking towards the roof, knowing that it is suicide (forgot his name). You can expect a lot of similar scenes in the future episodes.
It was a warm sunny april when it happened. They are trying to make it too gloomy and spooky on purpose. It feels nothing like real footage.
reminder that this show is being shilled to death on Yea Forums which is why you see these threads and a general for a show with 1 episode, and all those forced memes like "send him to infirmary" and shit
same thing happened with the terror
didn't work then and it won't work here
keep at it though HBO I'm sure you'll find something to save your shitty leftist network from oblivion now that GoT has gone to shit
He's on the roof, user.
>The head of the Chernobyl nuclear power station at the time of the world's worst nuclear power accident and two of his aides were sentenced today to 10 years in a labor camp, the maximum possible in the disaster.
>After a three-week trial, most of it closed, three other officials received shorter labor camp terms.
>The trial was held in Chernobyl, 11 miles southeast of the plant.
>Those receiving 10-year sentences were Viktor P. Bryukhanov, who was plant director; Nikolai M. Fomin, chief engineer, and Mr. Fomin's deputy, Anatoly S. Dyatlov.
>They were found guilty of gross violation of safety regulations, creating conditions that led to an explosion.
You're in the wrong thread. This isn't the main one.
I imagine this is what it's like looking into hell. Those few seconds of this shot really stayed with me.
What's the difference, anyway?
this is like the quintessential reddit tourist post lmao
this is for smrat conissuers
the other is for Yea Forums
Fuck this blueballing weekly release schedule. I need my fx
Sup Yea Forums, I'm from Ukraine. What the fuck is this?
>how dare people want to talk about something that's not GoT or capeshit
>reeeee shill
Clearly you've never worked at a plant or anything similar before. This shit happens all the time
>Well, as time goes on everyone becomes more aware of how bad the situation is, so you can expect fewer characters getting blasted by radiation completely unknowingly
lol we haven't even gotten to the helicopters yet
they spent literally three days getting blasted by rads in the helis, before realizing they were all dying
it's going to be a blood bath
going by this logic, all you need to protect yourself from gamma radiation is a mirror
Spoiler alert: no, it isn't. Not all EM waves behave the same way. Mirrors reflect visible light, so he would see the reactor - but gamma rays (which is what is harmful) go straight through it, he would be fine.
I didn't realize the soviets suppressed information this well.
They put graphite in pencils calm down.
Gamma rays would go through it but there was a full spectrum being emitted, among which would be reflected. It's a moot point though because he was dead the moment he stepped onto the roof.
The Terror but for Chernobyl
the spoopy bear has been replaced by the spoopy nuclear lava
yep, notice all the repetition of certain key words and phrases
"I imagine it's like looking into hell"
"What was the most frightening part of the episode for you? For me it was the sense of dread, amazing they didn't need to use any monster or jump scares"
"god this was only episode 1, imagine how much worse it will get"
"best part is how you can't see the damage but you know they're all getting fucked up really badly by the blasts of radiation, fucking terrifying"
that last one is important because it also helps excuse the shitty special effects and convinces people the reason the show looks like ass is because the creators intended for it to be like that
send this user to the infirmary
The person in this picture has an amputated foot. Nothing of Ouchi’s was amputated. At one point, when a team of radiation specialists from around the world were brought in to consult on the case, a Russian doctor recommended that Ouchi’s right arm be amputated because the muscle there was dying and poisoning the rest of the body. However, the Japanese doctors did not do this, as they knew Ouchi had no ability to heal (p.71). Additionally, his blood lacked platelets, meaning it couldn’t clot and he could very easily bleed to death. They refused to even take a biopsy from him for fear of this.
Ouchi spent his time covered from head to toe in very special medicated gauze. I suppose it’s possible this could’ve been taken during a change, but seems unlikely. Considering that even his fingers stuck together without gauze to separate them, would they really leave him without any for long enough to take a photograph?
Ouchi was never in any sort of traction.
Ouchi was not missing all his skin by the time of his death. It was described while he was alive (p.76-77) and again in his autopsy (p.119) that there was a very defined border on his body, and the skin on his back appeared relatively normal. He also evidently had some skin remaining on his front, as the coroner described it as being extremely red, like he had been scalded.
He was in a clean room that is described as having a lot of plastic sheeting in it, none of which is seen in this picture.
It’s described that there were two air filters at the head of his bed, placed there in an attempt to ward off any bacteria, molds, or viruses in the environment. They don’t appear to be in this picture.
it's just the roof is on fire. it's not like the reactor exploded, because that's impossible.
which major studio do you think is advocating for midgets to get punted, you autists?
It's not that you need an ultra-high dose to die immediately, it's down to individual health and manner of exposure. There's a threshold that is "high", certainly lethal but not like a ludicrously huge number, but it's at this threshold and beyond that you can die immediately. But as said, importantly, not everyone will. It's down to the individual and how their system can handle it. One person can get hit with an insanely high amount of radiation and will take weeks to die, another person can get hit with a fraction of the amount (but still at/past that threshold) and die immediately.
Absolutely worth watching. People always talk about gene mutations, rise in cancer rates, autism, etc. and this incident, along with American based chemical plant explosions and oil spills, Nuclear bombs, and Fukushima incident plus many more incidents have all contributed to those rates continuing to rise. The entire world has been polluted and has been for some time. No such thing as "clean" , "organic" or "pure" anymore. Everything is contaminated.
He's delusional I've seen it before
I want to be gloomed and spooked not warmed and sunny'd. Radiation kino is best when gloomy and spooky.
That's a good one user.
But yeah my mom was like 9 when this happened. My family is from Kyiv and my grandparents are engineers so they were one of the first people to hear the news and react. My mom and uncle were sent to Georgia to our family's friends to minimize the exposure. Granddad says that mattresses were the most irradiated objects in the whole house because of the material the fitting was made out of.
>entire first episode takes place at night
Its probably just a virus going around desu user
lol now that you mention it, these threads do seem to all be filled with the same 5 or 6 posts, over and over again
not saying it's all bots but it's definitely suspicious
Hey... do you taste metal?
Why so many actors that were In the terror is in Chernobyl? Didn't they suffer enough already?
Also people exaggerate it like he lived 83 days of unimaginable nightmare torment when in reality he lapsed into a coma relatively quick and then the rest of the time was just comatose as his body died and they studied it.
He should have went to the infirmary as soon as he could
The scene where the civilians were on the side of the road looking at the fire. The shot cut to slow motion, and the wind was blowing from the reactor straight into the civilian's faces. That was haunting.
reddit: the show
The reality is that Yea Forums likes it so much because it's an ensemble cast of white men. That's the simple explanation.
You won't see these threads for other excellent HBO miniseries like My Brilliant Friend, which aren't that.
And you hate it because you don't like any television at all and shouldn't even come here.
Can someone make a webm of this? Just the parts with the reactor core. I would, but I'm a retard.
>there was a full spectrum being emitted
1. No, there wasn't. Nuclear radiation is not the same as thermal radiation.
2. Even if there was, who cares - the harmful types of emitted radiation in this instance were:
>It's a moot point though because he was dead the moment he stepped onto the roof.
probably, but what we're discussing is a hypothetical scenario where you use a mirror to look at a source of deadly radiation and whether it would help
Assuming that merely standing on the roof won't kill you, these are the types of radiation that are potentialy harmful:
- microwaves - non-ionising, but you could get thermal burns. Irrelevant here, as the microwaves emitted in a nuclear meltdown are negligible
- UV - again, not nearly intense enough in a nuclear meltdown to cause harm
- alpha particles - as long as you don't breathe them in you're fine, dead skin cells will prevent any harm if the source is outside your body. Long-term this is the primary cause of cancers and other shit (as you inhale/ingest radioactive particles and they slowly fry you from the inside), but whether you look or not is irrelevant, what matters is what you breathe in
- beta radiation - too short ranged to reach you, irrelevant
- gamma - the real killer and the cause of virtually all of the immediate deaths following the disaster. Goes straight through mirrors, so using one could save your life.
>had his eyes turn from brown to blue after looking down into the exposed core and getting an intense blast in the face
holy shit
maybe just maybe instead of the constant game of thrones and capeshit threads people actually want to talk about a promising new tv show?
>It's not that you need an ultra-high dose to die immediately, it's down to individual health and manner of exposure.
It's both. I never said individual health and manner of exposure are irrelevant - but regardless of both, the dose required to kill you on the spot within minutes is gigantic, as evidenced by the fact that noone has ever died in such manner, except for people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If you do know of a case in which someone was insta-killed with radiation other than the nuked Japs, please provide it here, I will gladly read about it.
Wait a minute. I've only been checking these threads out since this morning but if this is the case then I'm going to stop immediately. how fucking lame
>Of the guys that got full-radiation blasted in the explosion, other workers who arrived to help them to safety received burns wherever they touched them because those poor sods were *that* severely irradiated
Jesus, I watched the first ep and the scene where the one guy is carrying the injured or dead dude and sets him down and there's blood all over his back from carrying the guy? I thought that was from the injured/dead guy on him, but you can see he checks himself after setting the guy down like it's an injury, he got burned just from carrying the guy.
It's just triggered nonsense that people on Yea Forums are actually talking about a good Yea Forums show because that challenges their narrative that all tv is garbage
read this instead of watching propaganda
to what end?
it's entertainment
and it is captivating to watch
It's extremely well made
change the date
kek. a reliable source of information I'm sure.
Warner Brothers, the sick fucks
are you stupid? anything which deprives the viewer of thought is propaganda
>too shrt ranged to reach you, irrelevant
The guy that propped open the door was not directly exposed to the core yet still received severe beta radiation burns. Mirror man on the roof would be fucked.
>Nuclear radiation is not the same as thermal radiation.
are you the same retard as was posting last night?
have you gone like a full 12 hours still not googling what thermal radiation is?
i pray that you are just another person with a child's understanding of physics and not the same retard posting for a whole day
just cut the lines, trap people in.
this is our moment to shine
>It's entertainment
entertainment is propaganda you retard
>it's extremely well made
okay now I know you're a shill
>because that challenges their narrative that all tv is garbage
literally how retarded are you
The elephant's foot is still slowly melts the concrete bottom floor, which means that it is quite possible that it will slide down and reach the groundwater. What are the possible consequences?
>Ausfag here, can't upload images anymore ;_;
Imagine seeing the most basic and expected sort of responses you'd expect from many people after watching a show about a nuclear plant accident, and thinking it's some list of keywords of a shilling conspiracy.
Fucking schizo
literally who gives a fuck you whinebag
I love working for Home Box Office Inc. and getting paid to make memes and post them non-stop for 48 hours on 4channel.org
guess we can't all be big brains like you who like to have liberal propaganda shoved down our throats for hours on end
Man, shit like this is common in all workplaces. Not necessarily the danger of it but the same sort of denial.
show is full of inaccuracies
this is just pop-history for numales
> stop liking things I don't like.jpg
oh good, the Americans are awake
I actually hope these people really are bots because if there are real people out there that are this gullible then I weep for the human race
you have lost touch with reality
it could be fiction for all i care
It would lead to illness and possible deaths if it contaminated the ground water. It is still highly radioactive and if someone was to go stand by it unprotected in 2019 for 5 min they would receive a fatal dose of radiation. At the time of the incident it has been said that 30 sec of exposure to the elephants foot would have caused a fatal dose of radiation. So yeah, it would t be good if it got into groundwater
The elephant's foot is cold now. I touched it.
not the same user but here you go
I have no idea who was posting last night
>When a uranium nucleus fissions into two daughter nuclei fragments, about 0.1 percent of the mass of the uranium nucleus[7] appears as the fission energy of ~200 MeV. For uranium-235 (total mean fission energy 202.79 MeV[8]), typically ~169 MeV appears as the kinetic energy of the daughter nuclei, which fly apart at about 3% of the speed of light, due to Coulomb repulsion. Also, an average of 2.5 neutrons are emitted, with a mean kinetic energy per neutron of ~2 MeV (total of 4.8 MeV).[9] The fission reaction also releases ~7 MeV in prompt gamma ray photons. The latter figure means that a nuclear fission explosion or criticality accident emits about 3.5% of its energy as gamma rays, less than 2.5% of its energy as fast neutrons (total of both types of radiation ~ 6%), and the rest as kinetic energy of fission fragments (this appears almost immediately when the fragments impact surrounding matter, as simple heat).
The primary killer in Chernobyl were the gamma photons released by uranium nuclei that underwent fission. The radiation emitted by the heat was fucking irrelevant.
Please, enlighten me how gamma photons released by a nucleus that falls apart are the same as black-body radiation. Instead of throwing insults perhaps you could explain what you mean?
get a job ya NEET cuck
thanks, HBO intern
larping as a physicist on Yea Forums is just about the lamest way to spend your life, bud
you make it too obvious you are a shill
i saw a bunch of russians
maybe you're just racist
appears that lots of people don't understand that heat is not a special type of energy and is just EM at the infrared wavelength
lots of retards who failed their primary physics class don't understand why they feel heat when the stand in sunlight
When Dylatov is being led to the hospital after vomiting, and absorbs the scene of the firefighters collapsing and screaming in agony, and looks up to see the smoke column.
> enlighten me how gamma photons released by a nucleus that falls apart are the same as black-body radiation
photons are *literally* what black body radiation is.
I'm sure calling people names instead of partaking in a discussion is much more fun.
He fucking knew the second he stepped in that corridor and saw the graphite outside the building, fucker.
Chernobyl isn't considered "safe for habitation" for at least 15,000 years. That should tell you how bad it still is.
>partaking in discussion
where the fuck do you think you are, tourist? back to r/television with you and your ilk
This is perfect, comrade.
Somebody posted youtube video, of some dudes visiting a hospital in Prypyat that had discarded firemen clothes in the basement, and they were still irradiated as shit.
zoomer scum
>The transformation of Legasov into a daring whistle-blower and martyr, complete with a courtroom apotheosis out of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” is just one instance of the show’s propensity toward Hollywood inflation — to show us things that didn’t happen. The workers who volunteer to enter the reactor building to open water valves do so in “Spartacus” style, solemnly standing and reciting their names. The coal miners brought in to excavate beneath the superheated nuclear core flout the radiation levels by working in the nude. A tall column of black smoke pours from the reactor for days after the explosion, rather than the small clouds of white vapor that escaped in real life.
>The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor
Well at least the first episode was good...
the target audience for this show is zoomers
boomers know how much of it all just dramatized bullshit
>gamma photons
>partaking in a discussion
>the workers who volunteer to enter the reactor building to open water valves do so in “Spartacus” style, solemnly standing and reciting their names.
this is the moment that killed the show for me
this writer just seems like some Yea Forums autist that calls black smoke instead of white smoke a "plothole"
who gives a shit
who cares if they dramatize it and it's not accurate?
Theintact reactors of the plant was still working till 2000 year
>heat is not a special type of energy and is just EM at the infrared wavelength
>heat is infrared radiation
You stupid fuck, heat is a process of energy transfer, not EM radiation. It can be transferred by radiation (ANY type of radiation, not just infrared), but it ISN't radiation itself.
>photons are *literally* what black body radiation is.
did you miss the 'GAMMA' before 'photons' ? Did you miss the 'released by a nucleus that falls apart' ?
The whole point is - nuclear fission does not result in the same radiation spectrum as black body radiation. It produces a shitload of high-energy photons and this is what kills you.
This reviewer is a moron. The first episode was pure kino and I'll judge the rest when I see them, not before.
I'll make that judgment when I get to watch it myself.
>reads exactly one wikipedia article
>begins posting on Yea Forums
cool bro, have a nice day
are we gonna get to see some gorbachev kino
I like to imagine some NYT writer reviewing the Terror and say it's good but it has this totally unbelievable bear controlled by a woman and then Yea Forums whining about it
I enjoy imagining that
I know they are looking at what was the reactor once, but what are they really looking at ? some amalgam of melting steel, concrete and fuel rods or what ?
Dyatlov was a faggot
maybe the old man talking about lenin it seems too forced
>tfw you realise that those red trees was caused by radiation
yeah im kinda interested too. What's the process theyre looking at here?
The outer casing of the core blown out, with the rods from the inside bent through and outwards from the blast. The illumination of course is from the core itself within, undergoing runaway fission.
when you work is at risk (and your life), denial is normal, I don't know if was like that, but there is a chance
I'll give you a hint
> the core itself within, undergoing runaway fission
not true, that is actually a graphite fire from the control rods we are seeing.
Thanks friend.
The accident itself happened in the middle of night retarded faggot.
I thought the core was still running all the while?
I didn't make it
too much radiation to live there permanently but you can go and just walk around most places safely without any gear
in real life a huge amount of the fuel vaporized
at the bottom of a giant cement cylinder pooled melted metal and some motlen fuel and bits of stuff that fell in. on top of all that was the graphite covering that absorbed the neutrons and radiation, which got knocked in when the lid lifted
it caught fire along with the hydrogen gas that had formed and was the main source of the flames in the pits
anyone looking into the reactor hall would have seen these flames, but not really the nuclear fuel at the bottom
over the next few days, this stuff melted through the concrete container and became corium, which continued to glow even after the graphite burned out
approximately a week later, this corium would begin seeping through the reactor hall floor into the basement, forming the Elephants foot, etc, which were discovered months later
>some amalgam of melting steel, concrete and fuel rods or what ?
"or what" is the best description
they're watching a hole that can kill the whole europe slowly and in a horrible way and they know it
Real pic of Chernobyl debris.
>a huge amount of the fuel vaporized
because it was blown up by a mini nuke. nuclear fuel doesn't just "vaporize" by itself.
The core wasn't a single lump of fuel. The fire melted the fuel rods which then melted through the floor to produce the Corium, it also sent radioactive material into the air.
But then no fission reactions were occuring by this point, right?
shills and bots
and get a cancer at 50
>Look, comrade! I did it again!
The fuel undergoing reaction though at the time of the explosion, having lost cooling, would begin criticality though right? Even without continued fuel feeding in, what was there would begin a runaway I'd thought.
BASED ISPs blocking retarded Australians from shitting up Yea Forums
go back to you shitty got and mcu posts, faggot
That pic is taken after some time already of the cleanup though, not the morning of the blast.
take this delusional man to the infirmary
argie here, I can't upload images if I am in 4g.
which is good, fuck phone posters
that's not really how it works
The best guess we have at present is that it did run away and reach criticality and was the cause of one of the two explosions that occurred a few seconds apart. One small, then a larger one. We don't know for sure which it was. However the explosion stopped the reaction though I'm sure the separated fuel was still undergoing enough radioactive decay to produce a lot of heat.
Not necessarily depends how many of the neutrons stick around to get the reaction going as they aren't being reflected back at the core it won't end up as a runaway reaction.
There's literally an app called webm for retards lol
I don't know how long the fuel stayed critical, ie sustained reaction which I assume you are thinking about
maybe a few hours in certain spots? maybe going critical in response to pressure by helicopters dropping sand or lead?
most of the fuel got burned or released during the explosion so it wasn't going to keep a chain reaction, but it would have still been radioactive
No wonder you came out retarded
Right that makes sense. Not a fully active core but rather a portion of it, and chunks/fuel blown every which way left to fizzle out, reaction-wise.
>Some user keeps saying the damage wasn't as extensive as the show portrayed
Room temperature iq
In terms of the plant workers there during the accident, a few survive. Ironically enough, the one that seemed really fucked after propping open the door and was left sitting all burned and asked for a smoke, he survives if he is who I think he is.
more pre-prepared lame forced memes from HBO interns
They got it pretty much spot on, as far as I can tell.
It's not like there is a lack of photographical evidence to base the series off.
/x/fags get out
what current tv shows are you watching user?
the rare Anti-Shill Shill who now hates the show because there have been so many threads about it
you don't know
I think the real question is, and no one dares to ask it... what is the purpose of nuclear power plants? What's the point of having them if they hold so much potential danger? what do they even to lmao
It was a Veritasium vid about the most irradiated places on Earth.
Posts like these sum up why Yea Forums has been shit for years. People are talking about a show? Better fucking complain about it. Calling everything reddit and complaining about Marvel is most of your life's work. SAD
They produce electricity.
You know how nuclear explosions get really hot? And you can use hot things to boil water to create steam? And you can convert steam's kinetic energy into electrical potential energy? It's along those lines.
>They produce electricity.
Is there no safer way tho?
they can produce 40GW of power in 5 milliseconds
they produce electricity
>What's the point of having them if they hold so much potential danger?
Even if you take chernobyl, 3 mile island and fukushima as disasters and not acts of terrorism like they were. All the deaths from nuclear power pale in comparison even to solar and wind. Let alone the much more volatile coal and oil industries.
Didn't Tesla invent wirelles electricity but the jews shut it down?
Realistically nuclear power is still one the most safest forms, of producing energy. I mean coal plants are much more polluting, or for example winder or solar power is safer but it's not as cheap.
the reason tv is shit is because of fruity little bitches like you talking about infantile soap operas for literal retards that spew liberal propaganda all over us 24/7, take your fucking chernobyl soiboi programming and shove it up your prolapses ass you triggered snowflake cunt
Nuclear is literally among the least deadly ways to produce electricity, including these disasters.
Because they're the most effecient source of energy and a lot of shit has to go wrong before this kind of disaster happens. The nuclear waste is another story though.
Maybe we will have much safer molten salt, thorium or some other type of reactors one day...
Do you kiss OP's mom with that mouth?
based old guard btfoing the redditors
When the ash particles were falling on the civilians in the town.
if by "the Jews" you meant people living in his neighborhood who didn't want to be fried by some insane shitheads crazy toy, yeah
>The nuclear waste is another story though
Nope. It's extremely easy to store safely. The deep underground vaults are a meme. France stores all its waste in the floor of one building. You can walk on the floor and not get irradiated.
The world system. Using the ionosphere as a global capacitor yes.
They produce huge amount of energy with no carbone emission.
The point is to build a secure reactor & have secure procedures (ie does nothing like the soviets).
Remember: every day more people die from carbone emission than what did Chernobyl since 33 years, cancer counted.
>insane shithead
You do understand Tesla is one of the greatest minds in the history of humanity?
Yes, because using /pol/speak is a sign you're old guard. That's totally not something Yea Forums only started using in the past four years. Anyone who was on Yea Forums old enough to be old guard left when making a thread about Lost would get you called a shill.
The irony of you sperging out and calling someone else triggered never gets old.
The second Sun
He was an incel. That's reason enough to ignore him
>the devastation of the reactor explosion is highly exaggerated (in reality the roof was blown off and spread the core around, but there wasn't as much building destruction as depicted
I'm fairly certain there was. First hand accounts said the walls were blown in by the explosion, and you can easily find cutaways of the building that show how fucked it is.
As for the guy vomiting blood, IRL he was hit by debris and baked by steam.
oh look! tesla, the internet meme!!!
Edison was a faggot, thief and a good goy. Debate me.
>EDIT: You can't
the roof weighed a lot of tons and it was blown like 30 meters, so it was really big
Jesus you are a faggot you know that
The huge swath of dead trees as the radiation creeps closer to the population center.
Edison changed the world. And he as a faggot, thief and a good goy.
Tesla was just a faggot that never did anything useful.
radio, long distance power transmission wires, and electric motors, microwaves
It's completely infeasible for power transmission and a gimmick at best.
-t. EE
Everything will be fine. Just head up to the roof and check it out.
honestly i agree
i just started looking in these threads and the posts seemed really off to me. like really unfitting compared to usual posting.
i initially thought the show just made a lot of low iq retards surface (or esl eastern euros), but this makes more sense
>compared to usual posting.
ah yes, the usual high quality of Yea Forums discussion of tv shows
What recent stuff do you cunts even think is good ? It's nothing isn't it?
I don’t give a fuck. They’d have had to shoot me right there in the meeting room. We’d either all go together or they could shoot me. The only thing that could have possibly made doing that worth it to me would be the knowledge that they’d be sharing my misery.
nice leddit spacing
Exactly. It’s like a white flag of truce to radiation. The Geneva Convention forbids radiation to irradiate under a cease fire.
Oh holy shit.
So much this
Its like looking at the story of the titan two that had a fuel leak while in the silo and one man knew what was happening but would not spill it, so hundreds of people were in danger and freaking the fuck out. The development of slow burning disasters, unavoidable and or just massive catastrophes is pretty gripping if you try to empatize with the folks experiencing it.
Like watching masive asian tsunami. The terror of the enormity and powerlessness of a single individual.
Actually ...
whens the next ep
Scariest “monster” in years.
>zoomer /pol/lack
>based old guard
go back to your containment board you fucking autist
>when Europe isn't near
This fucked with me hard.
If we blow that lid off, will we die?