We're living through a new age of Gibsonkino

>We're living through a new age of Gibsonkino
How does that make you feel?

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I guess Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about Mel anymore

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holy based

Haven't seen "The Professor and the Madman" is it decent?

Dragged was pretty good.

Attached: 01-dragged-across-the-concrete.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 137K)

Essential viewing for any based mel fan.

Mel as Karl Marx in his biopic when?

I was awed by the language in Professor and the Madman. Those two can really act and their way of pronouncing those beautiful lines was a pleasure to see.

Incredibly based.

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Passion of the Christ 2 soon lads, can't wait for the lightning strikes on cast members.

The Resurrection is going to be christkino, thank you Mel.

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It was not very good, but Gibson is fucking stellar in it.

Mel Gibson is a racist anti semite and should've been kicked out of hollywood but Anti Jews keep hiring him

sean penn is still working after Fast Times?

Professor and Madman was meh. Replace it with blood father

Because something something merchants. We're all liberals here aren't we?

Nah, it's a damn fine film. Sorry your soi soaked brain couldnt appreciate it

>Entire industry is full of pedophiles, many have been publicly exposed but continue to be celebrated and supported.
>But never mind them, this drunk Catholic said something antisemitic!

Where are your fucking priorities?

I'd really like to see the guy who is directing Chernobyl to work with Mel.

most literal pedophiles are right wingers

Yes, in Churches, Mosques and Synagogues. Not in Hollywood - they are either publicly left wing or actual card-carrying democrats.

>Gibson is an outspoken critic, both of the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church and of those Traditionalist Catholics, like the Society of Saint Pius X, who reject Sedevacantism. In a 2003 interview he questioned how the Nazis could have disposed of six million bodies during the Holocaust and claimed that the September 11, 2001 attacks were perpetrated by remote control.[1] He has also been quoted as saying the Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews".[2]
Mel's dad btw

Saw the dictionary movie
Kinda weird

Mel is a known language and accent freak

>gibs me dat gibskino
feels gibtastick!

Attached: mel movies.jpg (1024x789, 522K)

>Someone born in 1918 was racist!

No shit. Never mind the guy fought in World War 2, and in doing so contributed to the liberation of the Jewish people (which means far more than his opinions). You're manipulative slime, by the way.

>that beard

ten commandments remake when


How much do you want 2 hours of this?


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It's ok I guess but i felt the Madman is a sideshow and the professor is the main character but the two stories of the two sides don't work well.
They have their separate lives and rarely talked to each other

Hollywood is ran by the communist chinese

just make the the passion sequel already ffs!

Almost everyone on Yea Forums is born in the 90s and also is racist. Your point?

It should take so long to intentionally miss the point.

>We are watching sir, with a keen eye
>watch then...and be amazed

Literally an allegory for Mel's triumphant return to the cinema.


Kino chemo

b a s e d

Embarrassed. You're some fucking needy sons of whores.

>says "we"
>means "I"

Don't, breh. It is a proof of weakness.

based dad

Dragged Across Concrete wasn't even that good, full of shit that didn't even make any sense, and haven't seen the second one