What would you snap?

What would you snap?
>Snap 13% of US population

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Im pretty sure the Avengers would have a problem if one were to snap all serious criminals.

Snap jannies
Snap niggers
Snap Jews

Luv tha norf

I dont think you can snap more than once before you die

Honestly, obese people, religious fundamentalists, criminals and mentally ill people.

So it might take out almost everyone in Afghanistan and 30% of Americans and Mexicans.

this meme is really played out, /pol/ is losing influence

You can think about all 3 at the moment of the snap

this but also those goat fucking mudslimes


I guess the cognitive dissonance is real

>snap away black people
>13% of US disappears
>80% of europe disappears

All of the United States, China, The Gulf States, Russia, Israel and, just for good measure, India.

>snap all hate-filled, violent individuals onto a remote island on a remote planet (regardless of race and religion)

>snap 2x as many resources in the universe
>instead of snapping 1/2x of the population out of existence

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>suddenly all the blacks, muslims, jews, and leftists end up on a deserted planet

Honestly would make a great reality tv show

Any half-cast mutt
Maybe Mexicans
The entire Kardashian swarm

Make my videos trend

>snaps himself for hating all those "hate-filled, violent individuals" enough to remove them from the planet

i thought snapping was a metaphor before watching iw

get a load of this brainlet that doesn't know what a meme is

>I guess the cognitive dissonance is real

Anyone with an IQ

i guess the dissonance is real for your gender identity

>says statistics are a meme
>calls other people trannies
lmao at the cognitive dissonance

Based and ironypilled!

I'd snap all people who are guilty of first-degree murder, whoever they may be.

How so?

go to bed brainlet before you commit suicide

All non-whites
Sorry amerimutts


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>i-i accused him of what he was accusing me of!
i get it, you're edgy, you're venturing from /pol/ and reddit for the first time. Go to bed, I'm doing the same.

>exposes himself for a brainlet
>immediately spouts tranny to save face
>le edgy /pol/
reminder: you will never be a cute girl

>snap half the population
wake up as the only man on earth. You faggots enjoy your gay fantasies. I would literally be the only dick on earth.

>What would you snap?
1.7% of the US population, if ya know what I mean.

instead of killing everybody i would make everybody into a peacefull hardworking genius which only goal is to better mankind as a whole. why waste human ressources when you can use them better?

Wait so you'd kill the remaining whites in the US?

fulfill my dream of being the last human on earth. Probably snap me to out of boredom with a smile on my face coz I fulfilled my dream

All the lgbtq. You know what scratch that. Keep em, but everytime they act or have degenerate desires, they uncontrollably feel sick and vomit. And they cannot commit suicide.

>implying those groups aren’t hate filled or violent

I'm pretty sure the 13% are already on SNAP.

>snap 100% of white people out of existence

You don't need to go that high to remove the right wing, 50 IQ is more than enough.

>100% of anglos
>100% of african americans
>100% of chinese
>100% of murderers and rapists
don't mind me, just created utopia that will conquer other planets in a few decades

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>leaves non-American Africans and Indians
The next town over isn't another planet.

all leftists and racetraitors

>How so?
If they have a problem with Hawkeye killing cartel and mafia they'd have a problem with snapping them all

I'd snap everyone who came to Yea Forums after 2007


They aren't white.

>Aussies actually believe this and think they are

Snap pajeets
Snap 50% of chinks
Snap niggers
Snap corrupted politicians
Snap all parasite life forms
Snap drunkards
Snap bullies and their apologizers
Snap zooshizos
Snap capekino haters

>not snaping the source of all the mess instead

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all non athiests

id snap all white people -- and that's a good thing

I'd snap away En Masse entertainment because I really like TERA and the US localizers are killing the game.

>corrupted politicians
>all parasite life forms
by humans


Race traitors
Entire population of china
Entire population of Africa
Entire population of India

>Snap 100% of US population


Snap everyone who thinks the internet is serious business.

I'll have a coke then.

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All the neon haired Lesbian dance major (or other equally inconsequential course) in the US population, LGBT, and cripples.

turn OP into resources

Can the gauntlet be used to obtain full immortality? I would do that first to get unlimited snaps later.

>mutts actually believe this
You have more niggers than any country in Europe

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also counting mudslimes obviously you fucking inbred

Snap OP and his faggot thread

We also have more white people than any other country in Europe

>Honestly, obese people, religious fundamentalists, criminals and mentally ill people.
-tips fedora-

everyone who unironically posts on /pol/ and agrees with the shit they push should unironically kill themselves

Including Muslims every single country in Europe is still whiter than jewSA.

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>We also have more white people
nope spics dont count

Snap Jews
Snap poos
Snap nigs with violent criminal records.

snapping this planet

2% of the pop chosen randomly