What does it mean when a bunch of neckbeards can make a better Star Wars action scene than a 300-million dollar blockbuster?
Star Wars
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Nothing because star wars fan films have been around for decades
And by multimillion dollar blockbuster, I'm referring to the modern garbage.
It's extremely heavy-handed and flashy for the sake of being flashy. Putting in audio from RotS, especially including "I hate you" part is downright silly.
But, on a technical level, it's something.
I've seen a few really nice fan films, but this is by far the best.
A couple sequences from this can get overdone and cringey, but overall the flow of action is fantastic and every little detail was thought out in advance.
Compare with Nu-Wars where interns spend more effort post-production than directors shooting the actual scene.
Fucking throne room scene.
It means that Disney doesn't have their stuff sorted when it comes to the Star Wars franchise.
Why didn't Vader kill him when the old man was down and he threw the sabor at him?
This comes off as a onions boy fantasy, it doesn’t fit with the original movie at all. Especially when Obi wan dies, completely ruins that moment
jesus christ I can only kek at retards like you
lucas wanted the duels to resemble actual duels like you would see between rival samurai in kurosawa films
most of them consisted of few actual slashes, especially ones between two masters of the trade (which obi wan and vader are by that point in the saga)
having them do a drawn-out, excessively flashy choreographed ballet masquerading as a sword fight completely defeats the purpose
just because lucas forgot his artistic vision for the purposes of money while making the prequels doesn't mean their way of lightsaber duels is better
I'm surprised Lucas never changed the scene anyways
I should have worded the OP better. I realize that I come off as shitting on the Original Trilogy. That perfect masterpiece came out 40 years ago.
I wanted this to be a comparison to Nu Wars just with swapped characters.
The revised scenes are not that amazing, but you fucking contrarians are really going to defend the "masterpiece" that is the Obi Wan vs Darth Vader fight? Face it, the scene did not execute the intended Kurosawa-esque battle that well, unless were talking Sanshiro Sugata, which was lacking in it's own right.
Star Wars was about the adventure, not duelling with swords. Fuck this shit video, it cheapens Star Wars and makes it no better than the prequels.
The original is pretty bad but I'd still take the original over this tasteless ninja garbage.
He wanted Sabor to be safe first.
Stick to video games, nerds
All Star Wars films are shit
George Lucas has stolen ideas from great artists his entire career
Star Wars is stolen from Dune
Light saber duels aren't hack and slash games you fucking weeb faggot, they're supposed to be graceful sword fights. The prequels fucked this up by having stupid shit happen during them, this is just as bad.
have seen this before, and while its very entertaining and 'cool', i still prefer the original.
- the way the lightsabers end up slicing up and destroying the hallways = good
- the use of force pushes/force throws/etc
- the reflection of the lightsabers off vader's helmet
>Putting in audio from RotS, especially including "I hate you" part is downright silly.
+ I feel their swings are TOO powerful/impactful, they are both old men in ANH yet they are swinging their blades with more force than they did at their peaks in AotC/RotS.
when the prequels came out my dad made a very good observation about their cooler lightsaber battles: we finally got to see young, fit, masterful jedi at the top of their game whereas in the original trilogy all we ever saw was a duel between an old crippled/paraplegic man in a clumsy robotic suit(vader) versus an even older man(obiwan), and then the clumsy man in a suit versus a almost untrained novice(luke). so i have no problem with the lightsaber fights in the OT not being as grandiose as they became in the prequels, even just from a lore standpoint, without taking improved special effects into account.
anyways, the OT fights, the PT fights, and even this fan-fiction fight are all superior to the garbage we got in nu-wars thats not even coherently choreographed properly.
I'm not saying that the original was a masterpiece by any means, really the only lightsaber fight worth a damn in the entire saga is the final luke/vader duel in ep6
I'm just saying that the original had a clear inspiration and was better executed than your typical overdone ballerina bullshit that gets paraded around as "proper fighting"
how do you kick 3 people at once
>not old man fighting and talking shit to each other
I'd rather watch them in their prime in the prequels or play KotOR if I wanted to see more intense duels.
VIdeocopilot is a mental illness
I accept that. The scene needed some more weight to it. I can't really explain, but they needed to feel heavier somehow to make the slow combat work better. As faggy as it sounds, you needed to feel that the "force" was real when they fought.
>how do you kick 3 people at once
thank you for pointing out yet another way that fight scene is absolutely retarded that my mind hadn't even registered yet. lmao. there is so much going on in those scenes that looks bad that i didn't even notice that. ty
inb4 nu-wars defense force comes out and says it was a 'force push kick'
>Force push kick
ok watched it. this was fucking bad. a few nice ideas in it for sure, but no soul at all, and overuse of shaky camera and lens flare, shit color grading and the music doesn't fit either.
honestly kind of cringy. Okay for a fan film I suppose, but to say that it's better than the original is just poor taste
The original scene was supposed to resemble cerebral old school samurai movie duels. Those duels were less flashy with backflips and shit and more like a western gun duel in which characters size eachother up, stare eachother down, and take sudden swipes at eachother's openings without wasting any more energy than that. This is supposed to be a duel between two old masters who have matured beyond the fast and flashy theatrics of their youth.
The prequels are the Jedi in their prime with the vigor of youth.
It wasn't a mistake that the duel on the death star between Obi Wan and Darth Vader is different than what you see in the prequels. It was an intentional artists style that conveyed something about the characters. You also see this in Luke's acrobatic duel against a slow composed and older Darth Vader.
Granted, the original Darth Vader vs. Obi Wan duel wasn't well executed, the proper fix isn't to make it more prequel like. They could have done a better version but maintained the artistic vision of two master samurai facing off.
This is so laughably bad. All these short, jerky cuts and amateurish panning shots that all miss the point of the scene. Not to mention seeing two crippled, elderly men flip around and do awful choreographed moves looks dumb as hell and don't tell me that Count Dooku did it because that was just as bad.
Vader fucking bro punching Obi in his shoulder was the best part.
>2 old dudes fighting with old weapons
>try to make it look fucking badass cause it's lightsabers dude
These Star Wars fans are fucking terrible
this. i always had the same idea with the prequel fights. just felt natural. this video was alright, it'd be better with less shakycam and a more mature fight, but yes without nostalgia goggles the first star wars fight was atrocious. george made up for it with the rest of the fights in his movies though so no hard feelings.
this. What movie is that gif from?
It sucks tho
Might be basically the same but this one is a lot more toned down and better
also, to be fair to lucas, that scene was literally the first time anyone in the film industry ever really pulled off 'laser swords' that looked so cool. just the props and the lightsaber effect they had created was pretty awesome for its time. people forget that CGI didn't really exist and that was a PRACTICAL effect using rotoscoping.
The Birth of the Lightsaber mini-documentary
pretty neat
Super cringe
>man darth vader is so epic badass, he should've totally owned that fight and dabbed on obi-wan's corpse, here let me make it better
What a waste of time and effort