What would you do?

What would you do?

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end friendzone and give everyone a gf

Erase the MCU from existence.

every woman in the universe has epicly huge hard and smelly farts all the time

jack off into it and make the next guy get a handful of my wad

Make Brie give me a hug

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two chicks at the same time

I would make everyone reply to this or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Make all people white

Get rid of my anxiety and insecurities

fartfags out

Kill 90% of humans and jellyfish, dunno about the rest of the universe I'd need more info.


so this is how a warlord gathers an army

I would make you have the most painful death possible

>What would you do?
snapping harder and faster, again and again

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fuck you

>send all jews, muslims, and africans to the moon

Thats it


I've never replied to these stupid fucking posts and my mother is fine. Stop being superstitious lowbrow fucks.

Eternal fag boy

Snap incels out of existence


Why the moon? Why not just exterminate the roaches?

Assuming I die after using it then I probably wouldn't use it

What if you had a really crazy thought right before you snapped your fingers.
Would the gauntlet know which thought was the more important one? Like your original thought was to wipe 50% but at the last second thought what if I blew up. Would you blow up?

If they were on the moon, then we wouldn't have to clean up the bodies. Think more, next time.

Based. I'd go a step further and give every man a dozen skanks he can own

because then they'd have to fight the moon nazis and we might get some kino

Have sex.

kill all capeshitters

I'd snap away anyone who ever voted republican or thought about voting republican.

>implying there will be any cleaning and they wouldn't vanish into thin air


end all human life - so we can all be at peace

Nothing. Nothing at all.

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thank god, with the republicans out of the way the us will collapse faster and then the reclamation of the West can begin

>now you are left with a world filled with people who have never worked a day in their lives


Time for bed Hillary


fuck you


not triggered, bring on the chaos, we need more of it quicker

Based poster

Erase all men except for myself.


Are you fucking retarded? You really want to be surrounded by women for the rest of your life. No bro to chill with. Ever? Just annoying bitches FOR EVER?

You might actually be retarded.
Or this is one of the many moments you didn't think this thru.


jesus what a nightmare

He said exterminate, not disintegrate. Wording counts very much with these sorts of things.


Finger a nine month pregnant Anne Frank's super-wet vag with it while she giggles at the sight of glowing crystals.

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But all people already are white. Do you think niggers are people?

I would snap everything in the last 5-7 years. First thing to go away is capeshit.


Doesn't count


Why not?

I'd snap away every bit of media related to the Infinity Gauntlet


First off, finding you and forcing you to watch shitty movies made back to back hours on ends. with no sleep until you die.

Religion tried that to make the world stable.
Feminism destroyed that.
You need to destroy feminism

Biggest evil.

The absolute state of Yea Forums. Copying YouTube like/comments threats


I would make anime real.

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Fuck off, faggot.

I’d give men robotic waifus with artificial wombs and then watch as the niggers of gender fall from grace. Also I’d fix the very skewed statistic of 40% suicide rate for trannys to 100%

Give myself Godlike power so I don't need the gauntlet anymore.

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Probably fucking die, since, you know, humans can't survive it.

turn all matter/energy/time/reality into something that could not be re-spawned back into life or sentient creatures

maybe make everything into a big solid sphere forever drifting in the abyss

Send all the trannies to Hell.


Fuck you

sneed and feed

before I’d snap, I’d use the stones to
>brutally kill all chads
>kill all boomers
>kill all Hollywood pedos
all that would be left is incels/shut-ins/ neets and Stacies. I’d snap my fingers and give all the male I let live super powers and we’d rule over the planet, breeding the Stacies.

Same as Thanos' first snap, except i snap again and again never stopping

Turn the Paul brothers into living dildos and have them used in gay black porn.