What did she mean by this edition

what did she mean by this edition


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Other urls found in this thread:



anyone seen this
it's pretty cool

>"I guess the real Chernobyl was all the friends we made along the way"

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Why the fuck do you spell бopщ as borscht? Where do you get that t from?

Cut this thread to curb the spread of misinformation.

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If you stuck your dick into the reactor core would it expand from the radiation buff?

I think I found the problem. Why are a bunch of chefs working in a nuclear power plant?

post your screenshots

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saved it for later
will give my opinion in like 10 threads


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Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts

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>Fucking plot armour

I think you'd be dead before you had the chance to check

How many Roentgens are in this thread?

>entire incident the soviets are dealing with a fucking nuclear explosion of a ticking time bomb if the fuel actually reaches the water beneath the flooring
>withing days they come up with an effective if not costly and dangerous and fatal solution to curb the effects
>staring down the barrel of a catch 22 of do we want to feed a fire or add fuel to blow it up and burn it out
Im ashamed to be an american with how flippant we are with the posting here
no one really seems to take into account how fucking dangerous and volatile the actual situation was and how it was handled

it wasnt handled masterfully. but they fucking came to jesus real quick and did the best they could.

What the fuck am I watching? Like, I get it, a lot of tragedy during the accident was caused by ineptitude, mismanagement, and outright cover-ups, but holy fuck am I supposed to buy this "every character behaves like a sunday catroon supervillian" crap? I'm surprised Dyatlov and his pals in crime weren't given a pair a horns like MGS5, you know, to drive the point

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Time to stock up on radiation diagrams

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I cant watch it if he keeps putting on the accent to say Chernobyl.

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I'd give her my iodine pills, if you know what I mean.

ching chong

ding dong

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How many military police?

2-3 thousand.......

I hear Pripyet has actually been really great for summering. user, can you confirm?

This was such a condescending piece of shit show that constantly insulted my intelligence. Absolutely embarrassing levels of needless exposition.

The Battle of Chernobyl is way better

>still alive

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my get thingy somehow is stuck but i think it is above 3.5 and below 3.7

This series should have been the real sequel to The Terror. Has a lot of the same guys too. Damn shame, fits the theme of what they should be doing with that series perfectly

>The English word borscht, also spelled borsch, borsht, or bortsch,[4] comes from Yiddish באָרשט (borsht).
Absolute fucking state of anglos.

You know Chernobyl tourism is actually a thing right?

>Like, I get it, a lot of tragedy during the accident was caused by ineptitude, mismanagement, and outright cover-ups
>But why are the people in charge acting inept, mismanaging the crisis and outright covering it up?

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>I guess the real radiation that spread, was the braps we made along the way

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download please

during the soviet era the most important thing to be a friend of the party was unquestioned loyalty. when the old guy lectured them on acting for the advancement of the state in all situations he was basically soothing their nerves with propaganda. you'd be surprised how much humans like to be told that everything is under control in panic situations
so it's less "supervillain" and more "unquestioned loyalty to a party only concerned with itself"

and as for Dyatlov himself, he's sort of a supervillain I agree but mostly he just struck me as a deeply insecure and delusional man who kept convincing himself that everything was OK to both save his career and ease his nerves

great reason not to watch something

Nothing significant.

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You are always free to immigrate into North korea, comrade

mmhmmmm a Company man...

First of all, Vasily, where has been these 'flippant' posts about not handling it well?
Second, most of the posts have been fucking banepost-tier and RMBKIDF-shilling
Try harder

this guy fucs

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>the Soviet state wasn't an inefficient, byzantine nightmare, it's all just Western propaganda

Try it out comrades. talktotransformer.com

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That last close up of the valve guy's face is gonna haunt me for a while bros

>brainlets comparing about british accents
way fucking better to have the british accents instead of fucking AWFUL imitation Russian accents

Summering =\= tourism you absolute brainlet.

Guys i heard 2 explosions coming from the powerplant
Whats going on

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Arthur I have a plan! Now lower the control rods into the core!

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I was asleep btw, not that it matters

Reminder to use yandex.com like a real man instead of google.

I swear it's the same autists every time
>any historical film set in a non-English country/time period
>"y dey speak english lol"

That shot of the bottom where the core sat - was it still burning? What was burning?

Don't look into my core user uwu

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absolutely nothing to worry about
return to your home, comrade

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checked out that reactor core. Shits dope.

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>amerishart brain confronted with reasoning and logic

Would trees really get killed that fast by the radiation?

post pits

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I'm an American teen who happens to be an expert in Russia and Russians. AMA

>What was burning?

Mother Russia

Imagine the smell

this robot is in shock

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I bet 'it' tastes like metal

possible spoilers

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guys look at this cook glowy brink thing I found near the burning nuclear powerplant. damn now my hand hurts and I think I'm gonna throw up. that's weird huh?

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Chernobyl is in Russia

He just wanted to know why more and more of his comrades were coming back with suntans

*throws up

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lay down boris, we got this lol

you ain't foolin anyone ivan

slavs are just retarded and didn't have the balls to question anyone higher than their station, end of story

what did she mean by this?

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So how many times do they say the word comrade in the first episode?

>The core has exploded, we should evacuate the plant!

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>Perevozchenko, Valery Ivanovich
>Received fatal dose of radiation during attempt to locate and rescue Khodemchuk and others, and manually lower the control rods; together with Kudryavtsev and Proskuryakov he looked directly into the open reactor core

Imagine looking directly at something like that. Imagine feeling your insides liquefy in the coming weeks as you die in agony.

Call in the day shift, they need to get a peep at this.

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Yes. Here’s a pic of it.

>The name "Red Forest" comes from the ginger-brown color of the pine trees after they died following the absorption of high levels of radiation from the Chernobyl accident on 26 April 1986. ... The site of the Red Forest remains one of the most contaminated areas in the world today.


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wait, so they used the radioactive coolant directly for energy production ?
sounds awfull

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That's actually pretty significant. We should evacuate the thread.

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Not bad, not great

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Иo it's иot


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What was the point of your joke then

ahh, hmm, nuklear

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I know about the forest, but I didn't think/know the trees had died almost a day after the accident, thought it would've been a few days/weeks of massive exposure at least

This, plus keep in mind that the old guy was over 70, which means he was so good at instinctually toeing the party line he managed to survive all the Soviet party purges. You had to be a 10/10 shill for that.


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apparently the director tried to avoid using it too much to avoid being cliche, but some ukrainians alive during the soviet Union read the script and told him to include way more "comrade" and "tovarish" to be more realistic


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They're communists. You can be legally executed if you get caught referring to someone by anything other than their state-approved ID number.

You are the worst kind of reactor technician. You abuse your dosimetry. You complain in the safety of your building watching. You claim you have seen graphite on the ground when you obviously haven't and you're weak in your knowledge of RBMK reactors BECAUSE Chernobyl affords you anonymity... YOU'VE MADE YOURSELF ASK QUESTIONS THAT ARE NOT IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS, and bad ones at that, and you blame the Vladimir I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station for it. I'm not the Nuclear Engineer you are, Sitnikov, never will be, but you will never be fit for controlling the feed water. And as your fellow Comrade... I take some responsibility for that. For the VANITY of your outlook, I should have reported your disloyalty rather than vomiting on the table, because you seem to have confused my reactor needing coolant with tolerance, BUT THERE'S A LIMIT TO HOW MUCH I CAN TOLERATE, AND THAT IS WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY STANDING. There are some things we were never meant to be to one another. I see that now. 3.6 roentgen per hour on my side, calling in the day shift on yours.

So let us turn our energies on what this reactor requires of us. We should give that our best. There can be no argument between us there.


Where the fuck is season 2?


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I stopped enjoying memes. The whole thread just seems retarded to me even though I liked the first episode. Am I getting old? Is it the end?

Im not the author of that post

Seems like 3.6 roentgen. Not good, but not terrible


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That wasn't even the only design flaw. The reactions also quickened when the coolant evaporated, unlike in safer Western reactors, and the control rods were fucked in a way that caused the reactor to spike when they were first inserted.

You realize comrade and tovarish are the same thing right

oh hey guys, what's going on in this thread


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Trees are especially prone to radiation damage. Also that initial cloud of smoke and debris was highly radioactive and was lethal even to humans.

Here’s a pic of tree tips damaged by a cell phone tower and also a study on damage to trees from wifi/radio:

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BANE? I don't feel so good...


Lmao very funny

What did he see, bros?

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>hmmmmmm nootka

its ok, user, no need to get hooked on every shitty wave of memes
you are just fine

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Or maybe he's wondering why you would bellow fallout before throwing it onto the plane

>How many roentgens, comrade? A few? Twenty-two, perhaps? Or sixty? For you, comrade--to give us what are to us a very important truth, that there are many such things as those who say we can speak, but can't communicate, what it is that makes us speak, and not another language--to give us some of these things; such as this idea of speaking, and not another, as spoken by you, and to know your thoughts and feelings, we are really as helpless as you, and can scarcely have done any thing better. We can't know what it is. We can do nothing else. We can only be silent while you do nothing whatever. I am sure that we can do nothing else if we had anything to say--we do not know what it is. Not knowing is what we are doomed to, comrade. We can only be silent. Then we are going to see what you are up to in that respect. We've heard you talk of having to come up to us, you know: your little band

Twenty-two? Sixty? Is that significant?


>Today, radiation levels in the Red Forest can be as high as one roentgen per hour,

not terrible

>I dont feel so good.

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I... I think that would be extremely painful

He probably saw light in front and behind his eyeballs and felt his whole face heat up and like it was getting shocked by those electric muscle pads on high setting.

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before and after 3.61 roentgens

Not a reactor.

Reactor Chan ()

So, since this is a historically-accurate depiction of the Soviet Union, I'm guessing that literally none of the characters survive. Am I warm?

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Like this post if you're 15 years old

based rusty poster

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3.6 you


>user I need you to go down to my core valves right now!

what do?

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if anything it's an improvement!

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People referred to each other in two ways in the USSR: name and patronymic (which they still do today, but it sounds weird and awkward in English) and comrade X (insert surname). So expect a lot of comrades.

Reactor chans cunny

Do they really say both comrade and tovarish in this fucking show?

I think pretty much everyone we see in the control room and the firefighters died yeah.

I actually live near Mayak plant producing Plutonium 238. There was also an accident.
The air here is very heavy. I got Sarcoidosis not long ago. Taking pills every day from now on.

Living here isn't paradise you know. Why would someone making tourism here? Western idiots

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I don’t think they said tovarish yet.

A perfectly intact roof
Hes just red because he’s embarrassed

Not quite. The guy propping the door for example survived, even though he had to spend a year in the hospital. Dyatlov (the denial guy) also survived for a few years.


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How would he have fixed the problem?

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>t.three armed mutant Ruskicuck

Yeah, they said comrade in every fucking sentence. These slavs I swear

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Build sarcophagus out of slav bodies.

>shoots it in the brainstem

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throw T-34s at it until the radiation goes away

Good to see all the radiation was contained in Russian territory

I know that southern tip of Belarus got turned into reserve because of this (not that there were many people to begin with), but what about Gomel area?

>Build sarcophagus out of enemies bodies.

Was ist das?


>am I supposed to buy this "every character behaves like a sunday catroon supervillian" crap?
Putin, get off Yea Forums.

What would happen to Europe if the clean up crew did nothing?

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Well, it's not like Russia is responsible for that.

In other words, slavs.

>this is what westcucks actually believe

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Exactly the same.

Best show of the last decade. Don't worry, too kino for you.

Lmao, are you a comedian by any chance?

>Forbes shilling for communists


Well well well

were the burns from steam or radiation?

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Based Goodsir on the left.


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I said no because I didn't realised they were the same thing


Yorope is fucked up far worse because of libshits

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goddamn, they just keep getting stupider


>“The skin is our best barrier to the microbes that kill,” said Thomas. "When you damage that barrier, entry into the body by pathogens is made much easier.”

Yes comrade, your skin will protect you from the water leak, the core is still here comrades

Don't take it personally. We'll all just venting because Russians are white and therefore insultable. If this was a show about m*slim nuclear disaster, every single one of us would be banned for 'racist remarks outside of Yea Forums'' by now.

All those who were watching and playing on the bridge die horribly of radiation poisoning.

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So apparently ~70% of visitors to Chernobyl exclusion are 'foreigners'; please show me the demographics of them being westerners. More than likely you're just wrong and projecting.
Also maybe think that it's a draw for people interested in the post-apocalyptic so maybe stop being known for nuclear incidents if you want those people to stop coming.

Holy shit I'd never noticed that before

Nah, it would be nazis like you.


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I think you're full of shit

Also sorry to hear of your ailment, Godspeed.

There were no nazis in 86, retard.

[laughs in Argentinian]

you in the middle

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Is this a double-shilling attempt by Americans? They downplay the Chernobyl accident then say that it’s communist propaganda to do so?

commie claps


>white and insultable in the eyes of liberals
>subhuman in the eyes of nazis
I hate being Russian. It's not fair

Forbes is in the pocket of the GOP, which is currently butt-buddies with Putin

What's it like living so close to an exclusion zone?

me on the left ahah

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Supposedly the core would reach the water table and contaminate water in Europe, Russia, Asia and wherever it could. Check out the West coast 4 years after Fukushima.

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>I was thus pleasantly surprised when HBO’s “Chernobyl” writer and director, Craig Mazin, tweeted on April 8, “The lesson of Chernobyl isn’t that modern nuclear power is dangerous. The lesson is that lying, arrogance, and suppression of criticism are dangerous.”
Well then motherfucker that means nuclear power is dangerous because Im sorry to say but thats what human beings do.

Is reddit down? Why are you here?

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tfw reaktor looking fine as shit

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>what human beings do
No, only slavs do this because they're subhuman animals

You are delusional


literally uninstalled

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>because Russians are white
Nice try Ivan


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Everything can be dangerous if mismanaged. The point is that nuclear energy isn't some super special demon that must be avoided at all costs.

>Blue LEDs in 1986
excuse me wot

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smokes, let's go.

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It bugs you that he’s pronouncing it correctly?

ah but chernobyl was in the ukraine, which is currently an antagonist of putin's so how the fuck do you square that one?

>Hunting parties spent weeks scouring the zone and shot all the abandoned family pets, which had begun to roam in packs. It was a necessary evil to avoid the spread of radioactivity, prevent decontamination workers from being attacked, and put the animals out of their misery. A quick death was better than slowly dying of starvation and radiation sickness.

>“The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices. We shot them in the houses, and the barns, in the yards. We’d drag them out onto the street and load them onto the dump truck. It wasn’t very nice. They couldn’t understand: why are we killing them? They were easy to kill, they were household pets. They didn’t fear guns or people.”

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Go to infirmary

I never said Americans were white

>was in the ukraine
Sshhhh don't tell them

ok well, what are we going to go to war to keep nuclear power out of the hands of slavs? and its not even the slavs im worried about. its the poos. is the world going to survive a modern day india with nuclear power plants peppered over the landscape? i dont fucking think so.

That was all Gorbachev's fault.
His administration's inside job.
Also americunts

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Delete this now

They were looking pretty black and red.

Not him, but Russia claims to be the USSR successor state and ascribes all its successes to itself while blaming others for the failures.

You're disgrace to the nation, faggot. Hating yourself because of hatred by groups of losers and degenerates. Pathetic.


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>Living here isn't paradise you know.

I cant wait for episode 3 or 4 to shut up the russian slav faggots
>we need to assign men to a suicide mission
>a few dozen men are told what needs to be done
>a few dozen men are told what will happen and the dire consequences if they fail
>all of them step forward to die for the greater good
>they all are aware of certain death and have zero hesiation
explain why you russian faggots are so upset by this kino?
whats wrong with it?
im the american spamming this every thread btw
reposting my ussr defence post from last thread
if you actually look into the disaster
what a lot of people miss is the bottom line
>28 dead
>lots of people sick
>pretty minimal damage
the whole disaster turned into a corrupt cleanup scam where companies would charge tons of money to perpetuate studies that they still need to spend hundreds of millions to clean up the site

all in all it was a freak accident.
the whole incredulity at the core actually exploding? there is no way that should have happened. and there is a general consensus on the events but still no hard timeline of how exactly it happened.
but the guys at the plant did their fucking jobs and sacrificed their lives for the better good.
the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.

>this all happened because of safety safety safety concerns and the actual plant was so safe but they were worried about a fucking 1 minute gap between shutdown and backup power kicking in so the crusade for safety instead of well enough alone is what caused the worst nuclear accident
kinda ironic but also kinda upsetting.

and thats an american opinion.
all that being said the fact they didnt have proper dosimeters and just assumed everything was reading off the charts or best case scenario was beyond incompetent.
there should have been triple redundancy at every fucking level of the people involved.
>hospital didnt stock up on radiation meds either
come on ussr.

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desu the memes are better when Americans are awake

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>is the world going to survive a modern day india with nuclear power plants peppered over the landscape? i dont fucking think so.
They already have 8, my dude.

>This is a famous shot taken by Igor Kostin, of a Liquidator who apparently discovered a baby abandoned in a country home, though this is an unsubstantiated claim. Nobody seems to know what happened to the baby.

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>I hate being Russian.
Neck yourself faggot

Imagine being hated by everyone in the west. Just imagine

Tы и cюдa пpoётк, кaмpaд?

цикa блять

white men are truly oppressed

Is that supposed to mean something?

burgers need not imagine

you'll be fine

>explain why you russian faggots are so upset by this kino?
because it's depicts USSR as a bad government

Cъeби-кa нa тyпичoк

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it's not a nixie tube clock, it's an LED clock, and it's blue
I'm not saying blue LEDs weren't possible in 1986, but they wouldn't be used in a clock in a soviet power station

"The Chernobyl reactor? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting it. You see, the reactor had limited roentgens and radioactive material. Knowing its weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at it until it exhausted both and was contained. Voroshilov, show them the medals I won"

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Poos are ten times better than slavs, everybody knows that. Slavs are the worst.

Yeah well 8 is one thing. How about 80. How about 800. Where do you put the limit at on nucler reactors in India? Because in my estimation, 8 is 8 too fucking many for that shithole and that goes for the rest of shit holes across the world.

"Nuclear power is great, its the people that are the problem". Ok, well, that means nuclear power is a problem. How can any nuclear power enthusiast argue with that?

>Soviet space program: Russia stronk! Praise the motherland!
>Chernobyl: N-not our fault, it's in Ukraine anyway!

download link plz

Tactfully maneuver his supply lines around each and every beta particle, forever catching the core off guard.

After the sarcophagus was completed, the first test was to see if snow would melt after falling on top of it. If it did melt it meant we're fucked.

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>ITT butthurt russians trying to cover their own fuck up

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>t. teenage expert in Russia

Mmm, I dont think so. The poos are barely getting into space and already they may have fucked over everyone for all time.


>Учeныe yтвepждaют, чтo взpыв peaктopa был зapaнee cплaниpoвaн и ocyщecтвлён пoд pyкoвoдcтвoм гopбaчёвcкoгo ЦК КПCC, a винa былa aккypaтнo cвaлeнa нa пepcoнaл cтaнции, oкaзaвшийcя «кoзлoм oтпyщeния». Зaтeм aтoмщики были вынyждeны oпpaвдывaтьcя в ycлoвиях кpyгoвoй пopyки и дaвлeния «пepecтpoйщикoв». Чтo и былo кocвeннo пpизнaнo пepeд миpoвым cooбщecтвoм гopбaчёвcким pyкoвoдcтвoм, к кoтopoмy и вeдyт вce нити.

>«B aвгycтe 1986 гoдa oфициaльнaя вepcия paзвёpтывaния coбытий нa ЧAЭC былa пpeдcтaвлeнa нa ceccии MAГATЭ, и вoт eё глaвный вывoд: «пepвoпpичинoй aвapии являeтcя coвceм мaлoвepoятнoe coчeтaниe нapyшeний пopядкa и peжимa экcплyaтaции, дoпyщeннoe пepcoнaлoм энepгoблoкa», oтмeчaeт Hикoлaй Кpaвчyк. To ecть, взopвaть Чepнoбыль бeз зapaнee пpoдyмaннoгo внeшнeгo вмeшaтeльcтвa пepcoнaл cтaнции пpocтo нe cмoг бы.

Attached: 1377710734001.jpg (279x318, 36K)

a jill sandwich

He's delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

Hasn't there only been 1 episode released?

But he isn't wrong.

LMAOing at all these russian posts

Attached: Chernobyl.S01E01.[2019.05.09_10.28.3 (1280x720, 368K)

Radiation. There was no steam because there was no WATER IN THE FUCKING CORE.

Whats your point? What are you getting at bud?

Need some sources here

Oхyитeльнaя иcтopия.

back2redit plz

Ccылкy мы кoнeчнo жe нe yвидим.

цикa блять

as a burger
ussr had the fucking best national anthem hands down
we all agree right?

isnt the new russian anthem the same thing?

historical fiction worthy of Bushkov you got there comrade

I knew the military college in my city had its own reactor, but take a look at who runs it

Keep telling that to yourself, commie. Fucking conspiratards.

What kind of source? official government statement? Russian media who usually prefer to blame everyone else in USSR faults? Public opinion?

it's pretty kickass

>isnt the new russian anthem the same thing?
different words, same music

sarcophagus is such a eerie term to use

Чтo мeня выдaлo?

well that kinda castrates it I imagine
but whatever
I dont know what they are saying anyways with either anthem

but USSR anthem is the best anthem the world has ever seen

цикa блять

So you're just getting all these out from your ass. I see

Coffin was a bit on the nose and some people did say it's a sort of 21st century pyramid.

Attached: 1Ub3g6M[1].jpg (1640x1068, 885K)

>I dont know what they are saying but that kinda catrastes it anyway
Based burger

Here's your Dyatlov, Fomin and Bryukhanov, bro!

Attached: nwNVPfR[1].jpg (1100x1024, 500K)

It's not answer to my question, so I'll repeat, what kind of source do you need, shill?
>but USSR anthem is the best anthem the world has ever seen
Don't forget your soi and Switch

цикa блять

Attached: xQqGPky[1].jpg (1247x840, 413K)

Wow, they fucking nailed the actor for Bryukhanov

Кoгдa ждaть кинo пpo Фyкycимy и -кyнoв?

It's just woke commietards, they don't actually give a shit about the people and care more about the bad mouthing of communism.
There was a retard trying to advertise chapo trap house doco/media a few threads ago.

>official government statement? Russian media who usually prefer to blame everyone else in USSR faults? Public opinion?
All of these. Go ahead

>The Facility is owned by the Crown

what ?

Пepcoнaжeй бyдeт нe paзличить.

This is Legasov, the guy with the glasses that says "well 3.6 Roentgens is pretty high you should evacu-"

Attached: bz5Uyu0[1].jpg (800x550, 43K)

Attached: 5f7016a87d913293f2c58121ba8d9548--expectation-vs-reality--years.jpg (640x768, 63K)

Taк нaдo бpитaнцeв нaнять!

I said RUNS, not owns.

Attached: 32131.png (310x78, 2K)

Why would they use such a small number? It’d be more like a hundred trillion trillion trillion... or something like that

Another pic of Bryukhanov and Fomin.

Attached: ky4MZ7a[1].jpg (800x559, 55K)


Attached: CIA.jpg (716x768, 79K)

Mr. Hickey please stop

Attached: THE-TERROR_Jared-Harris-francis-crozier_1200x707.jpg (1200x712, 161K)

the absolute madman

Color version with Dyatlov thinking the whole situation would have been averted if they just pumped water in the fucking reactor core.

Attached: DRjOxG5[1].jpg (1223x1800, 490K)

because "trillion" is a really big number which most people may at least have a concept of
while something like "septendecillion" might as well be "a jillion"

Щ is Ш+T where im from and its spelled Бopш in the original slav language

Heyвaжeниe к кoмy, cэp?

To the roof with you homo scum

holy fuck they absolutely nailed everything

>Do you taste metal?

Attached: 1544574250789.jpg (235x250, 4K)

>having a good time with your bros shooting cats and doing coke
>do a spoopy photo with some left behind carriage
>laugh about it for a day
>2000 years later historians are discussing it in seminars

a daring synthesis

We did it brahs!

Attached: 2NVdQjL[1].jpg (645x708, 68K)

what does "цикa блять" mean

pls respond, take this kino as a thank you

Attached: Christ in a reactor.jpg (800x415, 97K)

Going to the carwash!

Attached: XXU3WTB[1].jpg (2761x2046, 1.53M)

The unit of a “mol” begins with the digits 6,0,2,2. That’s kind of significant.




Look at these madmen dragging a wall.

Attached: 6N0FgdM[1].jpg (1019x708, 131K)


Honestly no idea, just some schizo trying to be funny, ignore him




Get a hobby that doesn't include politics, drink herbal tea and HAVE SEX

anotha one

>fucking whore

All cars that entered and left the zone were scrubbed.


Attached: download.jpg (190x265, 6K)

>>“The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices.

There's probably gonna be a scene where they show it. Look at the angle he's holding the gun.

Attached: pls no.png (1920x1080, 2.56M)

How did Yea Forums manage to ruin this show already with shitty low tier forced memes

if this is all it takes for a show to be ruined for you, what are you still doing on here my dude?

I stay for the rare occasions when people actually discuss the show and the disaster.

Listen, I'm going to the administration building now to call Jannykhanov and Jannymin. They're gonna want a report and some good OC. Well, I don't know if I can make things better for you but I can certainly make them worse. Make some OC comrade Anonov.

Attached: smug.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

and i am glad youre here with us