bros... are we gonna be okay?
Bros... are we gonna be okay?
Other urls found in this thread:
wait a minute
what happened?
did he stumbe across the "people whos ass you can kick" shitpost?
>@Yea Forums
>this is a serious matter
I think there is a guy here who says he wants to harm or murder him occasionally so he is probably scared
who is this guy?
>i will escalate through legal recourse
Yeah people post shit like that in Warwick threads all the time. It's no more of a threat than the Navy Seal copypasta though but I wouldn't want to read that about myself either
some boomer who thinks he's gonna shut down le internet hate machine via **legal action**, so you know hes extra extra serious
Not him, per se, but some of these celebs do have people scouring (or keeping an eye) on the internet for anything mentioning their name. Copyright stuff and shit like that. One of the reasons Jessica Nigri threads are named Nessica Jigri in /hr/. Otherwise, the thread is found and taken care of. The same must've happened here.
Oh please god tell me this is real
Fuck you guys. Warwick Davis is great.
Life's Too Short was hilarious.
>be midge
>marry another midge
>first two kids die from combination of your midge diseases
>keep having more kids
>the two who survive are also midges
>he actually read the pastas
jesus fuck what timeline is this?
>someone actually sent him the fucking pasta about feeding him his son
Please post them
>a cosplayer hired some guy just to check out who's talking about her on the internet and shutting it off
What a time to be alive
satisfactory reply, your cooperation is appreciated
Imagine being a tiny little bit of a man. You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed. You almost role off and fall to your death. Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is. You climb down. Now you see an ant. The giant brute lumbering toward you. The smell of tiny man meat intoxicating the insect. You run, or more like you hop, towards the safety of a small crack in the wall not even the ant can fit in. Take a moment to rejoice and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You're so small you can see every individual ray of light. Hungry from your morning adventure you decide to eat. Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you. You eat barely a third of a neutron and you're stuffed. That's when you notice you've accidentally begun to fall through the very fabric of existence. You grasp out but everything is too big to hold onto. You fall into the abyss.
Itd suck being a midge.
Since we know we can get a reaction from him we need to make him a target this is hilarious
Celebrities, big or small (referring to their fame, not their height), have a surprising amount of power here and on the associated sites. There’s a girl who was in a video game who’s mentionis abannable offense, and she got various Yea Forums archives to delete months worth of post to get rid of posts about her. She also got the waybackmachine to delete all her old pages from their archives.
go back
Fake tweet. But I learned warwick is doing some c level game show.
I'll always have love for willow.
DMCA is an extremely efficient mechanism for making sites delete shit you own the copyright to.
Mocking the disabled isn't covered, so there's fuck all he can do because hiro will just pretend he can't read English and ignore his whiny emails
Fuck off Warwick you’re richer than the average tall British person.
Take your fucking ooma loompa of a wife back to your barbie sized mansion, cunt.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Midget ass couldnt even climb stairs hahahaha
i would tear this fucking little sewer mutant limb from limb like pulling the thighs off a turkey. i would plop his disifgured little arms and legs off like an action doll and bludgeon him with them. fucking little rodent wouldnt know what hit him
Why can't he just enjoy life like weeman?
nah they deleted discussion about the vidya actress
Based Hiro
>Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe.
part that gets me every time
van life must be much easier as wee man
Shit guys just got out of the interrogation room, the FBI says they’re gonna shut Yea Forums down unless you reply to this post saying you’re very sorry to Mr. Davis.
i want to live in a van like that. seems comfy.
I'm only a little sorry.
I want to fucking crush his little head like a watermelon. I know its been said before, but that really is the perfect description. Bones are strong, of course, but a midgets would break after some force, much like a watermelon. And I want see his watermelon juice leak out.
Sorry Mr. Davis but you have to admit it's quite funny
So is his house normal sized, just with low countertops and such? Or does he live in an apartment that's been converted into a three story house?
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>Actor, presenter, producer, director, husband & dad, who just happens to be short!
>President of @LPUKOnline, the charity for people with dwarfism.
Who is this Yea Forums?
It’s not a direct call to harm another person, simply an user explaining what he’d like to do. Protected free speech
Dude never replies to emails, no idea what the fuck hes doing all day
It doesn't look like we are going to make it out of this one lads, I'll miss you.
He's not as based as prime moot unfortunately.
there were a ton of Warwick threads last week, or at least a couple that maxed out, I guess he took notice.
Stupid Midge.
>You're so small you can see every individual ray of light.
People cherry pick Yea Forums threads to be offended about and that's a shame. Most of the site is nothing but socially isolated retards obsessing over posts with repeating numbers at the end. We're harmless, stop treating us like some sort of behemoth
im gonna break your tiny ribs like toothpicks warwick
Every chair this dude goes to sit on must be like climbing Everest wtf KEK what a midge.
>Yfw Yea Forums gets taken down by a literal manlet
Why so anxious user? You don’t seem so confident... I mean, it would be absurd to even question wether Mr. Davis has some sort of extrajudicial backing protected by the Mouse, and of course it would be foolhardy to believe that a certain lovable cartoon rodent would be so above the law that he could find out where a certain user was posting from.. go to his house and.. electrocute his nutsack
Fetish unlocked: midgets cosplaying as velma
>the mastermind behind the pastas
He's so kickable and starvable
So is she stacked or is she just stacked for a gnome?
perfect little fucktoy while her defenseless """""father""""" watches
Dwarves are fucking strong, he'll fuck you up.
If you put mobs on his feet he'd be a roomba.
This isn't Lord of the Rings bro.
>hiro will just pretend he can't read English and ignore his whiny emails
Absolutely based
I too do not condone or endorse harm towards Mr Davis, but I would probably laugh if it did happen
Is he the guy cartman makes fun of?
hes not a dwarf hes a midge, a gnome, a stump of a helium voiced santa helping """""man""""""
>I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse.
He's moved on to midgets.
My fucking sides.
Complaining about shit like this basically outs you as a d list faggot who sits at a computer googling your own name.
Get fucked Warwick
I want to put his head under an industrial press and see how long it takes until his brain is too damaged for him to continue screaming
fuckin kek
this for me too, mods please record my IP and my full denouncement of any violence against genetic midgets
beating manlets to keep then in place I still support tho
this is the reasonable non-extremist non-bluepilled stance
>getting Yea Forums shutdown for a rip-off of a much better pasta about Verne Troyer
Well done, incels.
There’s people in this thread posting pictures of his actual daughter talking about how they would rape her in front of her father. These people deserve to be in prison.
His daughter is stacked tho
fuck off and call the cops midge
>words on a screen
this is what leftists actually believe
How? He started 2ch and bought Yea Forums. This shit hole does not turn a profit and cost a lot to run
I'll fuckin squish you, midge
it seems from this tweet that Warwick Davis is quite a short-tempered man. the smallest things can make him angry. he's a little frightening when he gets this way.
>when Warwick did a TV show with Karl expecting to bully him like Steve and ricky
>Karl bullies him instead
sticks & stones little guy
It's your first day! Welcome to Yea Forums!
he's the guy who was famously inside the Robbie the Robot suit in Forbidden Planet.
how can a midge even possibly begin to "bully" a normal sized human? no amount of quick wit is going to change the fact that you're a walking, talking 3-foot-nothing joke
Yeah so what? moot ran this place at a loss for a decade while being a regular teenager. That's not to mention all the hacking, DDoS attacks, domain hijacking, stalking and other bullshit that went on. Go to ED and read up on it.
So that user who said he met Warwick in a bar and told him about Yea Forums wasn't bullshitting?
>be a manlet even among dwarves
Not that I condone anything about anyone having sex with warwick davis' family or dwarves in general but no one said anything about rape. You brought rape up.
I don't need to go to ED you dumb frog poster. I've been here for an embarrassing amount of years
Even a 5ft tall dyel manlet could kick this guy's ass.
user, I'm gonna need a name. Right. Fucking. Now.
>but I wouldn't want to read that about myself either
That's the price of fame. You attract not only positive people but the utter dregs of society too.
>There’s people in this thread posting pictures of his actual daughter talking about how they would rape her in front of her father. These people deserve to be in prison.
What about a gentle rape? I'm not into that weird African dry rape nonsense and would totally splurge for some primo lube.
Can someone post a link to the Tweet. I cant find it on his twitter.
Wicket the Ewok
No idea. Just some random in my fatty folder.
Why are we being randomly evil to him?
this site was a mistake
>reverse image search is your friend.
But she is Ellana Bryan
If we lived in a just world his daughter would have been drowned in a sink at birth like a runt shitbull and this could have been avoided. I don't get why you think we're the bad guys.
Could lil Shaggy defeat Ant-Man?
there isn't one they are lying to make you confused
If he's coming up short he should look up a contact email.
reddit spacing. what a surprise.
Top lel look at the thread lmao
Moot was the hacker known as Yea Forums. He showed J-Law's asshole to the world and caused the gamergate controversy by sending rape threats to a female game developper.
>talking in the 1/3rd person
>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks Make sure to check your spam box!
Warwick is upset he didn't get a Janitor acceptance email
Hate crime reported to the police and account reported to Twitter. Expect a knock on the door and a blocked account. Cheers!
You think the son ever resents his parents?
The daughter probably doesn't because there are enough desperate men to give her attention, but do you think the son just stews in rage all day about being born like he is?
Because he looks the most fucked out of the entire family
warwick is unironically a scumbag for this.
What I would give to kidnap a famous midget and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. just terrible degradation and shameful acts. it would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. if I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. a really big dog like a mastiff. he would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. a big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place to key inside with him but put it in a high place. not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. it would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other midgets to the death. just so many things I would do.
so this is all a publicity stunt, right?
His son runs braincels on Reddit
Do you suddenly have the urge to watch more Warwick movies? Hasn't crossed my mind even once
My man isn't going to take on his father, but yes he could easily win.
>Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you.
top fucking kek
>You think the son ever resents his parents?
Absolutely. I'm only a manlet, but I resent my father for marrying a short chick whose entire extended family are manlets. What the fuck did he expect?
With midgets especially, you know beforehand that it's not going to turn out well. The problem is that cripples and freaks wind up creating "freak culture". This is why you have the deaf community that actually complain about cochlear implants, because it's giving children normal lives instead of letting them experience the "rich" deaf community world.
Just imagine coming home from work. You take a nice seat on your couch and then you kick your legs up to rest them on ya midge. He's the perfect size and when you want something you can just kick him to go get it.
4channel is based and safe
They should have just aborted you instead. Fuck your dad for not doing it. The problem wasnt marrying a short chick. The problem was having you
I tried to jerk off to this but I started laughing too hard instead
If you don't like life just kill yourself. Stop blaming others for problems you can fix yourself.
>she's going to cum, and so are you
>The problem is that cripples and freaks wind up creating "freak culture". This is why you have the deaf community that actually complain about cochlear implants, because it's giving children normal lives instead of letting them experience the "rich" deaf community world.
just close your eyes lmao
just walk away from the computer
everyone an my dads side is 5.5 for men and 5.2 for women
moms side is 6.4
i luckily came out 6ft
Whats Yea Forums? What is this person talking about 4channel bros?
What's the goblin's problem? He cant take a joke or what?
For the record I don't hate Warwick Davis, I just really enjoy reading detailed and brutal descriptions of his torture, murder, and rape.
Looks fake desu
It should be illegal for dwarfs to fuck each other. The reproductive risks are worse than incest's.
top kek.
hahaha I'm enjoying these
Not that I condone anything about anyone having sex with warwick davis' family or dwarves in general but no one said anything about rape. You brought rape up. I know what a woman feels and will feel so many times but to have someone come to me and say that I'm doing nothing wrong by not sleeping with them because they're the ones who got raped is just disgusting."
"I honestly believe if this wasn't the case then I would never have slept with him at all."
Now I am sorry to inform you that I am very very afraid about my life and would like to go the opposite direction (no offense to people who don't believe in anything but to prove people wrong, and we all do). So I am going to stop by this website to ask you a simple question:
Are your family members capable of being capable of rape?
WTF, that cunt should be strung up.
Hiro :" This is amelirca bitchu, we haveu flee spreech"
Why not Jessica Nigger
Can't be real
Guys these are not funny. You're gonna freeze Yea Forums again.
"i wonder what nefarious deeds Yea Forums is up to today"- media elite
*user crashes through the window while fighting a midget in mortal kombat
You know this is his 3rd son right? The other 2 died shortly after birth as they were horribly deformed. Warwick is a monster and deserves everything written in those pastas.
I reject this reality
Fucking hell, I lost my shit to this and colleagues are asking what I’m laughing at
Someone with a twitter account send him this shit
I agree, it's fucking selfish, just like women in their 40s having kids
Jfc. Reading through those twitter comments makes me want to put a bullet in my head and just end it. Is literally everyone on the internet an underage memespouting faggot now? What the fuck happened. And to think these people are voting or are about to become of age to vote doesn't instill any faith in humanity.
Stefanie Joosten
Fuck off
>Goes into explicit detail about equity and shit
Yeah this is bait
enjoy your jail rape time.
That's some Yea Forums shit right there
I know, i'm literally shaking
Imagine being this sensitive to all the bullshit posted on the internet
quite pathetic tb.h
This isn't real, but the thoughts contained within are real.
The point of this piece is to shock people, the delusional deaf faggot thinks this scenario is somehow comparable to the reverse, which is cochlear implants. The idea is that if you wouldn't want someone to make a hearing person deaf, then you wouldn't want someone to make a deaf person hearing. It stems from the self-delusion that deaf people brainwash themselves with to cope with the fact they're crippled. They wear it as a badge of pride, they buy into memes about their other senses being "heightened", and they think it isn't a crippling disability.
Cochlear implants are "curing" deafness. The deaf community's point is that they are not something to be cured.
Same with the people opposed to Downs testing being 99.9% accurate, they believe that Downs Syndrome isn't a problem to be eradicated, since that then implies that their Downsy kids are a mistake who need to be prevented
"So there i was posting on Yea Forums right, and out of nowhere this famous actor tweets me demanding i stop making up funny stories about him"- Yea Forums
"Oh yeah"- ricky
"yeah"- Yea Forums
"turns out, the actor tweeting me.... lil midget fella"- Yea Forums
Those replies. Cringe to folk that use Yea Forums talk outside of Yea Forums
is this real?
who's this pussy and why should we care?
yup. confirmed for clueless fucking mouth breather who doesn't understand the internet
What's he gonna do? Sue Yea Forums for being mean?
I'm sure that will fly in court
Yep. There were quadraplegics who legit harrassed Christopher Reeve for putting so much money and effort into spinal research. "Like, are you trying to say that there's something wrong with us, and a functional spinal cord would make us *better*? How dare you!"
Snowflakes are always cancer.
No one can defend him. He is an ill made, spiteful little creature. Full of envy, lust and low cunning. Men's laws give him the right to reproduce and force his suffering unto others. And to make me suffer further the jannies have condemned me to watch him waddle about, while I hold silence on his aberrations from nature. But neither mods nor jannies will compel me to let warwick turn Yea Forums into his own fan forum. Now go, and speak no more about his rights to reproduce. And one more thing - the next kid he tries to have i'll abort personally.
Based if fishing for (You)s. Cringe if it's a real opinion.
>wife is taller than you
There's a similar thing with how mentally sound people now aren't 'normal' but 'neurotypical'.
It's all dressed up to give comfort to these faggots that are clearly inferior but want change
brits live in a nanny state and think their laws apply to america when we specifically told them to go back to bing bong land and to suck it and established free speech as the highest law in the land.
Honestly, being a male midge has to be fucking ultra black pill, i bet the only reason warwick even got laid is because he is famous. At least the female midges can pull some fetish shit with normal height dudes who are down for anything
>The deaf community's point is that they are not something to be cured.
>Same with the people opposed to Downs testing being 99.9% accurate, they believe that Downs Syndrome isn't a problem to be eradicated
Why the fuck not?
The doctor and interpreter should join him in prison for helping him cripple his child
there has been a lot of pasta threads about him this past week and I'm sure some cheeky user sent him some
Didn't a guy in the US get arrested for uploading a flashing gif to twitter?
I know your identity comes not being the UK, but on this issue you're both pretty bad
Fucking Goblin would be in a fucking Circus cage if it wasnt for Star Wars
ahhh how cute, he thinks he's a big boy and all
Tfw live in a third world shithole and don't need to worry about these Hollywood cunts tracking my ID. I can post all the death threats I want.
>You think the son ever resents his parents?
I would think so, this is a thing that bothers me.
My dad has an eye condition that can be ameliorated with surgery, so in a sense it's not a big deal. Two things to know about it are that your offspring have a 50% chance of also having it, and if your daughter has it, she's born barren, which is a terrible tangential side-effect of a genetic blip related to your goddamned eyes.
Both my older sister and I lost that 50/50 lottery, so she's barren. What her feelings are about this, I don't know. All I know is she has a crazy temper, she's fat and angry all the time... could be unrelated... could be hormonal or something? I don't know.
My parents didn't know this would happen, at least not when she was born, they thought the eye thing was something else, because my grandparents (neither of whom had this condition) thought it was something else in my dad.
If I have a kid, I have a 1/4 chance of having an infertile daughter. I can't imagine her NOT resenting me for it. The thought of it puts me off having kids at all.
it's 2019 dude
Yeah good luck arresting the hundrends of Anonymous posters over the years who posted the Copy Paste
Obviously a joke
We're talking about the guy that made an entire show to take the piss out midgets
you think that shit will hold up in court?
Moot played 5d chess and put all the blame on your individual nigger asses
Havent you even read the disclaimer?
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
I've met Warwick Davis and had a chat with him. AMA.
What if these stupid anti midget copy pasta get Yea Forums finally shut down. Where are we gonna shitpost?
Where do you work?
At any point did you imagine what it would be like to kick him in the head?
>You know this is his 3rd son right? The other 2 died shortly after birth as they were horribly deformed.
Is this true user, you got a link?
Did you make him sit in your lap :)
Hehehe ayy
I love the look of pure joy on Cartman's face throughout the whole scene
Now this is microaggression
What side do you think I'm taking? Kek
I'm just saying the US and the UK both do some draconian bullshit in regards to speech
>Moot played 5d chess
Nigga that's normal, no social media site is going to take responsibility for what gets posted there, otherwise they would all be shut down.
I just hope the media doesnt picks it up. I dont want another wave of normies flocking here
based dinklage
You're all sick.
Personally I'd starve Warwick Davis. It should not take too long given his size. Make him stick thin and so feeble. Then I would feign pity and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that little bastard a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing are looking up, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu pork but... char siu Harrison Davis. Yes, I will have ensured Warwick Davis greedily gobbled up the flesh of his mutant son that I butchered after growing bored with torturing him. As the tears well up in his eyes and he refuses to belief me, I shall let out a truly evil, bone chilling laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; it will be the mangled remains of his son. His legs gone, his skin flayed, castrated, eyes missing, his fingers and arms broken, and head twisted around. That is what I would do to that little bastard. The louder he screams and cries in anguish, the louder and more evil my cackle becomes. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing so hard. I will then loop the footage of his son being raped by a dog, tortured, and then butchered by me 24/7 at maximum volume. This is the fate that awaits you, you vile little goblin.
Living the short life really runs in the Davis family.
Did you meet Warwick Davis and have a chat with him? Can I ask you anything?
VIRGIN warwick vs CHAD dinklage
>mommy and daddy had a "long talk"
>Both Lloyd and George were born with achondroplasia and SED, a genetic combination that was always going to be fatal.
Keep popping out babies until one of them has a survivable condition I guess.
It's just a smoker's cough, not contagious or anything but thank you for your concern :^}
dwarfism is a dominant trait. if you receive it from both parents, you die. thus, a child of two dwarfs has a 1/4 chance of death, 1/2 chance of life with dwarfism, and 1/4 chance of normal development.
Yes. And I told him so. And that I was from Yea Forums.
tfw I saw this post on Yea Forums and smiled while reading it.
based gnomad
no matter how well I'm off financially and romantically, I wouldnt want to be a dwarf.
based Warwick Davis emailing Hiro to get the jannies to do their job and clean up this board, get rid of all the capeshit and GoT threads.
You are now aware that there are dwarves labeled "pseudos", that are not as deformed as some other dwarves. They are more normally proportioned, can move and do other day-to-day things easier than others.
The more deformed dwarves consider them inferior. They look down on them (so to speak, although, not really cause they're taller)
No true dwarves.
...And then I will give Warwick Davis a rusty, yet sharp, blade and promise him that should he stick it up his anus I shall provide him with a quick death. He looks at me with pure hatred. The ordeal has clearly left him unhinged, yet he longs for death's sweet, tender embrace. I toss him the knife and he obliges. He screams. It is a queer mix of utter rage, hatred, sorrow, and pain. Music to my ears. Pools of blood begin forming at his feet as more and more blood spurts from his anus the further the knife goes in. When all the way in, he furiously demands what I promised: a quick death. I let out a truly evil laugh. A laugh so demonic it makes my previous sadistic cackles sound like a mother's tender humming to calm down a crying infant. I tell him he will die of the infection from the wounds of sodomising himself with a rusty blade, and that it will be agony. He screams at me that. Screams that I PROMISED a quick death. I again let out a devilish cackle and tell him the death will be quick... relative to the one I gave his son. He screams and bawls his vile piggy eyes out. His rants are barely coherent. With that, I turn, walk out of the dungeon, lock the door, and destroy the key. I smile to myself. I am content... for now. The thirst for dwarf misery will soon take hold of me again, and when it does... Peter Dinklage will have a very unfortunate day indeed.
yet here you are you mistake
it's only a bit of bantz, nobody wishes him any harm, you should go back though, fucking kys
lol at the time I was an extra during one of his scenes in Life's Too Short
>reddit spacing
Whatever that beta spineless whitecuck faggot has in his tiny mind, won't work because Yea Forums is legally proof by way of its auto-deletion system. Already established by moot as a legal precedent during the FBI hearing way back.
So he can go back to sucking dragon dildos like a good little butthurt cuck.
>Yea Forums is legally proof by way of its auto-deletion system
we got archives here retard.
Hhnnnggg, errugggghhhhhh
Good thing there aren't a million imageboard archiving sites and extensions out there. Oh wait.
How does the midge community feel about people who were born without dwarfism but who became dwarf due to later onset genetic defects?
>puts me off having kids at all
I don't think that's something you have to worry about, user.
You return to the torture chamber that houses warwick davis and his daughter. as you enter the chamber, warwick is still asleep, and his daughter runs up to you with pure exctasy, looking forward to another day of intese sex with you. She doesn't run as fast, now that she has a bulging belly with your unborn chid inside. Two months of daily sexual conquest on her little freakish dwarven body had taken a toll on her, physically and mentally.
Her pussy and ass is now permanently gaped wide, and on her mind was just one thing: your average sized cock. "oh user im so happy to see you! i've been thinking about you all night. I can feel our baby kicking!" she says to you, as you ignore everything that comes out of her mouth and begin to unzip your pants. your rock hard cock is immediately greeted with an eager sucking. Her eyes and throat, bulging with every breath full of your cock she inhales. you scream to warwick. "HEY, YOU LITTLE FREAKLY MIDGE, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He is now awake, but merely pretending to be asleep. It's obvious that at this point, Davis wants nothing more than death. He know the life he once had can never return to him, and he knows that anyone that was once looking for him and his daughter had ended their search by now.
this is what sneed posters look like irl
After he answers your question, can I ask you if he ever met Warwick Davis and had a chat with him?
I will escalate my foot up Warwick Davis' ass and get a bunch of big burly gay black men with the biggest of dicks to make him suck their dicks like a good little white boy checking his own privilege.
Archiving is 3rd party, so again no legal basis. Cry more Cuckwick.
someone please explain the sneed meme to me i'm so out of the loop
vid related is coming true
I am intrigued. Please tell me more about the hidden inner workings of dwarf society.
That would concern me if I were Warwicj Davis
Screw you, Yea Forums. One of Davis's relatives confirmed that he committed suicide because of your posts.
I can't believe you did this. If you had stopped bullying him, he'd be still alive and he wouldn't have jumped to his death off the street curb.
Can't find this anywhere. Is it real or not?
this isn't the first time we've angered a celebrate faggot
Liliputian UK?
Fucking hilarious
read the rest of the post
the pseudo dwarves are called liliputans
they are just extremely short, but the ratio between body parts is mostly normal (exept for maybe a slightly enlarged head)
dwarves have extremely short limbs, a protruding ribcage, a massive head and don't walk properly but shamble
warwick davis is a dwarf while peter dinklage is a liliputan
fucking kek.
We memed too hard.
he actually got caught by the guy that wrote the pastas and is being disassembled for warwick's meals
>chad thundernut
Does anyone have the sceenshot of the warwick twitter dm just saying 'midge'
It's a copy pasta that's been up for months
That's 4plebs and yuki
Yea, Im sure Brad's wife would gladly receive an email right about now!
the only thing thats going to happen now warwick is the copy pastas will get more and more extreme till they reach a boiling point and the copypastas start to get really philosophical and absurd and then for some reason you become our best friend
Wow, combined they're still not even the height of an adult woman
>warwick davis is a dwarf while peter dinklage is a pseudo
That's why I mentioned it.
I’d smother my parents while they were asleep
If you choose to do this you are choosing to condemn another life to pain because of muh procreate
I enjoy these threads and joking about his violent demise but I do actually like warwick kino
good job
Was stood a few feet away from him at a wrap party a couple of years ago. For a few minutes he wasn't talking to anyone, and I thought to go to start a conversation, but at the same time didn't want to bother him. When I looked again, he was talking with someone else again.
Seemed a fairly relaxed dude.
One upmanship is human nature. Reminds of the time people tried to outdo the Tito hawaiian dicking copypasta.
this, classic gags. quality post user, if i had any criticism i would have used esoteric
Like with /ourguy/ Riley Stearns
>want to go on twitter
>twitter wants to extract my phone number
What do you think How many Midgets browse Yea Forums
warwick soon
Unironically that is a threat and would see legal action if someone bothers to do the leg work.
The screencap going around where the guy is stating "I'd love to" is completely fine.
We're talking about manlets here, yeah?
>tfw flatmate leaves his phone at home one day and he's technologically illiterate
>sign up and add his phone number, delete confirmation text from his phone
now i post vile shit on twitter all day with a twitter that has his cell number
>typing this unfunny shit and 15 samefag responses
Then it goes to Reddit and becomes a safe meemee
I used my dad's numbers
How did dinkie doodle pigeon get into her hooter to create a pinkie chick?
nobody will screencap your garbage no matter how many replies it has
either she sits on him or he could do doggy style while standing up
>threaten minorities and women
>get dad arrested
two birds one stone
This looks like he's joking, why is everyone taking this seriously
I can never tell with the little folk
Dink does seem like a chill dude
9:10 its fake
I think he means it 2bh
These threads must be making them furious
when did midget become offensive
Jannies getting killed, dwarves being harassed, we are out of control.
When a bunch of privileged white SJW cucks decided to engage their white oppressor genes and police language in the name of their white savior complex.
mod sticky this
> I hate all that 'little person' shit. Call me a midget, but just be real. I am all for correct terms, but please don't tiptoe around feelings. Don't be too careful, because that shuts you off from people.
how can one dwarf be so based
can he says the n-word?
he lets us say the m-word
Only when he takes a shit.
seething gnome
>mods let this hit bump limit
based as fuck
That's kinda funny
lmao this nigga small
I did though. Just for you.
>I hate all that 'black person' shit. Call me a nigger, but just be real. I am all for correct terms, but please don't tiptoe around feelings. Don't be too careful, because that shuts you off from people.
little person
Dude's got a twisted mind and I hope he never has children. Anyone who values the feelings of adults ("cochlear implants make deaf adults feel bad!") over the life prospects of a child really should be castrated.
I think the closer comparison would be black vs. african-american
Jannies getting killed?
This is the best argument against cultural sensitivity and "respect" of all kinds. You can never truly be someone's friend or view them as an equal if you can't make fun of them.
why do women pretend to be left wing
Yeah a Jannie died the other day, too much hot pockets in one go killed him
Social status
>Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is.
he has the chad jaw
I can't tell if his chad face comes from his dwarfism, or if he would basically be chaddeus thundercock if he weren't a dwarf
That is actually pretty funny
that is pretty based
He looks like the dwarf version of hugh laurie, if he was of normal, not even average height, he'd be at the very least 8/10
if he wasnt a dwarf he would be an absolute giga chad. lifes weird
Peter Dinklqge is actually tall for a dwarf
Social media was such a fucking mistake. A combination of people talking about what would otherwise be provate thoughts not only publically, but with a megaphone... and people who think they should have a right to police not only what people choose to talk about, but even their opinions on those things... and a search engine that lets you seek any of it out.
Like, just shut it all down.
wow this uhh is problematic
>google says he's 4'4" wiki says he's 4'5"
>Marie Kondo the tidy up lady is a non-dwarf that is 4'7"
definitely a chad dwarf