Other urls found in this thread:
>You've shown that the movie industry is not only alive and well, it's bigger than ever!
>Is not only alive and well but dumber than ever!
>he has to kiss their asses so they don't dump his dances with smurfs sequels
Someone draw me Avengers giving it to the next movie please
this is the saddest cope ever
just accept dc cuck, after all that work, you m8s just couldn't do it
Just what he fuck did Cameron do that Yea Forums has so many shills of his? He’s not even alt-right, he’s a liberal cunt just everybody else in Hollywood
>He’s not even alt-right
Make fucktons of blockbuster films.
>He’s not even alt-right
No one in Hollywood is alt-right, you massive retard.
>reeee muh politics
Faggots that inject this nonsense into every conversation are the worst. I guarantee that you're a virgin.
Not a single worthy argument yet, kek, as expected from cameronfags
Made shitty flicks that they think are art because they watch capeshit on the reg. Not even joking.
Your post smells faintly of cheese and and armpits. Embarrassing.
he's humble and accepts this with grace. b&r
Never ate cheese in my life ;)
MFW Avatar sequels fails and James directs Avengers 8
movies are gay
Cameron has a very decent body of work. He's versatile (The Abyss) and his blockbusters are actually quite good, unlike the capeshit cranked out today (Aliens, T2).
I don't care at all about Avatar. I thought it was mediocre, a tech project, but I respect him as a director. That's more than I can say for most directors working today.
>many shills of his
like 1 avaturd who gets BTFO'd in EVERY THREAD? AHAHAHHAHAHA
>most successful director of all time
>also an auteur
You plebs should be shot at sight.
What's alt-right?
Take a shower. Have sex.
>letting disney know they still haven’t beaten avatar but beat a chick flick instead
Aliens, Terminator and nothing good since.
Maybe he's just a decent person.
>true lies is bad
The Abyss is great. Besides, even if what you say is true (it isn't), making two films of the magnitude of Terminator and Aliens is kind of enough to cement him as a great director. Is he an auteur? God, no. Not at all.
But he is one of the two best directors of all time when it comes to making films that are commercial (along with Speilberg).
>the magnitude of terminator and aliens
Lmao kid
Cameron is a man with uncompromising visions and I can respect that.
Terminator is the greatest sci-fi thriller of all time and Aliens set the gold standard for what we have called 'action movies' ever since. I'd say they both qualify as great. Both are massively influential aside from being very well directed.
so much rent free space
alt-right does not exist. it's a meme created by the msm media as a boogerman, you parroting brainlet.
also Cameron is a liberal in its original, true sense. not some obsessed, screeching fruitloop at the end of the spectrum Resetera communist manifesto quoting clown.
he is a liberal in the classic sense, not
unlike these nu-age PC sjw genderbending chair farting hacktivists he actually knows what he is talking about and is quite an intelligent and educated man. on top of that he has backbone and principles and most importantly he has BALLS.
No one cares about your meme ideology you fucking election tourist. Go back to /pol/ and r/the_donald
For me, it's the first Terminator.
And Aliens
And Abyss
And True Lies
Cameron is a based individual regardless of his personal politics. Don't be a fucking turbopleb
>save me China
Haha pathetic
It is a baton passing tradition in hollywood, George Lucas did the same when Titanic beat Empire.
>Zoomers ITT don't get Jim's reference
>the jewvie industry
Titanic really happened lads I just googled it.
The capeshit A still couldn't beat the space cat A, even after alllll that autism
Hey, that's pretty based.
>Can't wait for the avengers one when KINOTAR2 hits
>He’s not even alt-right
You're just butthurt
rent free?
>proves versatility by citing one movie
I'm diverse
I don't want to be pessimistic or paranoid by I feel slightly intrepid at the absurd notion that cameron isn't even making these films. I'd really like to see them but they've become legendary mythos of the film industry. We may never see a sequel to avatar.
The mouse made him tweet!
>he's not even alt-right
Like all things here someone started memeing about him, then retards thought they were serious and started posting about him unironically. Nowadays it's impossible to tell who's who.
Is this image oddly morbid?
Like, it feels crass considering the death.
i thought this movie was gonna beat avatar? what happened?
Except orange frogposters - they're proven to be pro-2nd amendment lefty fashionistas
Have a Pristimantis Jamescameroni
this is what jewywood is now
>my shit made more money than your shit
became a successful in jewish controlled hollywood without being a jew
also a theist
It's going to be real fuckin' embarrassing when he has to make another one of these for Avatar.
James Cameron is literally a nazi. Did people not get his white power references in titantic and terminator 2???
The implication of making this one for Titanic is that Endgame won't reach Avatar's box office. Or maybe just a nice nod to
what the fuck this is kino as hell
Both of the examples you give are 40 year old movies.
IMO he's just a hack who had two good movies and currently has such inflated movie budgets that his movies are nigh impossible to bomb
This, just look at half the stuff that gets praised here. People wouldn't shut the fuck up about Glass, but even just compared to Unbreakable it was a bad movie, and I'm willing to bet most people never even watched Unbreakable.
big blue space cats is the pinnacle of kino
> a hack who had two good movies
a hack cant make one good movie, certainly not 2. (Provided that i agreed with your inncorrect claims of only two good movies)
It's taken the full might of Disney and a franchise of 20 movies to finally create a credible threat to dethroning Jim.
If Avatar manages to weather this and survive then James Cameron will be the king of cinema for the next 10 years, if not forever.
I'm a boomer and I don't get this reference.
>Now Im off to make 6 more Avatar films
paid mousenigger shill
>Still has $600+ million to beat Avatar. Endgame is a total failure. Better luck next time chums!
After alita flopped this dude is on thin ice with disney execs, he's got no sway overthere so he basically has to grovel not to have them cancel Avatar 2. They pretty much want nothing to do with him and they have no faith in him as a director/producer.
They are just DCucks trying to cope no ones like Avatar
based cameron
his opinion is the polar opposite of the butthurt sadbrained cameronfags' opinion lmao
they're not that many. just a couple of autistic faggots from twitter who do nothing but shill avatar all day in this board because they have no life or other interests.
oh and there used to be a tripfag but I think he's dead
This is what butthurt faggots actually believe. Cry moar.
He's mocking them for not beating Avatar
He's responsible for the best blockbuster this decade and one of the movies in recent history. I will watch whatever he makes till the day I die.
Let’s see those earnings without 3D markups
how does that faggot feel after knowing Disney owns Avatar, did anybody tell him?
Its only been out for 13 days
Yea Forums BTFO again.
He's true action kino-man
what a great illustration, not todays souless shit made with computers.
a boogeyman that doesn't exist
Why does hollywood think it's OK to quip about thousands of Irish and British dying by (((iceberg))) but would flip out if you made similar quips about holocaust movies? "Avengers gas Schindler's List and turn it into soap"
I'm sure that is an irony by Cameron.
>Faggots that inject this nonsense into every conversation are the worst.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa don't talk about politics I don't want to know about things in the real world waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa.
Aliens and T2 were the capeshit of their time.
Because the Titanic was an accident and the Holocaust didn't
and makes exactly $15 Million in the Box Office
yeah well cameron didn't direct schindler's list nor is it one of the best grossing movies ever that was just beat by avengers. Just doesn't work you dumb faggot.
>cucks down publicly to the mouse
>he's not even alt-right
Alt-right was created by the left to delegitimize any belief that wasn't part of the establishment RINO's. Fuck off you deceptive shill.
What an utterly faggot thing to tweet
>he’s a liberal cunt just everybody else in Hollywood
>created by the left
ah yes, richard spencer, the infamous leftie, probably a communist too
>the Holocaust didn't
Didn't what, goy? Choose your next words carefully, my gentile friend...
Thats a really weird and passive aggresive way of congratulating someone
"You sunk my metaphorical ship, good job!"
Endgame is unironically a better movie than Titanic or Avatar.
He is a cunt to his crew and he is aggressively arrogant. That is his claim to fame here.
Wrong. They were well written, well produced, and well edited action films. Capeshit is defined separately from action films by
>generic settings
>infantile comic relief
>bad action editing
>unremarkable music
>bad special effects
>being such a newfag you don't know that Cameron has been /ourguy/ for years
cringe and bluepilled
For me, it's enjoyable and entertaining movies.
Avatar 2 will make 16 billion dollars
Avatar was the worst movie I had seen in my life.
I was 11 years old when it was released back in 2009. Even then I knew it was the worst movie I would ever witness, the fact every single person around me thought it was great made me realise how stupid humanity truly is.
The next few weeks I found out he was making 3 more sequels, my disappointment was legendary and I'm ashamed this man made Terminator and The Terminator 2, how do you go from that to the clusterfuck and shit writing of Avatar.
Sure it looked good wow 3D effects and blue lights and sparkly colours, fucking amazing. It disappointed me so much as a kid I haven't even gave it a rewatch as I loath it that much.
Fuck Avatar.