When did you first realize that the MCU is inferior to the DCEU and Zack Snyder is kino?

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they are both garbage. zack snyder sucks.

your memeing right?


when every mcu film was similar, including the cheesy jokes and finally the change to thanos.

When MOS a movie about a super hero I don't care about was released and it ended up being the best one ever.

Then I wasn't interested in BVS but when fags and kids started calling it shit I thought it might be good so I watched the extended version and it was fucking kino.

But unicorn and rainbow fans didn't like this DCU that was being created because they thought it was too dark, they prefer tension breaking ''jokes'' aimed at 6yo.

And because WB are cucks they dumbed it down and fucked with Snyder, the DCU suffered the same as Game of thrones.

Went from great writing, complex stories and character dev. to bar reaction audience


Same guy, unfortunately dceu is going down the same path. I just want well told stories with limited compromise.

MCU is mediocre shit, and looks like its been shot for television too
Snyder is a neckbeard curlbro completely wrong for DC and totally fuckedup on BvS with all his heavy handed "subtext" slapping you in the face and grimdark bullshit, he was of course aided by a studio desperate to play catch up and crammed too much into the film

All hope has been lost

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MCU is not cinema. It's glorified TV. What Snyder does is cinema. Simple as that.

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when i actually saw MoS. for me it was the best origin for a comic book character especially when hes actually living in our current society and makes a more grounded story for superman which i think we all know have the most boring origin and the character itself is boring without true adversity. the only marvel movie that i actually enjoy is Cap2:the winter soldier

after pic related

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> (OP)
>they are both garbage. zack snyder sucks.
Shoulda hired Zahler

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MCU makes changes from the comics to better suit the movie, DC just crams shit in there

user can't you see that living in a fantasy world is not healthy?

i don't care about dceu or mcu. 95% of these movies just feel empty. to make these movies become full kino you need good villains. dark knight was great because of this. infinity war was great because of this. but almost every capeshit is just le evil guy bad. where are the really interesting characters?

On TV.

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Do people still actually think this is debatable? DC is a crumb compared to marvel. Look at the numbers.

This is like arguing that the jewgle pixel is superior to the iPhone.

People who hate BvS didn’t understand it.

I don't hate it but I don't much care for it either. The flow of the movie feels off, somehow. Maybe watching the extended cut would fix that.

zack snyder sucks but at least had an unique vision of what he wanted
shame dceu turned into garbage when the wb tried to copy the mcu formula to get some money
suicide squad is in the dceu and its awfull

at least marvel were smarter on a corporative level

MCU can make whatever changes they like and their fanboys would praise them for it regardless. MCU is "loyal to the comics" but also "they are improved for cinema" meaning fanboys/shills can resort to whatever narrative when it's most convenient. MCU is not faithful adaption.

The pacing in theatrical cut is fucked. There is no connective tissue merging scenes together and vital build-up is cut from the film. It was a huge fuck-up on WB's/Snyder's part to have that version in the cinemas. For instance there is a scene in TC where Clark is randomly at a mountain top. In the UC however you can see him at the base of the mountain and the locals are speculating on why he has come there. Just that small part makes it way more meaningful rather than just random introspective scene.

When Disney just proved you can have a 3 hour film showing and still make 2bn at the box office. What fucking excuse did WB have to gut their movie like that?

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Let's not forget that nobody had any trouble seeing Return of the King either.

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And TDKR which was just Batman movie was only 15 minutes shorter than BvS UC which had a whole film universe to establish plus juggle three superheroes of its own. WB saw money with shorter run time and I guess Zack did the mistake of not challenging them on that front. He doesn't seem like a person that fights the studios unfortunately.

Well we know better going forward, don't we?

WB sure as hell don't. Fuck them.

Because I loved Dawn of Justice and I despised Civil War. Dawn of Justice is beautiful and powerful, whereas Civil War is flat and amateurishly written. A teenager could have written Civil War.

But that's not true and I'm not an edgy faggot that tries to be unique by taking contrarian positions.

The DCEU sucks ass.

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Even comparing Snyder's work to capeshit is insulting.

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I bet he just drops the weights on the floor like a faggot.

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I bet he'd beat your sorry ass.

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It really does. It has no strong central lead characters to tie it together like Iron Man and Captain America did for the MCU. Batman could have filled a similar role but the DCU just seems so empty and boring. None of the actors really fit nicely into their roles. Gal Gadot has zero charisma and the gay dude that played Flash was an atrocious choice. The rest are alright and Shazam was a good step in the right direction but I doubt the DC movies will ever catch up. Marvel beat them.

Not a Snyder film. Try harder.

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You capeshitters need to fuck off.

How does he see out of this?

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Quit sucking Snyder's cock and have sex

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Which Kojima game is this?

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